REVIEW: The Dream of You by Jo Saxton

[I recently discovered some unpublished reviews I wrote several years ago. I’m posting these now as they were originally written.]

Summary and Review

When the storms of life come – as they always do – it’s important to know who and whose you are. Be anchored in your identity in Christ.

Jo Saxton has experienced plenty of ups and downs in life. Through them all, she knows God has been walking beside her. She shares her personal story in this book – from her early years in foster care to her move to the US and the ups and downs of her life in ministry. She also shares Bible stories about Ruth and Naomi, Ezekiel, David and Goliath, and others to illustrate basic principles of identity.

This book was a delight from start to finish. Jo Saxton first came to my attention through If Gathering (several years ago). Every time I hear her, she speaks directly to my heart and my circumstances. This book was no different. Many of the chapters start with a letter. It was my favorite feature. The letters are personable and tender. The writing style of the whole book is that way. I felt like I was reading a letter from a friend – someone who’s been there before, someone who wants to help.

Identity is one of my favorite themes in books – fiction or nonfiction. And this is one of the best I’ve ready. [I received an ARC of this book when I registered for the 2018 If Gathering conference in my local area.]

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: The Fearless Christian University by John W. Hawthorne

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Eerdmans in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

The author lays out a bleak picture for Christian universities, citing the rise of the “nones” (those who claim no religious affiliation or practice) and questions of the value and cost of college among other factors. As someone working at a small Christian university, the only surprises were some of the statistics shared by the author. The realities themselves are quite familiar to me.

The tone of this can come across as antagonistic and perhaps defensive, at least at first. The author has served in a variety of Christian institutions of Higher Education and brings his personal and professional experiences with him – good and bad. But over the course of the book, the author seems less antagonistic and more prophetic, pleading with the powers that be in Christian Higher Ed to change course.

Hawthorne recommends things like:

  • keeping focus on quality education and pedagogy with a Christian identity, remembering students are being prepared to engage the world, not just to get a job
  • improving the partnership between faculty and administration, reshaping the business model away from a “church” or “factory” type to a “laboratory” type (This was my favorite chapter.)
  • targeting potential students more broadly than just white evangelicals
  • reimagining the roles of the Church and the University in relation to one another.

The book includes examples of cultural change regarding LGBTQ+ students, asserting there are many ways for schools to support their queer students without having to declare themselves “affirming” or running up against Church stances on homosexuality.

The shining stars for me in this challenging read are the imagined examples of two “fearless Christian universities” in the closing section. The descriptions were inspiring and both schools felt like places I would love to serve. There are plenty of links in the author’s citations which make this an appealing e-book read.

Overall, I felt this book was prophetic, but sadly like the prophets of the Old Testament who warned of impending exile but were largely ignored. I’m not sure many schools will have the courage to hear and respond. Still, if I had the resources, I would buy this for every member of our Board of Trustees and school administration, not to mention for faculty and staff. This would make for an excellent conversation starter for those who love Christian Higher Ed and are looking for encouragement and potential solutions. Highly recommend.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: This Changes Everything by Tyler Merritt

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Worthy Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

Actor, writer, and speaker Tyler Merritt shares his cancer story and a conversation about lament and mortality in his newest book – and it is excellent. This book is both funny and searing. From Tyler’s story of his cancer diagnosis to the story of Emmitt Till, with Where the Red Fern Grows thrown in for good measure, you are on a beautifully crafted emotional rollercoaster.

Intermixed with Merritt’s cancer story and related health complications, he shares stories of WWII, George Floyd, John Lewis, and illustrations about pets and sharks to weave a treatise about suffering and perseverance, resilience and lament. Quoting David Brooks, he also looks at “resumé virtues” vs. “eulogy virtues” which was my favorite illustration of the whole book. It explores how living with cancer can lead a person to examine how they live life with others. And Jen Hatmaker fans will get a few teasers about their relationship in the book (another favorite part of the book for me).

