REVIEW: More Than Just a Pretty Face by Syed M. Masood

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Little, Brown Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Every year the core class teachers at Aligheri Prep choose a senior to represent their subject in a Renaissance Man competition. And every year excited parents and bored students listen to the presentations on English, math, physics, biology, chemistry, geography, and economics. It is the kind of thing that looks good on a college application for the few who are chosen. And the winner gets $5000 and doesn’t have to take the final for their subject area. But none of that mattered to Danyal Jilani because he was not the sort of student to ever be chosen for the Renaissance Man.

Except he IS chosen. By his history teacher. Mostly out of spite.

Danyal is supposed to speak about Winston Churchill. His history teacher is a major Churchill fan. But as Danyal starts reading about Churchill and talking to his father, he finds out about Churchill’s role in the Bengal Famine. Danyal feels a responsibility to talk about that part of Churchill’s story. But Danyal’s parents say he needs to deliver the story his teacher expects so he can graduate. His crush says the same. She likes him, but her parents won’t even consider a match between them if Danyal is going to settle for squeaking through high school and becoming a chef. He needs to wow them at the Renaissance Man, go to college, and follow the expected path.

If Danyal’s going to go against his parents, his teacher, and the girl he wants to someday marry, and live to tell the tale, he has to crush his speech at the competition. And Danyal’s rarely excelled at anything non-food related in his life. But his new friend Bisma might be just the help he needs.


In the beginning, Danyal felt like an underachieving screw up. He’s not driven except when it comes to cooking. He struggles at school, both academically and with motivation. He goes for the laugh in awkward moments or when he’s caught unprepared. I thought I had him all figured out.

Then he defends Bisma, a girl he barely knows, to her father. And my whole understanding of Danyal shifted.

I am a character driven reader. If I love a character, I will excuse a lot of things that might not work for me in the storytelling. If I don’t like a character, it’s hard for me to be excited about even a well-written story. In that one moment, with Bisma and her family, I fell in love with Danyal. And he only got better as the book went on. And I loved it.

There’s a lot happening in this book. There’s the Renaissance Man speech that Danyal gets roped into. He has to decide how to approach his topic, do the research, write and prepare his presentation, and then deliver it in front of a crowd. In the midst of that, he has his “dream girl,” Kaval, pushing him to be someone he’s not. His parents are looking for a marriage match for him yet at the same time his father basically tells him that he’s a loser. Cooking is Danyal’s passion and something he is good at, but few people in his life value that about him (unless he is feeding them). Then Danyal meets Bisma, whose father shames her repeatedly. Danyal is decent to her – a true friend – and in friendship she helps him with his contest preparation.

The Renaissance Man contest and one of Danyal’s friend’s deep faith raise fascinating questions about colonization, history, and sin that weave in and around the people in this story and in their relationships with one another. And I thought it was perfect. There’s so much to enjoy here – don’t miss it.

(Language, TW: Shaming over sexual behavior) NOTE: While I thoroughly enjoyed this story, some Muslim reviewers have had a different opinion of the story and raise issues with how their faith is represented. Be sure to check out their reviews as you consider this book.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: Superman Smashes the Klan by Gene Luen Yang

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and DC Entertainment in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen are on the scene when Superman takes down The Atom Man. No one seems to really notice his sickly reaction to the green crystal that powered the villain’s transformation.

Roberta’s family is moving from Chinatown to Metropolis proper. Her dad has a new job which comes with a new house, more money – and hostility from one of his colleagues. Jimmy Olsen lives nearby. On the day they move in, Roberta even gets to see Superman run across the telephone wires above the neighborhood.

Not everyone in the neighborhood is as nice as Jimmy. Roberta and her brother Tommy run into trouble with a bigot on the youth baseball team. But the racist teen is small time compared to the hate rising in Metropolis.

The Lee family is targeted by the Klan of the Fiery Kross. Time and time again they are attacked. The places important to them are in the line of fire. Thankfully Superman is always there to lend a hand.

But while Superman helps the Lees, he has problems of his own. Ever since he encountered that green crystal he’s been hearing a strange language and seeing beings no one else can see. What is happening to Metropolis’ hero?


This was excellent! It’s a meaty story with a TON of things going on. Roberta and Superman tell most of the story. Between the two of them they wrestle with the obvious racism, Roberta tries to fit in with the kids in their new neighborhood, Clark remembers parts of his childhood, and then deals with his new visions. Both Roberta and Clark are dealing with identity issues and questions. I loved that Superman wasn’t just the guy swooping in to save the day – he had a character development arc, too. I definitely got my “money’s worth” out of this book. There’s so much to this story! It’s excellent.

