REVIEW: A Thorn in the Saddle by Rebekah Weatherspoon

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Kensington/Dafina in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Jesse Pleasant is thrilled that his brothers have found love. But his anger and resentment at being the dependable one – the rock – the family caretaker – is starting to feel like too much. In fact, he completely loses his cool when he walks in on his grandmother and her new boyfriend. He knows his response was way over the top.

Lily-Grace is furious that her father got hurt because Jesse had a temper tantrum. And she’s prepared to make him suffer her wrath over it for awhile. But when he takes her chiding to heart and gets a therapist, she wonders if the sweet kid she met in elementary school is still there in the heart of this angry, brooding man.

While things start to thaw  – and then heat up – between Jesse and Lily-Grace, both are at a crossroads in life. Will their choices push them closer in the end or lead them on separate paths?


When I first picked this up, I meant to just start it – a chapter or two before bed. Next thing I knew, I was up way past my bedtime and halfway through the novel. It was worth the loss of sleep to spend time with the Pleasant family again. The therapy-positive focus of this book was awesome. I enjoyed the exploration of Jesse’s anger and his journey through the whole book.

I loved Jesse and Lily-Grace together. There are some great one-liners here to balance out the more serious moments. Fans of re-imagined fairytales should enjoy this take on Beauty and the Beast. I have really enjoyed how the author has taken these well-known stories and made them her own. The connections are clear if you are looking for them, but they are also super subtle and nuanced so that it’s possible you won’t even notice the parallels. Series fans should NOT miss this latest installment of the Cowboys of California series. I don’t believe these have to be read in order to be enjoyed, but it does help establish the relationships in the family. (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

BONUS REVIEW: Beauty and the Beast by Jessica Gunderson

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Picture Window Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Beauty is the youngest of three girls. She loves books and music and flowers and has a sweet disposition, unlike her selfish oldest sister Gritty and the vain middle daughter, Petty. The family has had a run of bad luck. They had to sell their possessions, get rid of their servants, and move into a small cottage.

When Beauty’s father takes a rose at a mysterious castle on his travels, the Beast who lives there says he can leave if Beauty comes and stays instead.

Beauty gets to know the Beast, and likes him. But when her father becomes sick, she leaves and the Beast is lonely and sad.


The art in this is lovely! I enjoyed the familiar basics of the story and the diversity of the cast. Beauty’s sisters have a Cinderella’s step-sisters feel to them. Other than being catty, though, the story doesn’t do much with them, which was disappointing.

The art really made this enjoyable. I was pleased with some of the “extras” in the book as well – a guide to reading graphic novels, writing prompts, discussion questions and a craft. I wish the story had been more full and engaging to go with these terrific extras. The story was mild with no real conflict explored. There was space devoted to Beauty’s family, but they never became a factor in the larger story. Then that left fewer pages to explore the story with the Beast.

Rating: ♥♥♥

REVIEW: A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer


Harper is starting to wonder if things could get any worse. Her mother is dying. Her father got in deep with loan sharks and then disappeared. Now her brother Jake is trying to hold off the loan sharks, but they are starting to push him to do things he doesn’t want to do. Then one night, as Harper is waiting for Jake to finish a job, she sees someone kidnapping a woman. She can’t just ignore it. Even though she only has a tire iron for a weapon, and she has a bad foot, she goes after the attacker.

And she ends up in Emberfall.

Prince Rhen is cursed. Time and time again he turns into a monster, destroying his home, his people, his land. The only thing that could break the curse is love. That’s why his guard, Grey, travels to another world to find young women willing to meet a prince and take a chance on love. But on the most recent trip, he returns with an unwilling companion. Harper is desperate to get home to her family. But the magic won’t work again until the monster returns. And what are the chances for love for Rhen with a young woman who doesn’t want to be there and who only wants to get back to her life?


I fell in love with Brigid Kemmerer’s work when I first read Letters to the Lost.  So between the fact that this is a Beauty and the Beast retelling and the fact that she wrote it, there wasn’t a moment’s doubt that I would be reading this book! And it totally lived up to my expectations!

The parallels to the original story are clear – although no humongous library like in the movie. But to be honest, there’s not a lot of down time in the story for Harper to get in leisurely reading. There are lots of original twists that help this story stand solidly on its own. Rhen changes into the monster on a cycle. So he’s not always physically a beast. Also, a lot of the story is tied to what has happened to Emberfall while the prince has sequestered himself in the castle. I loved all of the parallels – and all of the original pieces as well.

The characters in this are fantastic. Every inch of progress in the relationships is hard-earned on both sides. The secondary characters are just as great as the main three. I loved that we got some quality interaction with Harper’s family in the book. Great stuff! I also realized that I have a thing for fantasy stories where someone from our world is pulled into a magical world. I can think of several books with that plot that I have loved and re-read over and over. This is one I will revisit, too.

The action in this was consistent all the way through to the end. And what an end! Book 2 is a year away, but we already know the characters it’s going to focus on, and the author sets up some great material to launch us in a new direction. Fantastic! I highly recommend this book, and I will certainly be reading book two, A Heart So Fierce and Broken, in 2020. [Violence]

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½

REVIEW: Belle AND Ella by Sarah Price

[I received an electronic review copy of Ella from Netgalley and the publisher, Zebra. All opinions are my own. ]

Belle: An Amish Retelling of Beauty and the Beast – Summary

Belle’s father wasn’t really cut out to be a farmer. In his heart and his mind he is an inventor. Unfortunately, inventing doesn’t bring in any money if no one will buy his designs. As the youngest of three daughters still at home, Belle knows the best she can do is be sure the house is cared for, complete her chores, and hope maybe one of her sisters will get married. A husband could help with the things her father doesn’t do on the farm.

