REVIEW: How to Date a Superhero (And Not Die Trying) by Cristina Fernandez

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Katherine Tegen Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Astrid is master of schedules. She’s turned it into almost an art form – timed out to the minute, color coded. The whole deal. Unfortunately, real life is rarely as precise. For example, there was the night the dining hall closed early because of some superhero shenanigans right when she was supposed to be getting dinner with her roommate David and her boyfriend Max. It completely threw off her schedule!

Astrid has known Max since high school where he was awkward and accident prone. But none of the time she has known him has she suspected Max was a superhero. Not until his nemesis tries to kidnap her.

Astrid adores Max, but is she really cut out for a life of dating a superhero?


This was fun. It’s got an interesting structure as the chapters jump back and forth through time so we can see the contemporary relationship between Astrid and Max and then see how it started.

I enjoyed the world-building here with both the superhero characters and the support systems they have in place for the romantic partners of superheroes. I also enjoyed Astrid and Max together – they are sweet and adorable. And the tension is real when Astrid’s life is in danger.

There’s a side story with a strong sense of foreshadowing. You know it’s going to eventually be a thing. You just have to wait it out. I actually wanted this to be a bigger thing across the story. The payoff was great in the end, but when I read a book, I’m always more satisfied if there’s a big challenge – a mystery to solve, an enemy to beat, etc.. This eventually delivers that, but the bulk of the story is focused on Astrid as she tries to hang onto Max – and herself – while the hero/villain world tries to tear everything apart.

This is a fun story, and I would encourage readers who love romance with a side of superheroes and fantasy to give this a go! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: Long Story Short by Serena Kaylor

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Beatrice has been in a holding pattern for the last 2 years after finishing high school at the age of 14. Her preference for her own company and her age left her parents feeling like college was an off-in-the-future eventuality. But her acceptance to Oxford changes everything.

But the only way they are willing to consider sending her to Oxford at 16 is if she can learn some interpersonal skills. So they send her to a summer Shakespeare camp with a “Teenager Experience Experiment” bucket list – make a friend, play a prank, take a dare, etc.. Beatrice doesn’t want anything as much as she wants Oxford. But 4 weeks at Shakespeare camp might be a step too far for her.


This was an absolute delight! The author does a magnificent job with Beatrice – she’s awkward and endearing, someone I was pulling for from the beginning. I loved the whole camp experience with Mia and Nolan. Bea’s experience felt honest and reasonable – some false starts, some ups and downs, and also some great progress. And Bea’s parents don’t come off as evil or unreasonable in their quest for Bea to try some new things and learn about herself and others. I absolutely felt like they were doing this out of love with a lot of hope that she will triumph.

I have no complaints – this was fantastic! I would absolutely read this again. Do not miss this one! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: The Charmed List by Julie Abe

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Ellie Kobata loves her little magical community – the shops, the spells. Everything but her ex-best friend Jack and his grouch of a father. In fact, it’s a prank on Jack that goes so wrong it might cost Ellie her current best friend, her parents’ trust, and her magic. It was an item on Ellie’s “Anti-wallflower” to do list – a list of tasks she wanted to do to come out of her shell. But “Get revenge on Jack Yasuda” went all wrong.

As penance, she has to take a business road trip – the trip she was supposed to take with Lia before everything fell apart – with Jack. How can she endure hour after hour in close quarters with the best friend who abandoned her years ago?


This was an unexpected delight. I wasn’t sure about this at first. It took me a bit to get into the flow of the magical world. And Ellie and Jack were hard to like early on with all of the mysterious hostility. I’m still not 100% sure Jack’s explanation was sufficient. But the two of them are delightful together once they set their feud aside.

By the end I was deeply attached to this magical world. I loved the village and the cottage and the convention – brilliant! The supporting cast is lovely; they were a great anchor for me to keep reading when Ellie and Jack were at odds.

The bucket list plot has been done often, and I generally enjoy the stories. I enjoyed how the list comes into play here. It’s a constant thread in the book, but not a driving one. It’s part of Ellie’s journey to define herself and take up space in the world and that whole journey was enjoyable.

Readers who enjoy enemies-to-lovers should definitely check this out, especially of you like stories with an extra layer of magic.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: Lia and Beckett’s Abracadabra by Amy Noelle Parks

[I received a free, electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Amulet Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The Montgomerys and the Blackwells have been rivals since Lia’s grandmother, Matilda, and Beckett’s grandfather, Henry, divorced. The two families can hardly stand to be in a room together. And Lia knows Blackwell boys are troublesome – and forbidden.

But when she first meets Beckett, she thinks he’s just a cute guy who loves math like she does. But when she’s called in for the contest her grandmother has devised, she discovers Beckett is definitely a Blackwell.

With her grandmother’s Starlight Theater in Mirror Lake at stake – as well as her honor as a magician and a Montgomery – Lia is determined to win the contest. If she can take down some Blackwells and the unscrupulous good-old-boy network in Mirror Lake at the same time, all the better.