I got to see about 60% of the artwork, and I loved it. The art style is one I enjoy, and the color was beautiful. The story was so easy to follow.

Stories about racism are hard to read – the hate, the duplicity, the name calling. But I think it’s good for readers – kids, teens, and adults – to wrestle with the issues, the language, and the hate. And to try to recognize the fear that runs underneath those other things. It’s subtle, but the feeling of desperately grasping for power and security is definitely there in the bigoted characters. There are even moments of racial tension between minorities, like when the Lee family resists interacting with some African American men who try to help them. Those more subtle pieces in the story add to the richness of the graphic novel. I feel like I could read this again and again and discover more depth each time.

I can’t recommend this highly enough. There’s great historical context in the back matter – for Superman the character as well as for racism in America and also personal stories from the author. The story is enjoyable, but readers who are willing to go deeper will find lots to think about here.

DC has graciously shared some of the interior art from this book. You can check it out here:

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: How to Speak Boy by Tiana Smith


Is it weird to have a nemesis in high school?

Because Quinn Edwards does – Grayson Hawks. Handsome, smart, son of the governor. Her fiercest competitor in everything since he moved to town. Even when she beats him, he is always hot on her heels. Like with the captaincy of the speech and debate team. She couldn’t just beat him and have it all to herself. Nope, they had to be CO-captains.

Quinn’s best friend, Naomi, thinks Grayson likes Quinn. He flirts with her all the time! But Quinn thinks her friend is delusional. Even if he was flirting, Grayson is NOT to be trusted.

Assignments at their school are done by student ID numbers instead of name. So when Quinn gets someone else’s AP Government assignment, she starts exchanging notes with that person. All business at first, then turning playful. It’s thrilling to have this honest little relationship with a stranger – to say things she would never say to anyone else.

As Quinn struggles in some of her classes and bombs her first speech meet, her notes with #15211 have become a highlight of her day. Should they share who they are? Or is it better to leave things secret for now?


This was darling! It’s You’ve Got Mail set in a high school around speech and debate team. I loved it! The chemistry between Quinn and Grayson jumps off the page. Even when she thinks she hates him, their banter and bickering shows there’s potential for something more.

I loved how the notes played out. At first, Quinn just enjoys them, but eventually she combs through them looking for hints. I loved watching the story unfold, watching her try to figure out who the hints lined up to.

Through the ups and downs, the warm moments and the trials, I adored Quinn and Grayson, both individually and together. They are my favorite sort of YA pair – smart, endearing, and kids you are always rooting for. Don’t miss this one!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: What I Carry by Jennifer Longo


Muiriel is 17. One more year and she ages out of the foster care system. She’s learned to pack light – to LIVE light – with the goal of getting to 18, beating the odds, and living healthy and free on her own.

Her social worker begs her to settle in for this final year of high school. Her eyes are on college for Muiriel, and she knows a strong senior year is important. Joellen has always been there for her, and her request seems simple enough for Muir to agree.

Muir’s new home across the Sound from Seattle seems too perfect. Too many signs of the few things she anchors her life to – her namesake John Muir, the wilderness, and independence. But it’s also all wrong. She’s the only placement in the house, so she can’t hide in the chaos of other kids. Her foster mom, Francine, lives on five acres of land out in the middle of nowhere, so there’s no city noise but tons of quiet. And Joellen is a ferry-ride away, so she can’t call for a quick escape. Even if she did, there were no other placements that would take her.

But maybe this last placement will give Muir something she’s refused to let herself hope for – a sense of home.


“Not being perfect is for people who have families; you can screw up and they still keep you.”

This book was amazing! Excellent! Stupendous! I don’t know that I have an adjective for how much I loved this book. I’ve always had a soft spot for foster care stories, but this is so much more than that!

Muir is one of the best characters I’ve read in awhile. There’s a thread of her “packing light” philosophy that runs through the whole book and is brilliant. Her gradual shift from living out of her suitcase to setting things ON the dresser before putting something IN the dresser was a glorious way to SHOW how she’s feeling about her placement. The trinkets she carries from foster home to foster home illustrate her experiences and show why she has built these protective walls around herself.

The other characters are just as amazing. And there are fantastic tidbits about John Muir, as well as a sweet romance, and a skewering commentary about racism woven into this bigger story that is fantastic.

