Reviews, Etc.

SABBATICAL – Must Read Authors

Back in the early weeks of my blog, I did a post called 8 Authors I Buy Automatically. I thought 6 years was plenty of time to try that list again and see what’s changed.

One thing that has changed is I have fewer authors I “buy automatically.” I don’t know if that’s because I have been burned on books I just didn’t like from some of my former go-to authors or if it’s because my own reading tastes have changed. It was far easier to come up with lists of my must-read series the last couple weeks than it is to come up with a list of auto-buy authors. That said, though, here is my list:

Jennifer Lynn Barnes – JLB has been a must-buy author for me for ages. I don’t think I have EVER bought a book of hers and not enjoyed it. From The Naturals series to The Fixer (FAVE) to the Debutantes  to the Inheritance Games. All winners for me.

Ally Carter – This is another author I have read for years and followed from series to series – Gallagher Girls, Heist Society, Embassy Row, Not If I Save You First, Winterborne Home. All terrific!

Donalyn Miller – This is a tricky one, because Donalyn is primarily a teacher rather than an author. But when she publishes a book, I pay attention and pick it up – The Book Whisperer, Reading in the Wild, The Joy of Reading, Game Changer, Commonsense Guide to Your Classroom Library. I don’t even teach anymore, but I can’t get enough of her philosophy of reading and teaching readers.

Jennifer Estep – While the author’s Elemental Assassin series didn’t grab me, her books set in Bellona/Andvari/etc. (Crown of Shards series, Gargoyle Queen series) are perfect for me, so I buy those the minute I know there’s a new one available.

Jessie Mihalik – I have loved both the Consortium Rebellion series and the new/in process Starlight’s Shadow series, so I have also purchased – but not yet read – the author’s Rogue Queen series.

Suzanne Stabile – Suzanne is my favorite Enneagram teacher, so while I might be more skeptical of other books until I can look at them first, hers I pick up automatically.


BOOK NEWS: September 27, 2022

It’s the last week of September – the year is zooming by! Here are some of the books releasing this week.


Books for Kids

I Am Batman AND I Am Superman – The folks behind the Ordinary People Change the World books have launched a new line of Stories that Change the World. This week the first two books release with a focus on two iconic DC heroes. I can’t wait to read these!
The Big Adventures of Babymouse: Once Upon a Messy Whisker – Babymouse is getting a new series in full color. In the first book, Babymouse is feeling self-conscious about her messy whiskers and that shows in all of her imaginings. I’ll be reviewing this one soon.
A Very Mercy Christmas – A holiday picture book starring Mercy Watson. Stella Endicott would love to go caroling for Christmas, but she struggles to find people who want to go with her.

Books for Teens/Young Adults

Foul Lady Fortune – Two spies – including one who has become immortal – pose as a married couple to find the culprits behind a series of murders.
How to Succeed in Witchcraft – A teen witch vying for a scholarship might have to rely on her nemesis for help when the head of the scholarship committee starts acting inappropriately.
Mere Mortals – Two expelled vampires making the best of their new mortal life – in high school – have a chance to regain their immortality, but only at the expense of their new friends.
Well, That Was Unexpected – A YA debut from Jesse Q. Sutanto. Sharlot and George’s parents pretend to be them online in an effort to match-make the two teens who are not living up to their parents’ expectations.


Books for Adults

The Duke Not Taken (Mass Market Paperback) – Book 2 in the Royal Match series. A reluctant princess is whisked off to a matchmaker before she does something to embarrass the Crown, but the only sparks she seems to find with anyone she meets are ones of irritation and annoyance with the Duke next door.
A Ghost in Shining Armor (Trade Paperback) – A ghost is given a second chance at life if he helps a woman find her long-lost sister. But falling for the woman is against the rules. I’ll be reviewing this one soon.
Gone for Gouda (Mass Market Paperback) – Book 2 in the Cheese Shop Mystery series. When a visiting vegan chef is unveiled as a liar – and a carnivore – and then murdered, one of Willa’s friends is the prime suspect.
Mrs. Claus and the Evil Elves (Trade Paperback) – Book 3 in the Mrs. Claus Mystery series. April’s friend is visiting the North Pole, and April wants to make a good impression, but striking reindeer, missing elves, and murder are going to make that difficult. I have gotten such a kick out of the first two books in this series! I’ll be reviewing this one soon.
Seams Like Murder (Hardcover) – First in a new Sewing Studio Mystery series. A newcomer to Hideaway Grove becomes a suspect in the hit-and-run death of the local librarian. While she waits to be cleared of the crime, Abbey takes up a new hobby and tries to find the real killer.
Witchful Thinking (Trade Paperback) – First in a new Elemental Love series. A woman in a magical community, wishing for “more” from her life accidentally casts a spell that leaves her helping her high school crush/neighbor unjinx his house so he can leave town – just when she’s finally gotten to know him.


