REVIEW: Between a Flock and a Hard Place by Donna Andrews

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Marvelous Mansions has come to Caerphilly to remodel the Smetkamp home. And few of the town’s people are happy about it. As the mayor’s “special assistant in charge of nuts and nuisances,” Meg is trying to keep the remodel crew in line so they don’t disturb the neighborhood – or the town – too much.

But disturbance has a way of happening anyway – in the form of over 200 wild turkeys on the Smetkamp property. Probably not an accident. And then the mayor discovers the reality show crew has made such a wreck of the house it’s uninhabitable. And then there’s the dead body.


Another fun adventure in Caerphilly! Meg and her friends are a well-oiled machine as they deal with the home wreckers, the feral turkeys, and the other surprises that crop up in this story. As always, I enjoyed spending time with the Langslow family and the community members.

I figured out the mystery really early on this time – even telling my husband how it was all going to play out in the end. Maybe I’ve just read too many mysteries over the years! This might have sunk another book, but for me, I enjoy the characters here so much, I kept reading to see what would happen with them.

Series fans should pick this up – there are some fascinating sections about the turkeys and other critters in the book. And the townspeople – and some outsiders – got to shine in the absence of much of Meg’s extended family in this book. This brought something fresh to this story which is number 35 in this long-running series. Keep an eye out for book 36, Rockin’ Around the Chickadee, releasing later this fall. (Some language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ – Great!

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