BONUS REVIEW: The Perfect Escape by Suzanne Park

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Sourcebooks Fire in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Nate is caught between a rock and a hard place. His family is struggling financially, and he needs money to fund his future plans. One of the rich kids at school offers him serious cash – like, buy-a-new-car serious –  if he’ll deliberately let his grades drop. Nate doesn’t need the A’s because his applications for college only care about junior year. And if Nate agrees, some of the other high performing kids will also “take a dive” so these rich kids have a chance for some academic honors for their own applications before high school is over. While Nate needs the money, he’s not really comfortable with the whole idea.

Kate’s dad has always hyper-focused on work. But since her mom died, he’s been worse. She feels like a prisoner in their high-tech home. An internal computer system tracks her comings and goings, her vital signs, her phone calls, and her spending. Even worse, her dad thinks he has the right to dictate what she will study in college, and what she will do with her last semester of high school – and it all has to do with him and his work. If she could get some serious cash, Kate could leave town and follow her own dreams for the future and finally be free.

When Kate and Nate meet through their jobs at a zombie-themed escape room, it seems only natural that they team up for the zombie survivalist contest. The winning team gets $50,000. That would help both of them out of their predicaments. They just have to win first.


This was so fun! I loved it. I don’t generally enjoy zombie things, but this wasn’t too gory or over the top. (These are fake zombies for the contest, not real zombies.) I was expecting the contest to be the bulk of the book, but it was really just most of the second half. The first half really develops the characters as individuals and in their circumstances, as well as their budding relationship with one another. I enjoyed the pacing. It never felt like “get to the good stuff.” It’s all good stuff!

I loved Nate and Kate. They take turns telling the story which is the perfect format for the story. The first part of the book lets the reader get to know both teens. You see who they are as individuals and then get to watch their friendship develop.

The early part of the book also examines the stakes for both kids. They each have a strong motivation for getting the money. Kate’s felt stronger to me – her dad was SO creepy in his controlling! Nate could have just said no to the guy at school. But he was tempted by the opportunity to help his family. This “unevenness” in their motivations, though, was perfect for how things would play out.

The survivalist contest was a clever plot point. I loved how all of the pieces of this came together in the end.

This is a delightful, funny, sweet romance with some suspense – and zombies! I had such a good time reading this one – don’t miss it. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½

REVIEW: We Didn’t Ask for This by Adi Alsaid

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Inkyard Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Every year in April, Central International School holds a lock-in for their senior high students. It’s the highlight of the year, something students plan for and think about all year long.

On that night:

  • Amira is waiting for the decathalon to begin. She’s ready to take on all comers, boys and girls, to be named best athlete in the school.
  • Omar is probably her biggest competition. But his mind is focused less on the basketball competition and more on looking to see if Peejay is in the stands.
  • Celeste, a new student at CIS, is hoping the lock-in will help her finally connect with someone at this school.
  • Kenji is trying to steer kids to the improv room for his favorite activity (even though his dad thinks it’s a waste of time).
  • Peejay is responsible for planning the secret “party” space in the school, a role of immense importance given to one student each year. His brother’s turn was legendary, and Peejay is hoping to live up to that legacy, especially after the accident.
  • Joy, Malik, Eli and Lolo are chaining themselves to the doors and locking everyone in while Marisa, their leader, is leading them in stating their manifesto. The doors will stay chained until the students, teachers, and community agree to her list of ecological changes and demands.

This lock in is NOT going to be anything like previous years.


This was fascinating! I don’t know that I’ve read many books like this. It reminded me of school shooting stories like This Is Where It Ends (Rating: ♥♥♥♥) in that the story moves to different characters and different parts of the building as the story moves forward. But the tension in this is lower because it’s less violent – a protest with unthreatened hostages as opposed to armed assailants – and has lower stakes.

The writing was fantastic. The point of view changes almost from paragraph to paragraph, third person, but each character shares from his/her perspective (third person omniscient). It took several chapters to get used to this, but it was brilliant for conveying urgency and the vast experiences and perspectives in the group. There’s a large cast in this, and this style helped with that, too, once I was used to it. It helped the reader understand what prompted some students to be part of Marisa’s original group as well as understand why some of the other students either became protectors as the story went on or antagonists.

