REVIEW: Hope and Other Punch Lines by Julie Buxbaum


For Abbi, it was her first birthday. She was celebrating at day care. She had a paper crown and a red balloon.

For the rest of the world, it was September 11, 2001.

Connie, Abbi’s favorite day care worker, carried her away from the World Trade Center. Someone caught a picture of them fleeing along with a handful of others as the first tower collapses. The photo goes viral. People have the photo framed in their homes or printed on clothes as a symbol of hope triumphing over evil. Everyone knows Abbi as “Baby Hope.”

Noah has been obsessed with the Baby Hope photo for years. But not because of Abbi. He goes to high school with her. But behind her, in the photo, is a guy in a University of Michigan hat and flannel shirt. A man who looks like Noah’s dad. While the story is that his dad died that day – while newborn Noah was in the hospital with a heart defect – the picture shows him – alive.


This was everything I was hoping for when I first read the synopsis. Abbi and Noah are fabulous. They are my favorite sort of teens – honest, awkward, sincere, and sweet. Both carry the burden of 9/11, although in different ways. While for many people it’s remembered in a “where were you when” sort of way, 9/11 is a daily factor for these characters (and others in reality.).

The author weaves real factors from 9/11 into her fictional account, giving it extra weight. The stories characters tell about the aftermath – their gratitude, their grief – feel very real. And they are raw and heartbreaking at times. Yet the story as a whole maintains a hopeful tone. It’s really masterfully woven together.

Readers with personal ties to 9/11 could find this triggering for grief and/or trauma. Readers who are curious about 9/11 and the personal toll of the day and the aftermath will get a glimpse of that here. This is also a great story for anyone who loves teen romance, dual perspective storytelling or just terrific YA stories. Don’t miss this one!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon


Dimple has finished high school and she’s ready to head to Stanford in the fall. For the summer, though, she has her heart set on the app development program at Insomnia Con. Dimple is ready to build her future and experience life. And she has no interest in yielding to her parents’ expectations that she find the perfect Indian husband and settle down.

Rishi is going to be at MIT in the fall, but for the summer he is headed to Insomnia Con to meet Dimple. His parents think they will be perfect together. Rishi knows he has college to finish, but he is fully committed to a traditional Indian courtship, marriage and family.

Judging by the fact that Rishi ends up wearing Dimple’s iced coffee when he introduces himself, it seems safe to assume that Dimple knows nothing of their parents’ plans for them to meet at this summer program. How can Rishi get Dimple to see him as a romantic possibility after that awkward introduction?


This was a treat from start to finish!! I adored Dimple and Rishi! They are smart and funny and so determined. Dimple is determined to live life on her terms. Rishi is determined to live up to his parents’ expectations. I loved that while each of them bent a little in order to build a friendship, they stayed true to their character and ideals throughout the story.

There’s a great thread in this about being true to yourself and embracing your gifts that I enjoyed. Both Dimple and Rishi had things they were passionate about. But one of them was completely sold out to that while the other was trying to run away from it for something more “acceptable.” The journey – and the outcome – were terrifically written!

I’ve been on a romcom reading binge lately, and this was a fantastic piece of that! I also read the companion book There’s Something About Sweetie, and it was also a great read. Highly recommend both books! (Off-page sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: If You’re Out There by Katy Loutzenhiser


Zan (Alexandra) and Priya are crushed about the move. California is a long way from Chicago. But Priya’s step-dad has a new job. These things happen. Sometimes they even happen the summer before senior year.

But when Pria goes completely silent, Zan is devastated. Priya won’t answer her calls, reply to texts, or respond to emails. Zan’s only connection is through Priya’s social media posts. She seems thrilled with her new life in California. Apparently she wants nothing from her old life in Chicago.

Logan is a new guy at school. Zan doesn’t know much about him. They were kind of thrown together in Spanish class. He’s the one who first notices that Priya’s online behavior seems weird. Up to that point, Zan’s been focused on her angry and hurt feelings. But Logan’s questions help Zan re-examine things. And she starts to think maybe something more is going on with Priya. Maybe Priya is trying to send a call for help.


