REVIEW: The Blast from the Past by Lucy Score


At the end of their last adventure, Riley, Nick, and Kellen found out that Kellen’s missing and presumed-dead sister is actually alive. And this has Nick ignoring Riley, turning down paid work, and obsessing over finding Beth.

But Beth surprises everyone by coming home on her own – with a story straight out of a decades-old movie – to explain her 6 year absence. And Riley ends up burning out her psychic gifts when she tries to use them to discover the truth.

So Riley and her friends will have to use more traditional means to figure out Beth’s real story as well as solve several small but important cases for Nick’s business before Riley loses everything she holds dear.


This series makes me deliriously happy. I suffered at the end of this because I couldn’t immediately start another one. Book 4 didn’t exist at that point! By the time this posts, though, the book will be out, and I will have finished it. So stay tuned for another Riley Thorn review in the coming months.

This series is like the Bakeshop mysteries or the Meg Langslow series in that the core cast is what makes the series so appealing. I love these characters so much! I would forego the mystery and still be just as happy with these books. Thankfully, though, Score keeps serving up fascinating, twisty crimes for readers to enjoy alongside the antics of the series regulars.

The main mystery here is a bit thin – we know Beth is lying and it takes a while for the truth to come out. But the side cases Riley and her friends are working are enjoyable and wacky and keep the reader thoroughly entertained.

I can’t get enough of the series. Each book brings me true joy. It’s not often a “rom-com” truly can make me laugh, but these books deliver every time. The author left a note in this one explaining how she planned a trilogy, but the series ideas keep growing. And I couldn’t be happier. More Riley! More Nick! More Burt! More Wander! More Gabe! Well, you get the idea. Series fans should not miss this one. Newcomers should start with book one, The Dead Guy Next Door. (Language, sex, TW: Bullying, paranormal: tarot, clairvoyance)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

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