REVIEW: Counting Down with You by Tashi Bhuiyan

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Inkyard Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Karina’s parents are traveling for a month to Bangladesh to visit family, leaving her and her younger brother with their grandmother. And it’s just the break Karina needs. She never realized the anxiety she carries every day until she mentioned to her parents she might not want to go to medical school. She never even mentioned what she might study instead – English – before they completely freaked out. Their rules are plentiful and strict and not open for discussion.

Karina’s English teacher is her favorite, of course. So when she asks Karina to tutor another student, she agrees in order to not disappoint the woman. But she had no idea the student was Alistair Clyde. Ace is an enigma around school. His family is super rich, and his brother is super popular as well as being president of the student body. Ace on the other hand skips class and seems like a bad boy and a loner. Getting him to actually do any work in their tutoring sessions will take a miracle.

Karina has barely gotten Ace to engage in their study sessions when he announces to his family that they are dating. He doesn’t want anyone to know he needs a tutor. But if Karina’s parents find out she is spending any time with a boy, much less a white boy, they will explode. She will lose even the barest bit of freedom she currently has. She should just say no and make Ace deal with his family honestly. But she’s seen the dynamic with his dad and his brother. And she has a bit of understanding of what it’s like in a complicated family. So Karina agrees to go along with things until her parents get back. But as she counts down the days until their return, her heart doesn’t seem to remember that this is all supposed to be pretend.


This. Was. FANTASTIC! Wow! I didn’t expect to be captivated by this so quickly. But the characters are phenomenal! One minute I wanted to hug all of them, but the next I wanted to just stand back and admire the heart and the strength and the fierceness of them.

The book ran me through the full range of emotions. There were tons of laugh-out-loud moments, but there were also tearful ones. And there was one piece that made me want to stand up and cheer. I am so in awe of this story. The minute I finished, I wanted to pick it up and start all over.

Karina and Ace are magical together. I can’t get enough of them. There are some tough family moments here – hurtful, devastating conversations. But as painful as those moments are – for Karina and for Ace – they also shine a spotlight on the inner strength of these teens. There’s a LOT to discuss here. This would be excellent for a book club or a discussion group.

Do not miss this story! (Language, TW: panic attacks, parental shaming)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++*

*♥♥♥♥♥+++ = Best of the best!

REVIEW: 10 Truths and a Dare by Ashley Elston

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Disney/Hyperion in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. This book will release next week on May 4th.]


Olivia and her cousins are a week away from graduating when she finds out she is short half a credit of PE. She did an outside course – golf – but didn’t finish all the hours needed. She’s supposed to be salutatorian, but now she might not even graduate.

Olivia has one shot to fix things, but it’s going to be complicated. She has to spend the week working on a golf tournament for the coach to make up her hours. But she’s supposed to be going to a bunch of graduation parties all week – and she doesn’t want anyone to find out about this hiccup in her situation. Her parents are away for the week due to work, but Olivia’s mom is obsessively tracking her phone while they are gone.

So Sophie, Charlie, and Wes agree to swap phones with Olivia and hit the parties so her parents don’t find out about her screw up. But their always-present, over-involved, tightly-knit family will be hard to dodge.


I absolutely adored the first book about the Messina family, 10 Blind Dates, when I read it in 2019. In fact, it was number three in my list of favorite reads of the year – 3 out of 400 is a big deal! I was thrilled at the news that there would be a sequel!

This was far more stressful than the first book. In 10 Blind Dates, Sophie’s family is “helping” her over a break up in a bizarre way. Olivia’s situation has far more serious stakes, which changes the tone of the book. There are still funny moments, but this is not the laugh-riot that Dates is for me.

The characters are my favorite part of this series. The core four are back, and it’s delightful to spend time with them again. There’s less time spent with the larger family group in this one. But Uncle Michael was solidified as my favorite extended family member thanks to this book. (Don’t get me started on Olivia’s mom and her tracking app, though. Yikes!) I would love to see Charlie get a book to round out the series. I will jump at any chance to spend more time with these characters in the future.

Newcomers should be able to follow this story without difficulty even if they haven’t read 10 Blind Dates. But trust me – you will absolutely want to pick that one up asap! (Some language, LGBTQ+)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: The Spy Who Raised Me by Ted Anderson

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Lerner Publishing Group in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Josie Black thought she was just a normal kid… with some quirks. When she travels internationally with her mom for her job, the jet lag really hits her hard, leaving her exhausted when she gets home. And sometimes she loses track of hours in her day. But otherwise normal. Right?

