Reviews, Etc.

BOOK NEWS: July 19, 2022

Here are some of the new books out this week!

Books for Kids

Baby’s First Klingon Words – I am WAY too excited about this board book. How adorable is that cover?! (This book may be pushed back into August.)


Books for Adults

The Accidental Pinup (Trade Paperback) – A plus-sized photographer finds herself in front of the camera modeling a line of lingerie while her rival is behind the camera. This looks terrific! This one is already on my library list!
The Bodyguard (Hardcover) – A high priced bodyguard protecting an actor from a stalker poses as his girlfriend so his family doesn’t know he’s in danger. I have this on hold at the library – when I finally get it, I will be dropping everything else to start reading!
The Daughter of Doctor Moreau (Hardcover) – A newcomer to the island sets off a dangerous chain reaction between the island’s human inhabitants and the monstrosities Dr. Moreau has created. This is not my usual sort of read, and I haven’t read the original book. But I am intrigued by this premise!
The Godparent Trap (Trade Paperback) – A free-spirited food blogger and a rigid accountant become co-guardians when his sister/her best friend and her husband are killed. But as much as the two godparents hate each other, they might need each other more. This is also on my library list.


REVIEW: The Charmed List by Julie Abe

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Ellie Kobata loves her little magical community – the shops, the spells. Everything but her ex-best friend Jack and his grouch of a father. In fact, it’s a prank on Jack that goes so wrong it might cost Ellie her current best friend, her parents’ trust, and her magic. It was an item on Ellie’s “Anti-wallflower” to do list – a list of tasks she wanted to do to come out of her shell. But “Get revenge on Jack Yasuda” went all wrong.

As penance, she has to take a business road trip – the trip she was supposed to take with Lia before everything fell apart – with Jack. How can she endure hour after hour in close quarters with the best friend who abandoned her years ago?


This was an unexpected delight. I wasn’t sure about this at first. It took me a bit to get into the flow of the magical world. And Ellie and Jack were hard to like early on with all of the mysterious hostility. I’m still not 100% sure Jack’s explanation was sufficient. But the two of them are delightful together once they set their feud aside.

By the end I was deeply attached to this magical world. I loved the village and the cottage and the convention – brilliant! The supporting cast is lovely; they were a great anchor for me to keep reading when Ellie and Jack were at odds.

The bucket list plot has been done often, and I generally enjoy the stories. I enjoyed how the list comes into play here. It’s a constant thread in the book, but not a driving one. It’s part of Ellie’s journey to define herself and take up space in the world and that whole journey was enjoyable.

Readers who enjoy enemies-to-lovers should definitely check this out, especially of you like stories with an extra layer of magic.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: Eclipse the Moon by Jessie Mihalik

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Harper Voyager in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The crew of Starlight’s Shadow is in a holding pattern while they try to get answers about the people behind the job they just finished in Valovian space (Hunt the Stars). And since Tavi and Torran had a new relationship to distract them, they weren’t as antsy about the delay as Kee was. But as their information person, Kee was frustrated by the lack of progress.

Kee decides to take a room for a few weeks at Bastion to get closer access to the information they need. The space station should be busy enough to allow her some anonymity.

The time away should also give Kee emotional space from Varro, the Valovian weapons specialist who  makes her heart race. He’s been abundantly clear that he doesn’t feel the same way about Kee. So she’s grateful for some space from him, too.

But Varro shows up on Bastion, insisting on watching her back and keeping her safe. And before long, things are so out of hand, she’s grateful to not be working alone.


This is a great second book in the Starlight’s Shadow series, full of will-they-or-won’t-they romantic tension, political intrigue, and danger. It was a delight to spend more time with these characters again!

I think Tavi’s story in Hunt the Stars was a better fit for me than Kee’s, but I enjoyed getting to know Kee better. You really get a feel for how her skills have been so helpful to the crew. And there’s a great emphasis here on Kee and her resilience when some might dismiss her that I really enjoyed.