While there were a TON of things going on inside the school – and in the world around the building – regarding the protest, there were tons of “little” things going on too. Friendships and potential romances developed. Parent/child relationships evolved. Teachers made choices on where they stood on the issues. Some kids leaned into their gifts and interests while others became more informed about environmental issues. The whole thing was really woven together well.

The romantic relationships between primary characters – both same-sex – felt heavy handed at times to me. Everything else in the book moved so quickly, but in at least one relationship it felt like time slowed when one character was exploring her developing feelings. This might be because it was going to be a huge cultural issue for her, which makes sense. It just felt like it slowed the story down to me.

If you love YA stories that dig into contemporary issues like the environment; books with a large and diverse cast of characters; or stories where all the characters are stuck somewhere, forced to deal with their feelings, experiences and limitations, do not miss this one! (Language, underage drinking, LGBTQ+)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½

REVIEW: Gotham High by Melissa de la Cruz

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and DC Entertainment in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Bruce Wayne gets kicked out of his exclusive prep school for defending another student from bullies. So he ends up at Gotham High.

There he reconnects with the literal “girl next door,” Selina Kyle. Since Bruce has been away, Selina’s mom has died leaving her alone to care for her father with Alzheimer’s who needs full time care. Bruce also meets Jack Napier, Selina’s friend and sometimes hook up.

Bruce runs into Harvey Dent – right before Harvey gets kidnapped. The attack happened at school. In fact, Harvey had been trying on Bruce’s long leather coat, making Bruce wonder if he was the actual target. That would make more sense, considering his family’s money, than Harvey. The security footage has been erased, and Bruce was drugged. He can’t remember anything that happened.

While Bruce tries to figure out what happened to Harvey, Selina continues to string both Bruce and Jack along for fun. A distraction from the weight of her life outside of school. When Harvey is returned, but Selina is kidnapped from Bruce’s house during a party, Bruce won’t stop until he finds her and the people responsible.


There are some fascinating twists to the well-known Batman/Bruce Wayne stories here. Alfred is Bruce’s uncle rather than the family butler. He lives in Hong Kong with his husband, but comes to Gotham when Bruce gets kicked out of school. The details of Bruce’s parents’ deaths have been changed up as well. Then there’s the fact that all of these future foes go to high school together.

The usual all-white cast is shaken up as well. Jack Napier (future Joker) is white as is Ivy. Bruce is Asian as his mom was from Hong Kong. Selina presents as Lantix. And Barbara Gordon is Black, and her mom is the principal of the school. I loved this diversity. In fact, Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) is my favorite DC character – I would love to see a story set around this African American version of the character. Maybe there will be future stories from Gotham High. For the story in this particular book, I didn’t love the characters like I did with some of the other DC graphic novels recently. I was most intrigued by Ivy, frankly, and she doesn’t get a lot of page time.

The mystery of what is going on is puzzled out over the course of the book. The reader has more information than the characters in the story, so the final wrap up isn’t a big surprise to the reader.

There’s plenty left at the end with the relationships between the characters for additional stories in the future. Fans of Bruce Wayne story lines as well as fans of the new DC Entertainment graphic novels for teens (Shadow of the Batgirl, Oracle Code, Raven, Mera: Tidebreaker, etc.) should check this one out.

DC Entertainment has graciously shared some pictures of the interior art of the book so readers can see what they will get to enjoy.

Rating: ♥♥♥

REVIEW: What I Like About Me by Jenna Guillaume

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Peachtree Publishing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Maisie and her mom are off for the winter holiday. Her dad is working instead of going to the beach. Maisie’s best friend, Anna, is coming along on the trip which is perfect timing. (She recently caught her boyfriend cheating.) Anna’s mom is going away for the holiday, so Anna was going to be alone.

Maisie is excited to be getting away, even if she does have to do a journal writing/self-discovery assignment for school over the break. The family is going where they always go for vacation. Which means Sebastian will be there.

Maisie and Sebastian’s parents have been friends for ages. The two teens have grown up together. And while Sebastian has gotten hotter as the years have gone on, Maisie has only gotten more awkward. And this trip is no different. If anything, the awkward is dialing up a notch or two.

And through it all – the trip, questions about her parents’ marriage, her feelings for Seb, his new relationship, the arrival of Maisie’s “perfect” older sister and her new girlfriend, and Maisie’s entry into a beauty pageant, she’s journalling her thoughts and feelings for school. Who knows what she might discover about herself by the time the vacation is done?


