Krypton might be a technological marvel, but it has problems the same as any other planet. Their leaders are arrogant and prideful about their advancements. They refuse to acknowledge anything could possibly go wrong with their plans. The lower castes are cannon fodder, like the soldiers who routinely put themselves in harm’s way, expecting not to survive. Then the elite citizens can maintain their delusions of superiority and their sense of security. Their hubris will be their undoing.
Zahn of the elite House of Re and a soldier named Sera-Ur are at the center of this story. They see the truths their leaders deny and the general populace ignores. Krypton’s terraforming efforts are failing. The home world is in serious trouble. Working together, Zahn and Sera may be able to put the pieces together and figure out what is truly happening and what can be done to save Krypton.
This is very clever! I’m not a Superman super fan, so I don’t know how much of this is canon and what is created for this particular story. My impression has been that Krypton was some sort of utopia. But this paints a different picture. And I was captivated by the idea of a flawed Krypton – genetic engineering, a caste system, arrogant and ineffectual leaders, rebellion. This was NOT the Krypton I was expecting. It was far more interesting.
I enjoyed references to Jor-El, General Zod, and the Phantom Zone, but this is really Zahn and Sera’s story. And I liked that. They are a function of their place in the caste system and upbringing. But the story reveals there are other factors in play which I really liked. There are some philosophical issues introduced here that would be fun to discuss with other readers.
This ends on a major cliffhanger that left me grasping for the next installment. I was drawn in by the whole story. Part two will be a must read for me.
I enjoyed the design of Krypton in the art. The illustration style is not my preferred style, but it’s well done. And the graphics tie perfectly into the story. DC fans should NOT miss this one!
The folks at DC Entertainment graciously provided a couple sample pages so you can see the artwork in this book:
Rating: ♥♥♥♥*
*♥♥♥♥=Great! Might re-read.