When I step back from the story I loved and think about how the author built it – her understanding of the out-of-home care system, her excellence in conveying Muir’s thoughts and feelings, the layers to the story itself and the characters – I appreciate the book even more. Do not miss this AMAZING story! (Language, off-page sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++

REVIEW: The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Feiwel & Friends in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Lady Alessandra Stathos is not a young woman to be trifled with. She knows her own mind and her plans for her future. Nothing will get in her way.

The one young man who broke her heart was killed by her own hand.
Her various lovers all have secrets they wish to keep so they keep their liaisons secret as well.
And now that her older sister is betrothed, Alessandra is finally permitted to join society. And she has her eye on the biggest prize of all – the Shadow King.

She will make him fall in love with her and then marry her. And once she’s queen, she’ll kill him and take over the vast kingdom. But the first step is to get him to notice her out of a slew of young beauties vying for his attention. And the second is to keep an assassin from killing him before she can do it herself.


This was fantastic and different. I loved it! It’s a classic fantasy tale of lords and ladies and royal marriage. But the protagonist – the “hero” – is a murderess. She tells you in the first sentence of the book. She’s wicked smart, calculating, and ruthless. She will do anything to get what she wants.

The king has a ruthless streak of his own. It’s not as well explored because Alessandra tells the story, but there are some stellar moments in this where you really see that part of him. He’s a conqueror, and he will kill anyone who crosses him or fails him. These are the stars of the story! These are the potential love interests. And it’s crazy because Alessandra is so likable. The writing of these characters is brilliant to pull that off. I’ve read standard protagonists who were morally good who I didn’t like as much as I liked Alessandra.  Her relationships with her new friends at court and her no-nonsense conversations with the king were actually endearing. I loved her sass, her fashion sense, and her confidence.

There’s a touch of magic in this – enough to add an interesting layer to the king and to the story, but something simple enough not to require tons of world building. The details could be doled out over time to keep the intrigue while never mucking up the storytelling. But the magic is essential to the plot. The whole setup was brilliant.

The ending was terrific. I loved how all the pieces fit together. I would absolutely read this again! This is a stand alone story, something which can be hard to find in YA fantasy. The dedication describes this as a “Slytherin romance,” and that is the most perfect description of this I can think of. Now I need to track down the author’s other books because this was so great! (Some language, sexual references)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: Shadow of the Batgirl by Sarah Kuhn

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and DC Entertainment in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Cassandra Cain was a trained assassin with no friends, no language and many questions about her past.

When her latest target pleads for his daughter, the word catches Cassandra’s attention and she runs. She finds refuge in a noodle shop and then at the library.

A red-headed young woman in a wheelchair named Barbara leads sessions at the library with some kids, talking about Batgirl and what she meant to the city. Her stories grab Cassandra’s attention. As her literacy skills grow, she starts to seek out the woman’s lessons, reading what she can from articles about Batgirl. She also starts to see her early life in a whole new light. The question is what does she do with this new insight – and her shame over the things she has done?


This was fantastic!! The art style isn’t my favorite – it’s beautiful, but not a style that I gravitate towards – which distracted me at first. But I was obsessed with watching this furtive, skittish girl warm up to the two women in this story who could help her so much if she gave them a chance. And of course I loved the library setting for this!

I did some research on the history of Cassandra Cain in DC Comics. (I’m more familiar with the Barbara Gordon version of the character of Batgirl.) I like the choices made in this with her language development and the relationship with Barbara and Jackie. The developing friendship between the three of them was one of my favorite parts of the story.

There’s a small romantic storyline in this and tons of identity exploration. Who is Barbara now if she is not Batgirl? What is Erick going to choose for his life – will he be the man he wants to be or the one his parents expect him to become? Can Cassandra choose to be something other than the assassin she was created to be? I was here for every one of those questions. It was all amazing.

DC continues to impress me with their non-comic graphic novels for kids and teens. You can read my thoughts about the DC book universe here. You can also read some of my recent DC reviews – Black Canary Ignite, Diana Princess of the Amazons, Teen Titans: Raven, Wonder Woman Warbringer, Mera:Tidebreaker. And there will be more this spring – I can’t wait to tell you about them! But this one just might be my favorite of all of them. I hope you will check it out! (Some language)

DC Entertainment graciously shared some of the interior art work with me so I could show you what’s in store for you with this terrific story!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: Wonder Woman: Warbringer (Graphic Novel) by Leigh Bardugo

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgally and DC Comics in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, fashioned a daughter out of clay, and the goddesses gave the girl life and many powers. Some of the Amazons don’t trust Diana, or what her existence might mean for the the island and their people. But Diana is determined to prove herself to everyone – the doubters, her mother and herself – by winning an epic race.

