REVIEW: A Grim Reaper’s Guide to Catching a Killer by Maxie Dara


Kathy’s work for SCYTHE, escorting the souls of the newly dead to processing, is simple. Predictable. And newly-divorced and pregnant Kathy can use some “predictable” in her life.

But the soul she’s supposed to be picking up is at first missing. And then later, when she finds him, he’s belligerent and hostile, insisting he was murdered. So now she’s stuck with a mouthy teen soul as her sidekick while she tries to hunt down the truth.


This was fun! I adored the relationship between Connor (the soul) and Kathy throughout the book. And the role Kathy’s ex played in the story was a sweet addition.

The world building here is fun – the role of SCYTHE, Kathy’s job responsibilities, etc.. I liked the combination of genre’s too – mystery, fantasy, with a little second chance love story to work out on the side. The pieces all came together for an engaging story with a fast-paced ending with a sweet, emotional touch. I loved this quirky story and would absolutely pick up a sequel. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: Faking Christmas by Kerry Winfrey

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Laurel never planned on lying. Yes, her life was in total disarray. And she desperately needed a job. But she clearly stated in her interview that she ran social media for Meadow Rose Farm. Her boss made the assumption that it was her farm. But when she could have corrected him, she didn’t.

She *really* needed that job.

And so far it’s worked out. Her twin sister, Holly, and her husband, Darius, do own the farm. So Laurel writes her pieces about what HOLLY does – just in first person.

But now her boss has invited himself to Christmas Eve Eve at the farm. And while Holly is happy to help with the subterfuge for Laurel’s sake, she’s not willing to sacrifice Darius to the cause. So they’ve invited Max Beckett to play Laurel’s husband. Too bad she hates the man.


This absolutely has those Hallmark Christmas movie vibes. And I was here for it! This was so fun to read! I adore fake relationship stories – although the “be my date to all the things so my relatives leave me alone” style usually involves less outright lying than this did. But I loved Laurel and her whole family. And Max was my favorite sort of grump – you know there’s depth there. The “sunshine” just has to slow down and give him a chance.

Yes, the inevitable disaster was as painful as you can imagine. But the resolution was also all I had hoped for. I can’t recommend this highly enough. This should appeal to Hallmark fans, grumpy/sunshine fans, fake relationship fans, fans of the author’s other books, as well as everyday romantic comedy fans. Do not miss this one! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: The House Swap by Yvette Clark

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and HarperCollins in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Sage is worried her parents might be getting a divorce. So when her mom announces they will be going to England for vacation – without her dad – she finds it hard to feel excited. Plus, the trip is a house swap, so there will be strangers living in their house which will just be weird.

Allie finds herself feeling at turns overlooked and then smothered as the middle kid in her family. No one takes her desire for some order and boundaries seriously. Her parents always seem to indulge her older brother and baby sister, leaving Allie to fend for herself in family dynamics.

Sage and Allie get a few days together in England before Allie leaves, and in that time Sage shares her worries about her parents. So Allie helps her come up with a plan to “Parent Trap” her parents in order to save their marriage.


The set up here is cute. I loved how the author arranged things so the two girls are together and get to know one another for a few days before the full swap. I loved the two girls together.

The conflicts the girls are facing are pretty typical for middle grade stories, and they are well-executed here. I really felt for Allie as she struggles to be heard and understood in her family.  The “Parent Trap” plan was as stressful to read as you might imagine. I think kids will enjoy the drama of it all.

This would be a nice selection for a read aloud or a book group. There’s a lot of family dynamics here for discussion or reflection. Kids could talk about which of the girls they related to the most, both in their different personalities and also in the conflicts they are facing. Both girls end up working on giving voice to their feelings and asking for what they need. These are great life skills for kids to read about and talk about.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good +

REVIEW: Claws for Suspicion by Deborah Blake

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. This book releases next week, on May 3, 2022.]


Just as Kari is reflecting on the journey that brought her to win the lottery and buy a pet rescue, her contentment is shattered by the arrival of her ex. Charlie has heard about Kari’s winnings and brings the unwelcome news that their divorce was never finalized. He believes that means he’s entitled to half. But he’s willing to settle for taking the rescue – and the land it sits on – for one of his development schemes.

