REVIEW: Little Ghost Makes a Friend by Maggie Edkins Willis


Little Ghost has always wanted a friend, but he’s been worried he might scare people away. When someone new moves in next door, and she likes so many of the same things that he does, Little Ghost decides to be brave and invite her over for Halloween.


This is such a sweet friendship story! The artwork is lovely, and the pastel fall colors add to the cozy vibe. And happily, Little Ghost and Anya hit it off right away. She also tells Little Ghost that she’s happy to be his friend exactly as he is – and her human friends agree. This is a super sweet read for the season – check this one out!

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good +

REVIEW: The More the Terrier by David Rosenfelt

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Andy comes home from a winter trip to an extra dog added to his usual three. But it’s a dog his family fostered at one point, so Andy is able to get Murphy home to his family. Andy doesn’t expect that family to need his services as a defense attorney, but they do.

Murphy’s owner has been arrested for killing a vising professor at his university. They had a public confrontation, and now the prof is dead and BJ is in jail. Andy doesn’t believe BJ is a killer, so he takes the case. The investigation brings Andy’s team into contact with drug dealers and mobsters, but Andy struggles to put the pieces together. And if he can’t figure it out, what happens to BJ?


Another wintery winner from David Rosenfelt! The case here is super twisty, and I was wondering until the very end if Andy was going to be able to figure it all out. I was thrilled to puzzle together most of the solution as I read. When the case is as intricate as this one, the satisfaction of the story is enhanced by figuring some things out on my own.

Andy is delightfully sassy, and his usual team gets to bring a lot to the case – a sting operation, several hacking triumphs, and a grim battle. I loved that the K-Team had a bit more page time in this book.

This is the 30th book in the Andy Carpenter series, and Rosenfelt keeps hitting all the beats. You can read my other reviews from the series here. Series fans should absolutely pick up this satisfying winter addition to the series. Readers familiar with Andy can really read the series out of order without much trouble. Newcomers could start here – my first Andy Carpenter was a Christmas book, The Twelve Dogs of Christmas (♥♥♥♥♥), number 15 in the series – but I do worry that Andy can come across too abrasive if you haven’t followed him from the beginning. Book 31, Dogged Pursuit, will release in the summer of 2025. (Language, references to sexual assault and drug use.)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ – I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: The Sherlock Society by James Ponti

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Aladdin in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Alex and Zoe Sherlock have decided to live up to their last name. Instead of babysitting or mowing lawns for money, they start a detective agency. With their friends, Lina and Yadi, and their grandfather serving as Director of Transportation and Logistics, they are ready to take on their first case.

After a couple of false starts, the Sherlock Society stumbles onto an environmental case. The kids use the reporting skills they learn from Alex and Zoe’s grandfather to start looking for a suspect. They also use Yadi’s film experience and drone skills to look for clues. Zoe’s understanding of people comes in handy, as does Alex’s understanding of the law and Lina’s grasp of the big picture, when their case literally explodes out of control.


This is so fun! There’s great balance between the kid pieces – friendships, family conflict, learning to investigate – with  the case pieces. There’s tons for readers to learn – about investigating, about Al Capone, about Florida, about videography – and it’s all modeled by the characters in the book. It’s “showing, not telling” at it’s best.

The kids and the family feel authentic – conflict, confrontation, support, teasing, and teaching, all on a foundation of love. And the case is grounded in some details real middle schoolers would or could do. This is a terrific series kick off from a tried and true middle grade mystery author, James Ponti. His fans should not miss this one. Mystery lovers, kids who care about the environment, and readers who like ensemble stories should pick this one up, too!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: The State of Pauline Studies edited by Nijay Gupta, et al

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Baker Academic in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

A few years ago, Baker Academic released The State of New Testament Studies, and the contributors felt like they couldn’t devote as much space to Paul as they needed. So this book was developed. It includes chapters on Paul and specific areas of focus – gender, Judaism, the Spirit, etc. – as well as chapters on each of Paul’s letters. The book exists to highlight recent research, study, theories, and debates. Each chapter is essentially a literature review of recent research – and it’s brilliant! This is a deep, heavily researched exploration.

Professors, researchers, students, and practitioners could use this as a one-stop starting place to dig into the contemporary world of Biblical scholarship, specifically around Paul. The content can spin readers off to numerous resources to dig deeper. Each article/essay is heavily end-noted.

