REVIEW: A Grim Reaper’s Guide to Catching a Killer by Maxie Dara


Kathy’s work for SCYTHE, escorting the souls of the newly dead to processing, is simple. Predictable. And newly-divorced and pregnant Kathy can use some “predictable” in her life.

But the soul she’s supposed to be picking up is at first missing. And then later, when she finds him, he’s belligerent and hostile, insisting he was murdered. So now she’s stuck with a mouthy teen soul as her sidekick while she tries to hunt down the truth.


This was fun! I adored the relationship between Connor (the soul) and Kathy throughout the book. And the role Kathy’s ex played in the story was a sweet addition.

The world building here is fun – the role of SCYTHE, Kathy’s job responsibilities, etc.. I liked the combination of genre’s too – mystery, fantasy, with a little second chance love story to work out on the side. The pieces all came together for an engaging story with a fast-paced ending with a sweet, emotional touch. I loved this quirky story and would absolutely pick up a sequel. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: Big Witch Energy by Molly Harper


Caroline’s newly awakened magic has shown her a ghost that hangs around her family’s restaurant, the Wilted Rose. Riley wonders if the ghost might be tied to Caroline’s family curse. And the curse is ever-present in Caroline’s mind since her high school sweetheart – the man she loved but lost because she can’t leave the island – has returned to Starfall.

Ben and his kids have come to Starfall to try to rebuild their lives after Ben’s divorce. He didn’t realize how often he’d run into Caroline on the small island. You’d think he’d be “over” their history after all this time, but he gets tongue-tied every time he runs into her.

When Ben stumbles onto the coven’s ghostly secret – and his kids get drawn in as well – the extra time with Caroline reveals the depths of their feelings for one another. But there’s a lot of hurt – and a magical curse – in their past. And that might be more than they can overcome.


This was excellent! It’s a fantastic mix of fantasy, mystery, and romance, making this Starfall Point series perfect for me. The cast gets even better with the addition of Ben and his kids. I am a sucker for any book that can add in excellent kid/teen characters, and these two are outstanding. Every scene with the core group together – whether magical or not – absolutely sparkled. I laughed so much as I read this. It was a complete delight!

The magical mysteries in this book were fascinating. This felt like the perfect season to read a ghostly story, too. Once again, there was plenty of information doled out to make the story satisfying while still holding something back for the next book which will be April’s story. And I can’t wait!

Fans of book one, Witches Get Stuff Done, should absolutely pick this up. Newcomers should definitely read these books in order because the mystery/magical pieces will make more sense. This series was a delightful surprise for me – I randomly requested the first book from the library and fell in love. Now they have become part of my personal library so I can return to them before the third book comes out. If you are looking for something “spooky” for the season, don’t miss this series. (Language, sex, ghosts/curses)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: Bride by Ali Hazelwood


Misery Lark has done her time for her people. She gave her entire childhood to serve Vampyre needs, living with humans as “the collateral.” When her duty was finished, she built her own life in the human world, far from her father and his expectations and demands.

And when he suggests one more sacrifice for “the good of her people,” she can’t say no forcefully or fast enough. But then she discovers this dangerous sacrifice can lead her to the one thing she wants most of all.

So she agrees to marry the Werewolf Alpha – live in his territory, live again as an outsider. Because it might lead to the answers she can’t find anywhere else.


This was outstanding! My first Ali Hazelwood – I totally get what the fuss is about. Once I started this, I didn’t want to put it down. The world building is fantastic! And I loved the mysteries that needed solving. There’s so much here to enjoy.

Paranormal romance fans should not miss this. Everything really was perfect – the characters, the pacing, the HUMOR, the twists, the romance. The ending sets up a possible sequel, and I am here for it! The rest of my Hazelwood books are now at the top of my TBR – I’m looking forward to reading more of her work. (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ -= Outstanding!

REVIEW: Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer


Evangeline desperately needs a new job. Family tragedy and then her dad’s illness have left her to bear the responsibility of providing for her family and keeping them alive.

Is a job as the personal assistant to the Villain an ideal solution? No, but it’s better than her last job which ended badly. With time, maybe she’ll get used to the severed heads and tortured screams of the Villain’s enemies.

When Evie discovers someone is sabotaging the Villain – a mole in their midst – she’s determined to find the traitor. Her boss may be a notorious Villain, but she’s become rather fond of him.


