REVIEW: How to Date a Superhero (And Not Die Trying) by Cristina Fernandez

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Katherine Tegen Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Astrid is master of schedules. She’s turned it into almost an art form – timed out to the minute, color coded. The whole deal. Unfortunately, real life is rarely as precise. For example, there was the night the dining hall closed early because of some superhero shenanigans right when she was supposed to be getting dinner with her roommate David and her boyfriend Max. It completely threw off her schedule!

Astrid has known Max since high school where he was awkward and accident prone. But none of the time she has known him has she suspected Max was a superhero. Not until his nemesis tries to kidnap her.

Astrid adores Max, but is she really cut out for a life of dating a superhero?


This was fun. It’s got an interesting structure as the chapters jump back and forth through time so we can see the contemporary relationship between Astrid and Max and then see how it started.

I enjoyed the world-building here with both the superhero characters and the support systems they have in place for the romantic partners of superheroes. I also enjoyed Astrid and Max together – they are sweet and adorable. And the tension is real when Astrid’s life is in danger.

There’s a side story with a strong sense of foreshadowing. You know it’s going to eventually be a thing. You just have to wait it out. I actually wanted this to be a bigger thing across the story. The payoff was great in the end, but when I read a book, I’m always more satisfied if there’s a big challenge – a mystery to solve, an enemy to beat, etc.. This eventually delivers that, but the bulk of the story is focused on Astrid as she tries to hang onto Max – and herself – while the hero/villain world tries to tear everything apart.

This is a fun story, and I would encourage readers who love romance with a side of superheroes and fantasy to give this a go! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+