When Charlie is killed, Kari’s relief that he can’t take her dream away from her is short lived when she becomes the primary murder suspect.


I loved book one in the Catskills Pet Rescue Mystery series, Furbidden Fatality, and then somehow missed out on reading book 2, Doggone Deadly, before I heard about this third book. I had hoped to read 2 before 3, but my timing didn’t quite work out. But it didn’t matter. I was able to fall right back into the people and setting without issue – and I enjoyed this book in the series too!

The characters here are fun, both the humans and the animals, and the mystery was great. I puzzled out a lot of it for myself, but there was one piece that caught me so off guard I exclaimed out loud. I loved having both the satisfaction of solving the mystery AND an unexpected surprise at the same time.

Cozy fans should not miss this series! It has all the great hallmarks of the genre – a likable protagonist; a clever hook/setting; an enjoyable community around the main character; and solidly plotted, satisfying mysteries. While the plots of books 1 and 2 are mentioned, I don’t think newcomers will feel like they can’t track this story without going back to the beginning. But I do think if you start here you will enjoy it so much you will want to go back and pick up the previous two books!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read


REVIEW: Full Flight by Ashley Schumacher

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Weston is the outcast in the town of Enfield. In a small town, everyone knows your business. So everyone knows about his parents’ divorce, about the year he spent at the rival high school. And the things they don’t know, they make up with rumor and assumption. Everyone but his closest friends thinks he’s weird at best if not actually dangerous.

Anna is an unexpected bright spot in Weston’s life. While they are supposed to be practicing their big duet for marching band, they are finding in each other someone who, surprisingly, GETS them – his struggles after the divorce, her anxiety, his music, her writing.

But since everyone assumes the worst about Weston, Anna feels she has to hide and lie to be with him. But in a small town, no one keeps a secret for long.


I have to be honest. The synopsis for this book did not grab me when I read it. But the author wrote my favorite book of 2021. So reading this one was a given. While I read, my feelings were mixed.

I loved Anna and Weston, both as individuals and together. And the author’s writing is top notch. But I just did not get this story. For so long, nothing was happening. Sure, they grew closer, they faced some roadblocks. But things just kept rolling along. I couldn’t figure out the point of it all.

I’ve described my ideal book a lot here. A big piece of my enjoyment is the puzzle or the quest – something to solve, something to overcome, something to rail against. This just isn’t that sort of book.

I have no idea how to rate this – I was engrossed in the characters and enjoyed the writing. On that alone, I would probably give this 4 stars. But I just couldn’t connect to the plot. And the ending did not help my enjoyment of the story. The whole reading experience was unsatisfying in the end.

Readers who love character-rich stories and don’t care about driving plots are likely a much better audience for this than I was. There’s a lot here to enjoy if you are excited about watching a relationship unfold over time with some fantastic descriptions – especially if you have a soft spot for band stories. (Language, sex, TW: Grief)

Rating: ♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥ = Good, solid, fine

REVIEW: Finlay Donovan Knocks ‘Em Dead by Elle Cosimano

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. This book will release February 1, 2022.)


Finlay Donovan is done with dead bodies. After what happened last time, she’s not even up for dealing with her daughter’s dead goldfish. The only good thing about all that happened before – aside from her friendship with Vero and whatever sparked between her and that detective – was it helped her break through her writer’s block.

Unfortunately, the writer’s block is back. And the muses seem intent on setting Finlay up for another wild ride in real life that might help with her next story idea.

Finlay has discovered a post on a women’s forum that seems to be hunting for a contract killer to take out Finlay’s ex-husband. While she doesn’t want him back in the least, Finlay also doesn’t want her kids to suffer if he’s killed. But tracking this would-be killer is going to involve another round of bluffing, bullets, and bodies.


This was fantastic!

Know going in that the books in this series are painful and awkward a lot of the time as Finlay and Vero are magnets for trouble. But the mysteries are brilliantly plotted, the characters are fascinating, and the stories are a hoot! I am a huge fan of this series! Book 1 was one of my 2021 favorite reads.