This was so good! I really enjoyed Maisie’s evolution through the story. While it covers about a month of time, a LOT happens for Maisie, her family, and her friends.

The central story is really Maisie’s self-acceptance. As a plus-sized young woman, Maisie feels self-conscious. She won’t wear a swimsuit on the beach. She’s been hurt by others who have judged her by her weight – including people in her own family. And she’s developed a protective response of assuming the worst to defect against her fear of rejection. The pageant pulls all of that to the front of Maisie’s awareness and forces her to deal with some of it.

The other major piece of this is Maisie’s crush on Seb. When he starts dating someone else, Maisie pretends to herself – and to others – that she doesn’t care. She misses the signs that there might be someone interested in her because she thinks her size makes that impossible. While parts of this plot line were predictable, at least to me, I still loved watching it play out.

There’s a lot to enjoy here –  a romance, a body-positive thread, some amazing characters (Leila is my favorite), and tons of family and friendship pieces. Be sure to check it out. (Language, sexual references, underage drinking)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: How to Speak Boy by Tiana Smith


Is it weird to have a nemesis in high school?

Because Quinn Edwards does – Grayson Hawks. Handsome, smart, son of the governor. Her fiercest competitor in everything since he moved to town. Even when she beats him, he is always hot on her heels. Like with the captaincy of the speech and debate team. She couldn’t just beat him and have it all to herself. Nope, they had to be CO-captains.

Quinn’s best friend, Naomi, thinks Grayson likes Quinn. He flirts with her all the time! But Quinn thinks her friend is delusional. Even if he was flirting, Grayson is NOT to be trusted.

Assignments at their school are done by student ID numbers instead of name. So when Quinn gets someone else’s AP Government assignment, she starts exchanging notes with that person. All business at first, then turning playful. It’s thrilling to have this honest little relationship with a stranger – to say things she would never say to anyone else.

As Quinn struggles in some of her classes and bombs her first speech meet, her notes with #15211 have become a highlight of her day. Should they share who they are? Or is it better to leave things secret for now?


This was darling! It’s You’ve Got Mail set in a high school around speech and debate team. I loved it! The chemistry between Quinn and Grayson jumps off the page. Even when she thinks she hates him, their banter and bickering shows there’s potential for something more.

I loved how the notes played out. At first, Quinn just enjoys them, but eventually she combs through them looking for hints. I loved watching the story unfold, watching her try to figure out who the hints lined up to.

Through the ups and downs, the warm moments and the trials, I adored Quinn and Grayson, both individually and together. They are my favorite sort of YA pair – smart, endearing, and kids you are always rooting for. Don’t miss this one!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: What I Carry by Jennifer Longo


Muiriel is 17. One more year and she ages out of the foster care system. She’s learned to pack light – to LIVE light – with the goal of getting to 18, beating the odds, and living healthy and free on her own.

Her social worker begs her to settle in for this final year of high school. Her eyes are on college for Muiriel, and she knows a strong senior year is important. Joellen has always been there for her, and her request seems simple enough for Muir to agree.

Muir’s new home across the Sound from Seattle seems too perfect. Too many signs of the few things she anchors her life to – her namesake John Muir, the wilderness, and independence. But it’s also all wrong. She’s the only placement in the house, so she can’t hide in the chaos of other kids. Her foster mom, Francine, lives on five acres of land out in the middle of nowhere, so there’s no city noise but tons of quiet. And Joellen is a ferry-ride away, so she can’t call for a quick escape. Even if she did, there were no other placements that would take her.

But maybe this last placement will give Muir something she’s refused to let herself hope for – a sense of home.


“Not being perfect is for people who have families; you can screw up and they still keep you.”

This book was amazing! Excellent! Stupendous! I don’t know that I have an adjective for how much I loved this book. I’ve always had a soft spot for foster care stories, but this is so much more than that!

Muir is one of the best characters I’ve read in awhile. There’s a thread of her “packing light” philosophy that runs through the whole book and is brilliant. Her gradual shift from living out of her suitcase to setting things ON the dresser before putting something IN the dresser was a glorious way to SHOW how she’s feeling about her placement. The trinkets she carries from foster home to foster home illustrate her experiences and show why she has built these protective walls around herself.

The other characters are just as amazing. And there are fantastic tidbits about John Muir, as well as a sweet romance, and a skewering commentary about racism woven into this bigger story that is fantastic.