As an example, the chapter on Romans is written by Dr. Jennifer Strawbridge, Associate Professor of New Testament Studies at the University of Oxford. The chapter covers topics like justification, Junia and Phoebe, post-colonial readings of Romans, ecological interpretation, queer approaches to Romans, and disability studies.

This could be a fascinating textbook for New Testament courses as well as a stellar resource for students and researchers. I would highly recommend the addition of this to university libraries. And practitioners/pastors could get a lot out of having this in their libraries. Again – this is a STARTING place – far more reading and follow up work would come after reading this. I don’t know that someone preaching on a passage in Romans, for example, would use Strawbridge’s chapter alone and feel they did their due diligence in examining current thinking on Romans. Professors, especially those developing or updating a course on Paul’s work, would be well-served by this resource, again as a starting point to include contemporary research.

Also available from Baker is The State of New Testament Studies (already available) and The State of Old Testament Studies (releasing in November).

As a non-academic reader, I felt clearly that I was not the intended audience for this book. But I was captivated by it anyway. I wanted to follow every end-noted rabbit trail to further reading on a variety of topics. The voice of the introduction is great! As a non-seminarian, I had to look up three words/concepts in the intro alone. Have your phone handy to look up terms you might not know. But anyone who is fascinated by Biblical study will find something to dig into here. My only “complaint” is that the end notes (at least in my review copy) weren’t separated by chapter/article which would have made using them a lot easier.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: Mothman’s Happy Cryptid Halloween by Andrew Shaffer

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and 8th Circle in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

When Halloween gets rained out and everyone decides it’s “the Official Worstest Halloween Ever (in the Whole Entire Universe),”® Mothman and his cryptid friends make a plan to save Halloween.

This follow up to Mothman’s Merry Cryptid Christmas is a fun, quirky story with great artwork. I loved Mothman and Bigfoot especially – Mothman’s costume is a hoot! While the plan to save the day goes awry, there’s still a happy ending, thanks to gracious townspeople and a day off school. The backmatter includes a hilarious cryptid guide.

The next book will be Mothman’s Very Cryptid Valentine, which looks adorable!

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good +

REVIEW: My Rogue to Ruin by Erica Ridley

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Forever in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Black sheep of the family, Adrian sneaks back into town hoping to avoid his father, the Marquess, and his brother, the Earl. But he hopes to reconnect to the beloved sister he had to leave behind 7 years ago. Instead of rebuilding their relationship, though, Adrian stumbles into a trap – and becomes a counterfeiter against his will, working for a crook he had swindled. His options are to forge the currency or else he’ll meet a slow and painful end.

Marjorie is probably the quietest of the Wynchesters. An artist’s soul with some hearing loss, it can be easer for her to withdraw from crowds to her studio.  But someone is passing counterfeit currency to the neediest of people, leaving them in even worse circumstances. Marjorie’s philosophy is that art is meant to IMPROVE lives, not ruin them. So she vows to find the forger.


This was my first foray into the Wild Wynchesters series – and I’m sorry I waited so long. This found-family is delightful, and I’m going to have to go back and read all of the previous books. I’ll also be diving into book 5, Hot Earl Summer, which released earlier this fall.

Adrian and Marjorie’s story was stressful at times. They were trapped by a villain, and there seemed to be no way out. But the clever and connected Wynchseters are determined to find a way.

I enjoyed the romantic storyline for the two leads. Each was searching for significance and acceptance, and they found it with each other first and then with an extended family. Quite satisfying!

Fans of the series will want to watch Marjorie shine in her featured story. Obviously, like me you can start here. But I think the creative and clever Wynchesters will have you hunting down the earlier books as well. (Some language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Griselda Snook’s Spectacular Books by Barry Timms

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Tiger Tales in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

Henry helps a bookstore owner on opening day and discovers a “just right” book for himself.

This is a book about the joys of books and bookstores set in a Halloween-ish town. Everyone is friendly, and in the end, the whole town is seen reading. The artwork is lovely – even better in the print version than it was in the electronic! The illustrations will draw kids in to look closely at the book and pour over every picture for the little details. This is would be a good addition to home libraries as well as other collections where you want books with a seasonal feel that are not scary or spooky.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year by Ally Carter

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Avon in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Maggie Chase has had a rough road in life, from the loss of her parents when she was in college to the betrayal by her husband and their subsequent divorce. And that last one pushed her so far down to the point where she rarely leaves the house. Her editor had to cajole her to take this mysterious Christmas trip that is supposed to “change her life.”