Outstanding! This was a delight from start to finish. I loved everything here – Lia and her family, the Blackwell boys (There’s a Hawthorne brothers/Inheritance Games feel to the interactions here that I adored), and the entire journey. Even the magic was fascinating – which can be hard to pull off in writing. When I finished reading, I was desperate to HOLD this book in my hands and tell everyone how good it was. When I finally see this in a store, I will absolutely hug it.

This is the perfect sort of story for me – great chemistry in the characters, supportive family members, a quest that goes beyond the central characters, a plucky heroine with plenty of sass… Wow, I loved all of this!

This is a not-to-be-missed book. Grab a copy for yourself and settle in for laughs and heart eyes and a few “they must pay” moments wrapped in a fantastic, magical story. You can read my review of another great Amy Noelle Parks book here.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++*

♥♥♥♥♥+++ = Best of the best!

REVIEW: Happily Ever Island by Crystal Cestari

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Disney-Hyperion in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Happily Ever Island is Disney’s newest themed resort. It allows guests to live as their favorite character for awhile – costumes, music, housing, everything. And Madison just won a trip for two to be among the first to experience the island.

While Madison’s peers all seem focused on futures and careers, Madison still has no clue what she wants to study at school or do for a job. But she knows EVERYTHING about Disney.

Since her girlfriend broke up with her just before Madison gets the good news, she needs a new plus 1 for her trip. And her best friend Lanie is the perfect choice.

Lanie is Madison’s opposite in a lot of ways – grounded, focused, driven. It feels like she’s been on the fast track for med school her whole life. But suddenly she’s having doubts about all of those plans. So, even though she knows almost nothing about Disney, Lanie agrees to go on the trip.

But their magical vacation challenges each of the young women to re-examine their lives – and dishes up surprises that could change their trajectories completely.


How fun! This is a great friendship/coming of age story with a strong side of romance in a clever setting. I really enjoyed this! Both Madison and Lanie were characters I would hang out with. And both are struggling with questions about the future. This is a great topic for the intended young adult audience. And I love how the characters are coming at the same issue from different angles.

There’s a LOT here for readers to enjoy. For Disney and theme park fans there’s this creative setting and lots of classic Disney moments. For romance fans, both main characters meet someone special. Then there’s the friendship struggles and growth alongside the coming-of-age pieces. And I enjoyed all of it! This is a creative and clever story – don’t miss this one!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: The Agathas by Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Delacorte Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Last summer, Alice returned from Egypt to news that her best friend, Brooke, and her boyfriend, Steve, had “fallen in love” while Alice was out of the country. In her rage and heartbreak, Alice decides to pull an Agatha Christie and disappear. When she returns, her whole town has turned against her for the stunt. She ends up on house arrest.

Back at school in October, Alice is a social outcast. No one will have anything to do with her – except Iris, the tutor Alice’s parents have hired to help her catch up at school. But Iris is only doing it for the money.

But when Brooke goes missing after a Halloween party, and Iris and Alice are among the last people to have seen her before she disappeared,  they team up to look for clues, asking “What would Agatha Christie do?”


This was exceptionally good – a perfect read for me! I loved Alice and Iris. Their individual journeys were engaging and dovetailed nicely with the mystery. I cared about the girls and loved seeing them start to lean on each other. The rest of the crew that helps with the case was great too – I’d love to see more of them.

The mystery is excellent! The pacing was perfect. There were no slow spots and plenty of twists. I loved it! This will be one of my favorite books of 2022.

By the end, I was thinking, “Please be a series. Please be a series.” There are a couple other events the characters could dig into, so I have my fingers crossed. Amazon has the Kindle version listed as book 1, so here’s hoping. I am here for anything these creators want to put out starring these characters.

Mystery fans should run right out and pick this one up. It’s outstanding! (Language, references to sex and domestic violence)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++*

♥♥♥♥♥+++ = Best of the best

REVIEW: Harley Quinn: Reckoning by Rachael Allen

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Random House Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Between Harley’s own experiences of abuse and misogyny and what happens to her friend, Bernice, at a frat party, Harley’s decided she’s not going to take it any more.

Her retaliation against Bernice’s attacker catches some attention, and other girls come forward wanting to punish some of the more egregious examples of sexism and abuse on campus. Together they become The Reckoning.

But when members of The Reckoning are targeted, including Bernice, who has become something more than just a friend, Harley is desperate to find out what is happening to the people who have become like family to her and protect them.


Harley is not a character in the DC Universe I’ve read a lot about. I have mostly a passing familiarity with her. But I have enjoyed this DC Icons series for years, so of course I picked up the latest addition.

The author does an amazing job with teasing out Harley’s darkness while still keeping her endearing. You are rooting for her – to triumph over her family and living situation, to get to pursue her dreams. But at the same time you cringe at revenge (real or imagined) taken too far. I found myself torn between the visceral desire to see the misogynists and abusers brought low and the line between right and wrong in the eyes of the law. There’s a lot said here about what it’s like for women in STEM for readers to consider as well.

