Reviews, Etc.

BOOK NEWS: December 6, 2022

It’s the first release week in December! Here are some of the new books out this week.

Books for Kids

Owl Diaries: Eva in the Band – Eva and her friends try to put together a band to perform at a music festival. This is such a great early chapter book series!

Books for Older Kids/Teens/Young Adults

Lumara – A mortal, skeptical of the magical Mystics, enters their world for a wedding and soon finds herself the prime suspect when the Mystics fall into a mysterious coma. This is one of the few fiction books I put on my Christmas list this year. Can’t wait to read this one!
This Cursed Crown – Sequel to These Feathered Flames. Twin sisters, separated during a transition of power in their kingdom fight their way back to one another. These books sound right up my alley!

Books for Adults

Feel the Bern (Trade Paperback) – First in a new Bernie Sanders mystery series. Bernie Sanders and his young intern are drawn into a murder investigation. This sounds hilarous!
Frozen Detective (Trade Paperback) – Book 2 in the Piper and Porter mystery series. Piper and Porter go undercover at the behest of a doctor’s wife who wants them to investigate recent threats on her husbands life, but they end up investigating a murder.
Hard Day for a Hangover (Hardcover) – Book 3 in the Sunshine Vicram series. Sherrif Sunshine Vicram has her hands full with personal drama on top of a series of missing women. This series is on my TBR.
Last Circle of Love (Trade Paperback) – The new Lutheran pastor teams up with the women of the Naomi Circle to create a fundraiser with a chance to really help the church survive. But not everyone thinks their idea for a “recipe” book to help with romance is a good idea. This sounds fascinating!
To Get to the Other Side (Trade Paperback) – Bear’s sisters were the ones who posted the ad to rent out his spare room, but he agrees to let Trixie move in. Who knew co-parenting her rescue chicken could lead to feelings beyond the platonic?
Twice in a Lifetime (Trade Paperback) – A woman flees to a small town after a difficult year and starts getting text messages from the future – from a husband she doesn’t know. Fascinating!
Witcha Gonna Do? (Trade Paperback) – A non-magical woman accidentally messes up her sister’s spell, cursing her family. And the only person who can help her break the curse is the arrogant jerk she’s been trying to avoid. This could be fun!
How to Meet Your Self (Paperback Workbook) – From the author of How to Do the Work comes this workbook for self-discovery and improvement. I have already pre-ordered this one!
The Intentional Year: Simple Rhythms for Finding Freedom, Peace, and Purpose (Trade Paperback) – An invitation to choose to live on purpose.


REVIEW: Doggo and Pupper by Katherine Applegate


Doggo is slowing down these days, yet he’s enjoying his quiet life.  But his humans think a puppy will perk Doggo up. When Pupper turns out to be a bit of a handful, the family sends him to obedience school. And Doggo starts to worry it’s taken all of the fun out of Pupper.


When I was building my Holiday Hint List for this year, I realized I hadn’t really tried out many early readers and transitional chapter books this year. We thoroughly enjoyed the author’s Roscoe Riley series when my son was younger, so I decided to give Doggo and Pupper a try.

This was ADORABLE! I’m always so impressed with how authors for this age group manage to tell rich, fun stories with short, simple sentences – and this book is a great example of that. The illustrations are also darling and help tell a sweet story kids and families will enjoy!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ – Great!

REVIEW: A Very Merry Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


A year ago, Colton and Gretchen slept together. And the next morning, Gretchen fled. She’s been avoiding Colton ever since. Sharing a friend group makes it tricky at times, but she makes it work. She loves her job as an immigration lawyer, and she lets her work fill her calendar. But her estranged family throws a wrench in her avoid-Colton plan by dangling the one thing she wants – a seat on the board of the family foundation – in front of her.  All she has to do is get Colton to agree to be the next ambassador for their whiskey company.

Colton’s in the middle of tense negotiations with his record label, but it’s not going to distract him from this opportunity to reconnect with Gretchen and make her see how amazing they could be together. But he has no idea how much he has to overcome.


I have been a fan of this series from the start, and this was a fun holiday-ish addition to the series. Grumpy/Sunshine is not a trope I usually seek out, but I loved Colton, and Gretchen grew on me over time.

There were a few threads to this I thought were looser than in other books in the series. The guys don’t work through a romance book together in this one, but Colton and Gretchen share some conversations about a book. But the set up for this wasn’t as clear as I wanted, and then it sort of just disappeared when the book shifted focus to Gretchen’s family. I also would have liked a bigger, more definitive wrap up to those family things also. At the end of the book I was left feeling like I was holding something 85% finished. I enjoyed the whole, but I would have liked it to feel a little more solid to me.

