Reviews, Etc.

REVIEW: Nothing More to Tell by Karen McManus


It’s the last semester of her senior year, and Brynn is back at Saint Ambrose, the last place she expected to be. But her return could help her out of a jam.

At her last school, a malicious prank left Brynn cut from her school newspaper job and ripped away any credibility she had earned for journalism. But now she’s an intern for a true crime show, and she’s pitched them a story centered at Saint Ambrose.

Brynn’s favorite teacher was murdered on school grounds. Three students found him, including Brynn’s former best friend. But the investigation seemed flimsy, and the crime was eventually blamed on a “drifter.”

So while Brynn is back at Saint Ambrose, she’s determined to find out the truth. And if she gets some bonus points for college by sharing the story with the world, all the better.


This was twisty! From start to finish. Brilliantly plotted. The two storytellers really made this come together.

I was sure I knew what was going on at least 4 different times – but every reveal spun the story in a different direction.

When I was a teen, I voraciously read books by Lois Duncan. And the whole time I was reading this, I kept thinking about Duncan’s books and what I loved about them. Teen me would have been a HUGE Karen McManus fan. I loved this book and the sense that I was tailing a young sleuth looking for the truth while I read.

Fans of McManus’s previous work – One of Us is Lying, Two Can Keep a Secret, etc. – should absolutely pick this up. If you enjoy a tightly plotted mystery with teen protagonists, you will love this! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Six Feet Deep Dish by Mindy Quigley

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and St. Martin’s Paperbacks in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Delilah is opening a new pizza restaurant in Geneva Bay, Wisconsin. It was supposed to be a joint effort with her fiancé, Sam. But their frequent disagreements – she’s too critical and controlling, he’s too conflict- and work-averse – have boiled over until he broke things off. Right before the soft open for their restaurant.

Delilah’s day only gets worse when she finds her frail and aging aunt holding a gun next to her caretaker’s body, just feet away from her restaurant.

Delilah understands the reality of police investigations. They can drag on. And her fledgling business can’t afford that. She needs this restaurant to work, especially after breaking up with Sam who was her financial backer. Her staff are all desperate for the business to blossom. So Delilah will just have to help the police solve the case.


This was fun! I enjoyed the Wisconsin setting and the pizza joint in this series kickoff. (The book includes recipes, written in character, which was fun.) The characters here are great. The mystery is well done and kept me guessing.

There were parts I thought could be stronger – animosity toward the victim, rationales for some of his behavior, emotional punch to Delilah’s relationship situation. All of it was fine, but I wanted it to be bigger/stronger – more impactful.

The core group of characters are what made the book work for me. They would be what would bring me back for the sequel, Ashes to Ashes, Crust to Crust, due to release in spring 2023.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

BOOK NEWS: October 18, 2022

It’s the third release week of October, but there is no sign of slowing down – lots of new books to check out this week!

Books for Older Kids/Teens/Young Adults

Unicornado – Volume 16 in the Phoebe and her Unicorn series. I get such a kick out of these comics!

Books for Adults

Built to Last (Trade Paperback) – An adult romance from Erin Hahn. Former child stars team up for a renovation show, each looking for something including a second chance at love. I’ll be reviewing this one soon!
Partners in Crime (Trade Paperback) – While her matchmaker is starting to think Mira will never find a match, she runs into Naveen, the first match she dismissed abruptly. But the two find themselves working together, initially as Naveen’s law firm helps Mira with her aunt’s affairs, but later as they dodge crime bosses and jewel thieves as they try to figure out what all Mira’s family was into. I am so stoked to read this one! I’ll be reviewing it soon.
Poster Girl (Hardcover) – Imprisoned with the fallen dystopian regime called The Delegation, Sonya has a chance at redemption – and freedom – if she can find a girl kidnapped by the old regime. I am intrigued by this one!
Beyond the Enneagram: An Invitation to Experience a More Centered Life with God (Hardcover) – From the author of Self to Lose, Self to Find comes this new Enneagram resource that focuses on the Spiritual Center. I’ll be reviewing this one soon.
Death of a Dream: Resurrecting Purpose When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned (Trade Paperback) – The author of this book spoke at our church this summer, tying his story to the story of Joseph in the Old Testament.
Madly Deeply: The Diaries of Alan Rickman (Hardcover) – A collection of personal diary entries from 1993 through his death in 2016.
Tom Felton, Beyond the Wand (Hardcover) – A memoir.
We Wrote Your Name in Color (Trade Paperback, October 19) – A memoir of a couple who said yes when his sister and her husband wrote a will listing them as guardians for their children – and who never expected a murder/suicide to leave them parenting those children through the unthinkable.