There’s a lot of back and forth with Varro – miscommunications, misunderstandings, assumptions – that helps draw out the tension between them. The resolution of their back and forth was satisfying.

What’s not satisfying is the political situation. We wrap up this book with tons of new questions but not many answers. So I would like to have book 3 in my hands right. now! I think it’s likely that the focus of the next book will be the two members of the crew off working another angle during the action of Eclipse the Moon. And I am here for their story! The glimpses from Hunt the Stars reminded me of the main characters of Aurora Blazing, book 2 in the Consortium Rebellion series (♥♥♥♥½), which I adored.

I think these are best read in order, especially for the world building and the political plot development. Science fiction/romance fans should not miss this series! (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

BOOK NEWS: July 12, 2022

Here are some of the fantastic books releasing this week!

Books for Older Kids/Teens

A Perfect Mistake – Max doesn’t know what happened after he left that night, but it cost him his friendship with Joey and it left Will in a coma. But when the authorities run out of leads. Max teams up with a budding journalist to find out the truth. Intriguing!


Books for Adults

Caught Dead to Write (ebook – July 14) – Part of the Cat Latimer Mystery series. When Cat hosts a group of paranormal authors at her retreat center, it puts the sponsorship of the local college in jeopardy. But when the primary adversary at the college winds up dead, Cat starts hunting for a killer – again.
Eclipse the Moon (Trade Paperback) – Book 2 in the Starlight’s Shadow series. I’ll be reviewing this soon!
Hottie on Her Shelf (ebook) – A head librarian finds herself running for mayor thanks to one passing comment. This looks cute!
Into the Mist (Hardcover) – An attack on the US includes the release of a green mist that kills men and gives women unusual powers. A group of teachers coming home from a conference encounter the mist and try to find a safe space to ride out the apocalypse. YES! Top of my list for this week! I already have this one on pre-order.
Nobody’s Princess (Mass Market Paperback) – Graham’s intelligence leads him to believe there’s a member or royalty in need of his help but instead it is a woman who intends to be the first Royal Guardswoman in her country – and she wants no help from a man, no matter how charming he is.
Nothing But the Truth (Trade Paperback) – A wish over a pre-birthday cocktail after being stood up by her boyfriend leaves Lucy unable to lie – lie to herself about the things she does out of obligation rather than desire, and unable to lie at work about how awful things are. And once the truth is out there, Lucy is left to fight all of the injustices around her. I have this one on hold from the library.
The Story of You Workbook (Nonfiction) – A workbook to accompany the 2021 release The Story of You. I’ll be reviewing this workbook soon.

REVIEW: Lia and Beckett’s Abracadabra by Amy Noelle Parks

[I received a free, electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Amulet Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The Montgomerys and the Blackwells have been rivals since Lia’s grandmother, Matilda, and Beckett’s grandfather, Henry, divorced. The two families can hardly stand to be in a room together. And Lia knows Blackwell boys are troublesome – and forbidden.

But when she first meets Beckett, she thinks he’s just a cute guy who loves math like she does. But when she’s called in for the contest her grandmother has devised, she discovers Beckett is definitely a Blackwell.

With her grandmother’s Starlight Theater in Mirror Lake at stake – as well as her honor as a magician and a Montgomery – Lia is determined to win the contest. If she can take down some Blackwells and the unscrupulous good-old-boy network in Mirror Lake at the same time, all the better.


Outstanding! This was a delight from start to finish. I loved everything here – Lia and her family, the Blackwell boys (There’s a Hawthorne brothers/Inheritance Games feel to the interactions here that I adored), and the entire journey. Even the magic was fascinating – which can be hard to pull off in writing. When I finished reading, I was desperate to HOLD this book in my hands and tell everyone how good it was. When I finally see this in a store, I will absolutely hug it.

This is the perfect sort of story for me – great chemistry in the characters, supportive family members, a quest that goes beyond the central characters, a plucky heroine with plenty of sass… Wow, I loved all of this!

