REVIEW: Spider-Man: Animals Assemble! by Mike Maihack


When Spider-Man hears there’s a supervillain in Central Park, he’s eager to get in on the action. But one by one, the Avengers show up, asking him to pet sit for them so THEY can go to Central Park to fight the villain.


Mike Maihack’s art style is EXACTLY what I love. So I’ve been a fan since his Cleopatra in Space graphic novel series (middle grade – check them out!). He shares cartoons online, and his Batgirl and Supergirl series is a delight every time. I’m a serious fan.

So when he started talking about his new early reader graphic novel series for Marvel, I was eager to check it out. Just after Christmas last year I took a week off social media to focus on reading, and this was the first book I read.

It’s fantastic! I’m sad I’m not teaching any more or hanging around a lot of first and second grade kiddos because I would LOVE to share these with kids. The art work is exactly as amazing as I expected it to be. But I was equally delighted by the story!

The story is “simple” in that young kids will easily follow it. Spider-Man gets left holding the pets while the Avengers get to go fight a villain. He’s dedicated to his assignment, but he’s also disappointed. In the end, it all works out happily – and along the way are some laugh-out-loud moments. I would absolutely read this again. It would be a hoot to read with a kiddo. And any new characters in the book that kids might not know open the door to other books and comics they might enjoy.

This is geared toward readers 7-10. I think it would also appeal to younger kids who might be reading independently as well as those who are looking for some “read together”/lap reading options with superheroes. I HIGHLY recommend this series. Book 2 is out now, Quantum Quest, and I’ll be reviewing that next week. Book 3, Cosmic Chaos, releases this summer. Do not miss the Mighty Marvel Team-Up series.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!


REVIEW: Mercy Watson Is Missing by Kate DiCamillo


The Watsons are devastated when their beloved pig, Mercy, goes missing. They even seek out a private detective to help. The whole Deckawoo Drive neighborhood shows up to help – well, not Eugenia. But a couple of clever kids are able to save the day.


This is a hoot! There are a ton of familiar faces in this story as well as porcine antics and buttery goodness. Series fans – of both the original Mercy Watson books and also fans of the Deckawoo Drive stories – will find a lot here to connect with. Savvy readers will likely solve the mystery before the characters do. But Mercy’s adventure takes several twists and turns I think readers will enjoy.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great!

REVIEW: Birtle and the Purple Turtles by Tara J. Hannon

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Tootie makes a new friend in Turtletown, but they are a curious looking turtle.  But “Teeny” and Tootie discover they have SO much in common, they quickly become best friends. Even though they found her a shell so she looks more turtle-like, though, Teeny really isn’t enjoying the food or activities the other turtles like. And she’s afraid to let Tootie know.


This is amazing! I adored Tootie’s enthusiasm and encouragement. What a perfect friend to have during an identity crisis! And Teeny is so sweet and worried about not fitting in. The artwork is adorable, and the color scheme was perfect for me. This is a lovely story about friendship and acceptance and identity. I highly recommend this graphic novel for chapter book readers. This is labeled “Volume 1,” so I hope that means there will be more adventures for these two friends.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!



REVIEW: Cranky Chicken: Crankosaurus by Katherine Battersby

Summary and Review

Here are three new adventures for Cranky Chicken and her best friend Speedy.

  • Cranky needs a nap.
  • Speedy has an identity crisis.
  • Cranky and Speedy learn about eggs.

These are cute stories – not has laugh-out-loud funny as the last book, but these are still cute and fun for readers. There’s plenty of activity to keep kids engaged. I personally loved the trip to the library in the third story. Series fans should pick up this latest adventure. Newcomers can easily start here.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good +

REVIEW: Pup and Dragon: How to Catch an Elf by Alice Walstead and Paul Gill


Dragon has never heard of Santa, and last year he hibernated through Christmas. But he’s all in on helping his best friend, Pup, catch a Christmas Elf.


I am always on the hunt for some good early chapter books to recommend to parents and kids for those who are starting to read on their own. This is the first book in a new series, and it’s in a graphic novel format that I think kids will like.

This story is cute! The illustrations are fun and colorful. The scenarios are silly and zany. I think kids will enjoy these two friends and their wacky adventures in their quest to catch a Christmas elf.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: Cat on the Run by Aaron Blabey


Three shadowy figures choose one popular cat for their nefarious plans. That cat is Princess Beautiful. She has the most popular cat videos on the internet.