In reality, Josie’s mom is a spy. And she’s trained Josie to be a spy too. With special verbal commands, Josie goes from average teen to complete bad***. But Josie is done being under her mom’s mind control. She’s going to uncover all her mom’s secrets so she can finally be free.


This is a fun graphic novel adventure/suspense story. I enjoyed the surprises along the way. Josie has her ride-or-die best friend to back her up when she discovers the weird truths about her life. The ending leaves room for a potential sequel.

The art style didn’t work for me in this graphic novel. First, it’s just not my preference. But there were also places in the action where I didn’t think things were conveyed as clearly as they could have been through the art. The story is good for the most part, and the art supports it fine. But I feel like the illustrations could have been stronger.

Fans of spy stories and action/adventure comics should check this one out and see what they think.

Rating: ♥♥♥*


REVIEW: Pride and Premeditation by Tirzah Price

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and HarperTeen in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Lizzie Bennet longs to become a barrister and study the law and argue cases. But as a young woman – with a mother who thinks only of seeing her daughters married – that is never going to happen. But she holds out hope that her father will hire her to be a solicitor and investigator. He’ll have to be convinced, though, so Lizzie decides she will solve (another) case to prove her ability.

There’s been a murder and an arrest. Mr. Bingley is accused of killing his brother-in-law. Lizzie hopes to convince him to hire her father’s firm to represent him. (They could use the business!) And Bingley is impressed by Lizzie. But he already has help from his good friend, Mr. Darcy. Darcy is arrogant, condescending, and dismissive of Lizzie from the start.

Darcy’s plan seems to be to present Bingley as “too good” of a person to be a murderer. But Lizzie knows the only way to truly protect Bingley is to find the real killer. And she feels she is just the person to do that.



I have to confess: I’ve never read – or watched – Pride and Prejudice. I’ve never been able to make myself care enough to push through the reading. I love the Sense and Sensibility movie, but I could not get into that book, either. Austen just doesn’t click for me. But I do enjoy retellings in general, as well as mysteries, so I decided to give this a try. And I thoroughly enjoyed it!

There are TONS of nods to the original plot (which I read online) with regard to the characters and relationships, but also lots of twists to keep fans engaged. But you don’t have to have read Pride and Prejudice to enjoy this. The author takes some liberties with the timeline (which she explains in an engaging author’s note), but it didn’t bother me in the least. I am not a purist about such things.

The mystery was fantastically twisty. I figured out part but not all of it before the end, which I enjoyed. I like both solving the puzzles and being surprised by them. And I can’t wait to read more mysteries in this series. Book 2 – Sense and Second-Degree Murder – will release in 2022 and book 3 – Manslaughter Park – will release in 2023. Mystery fans and Austen fans should be sure to pick this one up asap!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: The Flipside of Perfect by Liz Reinhardt

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Inkyard Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Della heads home to Michigan after her summer with her dad and older siblings in Florida, she feels torn. It was a hard summer after the death of Nan Sunny. And now Dell is about to start high school alone, with her older siblings in Florida and her younger sisters still at Trinity. But Dell’s mother misunderstands the struggle and suggests she stop going to Florida. So Dell decides she just has to be extra awesome at compartmentalizing her life. In Michigan, she’s AJ, the uber-responsible daughter, perfect sister, and top notch student leader. In the summers, she can relax and be Della, the baby of the family who is free to cut loose.

Three years later, AJ has become a pro at her double life. But she doesn’t love how it feels. As she approaches her senior year of high school, the pressure is mounting. Her parents in Michigan are pushing internships and extracurriculars that threaten her time in Florida. Her father’s business in Florida is struggling, and Della keeps butting heads with his teen employee. But as life starts to crumble for one of Della’s younger sisters and she is sent to Florida, Della’s two worlds are about to collide.


This had a slow, slow start for me. It made the book feel twice as long as it really was. I was maybe 1/3 or more into it before things started to click. I needed AJ to get to a place where she was honestly appraising her dual life – and the reasons for it – while also digging into what it was costing her. Once that happened, I was hooked. And once her younger sister arrived in Florida and pushed AJ’s self-evaluation that much deeper, I couldn’t put the book down.

I’m so glad I didn’t give up on this early on. I ended up adoring this book. The characters are a delight – even the one who annoyed me early on. There are fantastic messages woven in about emotional health and maturity, communication, therapy, and identity. The core pieces about family and siblings are lovely. Really, there are almost too many terrific pieces to list them all – romance, humor, self-discovery. So satisfying in the end.

