BONUS REVIEW: Courting Can Be Killer by Amanda Flower

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Kensington in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Millie spent 10 years in Michigan, caring for her ailing sister. While there, she became acquainted with a boy named Ben. Now an adult, Ben has followed Millie back to Holmes County, Ohio, to start over. He has fallen in love with a young woman named Tess. Ben hoped his honorary aunt, Millie, as the local matchmaker, would help him convince Tess’ father to let them marry. While Millie can see the love Ben has for Tess, she advises patience rather than going against Tess’s father’s wishes. But Ben seems to be in a hurry to move the relationship along. Millie can’t get him to explain why.

When tragedy strikes at the Amish Flea Market where Ben worked, Millie and her best friend, Lois, are determined to find out what happened to Ben and if it had anything to do with Tess or her father. “‘Amish Marple’ and her lovely sidekick are on the case.”


Millie and Lois are such a fun sleuthing team! I am thoroughly enjoying this Amish Matchmaker Mystery series by Amanda Flower. There’s just enough crossover with the Amish Candy Shop series to make fun connections. But not too much that it would alienate readers unfamiliar with that series. And I love Millie’s goats! (Far more than the pig, Jethro, from the other series. That pig is a menace.)

I was caught off guard that Ben was the victim in this book. It’s in the official synopsis, but that wasn’t in my head when I started reading. Usually there’s some emotional distance between the protagonist and the victim. And often the victim is odious. But that wasn’t the case here. Ben is earnest and hard working. And he’s loyal to Millie who cares for him as if he’s family. That connection gave this mystery an unexpected emotional edge, and I liked it.

I will read pretty much anything Amanda Flower writes at this point, but I think this is my favorite series of hers right now. Millie and Lois are an odd couple in all the best ways. They make for a dynamic and FUN duo. Add in those hilarious goats, and a great mystery that kept me guessing until the end, and I am a happy reader. You can read my review of book one, Matchmaking Can Be Murder, here.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Matchmaking Can Be Murder by Amanda Flower

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Kensington in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Millie Fisher recently moved back to Holmes County, Ohio. She had lived in Michigan for years, taking care of her sister. But now she’s back, enjoying being home in her Amish community with family close by.

Millie has a reputation as something of a matchmaker in her community. God has given her a sense for when two people are a good match – or not. Which is why Millie is so eager to talk to her niece, Edith. She rushed into an engagement to Zeke Miller, but it’s obvious to Millie that the two are ill-suited for one another. Thankfully, Edith agrees and breaks her engagement.

Gossip spreads quickly in the small community. And people have some strong opinions about the break up. It caught everyone but Millie by surprise. But it’s nothing compared to the surprise of finding Zeke, murdered. Millie is desperate to help Edith, but she’s keeping secrets and she looks guilty. Millie’s going to have to work her people skills to figure out who wanted Zeke dead – and why.


This was terrific! It’s a spin off of the author’s Amish Candy Shop series, so the setting and several of the secondary characters are familiar.

I loved Millie and her English friend, Lois. They are a delightful contrast, and they are hoot together! Because of those two, this is my new favorite Amanda Flower series.

Flower does a great job weaving this book together. There are enough connections to the other series that readers of those books will feel instantly at home. But they are presented in such a way that newcomers won’t feel like they’ve missed something. The author also seeds the book with story threads that can play out in future books. I can’t wait.

The mystery was great. All the pieces came together well. The pacing of the sleuthing worked, too. I enjoyed everything about this one – don’t miss it!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