When I step back from the story I loved and think about how the author built it – her understanding of the out-of-home care system, her excellence in conveying Muir’s thoughts and feelings, the layers to the story itself and the characters – I appreciate the book even more. Do not miss this AMAZING story! (Language, off-page sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++

REVIEW: The Oracle Code by Marieke Nijkamp

[ I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and DC Entertainment in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Barbara Gordon is shot at the scene of a robbery her father was investigating, she loses a lot – the use of her legs, the presence of her best friend, and her sense of self.

After the hospital, she goes to the Arkham Center for Independence for rehab. She’s angry. Her best friend ignores her texts. She argues with her dad. This place is a reminder of all the ways her life has changed. Barbara would rather be home.

Barbara is resistant to making friends, but after a rough day she meets Jena who tells her a spooky story which helps Babs get to sleep. Slowly she warms up to some of the other kids. Jena tells her other weird stories. And she says her brother has disappeared from Arkham. The doctor says Jena’s brother died in the fire where Jena got her injuries. Barbara is not sure who to trust. Then Jena disappears.

There are enough weird things at the Center to get Barbara fired up about something again. She’s determined to find out what really happened to Jena and her brother, and solve the puzzles of the ACI. And her new friends are right by her side.


While I enjoyed this, it starts off a little on the dark, painful side with Barbara’s injury. Her anger felt honest and to be expected. And it was ever present as she tried to adjust to her temporary home and this new normal. But through the grief, her instincts, her curiosity, and her skills with mysteries and puzzles are still there. And they indicate that something at the Center is not right.

Then her determination kicks in. And I loved how she grows through the next part of the story. The trauma isn’t immediately cured. But she has a distraction – a project, a calling to focus on.

The mystery was good. One small twist or two, but nothing super unexpected. I enjoyed watching Barbara re-discover that her mind, her hands and her instincts still work fine, even if her legs do not. And she doesn’t have to face anything alone.

I’m curious to see how DC plans to put all of these new stories together. For example, this Barbara Gordon story doesn’t line up at all with the Barbara Gordon parts of Shadow of the Batgirl. Also, there’s only a hint at “Oracle” in this, which was a little disappointing to me. But if this is going to be a series, this is a great start to establishing the character.

Fans of DC characters should check this one out – and don’t miss the other DC graphic novels coming out this year. I am thrilled about the DC publishing schedule for kids and teens for 2020!

DC has graciously provided some pictures of the interior of the book – check these out:


Rating: ♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: What the Other Three Don’t Know by Spencer Hyde

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Shadow Mountain in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


It was luck of the draw that Indie ended up on the rafting trip. The senior journalism students were randomly assigned to an adventure opportunity for their “Summer Scoop” project. And at the end, they would write about one of the people they got to know on the trip.

It was the first time Indiana had left her grandfather since her mom died two years ago. On a rafting trip. On this very river. Indie would rather be at home, but it was a school assignment. And she cared about this journalism course and the instructor. And her grandfather and therapist thought the trip would do her good.

Indie knows the three other kids on the trip. Skye hasn’t been around for the last year. Indie hadn’t heard why, but the prosthetic leg is probably part of that story. Wyatt lives in a trailer near Indie’s grandfather. He’s an amazing artist – and a “prepper.” That could be a good thing on an outdoorsy trip, although from the start he seems to only care about antagonizing the others. Shelby is a social media influencer who’s unhappy to be cut off from her phone for five days.

This isn’t the trip Indie would have chosen for herself. But, as she’s learned in her grief, there’s no way out but through. She can get away from this group only by finishing this trip. So she takes her place on the river, braced for whatever will come.


Readers who enjoy outdoor adventure/survival stories will enjoy this journey with Indie and the other teens. There’s tons of rafting, camping, fishing, and climbing details for fans to enjoy. That’s really not my style, though, when it comes to stories. I chose this one more for the interpersonal journey of the four students.

Indie tells the story, and there’s a lot of her internal processing in this book. I think I might have clicked with this more if each kid told part of the adventure. But the focus of this is less on the ensemble and more on Indie and her journey as well as her history with their guide. There’s a lot here about grief and forgiveness, so Indie had to be the one to tell the story. I found there to be too much inner processing for my preference. It felt out of balance with the action and the interactions in the book.

Some of the themes in the book are: identity, secrets, grief, truth, forgiveness. And there’s plenty here for readers to dig into as each of the other three teens reveals something to the group that others don’t know. They move from rumors and assumptions about each other to being seen and known. And those pieces kept me engaged through the story.