Pick this one up! If it feels slow at first, stick with it. This was so good, I would read it again! (Language, LGBTQ+, sexual references, underage drinking, teen pregnancy)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: The Cost of Knowing by Brittney Morris

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Simon and Schuster in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Alex can see the future when he touches an object. The longer he holds it, the farther forward he can see. He’s learned to shut most of his visions down immediately. (He really doesn’t need to see himself pick up a napkin in his mind and throw it away just before he throws it away in real life.) He’s also learned that he tends to cause more trouble when he tries to fix things or stop things from happening. The thing he tries to fix always happens anyway.

The visions started at the hospital after Alex’s parents died. They are a constant companion, and a constant burden. The anxiety he lives with, braced for the incoming images all the time, is devastating.

But then he has the vision about his younger brother, Isaiah.


Wow. Reading this book over several hours one evening felt like I took a journey. For a long time, the journey was full of anxiety and fear. Then, Alex was able to share his burden with one person. And sharing the load and being seen and understood lessened the weight of it for Alex – and for me. But it was still heavy.

But there was a moment, in the pain and strain of Alex’s journey, where it all clicked. The whole journey, all of time and space of this story came together. It was like someone flipped a switch. Suddenly, I “got” it at a whole new level. I understood the author’s message and her point in a way I just didn’t get until that precise moment. And it is something that has stuck with me since I finished the book. (Be sure to read the author’s note/acknowledgements, too. It’s the perfect closing after finishing the story. You can also read my review of the author’s book. Slay, here. I loved it!)

This was a hard story to love early on. While I adored Alex and Isaiah from the start, and I was engaged with their story, the angst and anxiety and burden of Alex’s visions are tremendous. But there’s a reason, a purpose to it that is not to be missed. The book touches on many issues – racism, gun violence, grief and loss, slavery – but in a way that felt new and fresh for me. And I think the story will stick with readers in ways a more straightforward story might have missed. I highly recommend this one. It would be a fascinating book to discuss with other readers! This book releases NEXT WEEK, April 6th. (Language, TW: anxiety, racism, grief and loss, gun violence)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Fat Chance, Charlie Vega by Crystal Maldonado


Sometimes, Charlie wishes she was more like her best friend, Amelia. She’s stylish, athletic, and popular. Even Charlie’s mom acts like she’d rather have Amelia as her daughter. And Charlie’s crush, Cal, can’t get enough of Amelia, even though she shuts him down, hard, all the time.

Not only does Charlie’s mom seem to like Amelia better, but she’s always on Charlie about her weight.  She gave her an activity tracker so she can track Charlie’s steps. She sells meal replacement shakes online and pushes Charlie about using them. When Charlie’s dad died and her mom focused her grief on losing weight, the dynamic between them shifted dramatically. Charlie chose self-acceptance instead of obsessing about weight, or at least she is trying to.

As Charlie negotiates her junior year, her worsening relationship with her mom, and her first boyfriend, things come to a head that leaves her on shaky ground.


I adored this! It’s absolutely perfect – painful at times, sure, but so enjoyable overall. I loved Charlie! She, Amelia, and Brian made such a fantastic core group of characters. I would have loved a few more chapters with the characters at the end.

The writing and the story and the characters perfectly capture first love – and its sometimes all-consuming nature. The dynamic between Charlie and her mom also felt very real. I liked that, while progress was made, there were no instant solutions or easy answers to their issues (although, honest communication helped).

This is Charlie’s story of self-kindness, self-acceptance, and self-celebration. It’s a story *every* reader could enjoy and learn from. There were several moments where I wanted to mark the page or underline the writing – perfect little nuggets  I wanted to savor. This would make an excellent choice for a book group or discussion group. Don’t miss this one! (Language, LGBTQ+, TW: fat shaming)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Five Ways to Fall Out of Love by Emily Martin

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Inkyard Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Webster stood Aubrey up for Homecoming, she was devastated. And the awful things he said to her that night only added to her hurt and confusion. It ruined their friendship much less any chance at it becoming something more.

Between Webster and the disaster that is her parents’ marriage, Aubrey has become pretty cynical when it comes to love. Even when she starts dating Webster’s cousin, Holland, she is always bracing for something to go wrong.

When Aubrey puts all of her energy into examining the ways love could go wrong – both in her life and in the relationships around her, it’s a way to try to manage her fears. But it’s also a great way to make sure everything that matters most to her blows up in her face.