Amazing!! I had no business starting a book at 10:30 on a weeknight. But I was intrigued by this premise. And I adored Zan and Logan. Next thing I knew, I had finished the whole book. It was fantastic! If you like teen mystery/suspense stories, check this one out.

I loved the characters in this. Zan’s family is warm and caring – and complicated (divorced parents, mom’s girlfriend has just moved in) – like most families. Logan’s situation is even more complicated, and it’s slowly revealed as the novel unfolds. I don’t want to give anything away. I’ll just say I LOVED Logan!

Zan has a lovely community around her – friends, her family, the cop who taught her to box to deal with her anger after the divorce. And they all share Zan’s disappointment that Priya is blowing her off. But no one believes her that more is going on.

The story of Zan’s search for the truth was so satisfying! Her emotions felt spot on – hurt and anger at Priya, desperation for an explanation, her attempts at resignation and acceptance of her “new normal” without her best friend. The author did an amazing job in weaving the story together. It was absolutely fantastic!! Highly recommend – you don’t want to miss this one! (language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: You’d Be Mine by Erin Hahn


Clay Coolidge is country music’s latest bad boy. He might only be 18, but his drinking and carousing and recklessness is starting to catch up with him. And his record label is NOT happy.

Their solution is to have him convince Annie Mathers to open for him on a summer tour. Annie’s parents were music legends before their deaths (overdose and suicide) when Annie was 13. While Annie doesn’t want to ride their coat tails into a music career, her own talent and their names would be a great asset on a tour.

Clay and Annie are drawn together by undeniable chemistry both on and off the stage. But their personal baggage, grief, and Clay’s self-destructive behavior could destroy both of them, condemning them to a repeat of Annie’s parents’ lives.


This is SO good! The social media buzz for this has been tremendous – and it’s well-deserved. My heart broke for these two teens trying to negotiate adult decisions and the pressures of music careers while weighed down by the grief they each carry. I LOVED both of these characters. I wanted to hug them – and shake Clay several times. The supporting cast – Annie’s best friend and cousin who are her band mates and Clay’s best friend/band mate – are also fantastic. It’s easy to get caught up in the story and forget how young they all are.

The music pieces – recording studios and summer festivals, concerts and song writing – all felt absolutely realistic. I traveled on the fringes of such things once upon a time, and this felt very familiar.

This is a fantastic example of dual-perspective storytelling done well. Each character has a clear and distinct voice. Telling their own parts of the story – their thoughts, their grief, their feelings about one another – was so rich for me as a reader. I also liked that they were fairly honest with each other. This is not one of those “If only they TALKED about their feelings” books. Their feelings were apparent. The roadblock wasn’t secrecy but grief, fear, and Clay’s choices.

If you enjoy a star-crossed love story, or stories from the music scene, be sure to check this one out! It’s fantastic. (Language, alcohol/drug use, hooking up [off page], TRIGGER WARNING for suicide)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: The Boy Next Story by Tiffany Schmidt

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Amulet Paperbacks in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Rory and her older sister, Merrilee, got into Hero High, it was supposed to be this “great opportunity.” Their oldest sister, Lilly, was marrying into a senator’s family, and the senator used her influence to get the girls into Reginald R. Hero High. Nevermind that her influence led to some resentment by some students and administrators about the girls skirting the rules and procedures. While Merrilee had negotiated a lot of that, and emerged triumphant, Rory was dealing with her own struggles.

Rory’s early weeks at Hero were not filled with a lot of academic success. It’s hard to be the little sister to someone as brilliant – and as personable – as Merri. And the one place that should have been a safe haven for Rory – the art room – was a bigger minefield than any of her academic classes. In Advanced Art, the freshman and “new girl” stuck out. And the resentment of the older students meant her easel was always under “accidental” assault. Her projects were “lost” or “destroyed” constantly. School was one disaster after another for Rory.

Even her life outside school was filled with complications. Her forever-crush, Toby, was her next door neighbor. There was no avoiding him. That meant she also couldn’t avoid seeing how he looked at Merri. Toby’s affection for Merri was at war with his hurt at seeing her fall for someone else. It was painful for Rory to watch while her own feelings of longing were obviously never going to be returned.

