Catstronauts: Mission Moon – Book one in a new graphic novel series about cats in space.
Catstronauts: Race to Mars – Book two
Fair Ball – The latest from Derek Jeter about keeping a good attitude when things go wrong
I Am Fartacus – A group of misfits try to take down a potential evil “empire” in their middle school (a MAX book from Aladdin).
Under Locker and Key – A boy has to team up with his rival in order to stop a rash of thefts at school. I am so excited about this MAX line from Aladdin. I love the books they have targeted to girls (MIX), and I have high hopes that these books targeting boys (although any kid would love both) will also be terrific.
Bang – A toddler accidentally shoots and kills his baby sister. Now a teen, the boy tries to live with his horror and guilt.
U Thrive: How to Succeed in College (And Life) – Perfect for graduation season!
The Fix – Book 3 in David Baldacci’s Amos Decker series. My husband has this on his list. We are big Baldacci fans.
Hello, My Name is: Discover Your True Identity – I’ve been doing a lot of reading and thinking about identity lately. I’m looking forward to this book by Matthew West about finding identity in Jesus Christ.
The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in its Proper Place – The title says it all. This one is certainly on my TBR list.
BOOK NEWS: April 18, 2017
The third Tuesday of the month seems to be a low week for new books. Just a handful today! I have several of these on my TBR list.