But an accident puts their whole family in jeopardy. Her father is woefully behind on the mortgage, his latest invention was destroyed in the accident before he could sell it, and in desperation he sold the family’s home and farm to the reclusive Adam Hershberger.

Belle knows the townspeople sometimes call Adam a “beast” because of his scars from a fire years ago. His gruff manner doesn’t help that reputation. But Belle is desperate to help her family. So she agrees to marry Adam if he will let her family stay at the farm.


This was delightful! Beauty and the Beast is my favorite of the Disney princess stories. This Amish twist on the story was terrific. Early on, the parallels to the Disney version were almost too on point. But after the wedding, the story developed its own flavor and details that were original and perfect for the context.

I loved Belle and Adam. The Beast-ish moments – the growling, the secrecy, the anger and bitterness – were frustrating. Why wouldn’t he just TALK to her? I loved how Belle stood up to the people in the community for her husband even when she wasn’t sure where she stood with him. The only disappointment for me was the lack of a library scene!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½


Ella: An Amish Retelling of Cinderella – Summary

Ella Troyer was a teenager when her father told her he was getting married again. Her mother had been gone for awhile and Ella needed a woman in the house to teach her all she would need to know as an adult in the Amish community. His new bride was a widow from another town who had two girls around Ella’s age. Even though her father had never met the woman before, they were to become a  family.

Six years later, Ella is a virtual servant in her family home. After her father’s death, Ella’s step-mother took over his business – the town’s general store – and Ella became the sole caretaker of the home She did all the chores around the house, tended the garden and the livestock, and did all the cooking.  If her step-sisters didn’t want to work their shifts at the store, she also did that. Between her fear of her step-mother and the promise she made to her dying mother, Ella felt she had to take the high road and suffer through all of the abuse without complaint, hoping God would eventually set things right.

When the store starts having money trouble, Ella’s step-mother starts looking into taking on a partner for the business. The family considering the deal sends one of their sons to check out the Troyer family and the business. Hannes is smart and funny. He makes Ella feel special and important. But Ella’s step-mother is determined to drive Hannes away – or claim him for one of her own daughters instead.


This was fantastic! Even better than book one. I don’t read a lot of Amish fiction, but this series is so incredibly good I want to read it again and again.

The author does an excellent job adapting the original fairy tale to an Amish setting. I loved the nods to the classic – mice, a pumpkin, etc. – even though the magical elements are left out. And the way the author works in the “fairy godmother” and the “glass slipper” parts literally made me sit up and cheer. I could see the pieces start to come together, and when they finally did, it was perfect!

Ella’s situation through most of the story was infuriating. Her Amish step-mother used all the Amish traditions about hard work and peace and obedience to manipulate Ella, but didn’t apply them to her own daughters. I longed for them to be put in their places, and when it happened, I was supremely satisfied.

I highly recommend this for fans of romance novels, Amish fiction, Christian fiction and readers who enjoy re-fashioned fairy tales. This was a delight from start to finish. Book three – Sadie – which focuses on the story of Snow White is scheduled for Fall 2018. A new character mentioned in this book could be a hint at a fourth book in the series.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: Switched by Jen Calonita


Rumpelstiltskin was run off, but he’s not gone for good. Gilly’s sister, Anna, and a bunch of other kids have followed him, ready to do his bidding as he tries to take over Enchantasia. And while Gilly has school and her friends to distract her, she is desperate to get Anna back.

One of the exciting things at Fairy Tale Reform School (FTRS) this term is a new library and the librarians coming to run it – Prince Sebastian (Beast) and Princess Beauty. Of course, since this is Enchantasia, some of the books are magic – and some are dangerous.

Gilly is convinced that if she can find a book on Rumpelstiltskin in the library, it will tell her what she needs to know to defeat him and rescue her sister. She’s certain that her past adventures mean she can handle whatever a simple book could throw at her. But villain origin stories can be more dangerous than Gilly can imagine.


I have enjoyed this world since book one, Flunked. It feels a little like the Ever After High series, but without an over-reliance on fairy tale puns. I enjoy Gilly and her group of friends. The addition of Beauty and the Beast’s daughter, AG, and her personal development in the story was my favorite part of the book. I have high hopes for her character in the continuation of the series.

I was disappointed in Gilly in this book, though. At the beginning of the series, she’s such a terrific, tough and determined character. This time, she’s completely consumed with the rift between her and her sister and with rescuing Anna. She loses all rational thought. She ignores her friends – and her own past experience – in favor of voices that tell her what she expects and wants to hear. And that robs her of some of the strength she has had in the past that made me enjoy the character so much.

I think fans of the series will be content with this new installment, but they may miss the more adventurous action and tone of some of the early books. There’s going to be a new series in this world called the Royal Academy Rebels. Book one, Misfits, will release in fall of 2018. I’m looking forward to seeing what that adds to the world of Enchantasia.

Thanks to Netgalley and Sourcebooks for the opportunity to read an electronic review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: ♥♥♥