But one distracted moment changes everything. She instantly goes from internet darling to the most universally loathed creature on the planet. In order to find out the truth, Princess Beautiful becomes a cat on the run.


This was fun! Princess is a total diva in all the stereotypically awful ways. Adults – and savvy kids – will recognize the way everyone turns on her as a commentary on our social media culture.

Princess Beautiful’s “crime” includes launching/arming nuclear weapons. I did wonder as I read if the target audience would understand the references to weapons of mass destruction and nuclear war.

I got a kick out of the story here. There’s a ton of action, and the illustrations are great. Kids will pour over those. There’s a great cliffhanger at the end, too, so I will absolutely have to pick up the sequel when it comes out next spring.

Fans of the author’s Bad Guys series along with fans of cat protagonists will want to pick this up. Graphic novel fans should take a look at this series launch as well. I think this will be super popular with kids, so teachers should take a look at this one for your classroom libraries.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Detective Duck: The Case of the Strange Splash by Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Amulet Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Willow (AKA Detective Duck) and her friends hear a splash in the pond, she is on the case to discover the cause. Once she puzzles it out, she’ll have two more mysteries to solve – how to get the thing OUT of the pond, and what to do with it next?


This is a cute transitional chapter book with a fun cast of animal characters. I can still hear Henry Winkler’s voice as he first described the series concept on a late-night talk show. It was fun to get to read the first book in the new series.

Willow is both industrious and compassionate. She uses her Stuff Box in her efforts to address the problems, and she looks out for how the problem will impact her community. She also invites community members to help. I liked that Willow gets to work on essentially 3 “mysteries” or puzzles/problems with her friends. It gives the reader something to look forward to once they know what caused the mysterious splash.

Willow is a clever and determined main character, and her adventure here is so fun. Many readers will appreciate the strong environmental message in the book, too! I recommend this one for parents/grandparents as well as teachers and librarians. Kids are going to enjoy this new series.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great!

REVIEW: Stink: Superhero Superfan by Megan McDonald


Stink discovers a box of comics in the family garage and becomes a super-fan of Super Gecko. He plans to study Super Gecko’s powers at Saturday Science Club when they have Superhero Science Day.

When Stink finds a mysterious note signed “Super Gecko,” he starts investigating to see if his new favorite hero could be real.



This was delightful! This may be Stink’s 13th book, but this brings back the joy of his earliest adventures.

There’s a fun mash up here of science, mystery, and comic books, and I loved all of it. This could be a fun class read aloud or a bedtime read. There are some fun tie-ins here for Free Comic Book Day or science classes/clubs. It’s a winner all the way around!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: The Art of Getting Noticed by Campbell/Knetzger


Bigfoot Littletoe III isn’t sure he fits in with his family. No matter how hard he tries, he never gets captured on film The rest of his family members are regularly part of Bigfoot sightings.

Bigfoot stumbles across a new friend named Nessie who is in town on vacation. And she encourages Bigfoot to stop trying to be who he thinks he’s supposed to be and instead have fun and find out who he really is.

But when Nessie is discovered, she has to go back home. And Bigfoot struggles to find joy in his new activities without his new friend.


This is a cute and colorful early chapter book for kids between 7 and 10. At its core, it’s a friendship story. It also introduces the idea of trying to fit in vs finding your own path. And it touches on the question of where our satisfaction should come from – an audience of fickle strangers or from yourself and those who really care about you? That’s a lot to pack into an early chapter book!

I think the cryptid characters – mainly Bigfoot, Nessie, and an unexpected surprise appearance – give this a fun, unique take on a friendship story. Cryptid fans should give this a try. I would read more adventures with these characters.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: The Cryptid Club: Bigfoot Takes the Field by Michael Brumm

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and HarperAlley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Lily is looking for a big story for the school paper, she decides to investigate the rumors of a Bigfoot on the school grounds.


This was fun! The graphic novel layout is something kids will enjoy. The team up between Lily, her younger brother, and the neighbor she babysits makes for some funny moments. The sibling bickering is familiar and yet at moments also endearing. And the young neighbor is the source of some of the gross humor some kids enjoy.

The Bigfoot mystery is light and fun. I’d read more in this series, and I think kids will enjoy them, too!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great!