An accident occurs during the race, and Diana breaks one of the most basic rules of Themyscira – she rescues a human named Alia and brings her to the island. This sets off a chain reaction that endangers Diana’s home and all who live there. The girl she saved is a Warbringer, a young woman like Helen of Troy who leaves war and destruction in her wake simply by existing. If Diana lets the girl die, Themyscira will go back to normal. But Diana is determined to save everyone – her family AND Alia. Which means she must make a quest to the human world to overcome Alia’s destiny as a Warbringer.


This was terrific! I think this format worked for the story even better than the full prose novel which published in 2017, the first of the DC Icons books. While I enjoyed the full novel (♥♥♥♥), it felt long at times. I enjoyed the graphic novel format for this so much. This has a Percy Jackson feel with the gods and goddesses, an oracle, and a quest to fight monsters and save the world. I loved the contrast of the Themyscira stories and New York stories when Diana and Alia go to the human world. The art in this is incredibly well done, and it was easy to follow the characters and the story.

I enjoyed the identity pieces of this story. All of the teens in this are dealing with identity issues in and around the quest to save Alia and the world, Their personal quests dovetailed nicely into the larger story and gave this a deeper plot in that way.

This is a rich and meaty story that moves quickly in the graphic novel format. I highly recommend this for Wonder Woman fans, DC fans, graphic novel fans, and readers who enjoyed the original book. While I have not personally clicked with the DC movie universe, their recent novels and graphic novels have been really well done!

DC very generously shared some of the interior art for the book. Here are a few sample pages of what you can expect when you pick up this terrific story!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: It Started with Goodbye by Christina June


It starts when Tatum’s best friend asks for a ride. Before Tatum really knows what’s happening, she’s being arrested because her best friend’s boyfriend decided committing grand larceny was a terrific idea. While Tatum was only there to keep an eye on her friend because she didn’t trust the boyfriend, she now has a record, a fine and community service. And she’s completely lost the trust of her dad and step-mother.

At home, Tatum’s punishment is a loss of most of her freedom. Her step-mother checks her mileage before and after she drives to work. She also denies Tatum any chance to socialize outside of her community service hours. Her step-mom even called her own mother to stay with them for the summer to help watch Tatum while she works and manages her daughter’s dance career. And Tatum’s father leaves the country for work right after everything falls apart, leaving her at the mercy of her critical, demanding, helicopter “step-monster.”

Tatum has a lot of time this summer for contemplation. And she has a lot to consider – her relationship with the people in her house, her friendship with the “best friend” who got her into this mess, and questions of who she even wants to be. One saving factor for her summer is the graphic design business she starts. Not only is the work a nice, creative distraction that will help her pay off her fine, but it also puts her in touch with a talented, flirty musician in need of a website. His emails definitely make her summer more enjoyable!


This was so sweet! I loved it. The family and friendship pieces of this Cinderella-esque tale are terrific. The dynamics between Tatum and her step-mother and step-sister are fascinating. There’s a lot to overcome here, but also some things that maybe Tatum isn’t seeing or reading correctly. There are issues with Tatum’s dad, too, frankly, but those are more in the background since he’s gone for most of the book. Tatum’s step-grandmother, though, is a breath of fresh air in a tension-filled home where control, authority and propriety are the name of the game.

But the romance is what delighted me. It’s warm and sweet and builds perfectly. I loved every moment of it! I would have read five more chapters of just the happy couple together – along with the two other potential couples from the story. They were adorable.

I have really enjoyed the books published by Blink YA in the past. I read this author’s book No Place Like Here earlier this year and loved it. But it wasn’t until I finished this that I realized No Place stars Tatum’s best friend from this book and is the third book in a collection. Now I’m going to have to read that book again to put it in its proper context. And I have to track down the second book, Everywhere You Want to Be, that stars Tatum’s step-sister. I need to get the full story on these young women!

So far, this is my favorite of the two Christina June books I have read. But I recommend both of them for readers who love contemporary YA with some romance. Obviously the books stand alone, which is good for clueless readers like me. But I am eager to read them in order to get the full picture of the teens and their lives as things develop for all three of them.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: Slay by Brittney Morris


Kiera Johnson may seem like a typical teen – high school senior, math tutor, gamer. But she’s also the creator of the video game SLAY. After a lifetime of experiences of being in the minority, including being one of four Black kids at her high school, Kiera wanted a place where she didn’t feel like an outsider. So she built the game.