Two reading assignments for the mysterious Ms. Gregoire stir up a lot of questions and feelings for Rory as she considers her school woes, her family relationships, and her crush. She’s embarking on a life and literature adventure she won’t ever forget.


When book 1, Bookish Boyfriends: A Date with Darcy released last year, there was no way I wasn’t going to read it. Books, romance and a possibly magical teacher pulling strings to use literature to instruct her students on life? SIGN ME UP! And book one was a DELIGHT in all ways – characters, story, heart. And I re-read it before starting this one so all the story details would be fresh for me.

That re-read actually made me a little nervous about reading this book. I loved Merri in book 1.  Her voice is a huge part of why I enjoyed that first story. Since this is Rory’s story, I was concerned I wouldn’t connect with her like I did with Merri.

Rory’s voice and story is EVEN BETTER!

I almost don’t have words for how much I adored this book. I think chapter 3 was when I started crying and fell in love with Rory. All the sharp, snarky attitude and behavior in book 1 suddenly made complete sense. I could see all the ways Rory developed to protect herself – from feeling “not enough” or left out or “settled for.” And this is a young woman who should never feel like she is second fiddle to anyone – no one should. I bookmarked more than 40 spots that were just magical for me in this story. Actually, I wasn’t even 1/4 through the review copy when I set it aside to pre-order my own copy. I am a fanatic for this story!

Just like with Merri’s story, Rory works through two books with Ms. Gregoire – The Great Gatsby and Little Women. As with book 1, I’ve only read one of those books, but I was completely able to follow the action here anyway. I almost felt like I was reading two whole books because of the depth of Rory’s story related to both of these classic novels. The author does not skimp through the arc of the first to get to the second. Both were important – to the story and to Rory’s growth.

I gushed at the author on social media because I just could not contain how much I was adoring this story. (It was too early to talk about it online because it wasn’t going to release for another month or two.) She told me book three will be Talk Nerdy to Me (2020), and she’s already at work on book 4. This series is now firmly on my “must buy” list. The richness in the characters and the stories are not to be missed. At every page turn, my heart sang, “I LOVE this book!” I could not have asked for a more perfect book for me.

I feel like there’s a lot for readers to learn here from Rory – what happens for her when she speaks her truth, how her feelings have driven her behavior, what role she should play when she’s unhappy in a relationships, etc. You do NOT want to miss this book – be sure to check out A Date with Darcy and then scoop up The Boy Next Story too. Perfect for summer reading. I can’t recommend this highly enough.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++

REVIEW: The Lovely and the Lost by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Freeform in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Kira was five, Cady found her, alone, in a forest. Wild. Feral. Cady took her in, fostered her, adopted her, and raised her with her own son, Jude. Jude, Kira, and their best friend, Free, call themselves the Miscreants. Always together, always ready to find or stir up trouble.

Together, Cady and the teens raise and train search and rescue dogs. Padawan is their young star, a gifted golden retriever. Silver is the older German Shepherd who is an emotional anchor for Kira when the trauma of her past threatens to pull her under. NATO and the Duchess are the bloodhounds. And Saskia is the temperamental husky whose own traumas make her a perfect partner for Kira. They understand each other in a special way.

Cady’s estranged father calls her in for a search and rescue in her home town. A 9-year-old girl has gone missing in the mountains. Cady, the teens and the dogs join the search process. And while Kira is determined to do for the girl what she herself needed at one time, she is not ready for what the case will stir up for her – and for her whole family.


This was excellent! Classic Jennifer Lynn Barnes awesomeness. I was laughing on the first page, and in love with Jude by page 2. He’s a lot like the character Asher from The Fixer series – another character I adored. You can read my review of her other series here and here. From there, I quickly connected with Kira and the dogs, and I had to see how the story would play out.

You can see Barnes’ background in psychology with the development of Kira. Her reactions to childhood trauma and the emotional repercussions now felt completely on target. I felt like Kira had done some extensive work on her trauma issues even while there is obviously more work to be done.  And the writing of the dogs was terrific. I loved Silver and Saskia’s interactions with Kira especially.