SABBATICAL – Must Read Series, Part II

I am on a “sabbatical” from my blog this month, so I am sharing some posts that compile information my readers might find useful.

Last week I posted what I consider my “Must Read” series that are still growing. These might be books I buy or books I get at the library, but either way, I am NOT missing a book in these series.

This week I am focusing on some completed series that were must-reads when they released. Some of these I will re-read because I know I am going to love them.


Completed Series

Crown of Shards seriesKill the Queen, Protect the Prince, Crush the King. I discovered the first book in this trilogy in my quest to find something I love like the Kitty Katt-Martini/Touched by an Alien series, and these are right up there. This series is fantasy rather than science fiction, but the main character is exactly what I am always looking for, and the stories are ones I happily re-read when I need a little comfort reading of something I know is amazing.
Consortium Rebellion series – This science fiction series kicks off with Polaris Rising, my favorite book in the series. This trilogy is the closest I have come to finding a series like the Touched By an Alien/Kitty Katt-Martini series which is my all-time favorite.
Sons of Destiny series – This 8-book fantasy/romance series kicks off with The Sword. I remember when I first discovered this series. I would stalk my local bookstore looking for the rest of the books. I *needed* to have them all. This is another series I will re-read, although not as often as I do with Kitty. I loved the hook of 8 brothers looking to overcome a family curse and find love (The even numbered books are my favorites). The magic of the world is outstanding.
Reluctant Royals series – This romance series (three full-length books with some e-book novellas) completely captivated me. I haven’t re-read them, but I would in a heartbeat. The first book in the series is A Princess in Theory.
Bookish Boyfriends series – This YA series kicks off with Bookish Boyfriends/A Date with Darcy and is 4 books long, and each one is a delight.  Lovely romance with a touch of magic and ties to literature. I wish there were going to be more of these!

BOOK NEWS: September 20, 2022

Here are some of the books releasing this week.

Books for Kids

Books Aren’t For Eating – A bookstore owner tries to find a book his new customer – a goat – won’t eat.
Standing in the Need of Prayer – A picture book based on the spiritual. I have been hearing rave reviews about this one!


Books for Teens/Young Adults

The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers – Something new from Adam Sass. A boy too shy to ask someone out has instead crafted a social media account around (imaginary) meet cutes. But after 99 imaginary interactions, Micah is ready for #100 to be real, but the first prospect disappears before he can get his number. But the guy leaves a jacket behind, so Micah and his friends use clues they find in the coat to try to track down the boy from the train. I’ve already pre-ordered this one!

Books for Adults

The Kiss Curse (Trade Paperback) – A sequel to The Ex Hex. Magical rivals have to team up to discover why Gwyn’s powers are fading when a new group of witches comes to town.
A Merry Little Meet Cute (Hardcover) – An adult film star is cast in a family-friendly Christmas movie. Keeping her alter ego a secret is almost as tricky as keeping her hands off her co-star, an ex-boy band member who is supposed to be cleaning up his image. I hope to review this one once my sabbatical is over.
The Road to Christmas (Trade Paperback) – A young woman invites her family to her new home for Christmas – her parents, who are secretly contemplating divorce; her grandparents, possibly driving farther than they should for the weather conditions; and her sisters who get stranded at a ranch on the way. I’ve asked for the library to pick this one up – it sounds so fun!
Something in the Heir (Trade Paperback) – A fun spin on the fake relationship trope! William and Emmeline are comfortable in their marriage of convenience (even if William wished it were something more), but he has no idea she has told her family they have two children in order to meet some inheritance requirements. So they take in two orphans to pretend to be their children for Emmeline’s family. I can not wait to read this! I plan to review it after my sabbatical.
Top Notch (e-book) – The sequel to Double Twist. Mia is back, this time trying to defend another new friend from a murder rap. I can not wait to read this one!
When in Rome (Trade Paperback) – A fresh take on the movie Roman Holiday (a frustrating movie with an unsatisfying ending). A burned out pop star runs away to Rome, Kentucky to get lost for a bit. But when her car breaks down, she’s taken in by an overwhelmed guy with no time for pop-princess problems. While the two warm up to one another, they both know it’s only a matter of time until she has to go back to her real life. I have my fingers crossed for a more satisfying ending to the book, so I have this one on hold at the library.


