BOOK NEWS: May 14, 2024

This is the last week of my review break, but we can still talk about new releases! Here are some of the new books out this week:

Books for Older Kids/Teens/Young Adults

Keep It Like a Secret – A week after his older sister ran away after a huge fight with their mom, she reaches out to Morgan so they can spend the day together. I’m eager to read this new story from John David Anderson.
Puzzleheart – Perigee convinces their father to go home where Perigee can experience the family Puzzle House. But the house – and Perigee’s grandmother – aren’t giving up their secrets willingly.
Summer Vamp (Graphic Novel) – While Maya is supposed to be going to culinary summer camp, instead she finds herself at a camp for vampires.
The Dangerous Ones – An alternate history/fantasy novel about fighting vampires during the Civil War.

Books for Adults

Honey Witch (Trade Paperback, LGBTQ+) – A young woman takes on the role of Honey Witch even though it means she will never find love.
I’m Afraid You’ve Got Dragons (Hardcover) – A man inherits his father’s role as a dragon catcher, but he doesn’t want the job because he actually likes dragons.
Love at First Book (Trade Paperback) – A librarian moves to Ireland to help a writer finish her series, but she quickly develops feelings for the author’s prickly son. I think Jenn McKinlay’s romance novels are even better than her mysteries. I’m looking forward to this one!
The Paradise Problem (Hardcover) – Something new from Christina Lauren.  College students who wed for housing benefits are still married after their divorce should have been finalized. It’s working out for West, who needs to have been married for 5 years before he can inherit his family fortune, but he has to introduce Anna to his family to keep up the ruse.

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