Reviews, Etc.

BOOK NEWS: November 15, 2022

The closer we get to Thanksgiving, the slimmer the new book pickings become – but we have quality over quantity! Let’s see some of the books releasing this week:

Books for Older Kids/Teens/Young Adults

What Do We Know About the Loch Ness Monster? – Part of a new series on cryptids and other mysteries.

Books for Adults

The Christmas Wish (Trade Paperback) – A Groundhog Day-esque story where a young woman keeps reliving Christmas Day over, falling for her next-door-neighbor crush again and again even though he doesn’t remember her when the day starts over.
Flight Risk (Hardcover) – Book 2 in the delightful Booking Agents mystery series about a somewhat-psychic travel agent and a police detective who team up to solve crimes. You can read my full review here.
Ship Wrecked (Trade Paperback) – Something new from Olivia Dade. Co-stars on a 6-year island shoot try to ignore the chemistry between them after the disastrous fallout from their one-night-stand.
Wayward (Hardcover) – Book 2 of the Wanderers series by Chuck Wendig. The survivors of the sleepwalking epidemic – and those who protected them – have been trying to build a new home together, but forces are at work that will leave them fighting once again for survival. I cannot wait to read these!!!
The Wilder Women (Hardcover) – Sisters with extraordinary powers – one sees the future and the other sees the memories of others – go in search of their mother who went missing five years earlier.


REVIEW: Daisy Woodworm Changes the World by Melissa Hart

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and North Star Editions in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Daisy is a semester away from the shift to high school and the ground beneath her feet has never felt less stable. Her parents have launched a dog poop business, trying to stay afloat after her mom was laid off. And as her parents use every spare moment to secure their own footing, Daisy has to step up at home, including helping her older brother, “Squirrel,” who has Down syndrome.

When Squirrel endures several crushing disappointments in a row, Daisy decides she’s going to help him achieve his dream – to be a YouTube celebrity. Even though her parents have forbidden him from all social media after the #EligibleBachelor incident.


This was quietly amazing. I was hooked by the characters early on, but was starting to feel the stress of the impending doom. You know it’s all going to explode at some point. One minute I was braced for disaster and ready to skim ahead. The next I was wiping away tears, and reading every word. This is SO GOOD.

Like most of my favorite middle grade and older middle grade books (this one is for readers 10-14), this has an excellent teacher at the edges of the story, encouraging and cheering on his students.

If you can work around a few uses of the word “ass” in the text, this would be an excellent class read aloud – or a family/bedtime read aloud. I could also see this being a fantastic book club selection for upper elementary or middle school students.

If you love books with great characters, personal and family growth, and a triumphant ending, don’t miss Daisy’s story! (Includes some examples of online trolls/bullying)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: The Bodyguard by Katherine Center


Hannah’s work is her life which gets problematic when her mother dies and her boss forces her to take bereavement leave. And that’s complicated even more by her complicated feelings about her mother. And the fact that her boyfriend dumped her the day after the funeral.

But instead of getting a distracting new protection assignment far, far away from her ex and her grief, Hannah’s next client is two-time Sexiest Man Alive, Jack Stapleton.

Jack’s in town to help his mom go through cancer treatment. And he’s fiercely protective of her. Nothing can stress her out – like a bodyguard or talk of stalkers. So he wants Hannah to pretend to be his girlfriend while she’s on duty. Whatever. How hard could that be?


I have had this book on my wishlist since I first read the synopsis months ago. First, it has a fake relationship at the center – a trope that is like catnip to me. Then, the protective agent is the woman – awesome! And the plot is right up my alley as a reader.

I had high hopes for this – and it met every one. The characters are endearing (well, not Robby). The romance is sweet and cozy. And an unexpected bonus? This is HILARIOUS! I could not have asked for a more delightful reading experience.

Romance fans, fake dating fans – don’t miss this one! The minute I finished I was ready to flip back to the first page and start all over again. Another favorite for 2022.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++*

♥♥♥♥♥+++ = Best of the best!