This book – and book one, Finlay Donovan Is Killing It – are so DIFFERENT from any of the other mystery series I read. They truly feel like a genre all their own – and I am absolutely here for them. I love the writing angle as Finlay tries to wrangle the crazy situations she finds herself in into useable fiction for her career. I love the relationship between Finlay and Vero. And the piling on of problems and spiral-staircase-like twists to the mystery kept me frantically turning pages until the end.

Another feature I love in these is the epilogue that teases the next book. I am already thinking about what could happen in book 3 for Finlay and Vero. The next book is a must-read for me. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ – I loved it! Would read again.

REVIEW: Elfie Unperfect by Kristin Mahoney

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Knopf Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review. But since I had already purchased the book when I was approved for the ARC, I am reviewing my published copy. Still, all opinions are my own.]


Elfie was convinced transferring to Hampshire Academy was the solution to everything. She was certain the kids there would be more school-focused and rule-conscious like she was. She was certain this would be the place where she “thrived” and would make friends.

Instead, she was expelled. On the first day.

Now she has to go back to Cottonwood Elementary – with the kids who have never understood her, and the cousin who is good at all the things Elfie isn’t, like sports and making friends. But as Elfie returns to Cottonwood for 5th grade, a lot of things in her life are changing. It’s going to make for an unforgettable year.


This was lovely! While I enjoyed the premise, I bought this one because I adored one of the author’s previous books, Annie’s Life in Lists. Once I knew she had written this, it became a must-read for me. And I was not disappointed.

I thoroughly enjoyed Elfie. She’s endearing and sympathetic. I was cheering for her from the start. I enjoyed tracking her whole journey through the book.

One of the things I especially appreciated is that a lot of the difficulties Elfie is working through aren’t wrapped up in the end. There’s no tidy ending wrapped in a bow. And that’s great. Rarely are life’s challenges wrapped up perfectly in a couple months. But in that time, Elfie has changed and grown. And that’s what is most important, and most enjoyable, about the book.

My fellow fans of Annie’s Life in Lists should give this one a try. The format is more straightforward (the structure of Annie is a big part of what makes it special), but the story and characters are just as enjoyable. (TW: cancer, chemotherapy, divorce)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Name Tags and Other Sixth-Grade Disasters by Ginger Garrett

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Lerner Publishing Group in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Lizbeth and her mom have moved to the other side of Atlanta, which means a change of schools. Lizbeth is certain that, with the right, happy approach, she can pick just the right person to be her new best friend. And that will set her up for a great year.

Instead, she is placed in a classroom with an exhausted and distracted teacher and in a pod with kids called the “weirdos.” Lizbeth’s choice for a new best friend can’t get away from her fast enough. And the only kid who seems to “get” her also seems to be the resident mean girl.

Lizbeth finds herself helping her podmates with the mandatory school talent show while she’s also stuck doing all the work for a partnered science project. On top of all that, she has her quest to sabotage her dad’s latest girlfriend. Lizbeth figures that’s the best way to get her parents back together which will mean Lizbeth can get her old, perfect life back, too.


The ending of this is stellar! There were some ups and downs for me along the way, but the ending was fantastic.

I had a mixed experience here with Lizbeth. She’s a funny, quirky kid, which I loved. She’s a lot to take early on. The scene of her trying to be Hailey’s friend at that first lunch period was almost painful. And when it comes to her dad’s girlfriends, frankly, she’s a bully. She’s mean. For every point she earns in my heart because she defends her podmates at school, she loses several for her horrible, hateful behavior with these women. And her parents don’t seem to do anything about it. This made it hard for me to like any of the family. And it made it hard to root for Lizbeth in the larger story.

With some time, though, Lizbeth starts to mature. She starts to see things from other points of view. She begins to get some personal insight. And that made up for some of the early ugliness in the story.

The art pieces in this were excellent. And the climax of the story was as well. I absolutely adored the end. There’s a lot here for readers to enjoy, and plenty to think about and talk through – labels, bullying, art, friendship, family, dealing with divorce, etc. This could prompt some meaty discussions both at home and in the classroom.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*


REVIEW: The List of Things that Will Not Change by Rebecca Stead

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Random House/Wendy Lamb Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Bea was 8, her parents sat her down to tell her that her dad was gay and they were getting a divorce. At the same time, they gave her a notebook. Inside they had made a list – The List of Things that Will Not Change. It included affirmations of love from both of her parents as well as a reminder that they were still a family, even if the family looked different in the future.

