REVIEW: My Rogue to Ruin by Erica Ridley

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Forever in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Black sheep of the family, Adrian sneaks back into town hoping to avoid his father, the Marquess, and his brother, the Earl. But he hopes to reconnect to the beloved sister he had to leave behind 7 years ago. Instead of rebuilding their relationship, though, Adrian stumbles into a trap – and becomes a counterfeiter against his will, working for a crook he had swindled. His options are to forge the currency or else he’ll meet a slow and painful end.

Marjorie is probably the quietest of the Wynchesters. An artist’s soul with some hearing loss, it can be easer for her to withdraw from crowds to her studio.  But someone is passing counterfeit currency to the neediest of people, leaving them in even worse circumstances. Marjorie’s philosophy is that art is meant to IMPROVE lives, not ruin them. So she vows to find the forger.


This was my first foray into the Wild Wynchesters series – and I’m sorry I waited so long. This found-family is delightful, and I’m going to have to go back and read all of the previous books. I’ll also be diving into book 5, Hot Earl Summer, which released earlier this fall.

Adrian and Marjorie’s story was stressful at times. They were trapped by a villain, and there seemed to be no way out. But the clever and connected Wynchseters are determined to find a way.

I enjoyed the romantic storyline for the two leads. Each was searching for significance and acceptance, and they found it with each other first and then with an extended family. Quite satisfying!

Fans of the series will want to watch Marjorie shine in her featured story. Obviously, like me you can start here. But I think the creative and clever Wynchesters will have you hunting down the earlier books as well. (Some language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

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