This is more serious overall than Tyler’s previous book, I Take My Coffee Black (♥♥♥♥). But I also walked away from this one with more introspection about how his experience calls readers (me!) to consider what we do with our time on earth. Fans of his other work – his books, his viral videos – should absolutely pick this up. If you are new to Tyler’s work, I recommend checking this out. Readers should note that some sections of the book cover medical and health discussions in some detail. Take a look at other content warnings before diving in. (Language. Content warnings: racism, cancer, death/grief, details about medical procedures and outcomes)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: The Bible Tells Me So by Peter Enns

Summary and Review

This past summer I took a deep dive into the Bible for Normal People podcast. I’m generally not a podcast person, but there is a sub-set of episodes called “Pete Ruins ____” that are a deep dive into a particular book of the Bible. And I adore them. I listen while I get ready for work in the morning, and I look forward to that time that’s just for me.

So one night when I was looking for a new nonfiction book to read, I pulled this off the shelf and discovered it’s like my podcast experience in book form.

The “voice” is Pete, complete with funny and sarcastic asides. (Not all of his books are like this – there are others with a bit more academic, formal voice – equally as terrific, but just a different tone.) The content is easy to follow while still being challenging. This is not an approach to the Bible that I’ve found in the “pew” on Sunday mornings, but it’s absolutely where God has been meeting me over the last year, starting with Wisdom for Faithful Reading and then in The Lost World of the Prophets, and finally in these podcasts and this book.

My “elevator pitch” of this approach would be “a faithful approach to reading the Bible, not as a rule book to follow but a collection of writings centered around historical people of faith and their experiences with God.” The book addresses questions I have been asking for a few years now – and it affirms the FAITHFULNESS of asking those questions and seeking the answers. I loved the reading experience; it has meant so much to me in my spiritual growth and development over the last year. Highly recommend.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: The State of Old Testament Studies by HH Hardy II and M. Daniel Carroll

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Baker Academic in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

The editors of this book assert that an earlier exploration of Old Testament scholarship, The Face of Old Testament Studies, published 25 years ago, while still valuable, is missing some of the more recent developments in Old Testament studies – new questions being asked, new topics and new research agendas, even new sub-disciplines that didn’t exist at the start of the millennium! So a new resource was necessary. And this one also offers suggestions of still more future research that could be done.

There are three sections of the book, and, honestly, section one was completely out of my lane. This section explores archaeological finds and other contexts outside my experience. Section two, which dives into questions of cannon and the actual texts from the Old Testament, was a much better fit, and I really enjoyed it. Section three tackles topics like ecotheology, OT ethics, the Ten Commandments, gender and sexuality, etc., which was also fascinating.

This felt harder to connect with than the Pauline Studies book in this series that I reviewed earlier this year. The content was still fascinating! But it felt over my head more times than not. While I am by no means giving up on squeezing everything I can learn out of this, I would recommend it highly for seminaries, professors, researchers, and students. Casual readers of Biblical scholarship (like me) might veer toward deep dive commentaries on the texts themselves instead if this feels like too much. But for a broad consideration of the field, including new and developing research, this feels like an excellent resource. I have recommended this to my colleagues at the seminary where I work.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: The Mary We Forgot by Jennifer Powell McNutt

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Brazos Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

Mary Magdalene is known in scripture for being healed from multiple demons by Jesus and also for being one of the first witnesses of the risen Christ. But there are misunderstandings of her as well. Dr. Powell McNutt is determined to clear up these misunderstandings and present a compelling portrait of this disciple of Jesus and apostle of the early Church.

This book:

  • Addresses the “surprises” of the Bible – Peter and John being called in front of the High Priest in Acts, Jesus as a surprise out of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene – or any woman – mentioned in Scripture.
  • Extensively covers the conflation of Marys (Mary of Bethany, Mary Magdalene) with the woman in Luke 7 which is challenged with multiple sources and logical rationales. And where the Luke 7 woman is distinguished from Mary Magdalene, the woman is honored by the author (as she is by Jesus in the text). I liked that this honored many of the women of the New Testament, not just Mary although she was the focus.
  • Refers to the Gospel of Mary Magdalene as a commentary on the time of its writing.
  • Addresses Mary’s demon possession as well as her inclusion with Jesus’s ministry and followers along with other women healed by Jesus and named by Luke – patronesses of Jesus’s ministry.

