REVIEW: The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich by Deya Muniz


When her father dies, the only ways for Lady Camembert to inherit are for her to marry a man – something she has no interest in – or pretend to be one. So she moves away – somewhere no one will know her with only one servant – and becomes Count Camembert.

And that plan might have worked if she was content with a quiet life at home, mostly on her own. But “Count Camembert” can’t resist a party and eventually becomes friends with Princess Brie. And before long, she’s fallen in love with her. But the princess can never know the truth.


While I don’t read historicals often, when I do the idea of women fighting to keep their inheritance is a theme I gravitate toward. I love those stories. But I think I prefer them in prose over graphic novels. I found myself wanting more here.

That said, I did enjoy this graphic novel. The characters were fun and the artwork is gorgeous. I think readers will get a kick out of the cheesy references and Cam’s journey to the freedom to wholly be herself.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good +

REVIEW: The Night in Question by Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson

I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Delacorte Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. This book will release on Tuesday, May 30, 2023.]


Alice and Iris and their friends are with everyone who’s anyone at the Sadie Hawkins dance at Levy Castle. The history of the castle – including the mysterious death of movie star Mona Moody – is something Castle Cove takes very seriously. But two of Alice’s old friends, Kennedy and Park, seem more concerned with contemporary drama rather than history. They have a very public fight in the middle of the dance.

Then there’s the screaming.
The blood.
Kennedy is gravely injured. Park runs.
The students are trapped at the Castle due to a storm-caused mudslide – and the authorities struggle to get there.

It’s like one of Alice’s Agatha Christie novels! While Kennedy is soon taken to the hospital, and the students can finally leave the Castle, the questions over what really happened aren’t going away any time soon. So Alice, Iris, and their friends start investigating.


I absolutely adored The Agathas when I first read it a year ago. In fact, it was one of my top 10 most favorite reads of 2022. Halfway through the book I was begging the universe to make this a series. I was so excited when I heard there would be a sequel!

This was outstanding! The story blew me right out of the water. Alice and Iris are back, better than ever – with a real friendship with ups and downs but a core connection and loyalty that keeps them together. The mystery is layered, and each piece is solid and meaty on its own. There’s a LOT going on here – and I loved all of it! There are real stakes here, too, which added to the tension and to my enjoyment. There were several moments when I couldn’t flip the pages fast enough.

I blitzed through The Agathas in a day before I started this so I would have the characters fresh in my mind. I am glad I did so I could jump right into this new story.  Newcomers should absolutely start with book 1, if for no other reason than the ending is “spoiled” here in book 2. You’ll be happier if you read these in order. Fans of book one should snap this up immediately – it was terrific! I can’t wait to see what comes in book 3.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Teen Titans: Robin by Kami Garcia and Gabriel Picolo


Raven and Gar have broken free from HIVE and are on the run with Max and Damien. They meet up with Max’s mom to regroup – and train for whatever comes next.

Meanwhile, Dick Grayson is tracking Damien. They got off on the wrong foot when Bruce introduced them. Dick is determined to find his brother and help him.

While Damien would love to send Dick packing, the group knows they have a lot to overcome if they want to be ready for HIVE’s next move. And Dick could be an asset.


I love this series more and more with each book. I really enjoyed watching the growth of the two couples. But the relationship between Dick and Damien was my favorite part of this one. I wanted to read this again as soon as I finished. I also loved the cover tease for book five, which is a must-read for me.

DC fans, Teen Titan fans, and graphic novel fans should not miss this series. There are some dark and occultish elements in Raven’s story (her demon father, astral projection, talking to and raising the dead) that might not work for sensitive readers. But there’s nothing else in this series that has raised any red flags for me. I re-read the whole series before letting myself dive into this one, and it was so satisfying. Highly recommend!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: The Renaissance of Gwen Hathaway by Ashley Schumacher

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Madeline has grown up on the Ren Faire circuit, and she’s at her favorite Faire, Stormsworth. But all the ways it feels different, starting with (1) Mom isn’t here because she died last year, are too many to count. There are new owners, a full castle on the grounds, and there’s even a moat. And then there’s the bard – a boy her age who is entirely too perky and insists on following her and calling her Gwen.

The bard is Arthur, and his dads are the new owners of the Faire – the ones who have changed so much of what was her mother’s last and favorite Faire.

Arthur’s sunny disposition and relentless chatter, initially so off-putting, start to wear her down as she opens herself up to the Faire and a friend. But the pain of Maddie’s loss is still so sharp and ever-present, it’s left her to put up walls to keep anyone from getting too close. Because if she cares about anyone, she exposes herself to future pain and loss.


Two years ago I read a stunningly good book called Amelia Unabridged. And it set a high bar for all other books. It was my favorite of 2021. Last year I read the author’s follow up. And while the characters and writing for Full Flight were excellent once again, the plot did not work for me. I wasn’t sure what that might mean for future books – was Amelia a fluke of a perfect book for me? Or was Flight just not a story made for me? And then I read this. And it was another perfect story for me.

