REVIEW: The Corpse in the Closet by Lucy Score


Everything seems to be stacking up against Riley. She’s supposed to be joining Nick in his PI business, but after the excitement earlier this summer, he’s gotten super protective. Detective Weber has asked for her psychic expertise on a case, but Nick doesn’t want her near another murder.

On top of that, Riley’s grandmother has arrived, disappointed in Riley’s psychic development – and in her psychic coach, Gabe. Her grandmother is determined to bully Riley – and her sister and mother – into becoming the kinds of psychics Elanora believes they should be.

But Weber’s murder becomes two murders, Nick is working a missing person’s case, and Riley’s spirit guides are hinting that it’s all connected. She needs to get her psychic skills together before someone else ends up dead.


Another fantastic mystery in this series! I absolutely adore Riley and Nick, and the larger cast around them is an absolute hoot! I found myself wishing this series was 10 or 15 books long already – I would read these all summer.

The mystery here is fantastic. At times the case felt stalled while things developed with Riley and her family. But I love these characters so much I didn’t care. Watching Riley’s – and Nick’s – families reminded me of the chaos of the extended family from Donna Andrew’s Meg Langslow series.

I loved the development of Riley and Nick’s relationship here, too. This series is EXACTLY what I needed this summer. If you love a mashup – romance/mystery with paranormal elements – with laugh-out-loud humor, do not miss this series! I would recommend reading these in order to enjoy the evolution of the personal relationships. But be sure to have all the available books nearby because you are going to want to read them back to back. Book 4 in the series, The Body in the Backyard, released a couple of weeks ago. I’ll post my reviews of books 3 and 4 soon. (Language, sex, paranormal elements – clairvoyance, TW: suicide and online bullying.)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

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