SABBATICAL – Must Read Series, Part I

I am on a “sabbatical” from my blog this month, so I am sharing some posts that compile information my readers might find useful. Today it’s a look at what I consider my “Must Read” series. These might be books I buy or books I get at the library, but either way, I am NOT missing a book in these series. (It’s highly likely that I have forgotten some series, but this is a great starting list.)

This week I am focusing on series that are ongoing. Next week I will post some completed series that were must-reads when they released.

Series Still Releasing New Books

Meg Langslow mysteries – This series kicks of with Murder with Peacocks. The most recent addition to the series, book 31, is Round Up the Usual Peacocks; a new Christmas book will release in October, Dashing through the Snowbirds. I love these because Meg feels so much like me in a lot of ways, and I have grown to love the chaotic, fascinating group of family and friends who populate each book.
Andy Carpenter mysteries – This series kicks off with Open and Shut (my least favorite book in the series – but it sets things up). The most recent addition to the series, book 25, is Holy Chow; a new Christmas book will release in October, Santa’s Little Yelpers. I love these because the mysteries are so good, and Andy is sarcastically delightful.
Gargoyle Queen series – This series kicks off with Capture the Crown and then Tear Down the Throne. The next book, Conquer the Kingdom, will release in the spring of 2023. I am thoroughly enjoying this series spun off from the Crown of Shards series (which will be in next week’s post). The world is fantastic, and I love the characters here. These books can’t release fast enough for me.
Scarred Earth Saga – This series kicks off with The Blacksmith Queen and The Princess Knight. The next book, The Heretic Royal, releases at the end of the year. The first book was an unexpected delight – violent but SO fun, with clever world-building and a fascinating family at the center of the story.
Kitty Katt-Martini/Touched by an Alien series – This series kicks off with Touched By an Alien. The last book released was Aliens Abroad in 2018 – book 16 in the series. The next book will be Aliens Like Us, but there’s no release date set for that yet. This series, which I picked up after the release of book 3, changed my reading life. I discovered a fun, sexy sci-fi series with a strong, bright, hilarious, sarcastic heroine I wanted to have as my best friend. These are my comfort reads, and I read at least a few of them, if not the whole series, every year.
Galactic Cold War series – Now considered book 0 or a prequel, this series kicks off with The Caledonian Gambit, while The Bayern Agenda is considered book 1, and The Aleph Extraction is considered book 2. Book “3”, The Nova Incident, just released this summer. It’s my favorite book in this scifi-spies series.
Bromance Book Club series – This series kicks off with The Bromance Book Club. The fifth book in the series, A Very Merry Bromance, will release later this fall. I love this series about a group of guys who help each other with their romantic relationships by reading romance novels together.
Countess of Harleigh mysteries – This series kicks off with A Lady’s Guide to Etiquette and Murder. Book 5, A Bride’s Guide to Marriage and Murder, released this summer. You’ll notice there’s not a lot of historical fiction on my list, but there are a couple series where the characters and the mysteries are so good, they have worked past my mental block against historicals.
Rosalind Thorne mysteries – This series kicks off with A Useful Woman. Book 6, The Secret of the Lost Pearls, complete with a new cover design, will release later this year. This is the other historical fiction series that I love for the fantastic mysteries.
By the Book mysteries – This series kicked off this year with Buried in a Good Book. I fell in love with the characters in this, and the mystery was fantastic. Book 2, On Spine of Death, releases in November, and book 3, Murder Off the Books, will be out next spring.
Pies Before Guys series – I picked up the first book, Magic, Lies, and Deadly Pies, at the library this summer, zoomed through it, but never had space to post a full review, although I have talked about it in other posts. The first book really connected with the small, angry part of me that sees how women have been harassed and dismissed for centuries and feels powerless to effect real change. Book 2, A Good Day to Pie, will release in 2023.
Inheritance Games series – This YA mystery series kicks off with The Inheritance Games followed by The Hawthorne Legacy. The third and final book. The Final Gambit, released a couple weeks ago.
Castles in Their Bones series – This fantasy/royalty series kicked off earlier this year with Castles in Their Bones. It was stunning. Exactly the right kind of book for me. Next year’s release will be Stardust in Their Veins. I cannot wait!!
Teen Titans Graphic Novel series – This DC graphic novel series kicked off with stand alone books for both Raven and Beast Boy. Then there was a book where they teamed up, Beast Boy Loves Raven. Book 4 will be Robin, and it releases in the spring of 2023.
HiLo series – There is no middle grade series I am as excited about as this one! This series started with a six-book arc, kicked off with HILO. They are now in a second arc starring Gina, which has released two books – Gina, the Girl Who Broke the World and Gina and the Big Secret– so far. Book 9, Gina and the Last City on Earth, will release in February. (I’ve already recommended it to my library!)