Series fans will want to pick this up to see the progress through the larger friend group. I think newcomers might enjoy starting with an earlier book (Undercover Bromance is my favorite) in order to get a better sense of the Bromance Book Club than they might get if they start here. (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

BOOK NEWS: November 29, 2022

It’s the last release week of November. Here are some of the books releasing this week:

Books for Kids

Knitting for Dogs – Izzy is a girl who can do anything, but when she takes up knitting, things don’t go like she expects. I can’t wait to read this one!

Books for Older Kids/Teens/Young Adults

Tangled Up in Nonsense – Book 2 in the Tangled Mysteries. Sloane and Amelia discover they aren’t the only detectives looking for a two-million dollar prize when they visit Tangle Glen mansion. This series looks fun!
Belittled Women – Their mother’s obsession with Little Women leaves Jo and her sisters, Meg and Bethamy, performing moments from the books for summer tourists. But Jo is looking for a way out. I’ll be reviewing this one soon.
Never Ever Getting Back Together – Two girls are cast in a reality show starring “exes” of a young man who is now related to royalty by marriage.  One of the girls is looking for revenge against the cheater, but the other is just wondering why he ghosted her. Neither of them expect to find romance with one another.
We Deserve Monuments – Avery is forced to move away before her senior year into the hostile home of her grandmother. She finds new friends – and romance – but the girls also find trouble.

Books for Adults

On Spine of Death (Mass Market Paperback) – Book 2 in the By the Book Mystery series, a sequel to Buried in a Good Book. Tess and her daughter continue to work toward making Winthrop their new home. But their renovations to the old hardware store they are turning into a bookstore unearth a body. The first book was so outstanding, I cannot wait to dig into this one. Stay tuned for a review soon!

REVIEW: Once Upon a December by Amy E. Reichert

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Jack is a kringle baker at the Julemarked, a magical Christmas market where it’s always December somewhere. But his favorite spot is Milwaukee. Because that’s where she is. He doesn’t know her name, and she never remembers him from year to year. But he always remembers her.

Astra looks forward to the Christmas trips with her college friends, especially the Christmas Market. And this year, after the divorce and issues with her ex, she’s lonely and really in need of a girls trip.

Astra has met Jack before. But she never remembers. She comes to the bakery, gets kringle, and maybe chats with him. But after Christmas, he vanishes from her memory. Every year.

Except this year.


I’m struggling to name how I feel about this one. I loved the kringle references. And there are some hilarious moments. Astra’s friend group and Jack’s brother we get to know are fantastic. And maybe that’s where I’m getting hung up. I think I liked the secondary characters more than the primary ones.

The premise here is clever, although I did have some logistical questions. But overall, I didn’t fall in love with Astra and Jack in a way that I wanted to. I was invested in seeing this through to the end, but the characters just didn’t click for me.

If you like your romance with a hint of the paranormal (like the author’s fantastic Kindred Spirits Supper Club, or Ashley Poston’s delightful Dead Romantics), you might give this a try. I think it’s a nice blend of holiday magic and a will-they-or-won’t-they-make-it story. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥ – Good, solid, fine

BOOK NEWS: November 22, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving Week! Here are some of the books releasing this week:

Books for Kids

Yetis Are the Worst! – Gilbert the Goblin is back, and this time he’s sure that Yetis are the worst! This is one I will have to check out in person – the first two were so fun.

Books for Older Kids/Teens/Young Adults

Finally Something Dangerous – Book 2 in the One and Onlys series after Finally Something Mysterious. Paul, Shank, and Peephole are back. Their town is going through something of a renaissance, but the three kids are convinced something isn’t quite right. I loved the first one, so I am looking forward to reading this one!

Books for Adults

Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail (Trade Paperback) – Book 2 in the Bright Falls series after Delilah Green Doesn’t Care. Astrid gets the chance to be the lead designer on a televised renovation – just the distraction and boost she needs – but she is at odds with the carpenter for the project at every turn. I have book one on my TBR shelves, and I’m eager to check both books out.
The Man I Never Met (Trade Paperback) – A wrong number leads to a young woman in London and a young man in America building a friendship over texts and phone calls and video chats. But when he gets a job in London and they believe they are about to take their relationship to a new, in-person level, they discover things aren’t quite what they expected.
Pride & Puppies (Trade Paperback) – Book 4 in the Pine Hollow series. A woman who has sworn off men starts to catch feelings for her neighbor, but then he announces he’s considering moving away.
Sound of Light (Trade Paperback) – A Marvel: School of X novel. An ex-SHIELD agent stumbles into a mystery and teams up with some mutants to help her solve it.
Star Wars: Convergence (Hardcover) – Book 5 in the High Republic series. A Jedi teams up with the son of the Chancellor to investigate an assassination attempt on the royal offspring of two warring planets who are pledged to marry to unite their peoples.
Two Wrongs Make a Right (Trade Paperback) – A re-imagined Much Ado About Nothing. After a “meet-disaster,” Jamie and Bea are again thrown together by their meddling friends and family. So they plan their revenge – fake date in every over-the-top way they can think of and then break up once everyone else is convinced their meddling has worked. I pre-ordered this one months ago! I know what I am reading over the Thanksgiving weekend!
Self-Care Cross-Stitch: 40 Uplifting & Irreverent Patterns (Paperback) – I love sassy stitching!