She doesn’t want anyone to know she is the developer. She’s always on her guard, hiding the game from her family and friends. If he knew, her boyfriend would probably dissect SLAY to see if it is authentic enough, and that’s only if he could get past the idea that gaming is a distraction to keep Blacks from achieving all they can in the world. Her sister would probably antagonize everyone in the game with her questions and opinions about every little thing. In a way, even in the world she created to celebrate Blackness, Kiera can’t just be completely herself when it comes to SLAY.

Then a kid is killed over something that happened in the game. The whole world learns about SLAY. Kiera, as her character Emerald, is under fire as the developer for creating this “violent” place with “gangs” and other misconceptions from outsiders, both White and Black. Reporters are debating the “racist” nature of SLAY because only Blacks are invited to join. And Kiera’s being harassed inside her own game by a new player who wants to tear down everything she has built. How does a 17-year-old high school student stand up under a firestorm like this?


“All I ever wanted to do was escape into this magical world where for once I don’t have to act a certain way because I’m Black, and where I don’t have to answer certain questions because I’m the Black authority in the room, and where if I do something that’s not stereotypically Black, I’m different…. I think I love SLAY so much because we’re a mutually empathetic collective. As we duel, as we chat, there’s an understanding that ‘your Black is not my Black,’ and ‘your weird is not my weird,’ and ‘your beautiful is not my beautiful,’ and that’s okay.” pg 108-109, e-book

Oh my goodness, I loved this book!! I decided to share these quotes because I thought only Kiera’s words would do when talking about why she built SLAY and what it meant to her. I adored Kiera. And I felt her longing for a place where being Black was celebrated and not debated, where she could shed the tightly controlled facade she maintained in ALL her face-to-face relationships. My favorite thread of this whole book is this idea of finding (or in Kiera’s case, creating) and defending a space where you can be yourself. And I think that became extra special because I loved Kiera and wanted that space to be safe for her.

The gaming pieces of this are cool! Nothing too technical for a non-coder or non-gamer like me. I loved how the uninitiated adults discovered the richness of Black history Kiera built into the game. The dueling style was also fantastic. I have no clue if a dueling-style VR game exists now, but I enjoyed the fictional game play. But really, the game is just a vehicle for telling a richer, deeper story.

While tragic, the murder that pulls SLAY into the public eye isn’t the main story either. Kiera wrestles with her responsibility as the game developer, but ultimately those questions take a back seat to the racial and discrimination questions that are more central to the story.

The obvious question at the center of Slay is is it racist for Black gamers to have their own game, their own forum, where White folks aren’t allowed? And I was happy to see there weren’t any easy answers offered to this question. Readers will have to wrestle with that on their own. But there were just as many hard, nuanced questions about the Black community from within their own ranks. And that was part of the magic of this book for me. It showed me questions I couldn’t possibly know to ask as a white person. And it let me learn and question and wrestle as I read. And I loved every minute of it. This was engrossing and engaging and something I won’t soon forget! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++

REVIEW: 10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Disney-Hyperion in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Sophie is happy to let her parents leave town for Christmas to go help her pregnant older sister. She’ll spend the holiday with her grandparents and large extended family. In fact, she’ll be heading there after her parents leave. Although maybe not as quickly as they assume.

Sophie is hoping to spend a few hours with her boyfriend, Griffin, before going to her grandparents. This is a perfect time for them to have quality alone time. If only she can find him! He doesn’t answer his phone when she first calls. Sophie finally finds him at a party. And overhears him say he was glad when he thought she would be gone for Christmas break because he thinks he wants to break up with her.

Sophie is devastated. She cries most of the way to her grandparents’ house. And she tells her Nonna all about it. By the next day, her whole extended family knows. and before the humiliation even sets in, her grandmother has gotten the bright idea to have the family set her up on some blind dates over the holiday to help her shake off this bad break up. The humiliation knows no end!


A delight from start to finish! This is now the book I am telling everyone about. I absolutely adored this. The premise is fantastic and funny. Sophie’s extended family is a hoot with all these blind dates. I loved the four main characters as well as the larger, quirky crew. The family pieces of this – Sophie’s sister’s complicated pregnancy, checking in with her parents who were several hours away during the story, etc. – were a great B-story to complement the blind date/break up part of the book.

I laughed SO MUCH with this! The blind dates, the family betting, the social media sharing and so many other things. I didn’t want the reading experience to end because it was so fun! I will definitely be buying my own copy of this and reading it again. I would personally pair this with Prince in Disguise for two fantastic, funny holiday romcoms.

I can’t recommend this highly enough. Don’t miss this one! (One of the dates may be on the risque side for younger readers.)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