REVIEW: The Dead Guy Next Door by Lucy Score


Riley is not quite “living the dream.” She’s divorced, broke, and renting a room at a house full of octogenarians. Her job is a regular disappointment. And she has can’t-be-ignored messages and premonitions from the dead.

All of that is bad enough. But when a premonition about her neighbor’s murder comes true, the police think Riley could be the killer.

One person on Riley’s side, though, is the gorgeous – and annoying – PI who had been trying to find Riley’s neighbor before he died. Now Riley and Nick are something of a team, pretending to be engaged and trying to find – and arrest – a killer. But the scorching, flirty thing between them is only going to complicate an already ridiculous situation.


Fantastic!! It took me forever to finish this because I was only reading a chapter or two at night before bed, but I was always looking forward to reading a few more chapters. This is quirky in all of my favorite ways – a funny combo mystery/romance with a psychic/paranormal twist. There are fun, eccentric characters who are interesting and funny, but not obnoxious. The mystery is rich and meaty, and it kept me flipping pages night after night. The two main characters are perfect – they have great chemistry and respect one another’s abilities about the case. Their banter is hilarious! I was rooting for them all the way through. I loved the writing in this so much I ended up tabbing this book as I read.

The premise was so great that I took the risk and bought books 1 and 2 at the same time. And when it was clear that these characters and the author’s storytelling were going to be perfect for me, I bought book 3 and pre-ordered book 4 so I could zoom through the whole series as it stands now. I am saving books 2 and 3 for summer vacation because the romance/mystery/humor combo is exactly the vacation vibe I want. I’m looking forward to tabbing the entire series as I cackle through Riley’s next adventures. Highly recommend! (Language, sex, paranormal elements like tarot readings, spirit guides, clairvoyance, etc..)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

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