I happened to be reading this on the anniversary of my own mother’s death. And the author’s depiction of Maddie’s wrestling through her grief and loss – and the approaching 1st anniversary of her own loss – was spot on. I love how Maddie’s thinking and coping are portrayed here. Her whole journey was perfect.

I’d have been happy with just Maddie’s story. But Arthur is my FAVORITE sort of sidekick/romantic interest in books like this. Confident, but not perfect. Fond of grand gestures. Funny! But also insightful and observant.

There was a thread of the story that the author pulled forward at the end that was the exclamation point on the perfection of this book for me. If it hadn’t happened, I would have still loved this book. But this extra little pay off was the cherry on the sundae that was this reading experience. Exactly the finishing touch I wanted to make the reading payoff just a bit sweeter.

Schumacher has done it again for me. Her writing is consistently top notch – I highlighted multiple passages as I was reading (I will definitely be tabbing this book the next time I read it once my personal print copy gets here!). Her characters are favorites I would be friends with. There’s a great balance of humor (one scene at the end had me cackling!) and heart. Combine that with a plot that grabs my attention (grief, books, authors in Amelia; Renaissance Faire, grief, self-esteem/confidence, body positivity in this one), and it’s going to be a winner!

Do not miss this one! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: My Flawless Life by Yvonne Woon

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Katherine Tegen Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Hana Yang Lerner used to be an insider. She used to be a fixer. And she used to be best friends with Luce Herrera.

Now, an anonymous texter has offered Hana $5,000 to follow Luce and help her fix something. But Hana is not in the habit of being cajoled – or bribed – into doing anything. Still, she’s an outcast just trying to get though high school after a national scandal involving her family. That kind of money and the chance to see what her old friend is into is hard to ignore.

Against her instincts, Hana teams up with another old friend who seems to be working the same mystery from a different angle. But the things they discover continue to catch them by surprise.


Wow, this was great! The mystery is top notch, and the reader is treated to some jaw-dropping moments. I was captivated right from the start. The voice for this is engaging and the mystery kept me zipping through, page after page.

There are some time jumps that are used to explain Hana’s history as a fixer as well as the history with Luce and other ex-friends. Hana’s family story balances out the school-related mystery as Hana tries to figure out who she is in light of the family scandal.

YA readers who love a great mystery should give this a try. I loved it, and will be thinking about it, and about some of the twists, for years to come! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*


REVIEW: Stardust in Their Veins by Laura Sebastian

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Delacorte Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Beatriz, Daphne, and Sophronia – triplet princesses, born to both rule and ruin. Each left for their assigned country and prince; each expected to marry and then enact their mother’s plan. But nothing has gone as expected.

Beatriz has discovered unexpected powers while also facing betrayal. She’s sequestered in a nunnery under charges of treason.
Daphne has been the target of several assassination attempts, but not from the corners she might have expected.
And Sophronia….

The triplets have gone off course from their mother’s plan – but the Empress has been working her own scheme all along. And she’s not the only one.


AMAZING! This was fantastic! The minute I finished, I sat, stunned. What a ride.

In some ways this is the sort of mid-trilogy book that mostly serves to set up the big action of book 3. There’s not a ton of ground gained here. That being said, there were some fantastic moments and fascinating reveals. The book is completely engrossing, and I loved it! But at the same time, I feel like it mostly kept me in a holding pattern for book 3.

There’s some great character development going on in that “holding pattern,” though. We continue to learn about the triplets and their mother as well as other friends – and villains – from book 1, Castles in Their Bones. Once I finished the last page, I was ready to start over again. Sadly, I have fallen behind in my reading, so a re-read will have to wait. On the plus side, once my personal print copy arrives, (hopefully with the UK cover which matches book 1 better than the US cover), I’ll be able to book tab this like I did book 1.

This was a fun book annotation practice I tried in January. I really missed the ability to continue tabbing with my e-ARC.

Fans of book one should immediately pick up the sequel – and carve out time because you won’t want to put it down. Fans of the author’s Ash Princess series should definitely check this series out asap – I think you will love it!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ – I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: Begin Again by Emma Lord

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Andie has pulled off the impossible – a mid-year transfer to Blue Ridge State. It’s going to be perfect – she can experience all the things she has grown up hearing about. And she’s going to surprise her boyfriend, Connor, with the news that they will be at Blue Ridge State together.

Except nothing goes as planned.

Her first class is a disaster. She loses the pivotal ribbon in the scavenger hunt that was the primary reason for pushing to transfer mid-year. And then Connor announces his own surprise – he’s transferred home to go to the local community college with Andie.

As Andie tackles her first semester at Blue Ridge State, some of her expectations – for her relationship with Connor, for her quest to connect with her late mother by being at BRS, and for herself get challenged and leave her wondering what path she wants to be on after all.


I have been a huge fan of Emma Lord for awhile. When You Get the Chance, You Have a Match, and Tweet Cute are some of my favorite YA stories of recent years. This story was a bit “quieter” for me – more introspective – but also a great read.

I connected with this story in a way I haven’t with the author’s earlier books. As a student of the Enneagram, I saw a lot of Type 2 thinking and behaving in Andie. This drew me to look at the story a bit more clinically rather than being able to just fall into the story. It’s good – and spot on. Just a different reading experience for me.