But Ethan Wyatt ruined everything. While Maggie is the queen of the cozy mystery, Wyatt writes thrillers – “leather jacket books.” And he is all ego and confidence – and annoyance. He can’t even get her name right after all these years, repeatedly calling her “Marcie.”

The two of them find themselves in the middle of a real-life mystery when world famous author, Eleanor Ashley, their Christmas host, goes missing from a locked room of her mansion in the middle of a snowstorm.


Sometimes you start a new book and everything clicks. The characters are intriguing. The banter makes you laugh out loud. And you feel like you can’t contain the feeling – the potential that this could be a new favorite. You feel a pressure in your chest. Not the weight of anxiety or dread pressing down but the hope – the delight – bubbling up, trying to press out from inside. This was one such book for me.

From the very beginning I felt GIDDY reading this. The main characters had personal stories I couldn’t wait to uncover. Their cutting remarks were funny, not vicious. The potential and chemistry between Maggie and Ethan CRACKLED. Then there was the writing/publishing/mystery angle, which is always a great hook for me. And finally it was a snowed in whodunit which I also adore. If I could design a perfect book for me, this is an A+ set up, checking all the boxes.

I have been an Ally Carter fan since I discovered the Gallagher Girls series. Her older middle grade (10-14) mysteries in the Winterborne series are OUTSTANDING. Her first adult romance, The Blonde Identity, had mixed reviews, and while I could understand some of the criticism, it worked for me

But THIS is everything I have ever loved about her work all rolled into one. My all-time favorite Ally Carter book – and likely one of my favorite books read in 2024. Do NOT miss this! (Language, gaslighting)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++*

♥♥♥♥♥+++ = Best of the best!

REVIEW: The Woofmore Is NOT Haunted by Donna Gephart and Lori Haskins Houran

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Amulet Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The Woofmore is hosting everyone’s favorite author, Silas Fang. Well, he’s everyone’s favorite except for Rufus. Rufus has always been too scared to try one of Silas Fang’s books. Why would anyone want to be scared by a story?

To Rufus’ great relief, Silas is at the Woofmore taking a break from spooky things. And Rufus assures him there’s nothing spooky about the Woofmore!

Except someone has been saying the Woofmore is haunted. Most of the hotel’s guests are there to see ghosts and be frightened. And Silas has said if he sees anything scary he’s going to leave the Woofmore and never come back! What can the staff at the Woofmore do?


Another fun VIP (Very Important Pooch) visit to the Woofmore. This story is a little meatier than book 1 was. Ms. Coco has to figure out why her hotel has a spooky reputation while Rufus has to keep anything spooky away from their guest.

I love that Rufus is never shamed for not being into all of the spookiness. At the same time, he pushes past his fear to do his job well. Rufus is adorable, and I think kids will enjoy this. I think new readers can start with this fun, seasonal story – these books don’t have to be read in order. Watch for book 3, The Woofmore on Thin Ice, releasing in 2025.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: An Art Lover’s Guide to Paris and Murder by Dianne Freeman

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Kensington in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Frances and George head to Paris during the Exposition Universelle in order to spice up their dull routine and visit Frances’ sister, brother-in-law, and new niece. And so George can help his Aunt Julia. An artist, Paul Ducasse, recently died, and Julia thinks it wasn’t an accident.

But when George and Frances arrive, Julia refuses to talk with them about her suspicions. And then she is murdered. George and Frances must dig into the very private Julia’s life to see who might have killed her, and what might have really happened to Paul Ducasse.


A great mystery in a fantastic setting! This is book 7 in the Countess of Harleigh historical mystery series which I have adored since book one. I loved seeing George and Frances do their thing in a new city. Their partnership – in life, in marriage, and in investigations – is delightful. I love how they give and take together, with love and respect for what each brings to the case. It’s excellent.

The case this time was twisty, and I had no idea how things would play out until they were done. Everything was wrapped up in a satisfying way – but the implications for the next book are up in the air, giving the author some room to play going forward.

This was all I hoped it would be – a cozy mystery with familiar characters that I could fall into easily. I haven’t kept up with too many cozy series in recent years, but this one continues to deliver every time. If you enjoy historical fiction and cozy mysteries, I highly recommend this series. I would read them in order so you can enjoy the relationship between Frances and George as it develops.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.