I. Loved. This!!! Everything about it – the characters! The story! The ending! The cliffhanger! Immediately after finishing I wanted to start over. When I see it in the bookstore, I want to hug it. This is the perfect sort of book for me – something I am always on the hunt for. This could be my favorite book of 2023 – the quirkiness of it is right up my alley.

This is everything I love in a story – a great protagonist, a swoony love interest, a mystery to solve, fantasy elements, and some great twists. This is the full package. I can’t wait to read it again.

Fans of romantic fantasy should absolutely pick this up. Fans of quirky stories like The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels and series like Pies Before Guys should try this too. Highly recommend! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Damsel by Evelyn Skye

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Random House in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Lady Elodie Bayford, eldest daughter of the Duke of Inophe, loves her home. Yes, the country is poor and barren. Their people must rely on trade with one another and the generosity of the duke to get by. But Elodie is devoted to the people and the land. She would do a lot for her people. But the arranged marriage still took her by surprise.

Elodie would be marrying Prince Henry of Aurea, and her marriage in turn would save her country. But while excited about the match – and her future on the gorgeous and lush Isle of Aurea with the handsome and charming Henry – she is puzzled by what the prosperous country is getting in return for this arrangement.

And then she finds out about the dragon.


This is a novel based on a screenplay which will be a Netflix movie this fall (October 13, 2023). And it is AMAZING!

I loved Elodie from the beginning. I was rivetted from the first few pages as I was watching for Elodie to discover the dragon and role she is to play in Aurea in exchange for resources to save her people. And once she knew the whole arrangement, I couldn’t put the book down until the end. This is going to make an amazing movie!

When I first picked this up and realized I had read this author before (Circle of Shadows was fantastic!), I was even more excited to read this. And Evelyn Skye did not disappoint. I was concerned that because Elodie was going to be alone, trying to survive the dragon, for a large portion of the book, that there would be a lot of long, dry sections of description. The sorts of things I usually skip over to get to the dialogue. But that wasn’t the case at all. This is super engaging, and I felt like I couldn’t skip past anything because I had to know it all. This is simply excellent.

Fantasy fans, there’s so much here to love – dragons, royalty, secrets, family, betrayal. I think this works for both adult readers and YA readers. And the bonus material at the end was FASCINATING – do not skip that part! I can’t recommend this highly enough – don’t miss this one! (Some language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Mr. & Mrs. Witch by Gwenda Bond

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and St Martin’s Griffin in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. This book releases March 7th.]


CRONE is an association of witches that works in secret to keep the world safe from dark, magical things it’s not ready for.

HUNTER is a similar organization, but their roots go back to the days of hunting witches. The two groups may be co-existing these days, but the peace between them feels tenuous at best.

The two groups come face to face at Savvy and Griffin’s wedding. Neither has any idea that the other is technically a “sworn enemy.” But a blow up at the wedding exposes both sides. Instead of beginning their life together as husband and wife, Savvy and Griffin have to kill each other to get back in the good graces of their respective groups.

It’s soon apparent that something much bigger is going on. And Savvy and Griffin might have to help each other out of they want to survive. But the trust between them is broken. How can they ever get past the betrayal of falling for a sworn enemy?


This was fun! The plot has a familiar Mr and Mrs Smith/rival-spies-fall-in-love vibe, and I was here for it. I liked the two main characters a lot, and the magical world was intriguing. I would have liked a little more on the world-building, but what is here is a satisfying support to the larger story, keeping the romance the focus.

This definitely feels like something that could launch a series. The events of the book set some things in motion that could build into more storytelling. And the usual friend and family groups could become central characters for future stories. And I am here for more.

The romance here is lovely. The chemistry is great. The timeline jumps work perfectly to get the reader right into the conflict of the story while still building the relationship of the main couple.

While I have always enjoyed magical fantasy stories, I am always guarded for ones that might veer toward horror or the occult. This one gave me no issues, but if you are also wary, the magical elements here include covens (groups of witches), familiars (animals that can shape shift and bond to their owners), gorgons, necromancy, and spells/magic powers.