Now that Bea’s dad and Jesse are getting married, Bea is thrilled with the idea that she is going to finally have a sister. Jesse’s daughter, Sonia, is Bea’s age. She lives in California, but after Christmas she’ll be visiting New York for a week. Bea is certain they’ll become the best of friends and that Sonia will be as happy as she is.

But as the wedding gets closer, Bea discovers that different people, and different families, can have complicated feelings about big changes. And she discovers she has some complicated feelings herself.


This was delightful! I adored Bea from the very beginning. She is creative and insightful and completely realistic for her age. The entire cast of characters is fantastic. No one is perfect or perfectly happy. There are complex situations and complex feelings. But the adults are committed to Bea and Sonia and to supporting one another. And Bea’s friends are a great support for her.

My favorite relationship in the whole book is Bea’s relationship with her therapist. It’s matter-of-fact and never something for her to be self-conscious about. Bea is honest about places where she holds back. She listens to what Miriam says, even if she isn’t sure Miriam is right. The whole thing is SO well done.

Because the relationship between Bea and Miriam is so strong, there are a ton of great pieces here about feelings and emotions – anger, emotions that can be masked by anger, acting on our feelings, dealing with worries, and imagining the feelings of others. I loved all of it!

The relationship between Bea’s dad and his boyfriend is great. Each has his own “voice” and way of relating to Bea that feels realistic. I especially loved Jesse’s relationship with Bea.

Not everyone in the book is on board with the gay relationship, which adds to some of the conflict in the book. It’s painful to watch, but also honest . And the book gives Bea space to process that.

There are SO MANY rich things that could be done with this book in a classroom setting – read-alouds with discussion, book groups, etc. But I think kids will also love just spending time with Bea and her friends and family, soaking up all the goodness here. Fans of Rebecca Stead should not miss this one!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½

BONUS REVIEW: Every Other Weekend by Abigail Johnson

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Inkyard Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Adam’s parents have recently separated. He’s angry – and a little confused. His dad left, but his mom helped him pack. She even made his favorite pie for him. AFTER he moved out! Adam’s older brother, Jeremy, seems to be rolling with the changes better than Adam is. He’s just so angry. He hates the idea of his mom at the house alone when he stays with his dad every other weekend.

Jolene’s parents have been divorced for awhile. Her dad had always been a cheater. But he finally left after he hooked up with Shelly. Her parents have turned fighting into an Olympic-level event. Neither seems to care about Jolene except as a pawn in their efforts to make the other person as miserable as humanly possible. Jolene’s dad lives next door to Adam’s dad in a crappy apartment. So Jolene sees Adam when she stays there every other weekend.

Over time, as Jolene and Adam get closer, they open up to one another about the struggles in their families. But what sort of relationship can develop between two people who only see each other every other weekend?


This was so good! I was heartbroken for both of these teens. Adam’s family is grieving. It’s been two years. His mother acts as if she has nothing to grieve while his dad knows they have to start to move forward in this new normal. Adam and Jeremy are left in the middle with their own grief.

Jolene’s family situation is worse. The things her mother does and says, her father’s absence, and the way both of them use her to put the screws to the other parent were horrifying. I was concerned how desperate she would get with the series of losses in her own life.

The development of these characters was excellent. Their emotions felt honest and real. Their banter was just the right amount of levity to balance the darker parts of the story. I can’t help hoping that Adam’s ideas about their future will come true.

This is a character-rich story. There’s no obvious goal or journey for them. It is the story of their meet ups every other weekend and the relationship that develops over time. It’s also about the ways their relationship with one another encourages and helps them with the other struggles they are facing. While there were hard, painful moments, I loved this journey with Adam and Jolene. Fans of the author’s other work (I loved Even If I Fall) and fans of strong character-driven stories should be sure to check this out. (Some language, TW: sexual assault)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