REVIEW: The Search for Sasquatch by Laura Krantz

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Abrams Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The author, a journalist and podcaster, shares how she got involved in researching Sasquatch/Bigfoot and what she’s learned along the way. She ties as much as she can to science, the scientific method, and scientists like her famous ancestor, anthropologist Grover Krantz.


This is fantastic! The content and illustrations are engaging. This is a meaty nonfiction book for kids about the science in the search for Bigfoot. Bigfoot enthusiasts will recognize many of the names she references throughout the book. And the sciences of DNA, eDNA, and anthropology are described in terms that will work for the kids and teens who will gravitate toward this title.

Amazon says this is for readers between 8 and 12, but this seems heavy for the younger kids in that age range. While reading I felt like this would be perfect for the older elementary and middle school crowd, 10 to 14 years old. This would be an excellent addition to classroom and library collections, especially where teachers and librarians are looking for engaging and contemporary nonfiction. This is the first book in a new Wild Thing line; I can’t wait to see what else they add to the collection!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Mrs. Claus and the Evil Elves by Liz Ireland

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Kensington in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


April Claus is looking forward to having her friend, Claire, visit Santaland. Claire is still a little stunned at April’s life as Santa’s wife. But they have tons of fun activities planned for her vacation.

The first wrinkle is the reindeer strike. Not ideal a week before Christmas. Then there is a drone accident that ruined the ice sculpture contest.

And then there’s a murder.

One of April’s Santaland friends is arrested for the crime, so April has to get to the truth before the whole town turns on her friend and she spends Christmas in jail.


I get such a kick out of this Christmas-themed mystery series! I love the setting, populated by elves, reindeer, and talking snowmen. The fantasy elements are more about the setting and characters than “magic,” but I enjoy this fresh take on a cozy mystery. The mystery here was good and kept me guessing all the way to the end.

I would have liked a bit more of the story anchored to April’s life as Santa’s wife and to the Claus family. But the full cast of elves opens up a lot of story ideas.

Series fans will want to pick up this new book in the Mrs. Claus Mystery series. Newcomers are probably fine starting here, although some of the setting elements and character history (like with Santa’s family) might take a little bit to make sense.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

BOOK NEWS: October 11, 2022

Here are some of the new books releasing this week that I have on my radar:


Books for Kids

Star Trek: Trek the Halls – A holiday Star Trek picture book. Yes, please!

Books for Older Kids/Teens/Young Adults

Playing Through the Turnaround – When a beloved teacher leaves because of budget cuts, his students band together to speak up for changes at their school. I love stories like this!
The Search for Sasquatch – First in a new nonfiction series. I’ll be reviewing this one soon!
Twelfth Grade Night (Graphic Novel) – First in a new series. At her new school where she can dress how she wants, Vi falls for Orsino, but he is in love with Olivia and asks Vi to help him get her attention, assuming Vi isn’t into guys. I have requested this from the library – sounds like a fun Twelfth Night retelling!

