REVIEW: Dog Day Afternoon by David Rosenfelt

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Marcus Clark has saved Andy’s life multiple times while working as his investigator. So when Marcus asks for a favor, of course Andy says yes. Even if it means doing something Andy would love to never do again – be a lawyer.

Six people were recently killed at a local law office, and Nick Williams is the prime suspect. He’s a young man Marcus has mentored. And Marcus doesn’t believe Nick is guilty.

Nick’s story is hard to believe. But when the team starts digging into it, they find some unexpected developments that make Marcus’s faith in Nick seem well placed. But Andy still has to get a jury to believe Nick – and this case won’t give up its secrets quickly or easily.


This was another fascinating case for Andy and his team. I was able to puzzle some of it out on my own, but there were still some surprises when it was all laid out.

Andy is as sassy as always – one of the primary reasons I love these books. But he really had to dig deep for the solution here. It’s a very satisfying mystery. Series fans will get to see all of the usual folks in action, including the awesome tech team Andy uses. And the dog connection gets a happy ending.

Newcomers could probably start here without too much trouble. I started this series with something like the 9th book in the series, and I had no trouble jumping right in. Sometimes, though, I think Andy might “play” better on the page for folks who have been with him for awhile. For that reason, I think readers should maybe read the first few books in order – after that, you can jump in anywhere without issue. You can see my list of favorite books in the series as part of a review here. This is book  29 in the Andy Carpenter series, and book 30, The More the Terrier, will release in October. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

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