Overall I liked this – the writing is conversational and easy to follow. The author sprinkles in some personal stories to tie some of her exploration areas together. And I found the conflation section fascinating, although it seemed to go on for a long time. I think researchers, historians, and students will love the deep dive, but for a newbie like me, it felt like selling past the close. Super detailed proof and examples of how past scholars and historians have blotted out Mary’s role, identity, and place in the followers of Jesus will be fantastic for other scholars, but the point was made sufficiently for me pretty quickly.

The book is also written with the full view of history interjected regularly which may be a distraction for less-informed readers. The book doesn’t necessarily move in a straightforward way from from left to right so to speak. It felt at times like re-reading a favorite series where you read book 3 in light of what you know is coming in book 6. But for those exposed to this material for the first time – like me – those interjections of what is to come may be jarring. This is one of the ways I felt like I am  not the intended audience for this book. My PhD-level colleagues at a seminary would have a lot more context for the material in this book. If this is used in an academic setting, students may need more historical context as well for the Church’s response to Mary.

My only real complaint would be that in my review copy, the endnotes aren’t linked which is frustrating for the reader. Hopefully this will be fixed in the official e-book.

I can recommend this to scholars, researchers, and seminarians. I think it would be a supremely readable textbook for students. More casual readers like me can get a lot out of this, too. This will forever impact my understanding of Mary and her presence in the gospels!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ – Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: The State of Pauline Studies edited by Nijay Gupta, et al

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Baker Academic in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

A few years ago, Baker Academic released The State of New Testament Studies, and the contributors felt like they couldn’t devote as much space to Paul as they needed. So this book was developed. It includes chapters on Paul and specific areas of focus – gender, Judaism, the Spirit, etc. – as well as chapters on each of Paul’s letters. The book exists to highlight recent research, study, theories, and debates. Each chapter is essentially a literature review of recent research – and it’s brilliant! This is a deep, heavily researched exploration.

Professors, researchers, students, and practitioners could use this as a one-stop starting place to dig into the contemporary world of Biblical scholarship, specifically around Paul. The content can spin readers off to numerous resources to dig deeper. Each article/essay is heavily end-noted.

As an example, the chapter on Romans is written by Dr. Jennifer Strawbridge, Associate Professor of New Testament Studies at the University of Oxford. The chapter covers topics like justification, Junia and Phoebe, post-colonial readings of Romans, ecological interpretation, queer approaches to Romans, and disability studies.

This could be a fascinating textbook for New Testament courses as well as a stellar resource for students and researchers. I would highly recommend the addition of this to university libraries. And practitioners/pastors could get a lot out of having this in their libraries. Again – this is a STARTING place – far more reading and follow up work would come after reading this. I don’t know that someone preaching on a passage in Romans, for example, would use Strawbridge’s chapter alone and feel they did their due diligence in examining current thinking on Romans. Professors, especially those developing or updating a course on Paul’s work, would be well-served by this resource, again as a starting point to include contemporary research.

Also available from Baker is The State of New Testament Studies (already available) and The State of Old Testament Studies (releasing in November).

As a non-academic reader, I felt clearly that I was not the intended audience for this book. But I was captivated by it anyway. I wanted to follow every end-noted rabbit trail to further reading on a variety of topics. The voice of the introduction is great! As a non-seminarian, I had to look up three words/concepts in the intro alone. Have your phone handy to look up terms you might not know. But anyone who is fascinated by Biblical study will find something to dig into here. My only “complaint” is that the end notes (at least in my review copy) weren’t separated by chapter/article which would have made using them a lot easier.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: Star Trek: Discovering the TV Series by Tom Salinsky

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and White Owl in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

The author does a deep dive into Star Trek, watching the original series (TOS), the animated series (TAS), The Next Generation (TNG), Deep Space Nine (DS9),  Voyager (VOY), and Enterprise (ENT) in release order, one episode per day for almost two years. Initially his experience was blogged online, but now readers can be part of the journey in book form. This book only focuses on TOS, TAS, and TNG. Presumably a sequel will cover the rest.