Books for Adults

A Christmas Candy Killing (Hardcover) – First in a new Killer Chocolate Mystery series. Twin sisters who own a mystery bookstore with themed chocolates become murder suspects when a friend dies and their chocolates are found nearby. I love trying out new mystery series – especially book-themed ones! Can’t wait to give this a try.
Dashing Through the Snowbirds (Hardcover) – Book 32 in the fabulous Meg Langslow mystery series. When Meg plays Christmas host to some Canadian programmers working on a project with her brother’s company, she ends up playing investigator too when the programmers’ boss is murdered. I’ll be reviewing this one soon!
Dinosaur Philosophy (Hardcover gift book) – A new @DinosAndComics collection!
The Plot and the Pendulum (Hardcover) – Book 13 in the Library Lovers Mystery series by Jenn McKinlay. When Lindsey and the Crafternooners discover a skeleton that might be linked to a 30-year-old missing persons case, they start looking for a killer. I have this one on hold already at the library!
Santa’s Little Yelpers (Hardcover) – Book 26 in the delightful Andy Carpenter mystery series by David Rosenfelt. When a new Tara Foundation employee asks Andy to represent him in court because he found out a witness who once testified against him was lying, Andy agrees to take on the case. But when the witness is murdered and his client is arrested, Andy’s found more work than he bargained for. I’ll be reviewing this one soon!
Secret Lives (Trade Paperback) – A former FBI agent-turned-landlady finds herself investigating a murder when one of her boarders is killed. I pre-ordered this months ago – I can’t wait to read it!
The Socialite’s Guide to Murder (Hardcover) – First in a new Pinnacle Hotel Mystery series. Because of her agoraphobia, Evelyn hasn’t left her father’s hotel in over a year. But when a killer strikes and her best friend is twisted up in the case, Evelyn and her crush from the hotel staff team up to find the truth. Sounds awesome!
The Spare Man (Trade Paperback) – Inventor, heiress, and sleuth, Tesla must investigate a murder on the space liner where she was enjoying her honeymoon because Security has arrested her husband for the crime. Sounds fantastic!

REVIEW: The Most Magnificent Idea by Ashley Spires

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Kids Can Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

What happens when a girl whose brain is an idea machine suddenly finds herself with no ideas at all?

This was as lovely as I hoped it would be. I ADORED the first book, The Most Magnificent Thing (♥♥♥♥♥). I think creatives will be able to identify with the journey of this character. First she had a great idea but struggles to create something that exactly reflects her vision. This time, she has no ideas at all – a complete emptiness where there’s usually more than she could use.

This would be a great read aloud for any classroom, but especially for creative subjects and clubs where kids can be encouraged to not give up when ideas are slow to come. The illustrations here are darling as always. You cannot go wrong with a book from Ashley Spires!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Something in the Heir by Suzanne Enoch

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Griffin in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Theirs was a marriage of convenience. Emmeline offered to help William with his career in exchange for a whirlwind wedding to ensure she got to keep the family home. As the first to wed, she was guaranteed the house in the short term. To keep it, she needed to bear a child.

When that didn’t happen, Emmeline fed her family a series of… stories… about their son, Malcolm and daughter Flora, expecting (hoping) no one would ever find out the truth.

But now the family patriarch has called everyone to gather for his birthday. So Emmaline and Will need two children. Immediately. Preferably ones who know how to behave properly in society.

They have to settle for George and Rose, two orphans they take in on a “trial” basis. Once the family makes an appearance at the big birthday celebration, they should be off the hook forever more.


This was an interesting story. Predictable in a lot of ways. There are no real surprises with this, except maybe the sheer number of lies the family resorts to over the course of the book. And the story is not really a romance in my opinion.

While William and Emmeline do discover a spark while they deal with her deception and their attempt to keep the house, most of it is conveyed in glances and internal observations for the two characters. It’s only a tiny piece of the larger story.

The salvation of this for me was how likable the children are – and Will and Emmie, too. And I especially enjoyed how the household staff responded to the situation.

If you like stories with endearing children and a ton of hijinks, you should definitely pick this up. If you are looking for a romance, this one may be a disappointment. Lower your expectations and focus on the family story instead, and you might get a kick out of this one.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

BOOK NEWS: October 4, 2022

We’re back! I am feeling refreshed and ready to dive back in to regular blog content, starting with some of the books releasing this week! Let’s take a look.