If this had just been a psychological piece about Kira, I’d have been enthralled and happy to keep reading. But this is also a mystery/suspense story involving Cady’s family history, the missing girl, and some stunning and twisty developments. Outstanding!

This book is a perfect example of why Jennifer Lynn Barnes is a must read-author for me. She always delivers! This book is the full package – rich, fascinating characters; an engrossing plot; lots of snark and humor; and a story you don’t want to put down. I highly recommend this book to fans of suspense books, dog stories, and the author’s other books. (Trigger Warning – hints of abuse stories throughout could be triggering for some readers, although I thought the descriptions were pretty subtle for general readers.)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++

REVIEW: Circle of Shadows by Evelyn Skye


The Kingdom of Kichona is a tiger-shaped island in the sea, ruled by Empress Aki. Aki and her twin brother, Gin, battled for the throne in what is now called the Blood Rift. Prince Gin followed a cult that inspired his bloodthirsty quest for conquest. He was defeated, but only after great loss of life, including all of the younger children set apart to be the future magical guardians of Kichona, the Taiga.

Sora lost her little sister, Hana, in the Blood Rift. And it haunted her. But her mother encouraged her to channel those feelings to help her be the best Taiga she could be. Together with her partner Daemon and their best friends, Sora operated under the mantra, “Work hard. Mischief harder.” But in memory of Hana, Sora would try to be more disciplined.

On their first Taiga mission, Sora and Daemon observe a strange group in a remote part of Kichona. They seem to have strange magic – and a disturbing leader. But when none of the Taiga leadership believes them, Sora and Daemon sneak off on their own to track the strangers and protect Kichona.


This was spectacular! I immediately clicked with Sora. She’s smart, clever and determined, but also irreverent. Her peers love her. Her teachers grow weary of her antics. And that leads to some of the mistrust Sora receives when she tries to alert them to danger. It’s a little like the boy who cried wolf.

The fantasy world is fantastic! The magic was intriguing, and the strangers are quite formidable. It all made for an engrossing story. The short chapters helped build even more urgency to the story. And some great twists – both some I figured out on my own and others that were total surprises – tied this up beautifully into an unpredictable story.

I can’t recommend this highly enough to fans of fantasy novels. The storytelling is top notch, as is the world the author has developed. I’m sure I’ll have to wait a year for the sequel, but it is already on my 2020 Must Read list. Don’t miss this one! (Language, violence, attempted assault)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: The Way to the Stars (Star Trek Discovery) by Una McCormack


On the eve of her start in the Command Training Program, Tilly shares her personal story with her Discovery roommate Michael Burnham.

When Sylvia Tilly was 16, she lived with her maternal grandmother in Paris and went to school every day in New York. Her parents were divorced. Her dad was on a starship, The Dorothy Garrod, and her mom was a bigwig with the Federation Security Council. Frankly, her mom was a force to be reckoned with. She often left Sylvia feeling small and trapped – like she felt when her mom announced she was sending her to a boarding school on Talaris IV. Sylvia’s mom was determined to give her daughter every opportunity to develop the skills she would need to join the diplomatic corps. She didn’t see Sylvia’s love of math and science as anything to cultivate when there were languages to learn and political scenarios to understand.

The ups and downs of boarding school life set Sylvia/”Tilly” on a path she never could have imagined when she first stepped foot onto Talaris IV.


This book’s intended audience is adults, but Tilly’s story is so solidly in the YA range, too, that I wanted to review it as a YA coming-of-age tale.

Tilly is my favorite character on the show Star Trek Discovery. So when I saw she was getting a book, it immediately went on my “must read” list. And now that I’ve read it, it’s on my “must buy list.” This was outstanding! A perfect-fit book for me.

The Star Trek pieces were comfortable and familiar, as was the general story of a teen seeking her identity while under the thumb of a controlling parent. And I loved all those pieces. But Tilly really made this story for me. She’s wicked smart and funny. She’s also endearing and awkward. I wanted to rescue her from her mother’s controlling ways. But it was so much more satisfying to watch her rescue herself. Her journey wasn’t flawless, but it was delightful! I am a sucker for a book with a kid or a teen who finds his/her place/gift/identity and then thrives in it. And this was that sort of story.