BOOK NEWS: November 8, 2022

Here are some of the new books releasing this week!

Books for Kids

Jasper and the Yeti – Jasper is on the search for the Yeti when he looses his glasses. The pictures I have seen are DARLING! I can’t wait to check this one out in person.

Books for Older Kids/Teens/Young Adults

Daisy Woodworm Changes the World (Older Middle Grade) – For a class assignment to “change the world,” Daisy decides to help her older brother who has Down syndrome become a fashion celebrity online even though her parents have forbidden her brother from having social media for his own safety. I will be reviewing this one soon.
Diana and Nubia Princesses of the Amazons (Graphic Novel) – Diana, Princess of the Amazons is back, and this time she has a friend. But while their families insist the girls have always known each other, the girls know something mysterious has happened. I am super excited to read this one!
Gleanings – Neal Shusterman returns to his Arc of a Scythe series with a collection of short stories set in that world.
Whiteout – From the team who wrote Blackout! Twelve teens work together to help a friend make an epic apology – if the blizzard conditions don’t foul up their plans.

Books for Adults

Better Than Fiction (Trade Paperback) – Something new from Alexa Martin. A book hater inherits a bookstore where a meddling book club and a bestselling author try to change her perspective on books. This one is on my library list.
Expire of Exiles (Trade Paperback) – Book 1 in the Books of the Usurper series. An empire recovering from a coup attempt is in danger once again, and an apprentice scribe, a young mage, an archivist, and a detective are the only ones who might be able to set things right. I ordered this weeks ago and can’t wait to dive in!
Never Rescue a Rogue (Trade Paperback) – Book 2 in the Merriwell Sisters series after Never Fall for Your Fiancée. Diana and Giles must set aside their constant bickering to help him secure his place in society – and her tenacity and investigative skills are just what he needs. I adored the first book and cannot wait to dig into this one!
Super Plum Spies (ebook) – Book 2 in the Section 47 series by the fantastic Jennifer Estep. Two spies spend their holiday season sniffing out a dangerous enemy. I haven’t read book one yet, but I already have book 2 on order so I can read them back-to-back.
Viviana Valentine Gets Her Man (Hardcover) – First in the Girl Friday Mystery series. Viviana is the “Girl Friday” for a top investigator in 1950 New York when the investigator goes missing at the start of a new case, and she finds a dead body in their office. When the police decide the investigator must be the killer, Viviana will start her own investigation. This is on my library list.
Good Boundaries and Goodbyes: Loving Others Without Losing the Best of Who You Are (Hardcover) – The latest from Lysa TerKeurst looks at boundaries.


REVIEW: The BIG Adventures of Babymouse: Once Upon a Messy Whisker by Jennifer L. Holm

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Random House Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

This is an all new format for a Babymouse book – 200 pages, full color – but the same fun. This book includes

  • school stories
  • Cinderella
  • Jason and the Golden Fleece
  • Three Little Kittens
  • Rapunzel, and
  • the Titanic

This was cute! I think Babymouse fans are going to love having a new book to enjoy. And newcomers to the character will have lots of classic material to go back to. Libraries and classrooms should definitely have this in their collection.

Details from the publisher list this as a book for 7-10 year olds. But I think the topics in the book – middle school, self-consciousness, identity, etc. – skew this a little older than that, so I put this in a middle grade range (9-12).

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: Flight Risk by Cherie Priest

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Atria Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. This book releases on November 15th.]


Leda picks up a new psychic detective case when a man comes to her travel agency looking for help to find his sister who has gone missing.

At the same time, Grady stumbles across a new case when his dog, missing for days at Mount Rainier, trots out of the woods with a human leg in its mouth.

Before either Leda or Grady can get very far on their cases, they discover a connection that puts them on the same path once again.


Book 2 in the Booking Agents series is fantastic! This was so fun, a start-to-finish read for me. I easily fell back into the rhythm with these characters from book 1, Grave Reservations. The mystery was twisty and kept me guessing all the way to the end. And there were numerous moments that left me laughing out loud. The whole reading experience was delightful!