This is more Andie’s story than it is a romance. Oh, the romance is there – and it’s good! But Andie’s on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery that will have to take precedence over everything else. And the journey is so well done. I loved that the Andie is in college. It’s the perfect setting for her journey. There’s tons to love – from the dorm to the relationships to Bagelopolis. It’s all lovely.

There were several laugh-out-loud moments in this – as I’ve come to expect from the author – as well as great characters, and an engaging story. Emma Lord fans should not miss this one. And if the author is new to you, go ahead and pick up her backlist, too, because you are going to want to read them all! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


Avery has not only solved several of the Hawthorne puzzles, but her one year at Hawthorne House is almost done. But before she can start thinking about her 18th birthday celebration and what she might do first after her inheritance becomes official, the whole Hawthorne world is turned upside down.

A new Hawthorne puzzle.
Dead girl look-alikes.
And a race against the clock for someone important to the family.


I know that summary is a bit thin, but I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn’t read the first two books. I know there are folks who will only read a series when the whole thing has been published so they can blitz through it from start to finish. And this is a fantastic series to do that with. I zoomed through a re-read of The Inheritance Games and The Hawthorne Legacy (♥♥♥♥♥) before I started this, and the whole series is supremely satisfying.

Having read all three recently, I have to say this book has a more serious tone than the earlier books. The stakes are higher than ever. You may need to carve out time to read this in one sitting. I didn’t want to put it down.

I was thrilled with this final installment. It delivered on almost everything I wanted – and on several things I didn’t know I needed. Like the epilogue and bonus story in my Barnes and Noble Exclusive edition!

I believe strongly that this series should be read in order. It’s the best way to work through the puzzles, mysteries, and reveals. This is a not-to-be-missed conclusion. And since this published in September, the author has revealed there will be a couple more books set in this world, so watch for those! (This book includes couples sharing bedrooms, but no specific references to sex.)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Nothing More to Tell by Karen McManus


It’s the last semester of her senior year, and Brynn is back at Saint Ambrose, the last place she expected to be. But her return could help her out of a jam.

At her last school, a malicious prank left Brynn cut from her school newspaper job and ripped away any credibility she had earned for journalism. But now she’s an intern for a true crime show, and she’s pitched them a story centered at Saint Ambrose.

Brynn’s favorite teacher was murdered on school grounds. Three students found him, including Brynn’s former best friend. But the investigation seemed flimsy, and the crime was eventually blamed on a “drifter.”

So while Brynn is back at Saint Ambrose, she’s determined to find out the truth. And if she gets some bonus points for college by sharing the story with the world, all the better.


This was twisty! From start to finish. Brilliantly plotted. The two storytellers really made this come together.

I was sure I knew what was going on at least 4 different times – but every reveal spun the story in a different direction.

When I was a teen, I voraciously read books by Lois Duncan. And the whole time I was reading this, I kept thinking about Duncan’s books and what I loved about them. Teen me would have been a HUGE Karen McManus fan. I loved this book and the sense that I was tailing a young sleuth looking for the truth while I read.

Fans of McManus’s previous work – One of Us is Lying, Two Can Keep a Secret, etc. – should absolutely pick this up. If you enjoy a tightly plotted mystery with teen protagonists, you will love this! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Enola Holmes and the Elegant Escapade by Nancy Springer

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. This book is scheduled to release on September 6th.]


Enola’s friend, Lady Cecily Alastair, had been through a lot in their short acquaintance, and the pair had quickly become best friends. Enola was the one who had figured out that Cecily had two distinct personalities – one confident and clever, the other meek and helpless.

When Enola goes to visit her friend and is turned away at the door, she is concerned. Turns out, Cecily’s father has been holding her captive, locked in her room with no clothes other than what she is wearing and no food. Enola is able to rescue Cecily, but the girl soon goes missing  before Enola can find her a safe haven.

Almost immediately, Sherlock is on the case at the behest of Cecily’s mother who is also locked away, although with a bit more support than Cecily had. Enola is only too aware of the trouble Cecily can walk into, out in the world, alone, especially if her more helpless personality takes hold. So Enola needs to find and rescue her friend while dodging her brother, the famous detective. Well, it’s not like she hasn’t done that before!


This was great! I enjoyed the mystery and loved Cecily and the other characters who help Enola with this case. The dual personality portion of the story was well done. (Earlier books in this series establish Cecily and Enola’s relationship and some of these factors. While I have read the earlier books, it’s been AGES, but I had no difficulty following this story without a review of the earlier tales.)

The relationship between Enola and Sherlock is as delightful as ever. I didn’t notice the Netflix tie-ins as much as I did reading the last book, Enola Holmes and Black Barouche, but it’s been awhile since I watched the movie. It’s not as fresh in my mind as it was when I read the previous book.

Mystery fans, Enola fans, and even Sherlock fans should definitely give this a try. I think fans of historical mysteries and historical fiction in general might enjoy this as well. There’s a lot to love! You can read more about Enola’s books here.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great. Might re-read.