REVIEW: Santa’s Little Yelpers by David Rosenfelt

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. ]
(No kids or teen book to review today, so here’s a Christmas-y review to fill in!)


When he was in jail, Chris started a program where inmates could work with service dogs in training. When he gets out, he continues the work and starts helping at the Tara Foundation. He tells Andy that he was wrongfully convicted based on a lie. But the guy has recently come forward saying he would testify in secret to make things right before he goes into hiding.

Before Andy can set up the testimony, Chris says the guy has changed his mind. He’s furious. Before long, the lying witness is dead. And Chris is arrested for his murder. While Andy wasn’t attached to Chris’ original case, he’s determined to prove Chris’ innocence – of both crimes – and find whoever is truly responsible.


Another fun Andy Carpenter case! I enjoyed how this one played out – I was starting to get worried about Chris’ chances for freedom. This is a tough case! But Andy and his team pushed through to a satisfying resolution.

If you’ve never read an Andy Carpenter mystery before, I feel like the stories hold together well so newcomers can drop in anywhere. My first Andy Carpenter book was a Christmas one, so I have a soft spot for them. What you might miss by starting here – and mainly it’s backstory for Andy and his team – shouldn’t keep you from enjoying the mystery.

I keep coming back to this series for Andy and his team – I love them! Andy’s sass fits my mood every time. And the mysteries always leave me satisfied. Some of my favorites have been Bury the Lead (book 3), Play Dead (book 6), The Twelve Dogs of Christmas (book 15 – my introduction to the series), and Holy Chow (book 25). Book 27, Flop Dead Gorgeous, will release in the summer of 2023. And a new K-Team book, Good Dog Bad Cop, releases in March. Be sure to check them out. (Some language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Round Up the Usual Peacocks by Donna Andrews


Meg’s notebook-that-tells-her-when-to-breathe says she should be busy with wedding tasks for her brother’s big day. But she’s also gotten drawn into checking into some cold cases. Her nephew and a buddy started a true crime podcast and seem to have gotten some unwanted attention.

Meg has a few cases to check out – a cheating scandal, a missing singer, and a robbery-turned-homicide. The three cases have her chasing all around the community. Each case seems so cold she’s not sure there’s anything new to discover. But there must be something she is missing because someone wants these cases to just go away. And they’ll do anything to make that happen.


What a wild ride! One of the things I love about this series is the antics of Meg’s family. And they are in rare form in this book. In fact, in telling a funny part to my husband I realized, for an outsider, this family is too ridiculous to be believed. But I love them.

The mystery was fun. Meg has three different cases to dig into. And each one initially seems like it’s too old, too cold, to make any headway. But in the end it all comes together. The ending was satisfying and enjoyable.

Series fans should pick this one up. I laughed out loud MANY times while reading. And I always enjoy time with Meg and the crew. Newcomers might find the family antics to be a bit too much without the history and context that makes them endearing. The mysteries can easily stand alone for new series readers. Hopefully you’ll find the family chaos fun enough to go back and pick up the earlier books in the series – it’s one of my favorites! Book 32, Dashing through the Snowbirds, is out now, and I plan to review that one soon.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

Book Shopping Suggestions: The 2022 Holiday Hint List Is Here

I can’t remember a year like this one, where I am prepping my Holiday Hint List while having done none of my own holiday shopping. I’m the sort of person who usually starts picking things up in October – if not September. But this year I’m dragging my feet.

But putting this year’s list together has helped my mood quite a bit. It’s been fun looking back at some of the fantastic books I’ve read over the last year or so and thinking about the titles I would buy for folks on my gift list. I hope you are able to find some helpful titles here as well. You can also look at past lists here – I try not to repeat a title from year to year,  although it does happen at times.

So, here is this year’s PDF of the Hint List: 2022 Neverending TBR Holiday Shopping Hint List

Also, this year I put together another Padlet so you can see covers while you look at the list. You can take a look at that here.

As always, you can find reviews of a lot of these books here at The Neverending TBR. Happy Holidays!