The slightly psychic hook for this series is wonderfully sketchy. It’s hit and miss for Leda but that makes it all the better for the reader as you watch her puzzle things out. The main characters in this are fun – and the extended group rounds things out nicely. I would happily spend more time with these characters. I hope there are going to be many more Booking Agents books in the future. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

BOOK NEWS: November 1, 2022

Happy Halloween!! Tomorrow is the first release day in November – here are some of the new books releasing this week:


Books for Kids

Black Panther Wakanda Forever: The Courage to Dream – Picture book set in the world of the new Black Panther movie.

Books for Older Kids/Teens/Young Adults

The Wicked Remain – Book 2 in the Grimrose Girls series. Four friends continue to look for the source of a deadly curse while each is also working out her own issues. I have both of the books in this series on my library list!

Books for Adults

The Banned Bookshop of Maggie Banks (Trade Paperback) – Maggie takes over the running of her friend’s bookstore, but the local literary society has banned her from selling anything written in this century. So Maggie gets creative and starts an underground book club. I have already pre-ordered this one!
Dead and Gondola (Trade Paperback) – First in a new Christie’s Bookshop Mysteries series. Two sisters running a bookstore find themselves in the middle of a real life mystery when a customer is later found dead. This sounds fun!
Ex Appeal (ebook) – Book 3 in the Ponto Beach Reunion series. A financial wiz needs hacker assistance when a million dollars goes missing, but will his ex be willing to set aside their history and help him out? I pre-ordered this weeks ago! Can’t wait to dive in.
Holmes Coming (Hardcover) – A modern day doctor encounters a cryogenically preserved Holmes – no, not Sherlock, but the guy Doyle based the fictional detective on – who sent himself into the future to work on more challenging mysteries. This is a fascinating premise, so I *have* to give this one a try!
Honor and Shadows (ebook) – A prequel short story to the Starlight’s Shadow series. I love this series, so of course I pre-ordered this prequel. I will have PLENTY to read on November 1st when all of these books release!
In for a Penny (ebook) – Book 4 in the Crush on You series. An aspiring thriller writer and a grumpy, reclusive best-selling author with writer’s block are snowed in together. You know I pre-ordered this one too, right?!
Kiss Her Once for Me (Trade Paperback) – From the author of The Charm Offensive (which is on my TBR shelves). A down-on-her luck waitress agrees to her boss’s plan of a marriage of convenience, but when he introduces his new fiancée to his family, the waitress comes face to face with the women who got away. I can never turn down a fake relationship story!
Ocean’s Echo (Hardcover) – Winter’s Orbit, book 2. (Yet another “series” where I have one book still on my TBR, waiting.) A soldier and a socialite, both genetically modified, fake a sync bond that is supposed to merge their minds, until they discover dangers that leave them wondering if they would be safer completing the sync they’ve been faking. This sounds fascinating! It’s definitely on my list.
Once Upon a Royal Christmas (Trade Paperback) – Book 2 in the Once Upon a Royal series from Hallmark. A children’s party “princess” is chosen to star in an Ice Festival in a real-life kingdom that needs to increase tourism to stay afloat. But the real-life prince of that kingdom is not convinced this “princess” is the right solution for his kingdom.
A Restless Truth (Hardcover) – Book 2 in the Last Binding series. Yet another sequel to a book on my TBR – my bookshelves are getting lapped! She agreed to be the old woman’s companion on the ocean liner to help her brother solve a mystery. But she didn’t count on the old woman dying within hours of stepping on board.
The Rewind (Trade Paperback) – College sweethearts-turned-exes run into each other 10 years later at a wedding, each on a path toward the future that has no room for the other, no matter what feelings might surface. But when they wake up the next day in bed together – and apparently married – they are going to have to work together to figure out what happened. Because neither of them can remember.
A Very Merry Bromance (Trade Paperback) – Book 5 in the delightful Bromance Book Club series. An immigration attorney looking for ways to help her clients agrees to reach out to her ex, a country music star, and convince him to be the face of her family’s ad campaign. Still nursing a broken heart, he says he will only do it if she goes on three dates with him. I will be reviewing this one soon!
Enneagram Life: Personal, Relational, and Biblical Insights for All Seasons (Trade Paperback) – A new Enneagram book? Yes, please!