This is a not-to-be-missed book. Grab a copy for yourself and settle in for laughs and heart eyes and a few “they must pay” moments wrapped in a fantastic, magical story. You can read my review of another great Amy Noelle Parks book here.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++*

♥♥♥♥♥+++ = Best of the best!

REVIEW: The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Florence Day is a ghostwriter for a best-selling romance novelist. But since her big break up a year ago, she has struggled with the happily-ever-after world of romance. She thought maybe, with a new editor, she could convince her publisher to let “Ann Nichols” try something different. No dice. Benji Andor, the editor, said the book was due on schedule – the day after their meeting.

Later that night, Florence ran into her ex, ran into Benji, KISSED Benji, and then found out her father died. Any thought of finishing the book flew out of her head as she returned to Marimont – to her family, to the family funeral home, and to the ghosts.

Florence and her father were able to see ghosts. And it’s a power that only caused trouble for Florence as a teen. But when Florence sees the ghost of Benji in Mairmont, she can’t ignore her gift any more.


This was delightful! I loved all of it – the characters, the writerly bits, the romance, the family drama. All of it!

Ultimately this feels like Florence’s journey back to herself – after her breakup, after writer’s block, after fleeing her family and her home. And her journey is supremely satisfying! The romance was a happy extra to a great character story.

I have loved Ashley Poston’s YA work since I first read Geekerella. This is a slight departure as it is an adult romance instead of a young adult book, but it is easily as good as her other stories. Contemporary romance fans, paranormal romance fans, and Poston fans should absolutely check this book out! (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ – I loved it! Would re-read.

BONUS REVIEW: Enneatype Five by Liz Carver and Josh Green

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Fair Winds Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

This workbook is based on the work in the authors’ original book, What’s Your Enneatype?, as well as their hugely popular social media posts. The stated goal of this type-based workbook is to give readers an opportunity to live with this material – sit with it, consider the questions, take the recommended actions and reflect on them. The goal isn’t to finish the workbook and set it on a shelf. The questions are self-directed. Readers will get something out of the book based on the effort they put into it.

The content is brief, with several questions after each piece that allow the reader to dig into into each topic. The color scheme and art from the full book carry over into the workbook. Enneagram topics covered include: moves to stress in security, stances, wings, subtypes, relationships with other types, and practices to develop health.

I like the layout of this. I think this is a fantastic resource for folks who want to dig deeper in their number. (With the release of this book, along with the 8 and 3 books, the series is complete.) This could be used in a “devotional” sort of way, although there’s no spiritual content. It could also be used in a journaling practice.

I personally would pick the full book over the workbook for those interested in general Enneagram information. But for those who are certain of their number and want to know “what now?” this could be a great next step.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great!

BOOK NEWS: July 5, 2022

Happy July, fellow readers! Here are some of the books releasing this week for you to add to your summer TBR.

Books for Kids

Ballet Bruce – A new Early Reader starring Mother Bruce! Bruce’s geese want to do ballet. This looks adorable!


Books for Older Kids/Teens/Young Adults

Repairing the World – A young girl feels lost and untethered after the death of her best friend. This is on my wish list for the week.
The Charmed List – When Ellie’s prank against her former best friend, Jack, backfires and puts her relationship with her new best friend in jeopardy, she’s stuck with Jack on a road trip as her punishment. I’ll be reviewing this one soon.
Lia and Beckett’s Abracadabra – From the author of The Quantum Weirdness of the Almost-Kiss. While Lia is all in on a magic competition against the Blackwell boys, she doesn’t realize the cute guy she met on the beach is one of them. I’ll be reviewing this one soon as well!