This was a hard story to enjoy. It’s well-written, with engaging characters. But it’s also painful. Aubrey is so young to be so cynical. Her fear and self-protectiveness are understandable, but they are also sad. And they make her a hard character to like. (Webster is hard to like, too.)

I appreciated Aubrey’s journey and the transparency of the novel. Readers may find their own stories and relationships and feelings reflected in Aubrey’s experience. And her story is a great sales pitch for the value of honest communication.

Readers looking for a serious story about romantic relationships in high school, especially seniors considering the next steps of college and career, should pick this one up. (Language, sex, LGBTQ+, drinking)

Rating: ♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥ = Solid/fine/good

REVIEW: Perfect on Paper by Sophie Gonzales

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Darcy Phillips has a secret identity. She’s the one who doles out relationship advice through locker eighty-nine. And she has gone unnoticed for a couple years now. Until Alexander Brougham discovers her secret. In exchange for keeping quiet, Alexander wants Darcy to help him get his ex-girlfriend back.

As Darcy works to get past Alexander’s arrogant attitude to help him out, she’s also working on her own relationship issues. Her crush on her best friend, Brooke, has been going on awhile, but she can’t tell if Brooke might be interested, too. They are both in the Queer and Questioning Club at school. Brooke identifies as lesbian while Darcy identifies as bisexual. So, the potential is there. In fact, Darcy has already used her secret power of locker eighty-nine to keep Brooke from pursuing another relationship. Darcy just needs to figure out how to approach the subject.

But if Alexander spills the secret of locker eighty-nine and Brooke finds out it’s Darcy giving advice, Darcy’s entire world could blow up in her face.


I enjoyed this new story from the author of Only Mostly Devastated (♥♥♥♥½). I liked Darcy and the thoughtful relationship advice she gives. The story was stressful, though. The reader knows almost from the start that there are secrets and lies to be revealed. I felt braced through so much of the book, waiting for everything to fall apart.

My favorite parts were the pieces around the Q&Q Club and Alexander dealing with his parents. Darcy has an interaction with the club about being bisexual and wondering if she’s “queer enough” if she’s in a relationship with a guy that alone was worth the reading experience. I thought it was so well done – this piece would make this a great book for discussion in a book group or classroom conversation, or in a real life queer club discussion. This piece of the book is something I have continued to think about since I first read it.

I also appreciated Darcy’s insightfulness – and the novel’s when Darcy missed things – about Alexander’s parents and the impact of their relationship on him. There are some beautiful moments at the end where Alexander gets some of his emotional needs met that I loved. Readers in the market for a teen romance that centers queer characters and queer voices should be sure to pick this one up. (Language, LGBTQ+, drug/alcohol use)

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: Nubia: Real One by L. L McKinney

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and DC Entertainment in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


You might think a second person with the powers of Wonder Woman would be welcome. But when she has brown skin like Nubia, it’s… complicated. For example, Nubia stops an armed robbery, but the victim assumes she is one of the culprits. She’s even cuffed and questioned by the police.

Nubia’s moms want her to lay low and stay out of the limelight. When her powers were discovered before, they always had to move to a new community. Nubia doesn’t want to leave her friends and a place where she is starting to feel she belongs. So she promises to keep her head down and stay out of things. But when trouble comes close to the people Nubia loves, she’ll have to decide what she is willing to risk to keep them safe.


I was unfamiliar with the story of Nubia from DC comics history. This story is an amended take on the version where Nubia is Wonder Woman’s twin sister. (Yes, there’s an explanation here for the age difference.)

The Wonder Woman pieces of this are small. The larger focus is on Nubia and her peer group (friends, potential love interest), which I liked. Nubia’s friends are her world (in a good way), and they are the ones she wants to defend using her powers.

The conflict with Nubia’s moms is to be expected. They are torn between protecting her and giving her space to become the adult she is going to be. And there are also more stereotypical parent/teen conflicts they are working through as well.

My favorite parts were the places where Nubia’s journey intersects with contemporary issues – racism, sexism, sexual assault, police brutality, gun violence, etc. These very present, very real issues are placed up against Nubia’s supernatural gifts in a way I really enjoyed. (The publisher has included a content warning on the copyright page as well as reader resources in the back matter.)

Superhero fans, especially those looking for racially diverse and relevant characters and stories, should not miss this one! (Language, LGBTQ+, TW: racism, sexism, sexual assault, gun violence, school shooter)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.