Rating: ♥♥♥

REVIEW: The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Feiwel & Friends in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Lady Alessandra Stathos is not a young woman to be trifled with. She knows her own mind and her plans for her future. Nothing will get in her way.

The one young man who broke her heart was killed by her own hand.
Her various lovers all have secrets they wish to keep so they keep their liaisons secret as well.
And now that her older sister is betrothed, Alessandra is finally permitted to join society. And she has her eye on the biggest prize of all – the Shadow King.

She will make him fall in love with her and then marry her. And once she’s queen, she’ll kill him and take over the vast kingdom. But the first step is to get him to notice her out of a slew of young beauties vying for his attention. And the second is to keep an assassin from killing him before she can do it herself.


This was fantastic and different. I loved it! It’s a classic fantasy tale of lords and ladies and royal marriage. But the protagonist – the “hero” – is a murderess. She tells you in the first sentence of the book. She’s wicked smart, calculating, and ruthless. She will do anything to get what she wants.

The king has a ruthless streak of his own. It’s not as well explored because Alessandra tells the story, but there are some stellar moments in this where you really see that part of him. He’s a conqueror, and he will kill anyone who crosses him or fails him. These are the stars of the story! These are the potential love interests. And it’s crazy because Alessandra is so likable. The writing of these characters is brilliant to pull that off. I’ve read standard protagonists who were morally good who I didn’t like as much as I liked Alessandra.  Her relationships with her new friends at court and her no-nonsense conversations with the king were actually endearing. I loved her sass, her fashion sense, and her confidence.

There’s a touch of magic in this – enough to add an interesting layer to the king and to the story, but something simple enough not to require tons of world building. The details could be doled out over time to keep the intrigue while never mucking up the storytelling. But the magic is essential to the plot. The whole setup was brilliant.

The ending was terrific. I loved how all the pieces fit together. I would absolutely read this again! This is a stand alone story, something which can be hard to find in YA fantasy. The dedication describes this as a “Slytherin romance,” and that is the most perfect description of this I can think of. Now I need to track down the author’s other books because this was so great! (Some language, sexual references)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: Break in Case of Emergency by Brian Francis

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Inkyard Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Toby was a kid, growing up with her mom, she was fascinated hearing her mom talk about her absent father. It didn’t happen often. She showed Toby one picture of them together, and she talked about his singing. She said he was “magic.”

Toby’s mom cycled through dark moments and neutral ones. The voices would become incessant and drive her to the quiet of her locked bedroom. When Toby was 10, she came home from school and found her mother dead by suicide.

Now, at 15, Toby lives with her grandparents. Her grandparents rarely speak about Toby’s mother. And her father is a non-factor in her life. Toby fights her own darkness. She has to force herself out of bed in the morning. She’s convinced everyone will be better off when she is gone. She’s almost ready for her plan.

Then, out of the blue, her father calls. He’s going to be in the area. He wants to meet Toby.

Her grandparents don’t want him to come. Toby’s not sure she wants him to visit either. Where has he been all this time? He didn’t even come for her mom’s funeral. And when she hears more about him – that he’s gay and a drag performer – she’s even more confused than ever. Her plan is postponed for the moment – she’ll wait to check out this “father” who wants to meet her. But the darkness still stalks her.


This is heartbreaking. The early chapters were dark and sad. Toby’s depression and her struggles are so well described it was almost hard to read.

Really, the whole story has a dark edge to it, but the heart develops alongside the darker pieces, and I was captivated by the story. There’s so much pain here. Toby’s loss is tragic, and she’s never been able to talk to anyone about it. Her father never felt at home in the community. His family turned him away. Toby’s grandparents carry their own grief. The pain of it all was raw and conveyed so well.

The mental illness pieces of this are well-written. I do wish there was more therapeutic follow up for Toby. Her needs were not going to just magically clear up. But I did enjoy the ways Toby starts to grow from her experiences – the new ways she sees her mom, her dad, her friends, and her experiences.

This needs an intense trigger warning for suicide and depression. I would caution readers to be in a good, safe, and healthy emotional place before reading this one. This left me in tears multiple times. Toby’s emotional state and her suicidal plans are well described and sensitively handled. But this could be triggering for some readers. (Language, sex, LGBTQ+)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