All of the things I know about Harley from previous encounters – her brilliance, her fascination with the Joker, her own penchant for violence, her sexuality, her interest in psychology – are all tucked into this story. Again, the author does this in such a natural way while still telling her own story. It’s really well done. My only complaint is that I feel the timeline could have been more clear. The book starts in one place, then jumps back in time, and then jumps a couple more times. Hopefully this will be more clear in the final published version of the story.

I didn’t realize until the end that this is launching a trilogy of books. I have my fingers crossed about the next subject after a teaser in the book. I’m not sure if “trilogy” means they will all focus on Harley, or if it is more of a Sirens trilogy – but I’m here for it no matter what. HQ fans and DC fans should be sure to pick this one up. (Some language, reference to sexual assault/child abuse and neglect/emotional abuse, grief and loss)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: Queen of the Tiles by Hanna Alkaf

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


It’s been one year since Najwa’s best friend, Trina, died at a Scrabble tournament. Trina was the undisputed Queen of the Tiles. Najwa’s been avoiding tournaments and gatherings over the last year. But she couldn’t miss this year’s tournament – on the anniversary of this loss that has consumed her for a year.

But as the tournament kicks off, things get weird, starting with an Instagram post – from Trina.

Dead girls don’t post social media updates, right?



This is a good suspense novel, but the Scrabble angle didn’t click for me. I struggled to find a character I liked. And the ending didn’t feel satisfying.

I think “word nerds” and Scrabble fans will find more here to enjoy than I did. It’s a suspenseful story that can keep readers engaged until the end. Even with all that didn’t click for me, it definitely kept me turning pages!

Rating: ♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥ – Solid, fine

REVIEW: This May End Badly by Samantha Markum

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Doe finds out her beloved Weston girls school is merging with their rival, Winfield boys school, after her senior year, she’s devastated. She’s convinced that when the school goes co-ed, the girls will lose far more than they gain. Doe is certain this is the worst idea ever, and she’s determined to do her part to see the merger fall through.

But Doe’s rivalry goes beyond the rival schools. She also has a personal rival at Winfield – Nathaniel Wellborn the Third. So, to escalate her feud with Three, she agrees to fake date his cousin. But Wells wants something from their arrangement besides watching his cousin go ballistic. So, they’ll fake date until Doe helps Wells get a family heirloom back from Three. It will just require some secrets and maybe some small, harmless lies.

But Doe’s lies start to compound until she’s at risk of losing everything at Weston that matters to her.


Wow, this was great! There are a ton of laugh-out-loud moments, which I loved. But there are also some serious ones, too. Doe starts falling apart and alienating everyone who loves her. And it’s painful to watch. But when she has a cause outside herself to fight for, she is a force to be reckoned with. And I was cheering all the way to the end.

I loved the cast in this. Even the antagonistic characters have moments to shine. I might have liked a few more pages dedicated to the fall out at the end, but that would have made the story more about what happens at the end. And this is really about Doe – about her figuring out who she wants to be, about her learning to channel her anger, and about her relationships with all of the important people in her life.

Fans of coming-of-age stories with fantastic characters should not miss this. Come for the romance, humor, and prank war. Stay for a Moxie-ish “we’re not going to take it any more” climax that is a home run. (Language, TW: Sexual harassment/predator)


*♥♥♥♥ – Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: Star Wars: A Queen’s Hope by E. K. Johnston

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Disney Lucasfilm Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The Clone War is heating up. And that means even though Anakin and Padmé are married now, they each have a job to do. Yes, it means secrets – from their closest friends and at times from each other. But they can keep their love and their duty separate.

Padmé’s handmaidens have duty as well. Sabé is on Tatooine hoping to make headway on her mission when Padmé calls her into service. Sabé will pretend to be the Senator while Padmé goes off on a crucial mission for the war. A lot has changed since they last used this trick – can they really pull it off again?


I have so enjoyed the characters in this series. It’s been great to get more about Padmé, but it’s the handmaidens that I have found fascinating. And I love how the author has let them evolve over time, especially as Padmé’s role has changed.

There are a few fantastic “interludes” through the book that focus on a female character in the larger story. Each passage begins with the character unnamed, and we only get her name at the end. They are all cleverly written and left me wanting more.

While I enjoyed those things, I felt like there wasn’t one driving storyline here. Instead, this seems to be filling in around Star Wars events we know from the movies and shows. We know about Geonosis, we know about Palpatine’s secret agenda, we know about clone troops, and we know about the wedding. So the author takes those things – and some others – and then lets us experience them from other perspectives, like those of the handmaidens.

For a plot-driven reader, this can be less than satisfying. Any danger situation is over fairly quickly, and the stakes are low because we know the main characters exist past this book. But character-driven readers will find a LOT here to enjoy. How does Padmé’s secret relationship change how she relates to her friends and her job? When people find out about her marriage, what changes?

Series fans should definitely pick this up. Newcomers should probably start with the earlier books to get to know the handmaidens in order to enjoy this one to its fullest.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good +