Books for Older Kids/Teens/Young Adults

Bhai For Now – Twins separated at birth meet up at school and decide to swap places to get to know the parent they’ve missed out on all their lives. This sounds fantastic! I love The Parent Trap.
How to Heal a Gryphon – When her older brother is kidnapped by witches while her parents are away, Giada has to find a way to rescue him.
In Myrtle Peril (Older Middle Grade) – Book 4 in the Myrtle Hardcastle Mystery series. Myrtle’s latest case has her father in the cross hairs. Hospitalized in the middle of a case himself, Myrtle’s father witnesses a murder. Now Myrtle has to solve it before her father becomes another victim. I have thoroughly enjoyed this series, and I can’t wait to read this new story.
Sisterhood of Sleuths – When a box of vintage Nancy Drew mysteries is left at her mom’s thrift shop, Maizy discovers a picture in the box of her grandmother as a girl, along with two other young women. When her grandmother insists the photo is NOT of her, Maizy starts investigating. Yes, please! I love middle grade mysteries, and this one sounds fantastic.
By the Time You Read This I’ll Be Gone (Murder She Wrote) – First in a new series for teens. When Beatrice Fletcher’s best friend goes missing, she decides to solve the mystery herself just like her great-aunt Jessica, the mystery writer. I’d give this a shot just to see how it’s put together – sounds interesting!
The Christmas Clash – A new holiday romance from Suzanne Park. The children of rival restaurant owners team up to try to save the mall where they work in order to save both businesses.
Prince of Song & Sea – First in a new series of books focused on the princes in Disney’s classic tales. Have you ever wondered what Eric’s story was before he encountered the Little Mermaid? Now is your chance to find out!
Scions – A prequel to the Starcrossed trilogy. A daughter of Zeus and a son of Apollo are drawn together into a cycle of destruction that has already engulfed their ancestors.

Books for Adults

All I Want for Christmas (Trade Paperback) – When two singers on a TV competition make sparks on duet week, the powers that be insist on them keeping up the ruse that they are a couple in real life. Unfortunately, they can’t stand each other!
A Cat Café Christmas (Trade Paperback) – A veterinarian has to set aside her reservations and trust the marketing guru who wants to help her save her cat café.
Extra Witchy (Trade Paperback) – Book 3 in the Fix-It Witches series. Leanne decides to run for city council, but it looks like she needs the right husband if she wants to launch a successful political career. But Trevor hardly seems like the right choice considering his long list of failures. I have book one for this series on my TBR.
Out of Love (Trade Paperback) – Book 2 in The Switch. When a farmer and a businessman discover they are twins, they decide to switch lives (Strictly Business). But when the farmer tries posing as the businessman, he discovers a plot to take down his brother’s company. I have this series on my TBR list, too.
Station Eternity (Trade Paperback) – First in the Midsolar Murders series. An amateur detective has fled Earth for an alien space station where she thinks she can avoid the murder cases that seemed to find her on Earth. But once she’s on the space station, visitors start dying. I can’t wait to dig into this one! It sounds right up my alley – scifi AND mystery!
When Life Gives You Vampires (Trade Paperback) – When a simple date leaves her with vampire fangs, Lily has to team up with Tristan to save them both. I already bought this one – I am fascinated by some of the personal aspects of this story.
You’re a Mean One, Matthew Prince (Trade Paperback) – Book 2 in the Boy Meets Boy series. Spoiled Matthew Prince discovers the limits of his parents’ good will when his latest PR disaster means they ship him off to stay with his grandparents for the holidays. He agrees to help coordinate a charity gala in the hopes of an “early parole” from his exile. This sounds delightful – and Hallmark movie-ish!
The God Shot: 100 Snapshots of God’s Character in Scripture (Nonfiction) – A 100-day devotional focused on passages from the New Testament that reveal God’s character.



And that’s a wrap on another sabbatical month. I think I might just do this every year – plan one month where I don’t accept any review requests. Yes, I still have to create content. But a good bit of it comes from the hundreds of posts from the past 6 years, and I don’t have to invest the hours of reading before I can write the post.

I hope you have found something fruitful from the posts over the last few weeks. Next week we’ll be back to normal with a Book News post on Monday, and a new review on Wednesday and Friday.  Until then, Happy Reading!