The book covers some of the history of the franchise from Roddenberry’s early attempts to get the show produced to the return of Star Trek to television in the 80s with TNG – in addition to the episode reviews. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the episode entries. The “voice” of each one is fun and engaging. The author covers a lot of ground in just a couple paragraphs per episode.

One of the most fascinating pieces is watching the worldbuilding develop on the fly. The author points out things that show up for the first time or things that reflect decisions made later to define how the world of Star Trek will work. It was a cool addition to the episode reviews. I think fans will enjoy this – it would be great to work through this while doing your own episode review.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ – Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: Take Care of Your Friends by Christina Wilcox

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

I enjoyed this new Enneagram resource focused on interpersonal relationships. I’m not sure the author did enough with the “six pillars of friendship” to make their inclusion work out. But the rest is great – I loved the early descriptions of all of the types.

The book includes sections on stress/security (called “health levels” which is different than the way other writers/instructors talk about health levels with the Enneagram), triads, stances, and conflict styles. I felt like the author’s descriptions were fresh and not rehashed ways of describing things. I’ve read a lot of Enneagram resources so it really catches my attention when I read something that feels innovative or insightful in a new way. Her approach makes this the sort of book I would read start to finish rather than just pull out my type info and then move on.

If someone’s really interested in digging into the Enneagram, I would start with other resources to help you determine your type. But this would make a nice gift for someone who has done that initial work, knows their type, and wants to apply the Enneagram to their interpersonal relationships. You can pair this with Suzanne Stabile’s The Journey Toward Wholeness which also looks at the Enneagram and relationships.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: The Unfiltered Enneagram by Elizabeth Orr

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Convergent Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

When I discovered that @RudeAssEnneagram from Instagram was going to have an Enneagram book, I was eager to check it out. I’ve been working on and through the Enneagram for almost 8 years, and I am to the point where basic books are blah, and I’m always on the lookout for something that can help me go deeper.

The beauty of this book is that it covers the “basics” but in what felt like a completely new way. The author has done a brilliant job with both the voice and the technical writing of this book. Her word choices are brilliant and convey some nuances to the different types that make this resource feel fresh. As I read this it reminded me of some of the irreverence and straight-scoop I loved from Millenneagram, but without the f-bombs that could make that book feel at bit abrasive. Reading this felt like standing at the edge of a pool while someone does a cannonball. You are getting aggressively splashed with a lot of truth – both positive and challenging – right in your face.

But while this is pretty direct, the writing is super conversational. There’s a coaching tone to this that I really liked, with encouragement to lean in, dig deep, and do the work. While with most nonfiction books I struggle to keep moving forward because there’s no narrative arc to pull me through, the writing here drew me into chapters of types that are not closely affiliated with me, just to read the author’s insights and observations about all of the types. And with each chapter, the author is there inviting the reader to explore, consider, and reflect.

My only caution is for those who are new to the Enneagram, or who only know about it because they like funny memes on social media. The frank assessment here may be off-putting for those who don’t recognize the need to do the work, who don’t come ready to be emotionally flayed open a bit for their own long-term good.

This is my new go-to recommendation for Enneagram resources. I would  still advise newcomers to start with The Road Back to You. Listening to some podcasts from long-time Enneagram teachers is another great way to start. (You can also see my reviews of other Enneagram resources at the link above.) But once you see the value of studying the Enneagram for personal growth, you are ready for this excellent resource. Highly recommend! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++

♥♥♥♥♥+++ = Best of the best!