REVIEW: The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


Avery has not only solved several of the Hawthorne puzzles, but her one year at Hawthorne House is almost done. But before she can start thinking about her 18th birthday celebration and what she might do first after her inheritance becomes official, the whole Hawthorne world is turned upside down.

A new Hawthorne puzzle.
Dead girl look-alikes.
And a race against the clock for someone important to the family.


I know that summary is a bit thin, but I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn’t read the first two books. I know there are folks who will only read a series when the whole thing has been published so they can blitz through it from start to finish. And this is a fantastic series to do that with. I zoomed through a re-read of The Inheritance Games and The Hawthorne Legacy (♥♥♥♥♥) before I started this, and the whole series is supremely satisfying.

Having read all three recently, I have to say this book has a more serious tone than the earlier books. The stakes are higher than ever. You may need to carve out time to read this in one sitting. I didn’t want to put it down.

I was thrilled with this final installment. It delivered on almost everything I wanted – and on several things I didn’t know I needed. Like the epilogue and bonus story in my Barnes and Noble Exclusive edition!

I believe strongly that this series should be read in order. It’s the best way to work through the puzzles, mysteries, and reveals. This is a not-to-be-missed conclusion. And since this published in September, the author has revealed there will be a couple more books set in this world, so watch for those! (This book includes couples sharing bedrooms, but no specific references to sex.)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Photo Finished by Christin Brecher

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Kensington Cozies in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


After a day of losses, including her best camera, Liv Spyers uses an unexpected encounter and a moment of boldness to secure a high paying gig photographing a debutante ball. It’s a great place to show Regina Montegue what she can do with a camera. But the event also is a great place for someone to commit murder.

Liv finds the body – and Regina nearby covered in blood. With her new boss at the top of the suspect list, Liv’s new gig could be short-lived. But one of the reasons Liv is such a great photographer is her understanding of people and her observation skills. So she decides to put them to use to clear Regina’s name and save her new job.


This was fun! I enjoyed the “hook” of Liv’s photography and her photographer’s eye for details. It was a clever set up for a new mystery sleuth.

The case was super twisty. I had no guess whatsoever, so I was just along for the ride. The end of the mystery was satisfying, and the end of book was terrific.

I enjoyed the surrounding cast – a potential love interest, Liv’s family, and some new work friends. I will absolutely read more books in this Snapshot of NYC Mystery series! Cozy mystery fans should absolutely give this one a try!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

BOOK NEWS: October 25, 2022

It’s the last full week of October. I don’t know about you, but I have found a TON of books this month I want to read. This is the perfect time to start building my holiday wish list. Let’s see what new releases catch your eye this week:


Books for Adults

The Bookshop of Secrets (Trade Paperback) – A young woman in town to uncover long-buried family secrets finds herself torn between letting people into her life and keeping her protective boundaries up. I’m intrigued by this one.
No Plan B (Hardcover) – Book 27 in the Jack Reacher series. Reacher witnesses a death that while ruled an accident is anything but. When a second “accident” occurs, Reacher is on the case. We fell in love with the Reacher series on Amazon this year, and I’m excited to read some of the books for myself.
Photo Finished (Trade Paperback) – First in a new Snapshot of NYC Mystery series. Photographer Liz Spyers stumbles into a brilliant career opportunity, but before the event is over someone will be dead and her new boss will be the prime suspect. I’ll be reviewing this one soon.
The Stand-Up Groomsman (Trade Paperback) – Wedding attendants at odds with each other try to put their differences aside to get their friends happily wed.
A Trace of Poison (Hardcover) – Book 2 in the Phyllida Bright Mystery series. Agatha Christie’s housekeeper stars in this series, and in this installment, there’s a murder at a writing contest where Agatha is one of the hosts. I am intrigued by this series!