Books for Adults

Acts of Violet (Hardcover) – Violet, a magician, disappeared in the middle of her act. Ten years later, her sister Sasha is looking for answers, as is Violet’s niece and a podcaster who won’t leave Sasha be. This sounds intriguing! This one is already on my library wish list.
A Cold Nose for Murder (Mass Market Paperback) – Book 3 in the always delightful Chatty Corgi series. I’ll be reviewing this soon!
Dream On (Trade Paperback) – A woman wakes up after an accident with memories of a boyfriend who everyone in her life says doesn’t exist. A year later, she meets him. Yes, please! This is also on my library list.
The Finalists (Trade Paperback) – Six college students locked in a Victorian mansion compete for a fellowship – but not everyone will survive. My library is so amazing, they already have this one coming soon. It’s on my list.
For You & No One Else (Trade Paperback) – To recover after becoming a “worst date ever” meme, Eliza agrees to go off social media for 6 months and learn to live in the “real world.” Fascinating!
Holy Chow (Hardcover) – Book 25 in the excellent Andy Carpenter series. I’ll be reviewing this one soon!
A Perilous Pal (Mass Market Paperback) – Book 2 in the Friend for Hire Mystery series. I’ll be reviewing this one soon, too.



REVIEW: Mr. Lemoncello’s Very First Game by Chris Grabenstein

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Random House Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


A young Luigi L. Lemoncello longs to fit in and find his place, but he was born to stand out. And he finds a kindred spirit at a travelling carnival where he meets Professor Marvelmous. Luigi is so good at the Professor’s carnival game that he gives Luigi a job there every day while the carnival is in town.

At the carnival, Luigi gets to practice being a showman. And the professor and Luigi’s friends encourage him as he works on his game ideas.

But two town bullies are determined to cause trouble for Luigi and his friends. Of course, one of them is a Chiltington.


This was a fun prequel! Fans of the Lemoncello series by Chris Grabenstein will love all of the Easter eggs in this book. But newcomers could start here, too. I think it’s more fun to read the books in publication order, but that’s just my opinion. The story stands solidly on its own.

Luigi is a delightful character as a child (also as an older adult in other books). He’s sweet, clever, and kind. And the Professor is an excellent mentor who gives sage advice while also giving Luigi space to find his own path.

The bullies are the worst, just like in the earlier books. But Luigi is eventually able to outsmart them. The ending is a happily-ever-after for the Lemoncello family as well as Luigi’s friends.

This is a fun, feel good story, perfect for summer reading! This would also make a great classroom read aloud, but again I think it works best if the students have previously read (or heard) at least one of the other books.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Austin//His Amish Sweetheart by Jennifer Beckstrand

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Zebra in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Alfie and Benji Petersheim have been working to get their three older brothers married and out of the house. They helped Andrew (♥♥♥♥♥) and Abraham find true love and now they just need Austin in love so all of the older boys will move out of the house and the twins can move out of the cellar and back into a room.  But Austin could be their hardest project yet.

Benji is convinced Austin is in love with his best friend, Hannah Yutzy. Alfie thinks they should get Austin interested in Priscilla Lambright who works at the library. With the twins at odds, they decide to work their own agendas – alone. May the best man win.


This was a lovely wrap up to the Petersheim Brothers trilogy!

I’ve been a fan of this series from the start. This book, originally titled Austin, was supposed to release in the summer of 2020. And then Covid. And while the publisher waited for the right time to release it, they also determined that the book might sell better with an Amish woman on the cover. So this is the new cover and the new title. While I had no issues with the other titles and covers, I’m just happy to finally see how the series ended. It was a satisfying resolution.

I have to be honest, though. Austin is a hot mess in this book. I can’t say for sure who I grumbled about more – Austin or “Scilla.” She was obnoxious, and he was an idiot a lot of the time. It never got to the point where I thought about giving up on the book, but they were truly a mess. The twins and Hannah and some of the other events of the book helped balance out Austin’s moments.

I think my annoyance is part of what made things so awesome in the end, though. I loved the resolution here. Alfie and Benji really stole the show in this book. And the extra help they recruit for their quest was an added delight!

Newcomers can start here without too much trouble. There are pieces of the story with the larger community – and the twins’ quest to get out of the cellar – that play out in Andrew, Abraham, and the Honeybee Sisters books. And reading those will fill in around this story, but I think new readers can get along without those details to start. But I highly recommend the books in both series, so you should be sure to check them all out in the end.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read