The Star Trek Discovery connections are minimal, mostly just the prologue and epilogue which anchor the character to the TV series. But if you know that Michael Burnham is a woman, and she’s Tilly’s roommate on the ship – older, with more life and Star Fleet experience, maybe a reluctant mentor – you probably have everything you need to know to enjoy the book.

I highly recommend this book. In fact, after typing up this review, I want to go read it again! (Some language, minor consumption of alcohol)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: Phantom Wheel by Tracy Deebs


Six teens are invited to LA to compete for a scholarship through a CIA college program. All of them are excellent hackers. And the CIA has a special task for each of them as their “audition.”

Except nothing about this program is what it appears to be. Soon the kids find themselves trying to figure out who they can trust – even among the six of them. Car chases and flying bullets weren’t what they were expecting either. While their hacking skills are top notch, and several of them have immense family resources, it may not be enough to get them out of the dangerous situation they find themselves in.


I feel like there’s so much going on in this story, I can’t give a full summary for fear that it will give something away. And this was TOO fun to spoil for another reader. I loved this! I’m not a techy person, but there were only a few spots where the tech was over my head, but that was never an issue for my enjoyment of the book.

The characters are terrific. I loved watching them move from strangers to teammates to friends. Their interplay was so fun! The individual backstories were fascinating, too. I would love for this to kick off a series. When the book ended, I wanted to know what happened next for these characters.

The story was a treat! The pacing was excellent. The tension builds throughout the whole book, and the finale was perfectly satisfying. I couldn’t put the book down. I had to know if the kids were going to solve the problems they were fighting – and if they were all going to survive.

There are a few swear words and some innuendo and teasing between the characters. But otherwise I feel like I could hand this to any teen who wants a story that is full of action, some humor, and lots of technology and hacking. I thoroughly enjoyed this book!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: Fire & Heist by Sarah Beth Durst

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley  and Crown Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Sky is a wyvern – as are her brothers and her parents. Wyverns are were-dragons – humans who can shape shift into dragons. Although modern wyverns have lost the ability to shift, they can still breath fire. And they are crazy about gold!

On the night someone tried to steal her mother’s 24-karat gold piano, Sky was supposed to be at the movies, drowning her sorrows in buttered popcorn. Her mother had disappeared while on some sort of job, and Sky’s boyfriend, Ryan, and the entire wyvern community had shunned Sky’s family. But Sky wasn’t feeling up to a movie and burning the mementos of her broken relationship, so she went home early. And stumbled into a heist in her own home.

Then, she ruined the heist (yay!) only to later discover it was her brothers, trying to prove to their father that they were up to the task of a major heist (oops!). But all of that made Sky realize how tired she was of trying to live as though her mother’s disappearance was no big deal. So when she finds out what her mom was trying to do, Sky puts together a crew for a heist of her own.


I loved every bit of this! It was the perfect book for me – a smart and sassy protagonist, a fantasy world, and a heist/mystery. I read it in one sitting and as soon as I finished, I ordered my own copy of the book. This was fantastic!

I loved the “voice” of this from the first page. It begs to be read out loud (as my family discovered because I kept reading passages to them). And Sky is a huge part of that voice/tone. She’s smart and funny – sarcastically honest. But she was only the first character I fell in love with. Gabriela and Sky’s brothers and “Worm”  were some of my other favorites – so many great personalities in this one!!

The fantasy world for this really worked well for me. It feels 75% normal with 25% dragons. And I love dragon books. The heist was fairly simple. Once Sky and her crew had it planned, they just had to execute it several times flawlessly for things to work. The issues in the story had little to do with the planning and more to do with self-confidence and determination during execution. Well, that and traps.

Another great selling point for this book is it is “clean” teen. I can recommend this to any kid who enjoys fantasy without having to worry about mature content. And I adore finding terrific stories for teens that will appeal to all audiences. I highly recommend this one!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