BOOK NEWS: September 13, 2022

Here are some of the new books releasing this week!

Books for Kids

Moo, Baa, Fa La La La La! (Board Book) – A Christmas board book – complete with “Deck the halls with cows and holly.”
I’m a Unicorn – A one-horned calf thinks they are a unicorn. This is too adorable not to pick up and read! This is from the author of the absolutely delightful Off-Limits; I’m a huge fan!
The Hunger Heroes: Snack Cabinet Sabotage – Book 2 in the Hunger Heroes series by one of my favorite social media follows, Jarrett Lerner, following the exceptional Missed Meal Mayhem. (I bought the first book for a young family member last year, and it was a HUGE hit! I pre-ordered this one weeks ago to check in out for a possible follow up purchase.) The Hunger Heroes come to the rescue of a babysitter on the verge of “hangry.”

Books for Teens/Young Adults

Your New Playlist – Author and speaker Jon Acuff teamed up with his teen daughters to produce a young person’s edition of his book Soundtracks. Both books talk about mindsets and habitual thoughts that lead to behavior – and how to build more positive and productive mindsets. I have Soundtracks on my TBR, but I’d love to pick this one up, too.

Books for Adults

A Death in Door County (Hardcover) – First in a new Monster Hunter Mystery series. A Wisconsin bookstore owner and cryptozoologist (person who studies creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster) is called upon to help Door County police investigate mysterious deaths near Lake Michigan.
The Make-Up Test (Trade Paperback) – Exes end up in the same PhD program in literature, and competing for the same spot on a research team. Couldn’t hit the pre-order button fast enough on this one!
Murder Out of Character (Trade Paperback) – Book 2 in the Peach Coast Library Mystery series. Marvey comes across a mysterious list of four names – one is that of a person who has already died under mysterious circumstances – including one of her new friends. I have book one on my TBR; I need to catch up!
Star Trek Picard: Second Self (Hardcover) – Raffi receives a message from a Romulan spy in need of help and Elnor accompanies her on the mission. This takes place between the events of season 1 and 2 of Star Trek Picard.
Typecast (Trade Paperback) – Just as Callie is feeling settled in her life she discovers her ex has used their real-life break up as fodder for his new screenplay. Her feelings about it leave her wondering if she has truly moved on or not.
15 New Testament Words of Life (Trade Paperback) – Explore the 15 “most important” words in the New Testament as the author seeks to make them fresh again and remind Christians of our charge from Christ. I met the author of this book, Dr. Nijay Gupta, last year at an event where I work, and I thoroughly enjoyed his presentations.


SABBATICAL: Mysteries that Break the Mold

I’m on sabbatical for the month of September, but I am setting up some posts in advance, including this one. I have noticed in the last couple years some mysteries that are on the “cozy” side, but that shake up the usual formula – and I love them. Here are some examples you can read about:

Magic, Lies, and Deadly Pies (♥♥♥♥♥) – First in a new Pies Before Guys Mystery series about a woman who “bakes vengeance into her pastries.”
Finlay Donovan series –  A struggling novelist discussing the plot of her new book with her agent is mistaken for a contract killer and offered a job. Soon, she is tangled up in a real- life murder.
Double Twist – After accidentally marrying a drug kingpin, Mia is eager to get her life back on the straight and narrow. But then she and some new friends stumble across a body. Then, when a friend is suspected of murder, Mia decides to dust off the skills of her old life to clear their name.
Skeleton Key
Dial A for Aunties –  Described as “What happens when you mix 1 (accidental) murder with 2 thousand wedding guests, and then toss in a possible curse on 3 generations of an immigrant Chinese-Indonesian family?  You get 4 meddling Asian aunties coming to the rescue!” There’s a sequel now, Four Aunties and a Wedding, but I haven’t gotten to read it yet.
Under Lock and Skeleton Key – Tempest heads home to lick her wounds, hoping she can find something else to do so she doesn’t have to join her father’s business – Secret Staircase Construction. (They build secret rooms and sliding bookcases into their clients’ homes.) But when her former stage double is found dead inside a wall that was supposed to be sealed for more than 100 years, Tempest has to wonder if she was the intended victim. This is less unusual in structure, like the previous books, and more unusual because of the clever premise with Tempest and the family business.