REVIEW: The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Emma Wheeler has been given the opportunity of a lifetime – co-write/ghostwrite a screenplay with her idol, Charlie Yates. He’s written a rom-com, and it needs some serious help. But he has to get it written in order to get a pet project produced. Emma has to put her life on hold and go to LA for 6 weeks to work on the re-write. She’s been her father’s daily caregiver for years – it’s a lot to step away from.

But when she gets to LA, Charlie doesn’t know anything about this arrangement – and he’s not interested in anything Emma has to offer.  She’s embarrassed and tempted to flee back home where life is familiar even though it is also soul-crushing at times. Instead, she fights for this opportunity. Taking in some observations of Charlie and recognizing the power of being completely willing to walk away, she negotiates her way into a real chance to write this screenplay and see it get produced. And maybe prove to Charlie – and herself – that she’s not a “failed writer.”


This was excellent! Everything the book describes as essential for a rom-com – the happily-ever-after, the banter, the slow burn, the “sparkle” – is on display here.

I loved Emma and Charlie, both alone and together. Their individual stories are fascinating. And the psychology of how those individual stories impact the relationship between the two writers was delightful. There were many beautifully written scenes that begged to be read out loud. And I laughed out loud often.

Katherine Center’s fans should not hesitate to grab her latest rom-com. It absolutely sparkles, both in the cozy relationship and in the writing. And if you are a rom-com fan in general, you do not want to miss this one! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

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