Readers who enjoy their romance with a healthy side of fantasy and magic – books like Not the Witch You Wed, Not Your Ex’s Hexes, The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels, Capture the Crown, Dead Romantics, etc. – should definitely pick this up! (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great – Might re-read

REVIEW: The Heretic Royal by G. A. Aiken

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Kensington in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Queen Annwyl the Bloody (Dragon Actually) – the Mad Queen – has come to Forgetown, the lands ruled by Keely, the Blacksmith Queen. And Annwyl is not alone. She has a group of shapeshifting dragons with her.

While Keely and her sister Gemma try to figure out what to make of the unpredictable woman and her dragon allies, their sister Ainsley is trying to make her mark and get her family to take her seriously. So when an opportunity arises for her to take a swipe at her sister Beatrix’s rival army, Ainsley and her friends take it.


Wow! I have some mixed feelings on this one, but the bottom line is WOW. The epilogue left me gasping and growling. I read this 4 months ago, so I am looking at 16-18 months or more of waiting until book 4 releases. Ugh. I need it!

Almost a year ago, when I first saw the pre-order for this, the third book in the Scarred Earth Saga, I couldn’t hit the pre-order button fast enough. I was thrilled to get a chance to read an early review copy, something I treated myself to during my 2022 sabbatical. I have adored this series since I first heard about The Blacksmith Queen (♥♥♥♥♥).

That said, I struggled with this one. I loved the glimpses of Ainsley in the last book. But the fun, punchy moments earlier in the series became these longer fights with Gemma that were hard to enjoy. Also, the arrival of the dragons at the end of book 2 became a long “introduction” to this book, and it dragged. And I could not get a handle on the various dragons. (Readers who have read the author’s Dragon Kin series will not struggle like I did. I didn’t realize this was a crossover until after I finished reading.) But on the first read through, I couldn’t keep them straight. I would have loved more scenes with Ainsley and her friends, too. They were a curious trio, and I wanted more of them together, bantering and battling, which would have been a fun attempt to balance the more stagnant dragon parts. Also, the romance here was only okay. I didn’t feel it had the same build up – and fun – as in the previous two books.

To me, this felt like a transitional book, one with a goal of moving characters to wherever they need to go to be ready for book 4. So for me this lost something by not having a strong, driving story of its own. Most of the “action” here centered on Keely’s stronghold and trying to build an alliance, teeing things up for later.

That said, I am still fully invested in this Saga. I adored Isadora’s appearances in this book. I imagine the next book will be hers. I’m eager to read it, but that anticipation is tempered by the dragging parts of this one and the experience of loving Ainsley in bits and pieces earlier in the series, but not loving her quite so much when the full focus of a book was on her. But I have my fingers crossed for book 4 to be a better fit for me.

These books absolutely need to be read in order. You do not want to miss the amazingness of The Blacksmith Queen and The Princess Knight. I re-read both in preparation for this, and loved them just as much in a re-read as I did the first time through. I feel like this series is fantasy with hints of romance. If that sounds up your alley, pick up the whole trio of books out now so you are ready for book 4 when it releases. (Language, violence, gore, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Might re-read.

REVIEW: Tear Down the Throne by Jennifer Estep

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Harper Voyager in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Gemma Ripley is still licking her wounds after her last encounter with the Morricones when she is thrown back into their company at the annual Trade Summit. All of the royal families are there – the Ripleys, the ogre morphs, the dragon morphs, and the Mortans led by Gemma’s biggest enemy, Maeven Morricone.

At first blush, the Summit is a way for Gemma to do some spying. Maybe she can finish what she started in Morta and find out what Maeven’s son, Milo, is up to. But before Gemma can do much more than scheme, Maeven throws a wrench into the Summit that could destabilize their whole continent – or even get Gemma killed.


I blitzed through this in one sitting and it left me dazed – and eager to read it again.

Gemma is in excellent form here. She is growing into her role as a princess and a spy. And as people take her more seriously, she thrives. Things between Gemma and Leo heat up in this book – and I was here for it. The interplay between them tickled me. The author does a great job of building both the romance and the intricate political plot of the series.

There are so many great developments here from book 1, Capture the Crown. But Estep isn’t out of surprises. Two of my big questions from book 1 are still waiting for full reveals – and I love it. She is doing a masterful job of telling a full, compelling story while still keeping me guessing. I can’t wait for Book 3, Conquer the Kingdom, out next spring.

