REVIEW: Welcome to the Woofmore by Donna Gephart and Lori Haskins Houran


Rufus works for Ms. Coco at the Woofmore. And this week they have a special VIP (Very Important Pooch) visiting:  movie star Greta Garbark!

Greta is looking for some peace and quiet. But the puparazzi have tracked her to the Woofmore. Thankfully, Rufus has a great idea to help Greta get her peace and quiet. And in return she helps the Woofmore with a big problem that could ruin the hotel.


This is a cute early chapter book with fun, colorful illustrations. There are plenty of dog puns across the five chapters for readers to enjoy. Kids will get a kick out of Rufus who toots when he gets excited or nervous. The story is complete and satisfying while being simple for new readers to enjoy. Watch this fall for my review of book 2 in the series, The Woofmore Is Not Haunted.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

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