The books in this Gargoyle Queen series build on each other, so they really have to be read in order. While I also think it helps to have read the Crown of Shards series first (it’s so AMAZING!), I think readers could follow Gemma’s story without it. But Kill the Queen (♥♥♥♥♥)Protect the Prince (♥♥♥♥½), and Crush the King  really help develop the world here as well as context for Gemma’s story.

Whatever order you read these in, fans of romantic fantasy should absolutely check out this whole line of books! (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Capture the Crown by Jennifer Estep

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Harper Voyager in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Princess Gemma works at keeping her pampered princess persona and reputation in place. It disarms people, and they tell her things – things that help her work as a spy.

Her latest mission has her posing as a miner as she tracks missing stockpiles of tearstone. But her mission puts her directly in the path of her nemesis, Prince Leonidas Morricone of Morta. HIs family was behind the Seven Spires Massacre (Kill the Queen), an event that still haunts Gemma, 16 years later.

When someone tries to kill Leonidas, Gemma reluctantly saves him. When her life is in danger, he returns the favor. It makes sense for them to team up against the actual villain. And once they’ve thwarted *his* plan, the two royals can go back to hating each other.


I loved this! I wanted to pick it back up and start over as soon as I finished it. And I would have if I didn’t have so many other stories vying for my attention. I’m so happy this is the first review to post after the completion of my blog sabbatical.

This is NOT a fourth book in the Crown of Shards series – after Kill the Queen (♥♥♥♥♥), Protect the Prince (♥♥♥♥½), and Crush the King – but a spin off. Gemma is a child in those books, but now she is an adult, ready for her own adventure – and romance. There are references to the events of the Shards series, but this kick off to the Gargoyle Queen series is all about Gemma, and I adored it!

I am enjoying the magic system in this world as much as the heat and tension between Gemma and Leo. I’m trying to puzzle out what Leo’s family is up to – and especially what the story is with his sister. The teaser for book 2 – Tear Down the Throne – gave me no answers, and only made me whine all the more about the long wait until it releases.

Crown of Shards fans should run right out and pick this one up. I don’t know that you have to have read that series to dive into this one, but I think it helps. Besides, it’s an outstanding series that fantasy fans should not miss. I re-read the original series after finishing this, and it was so helpful for filling in little story gaps I had forgotten. Now that my autographed copy of Capture the Queen has arrived, I am ready to read it again! Don’t miss this one. (Language, violence)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: Falling into Magic by Elizabeth Pantley

[I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Hayden was a child she got “weird” when it came to mirrors. She once saw a strange boy through a mirror and felt like she almost got sucked into one. When her cat went missing, her family told her it must have gotten out and wandered off. But Hayden was sure it was the mirror.

Ever since, Hayden has stayed away from mirrors. But after an accident, Hayden finds herself in that mirror world – Destiny Falls. She finds long lost family, a magical mansion, a mystery, and a dead body.


I know that’s a super short summary, but I don’t want to ruin any of the delightful world-building in this book.

What a treat! I wasn’t sure what to expect with this story, but I found great characters and a fascinating setting with a twisty and engaging mystery. It was a start to finish read. I have so many questions! The biggest is when I can get my hands on book 2. (The answer is March 15 – The Disappearance of Emily.)

There are so many pieces of this that were perfect for me as a reader:

  • Hayden is a great protagonist – she’s bright and curious. I loved watching her sleuthing on the murder as well as her investigation of her new surroundings and situation.
  • She’s pulled into a magical world that is great. A lot of the magic has a fun “Room of Requirement” feel to it that I thoroughly enjoyed.
  • Hayden’s long lost family – and the history of that family – is fascinating. And there are still questions there to explore.
  • The mystery is much larger than the murder. I loved how it developed across the whole book, bit by bit. One of the fast few clues pulled it all together for me. I loved watching it all work out.
  • If I had to pick a genre for this I would say it is more fantasy than mystery because the larger story is about Hayden, about this family and mirror world, about the magic there and her adjustment to it, and about the mysterious characters causing trouble there. But the fantasy and mystery pieces are so well woven together, it’s hard to separate them from each other. And both genres are a big appeal for me.

If you are looking for a magical cozy with a great protagonist and a strong family legacy angle, don’t hesitate to pick this one up. I loved it!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.