REVIEW: Santa’s Little Yelpers by David Rosenfelt

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. ]
(No kids or teen book to review today, so here’s a Christmas-y review to fill in!)


When he was in jail, Chris started a program where inmates could work with service dogs in training. When he gets out, he continues the work and starts helping at the Tara Foundation. He tells Andy that he was wrongfully convicted based on a lie. But the guy has recently come forward saying he would testify in secret to make things right before he goes into hiding.

Before Andy can set up the testimony, Chris says the guy has changed his mind. He’s furious. Before long, the lying witness is dead. And Chris is arrested for his murder. While Andy wasn’t attached to Chris’ original case, he’s determined to prove Chris’ innocence – of both crimes – and find whoever is truly responsible.


Another fun Andy Carpenter case! I enjoyed how this one played out – I was starting to get worried about Chris’ chances for freedom. This is a tough case! But Andy and his team pushed through to a satisfying resolution.

If you’ve never read an Andy Carpenter mystery before, I feel like the stories hold together well so newcomers can drop in anywhere. My first Andy Carpenter book was a Christmas one, so I have a soft spot for them. What you might miss by starting here – and mainly it’s backstory for Andy and his team – shouldn’t keep you from enjoying the mystery.

I keep coming back to this series for Andy and his team – I love them! Andy’s sass fits my mood every time. And the mysteries always leave me satisfied. Some of my favorites have been Bury the Lead (book 3), Play Dead (book 6), The Twelve Dogs of Christmas (book 15 – my introduction to the series), and Holy Chow (book 25). Book 27, Flop Dead Gorgeous, will release in the summer of 2023. And a new K-Team book, Good Dog Bad Cop, releases in March. Be sure to check them out. (Some language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Flight Risk by Cherie Priest

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Atria Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. This book releases on November 15th.]


Leda picks up a new psychic detective case when a man comes to her travel agency looking for help to find his sister who has gone missing.

At the same time, Grady stumbles across a new case when his dog, missing for days at Mount Rainier, trots out of the woods with a human leg in its mouth.

Before either Leda or Grady can get very far on their cases, they discover a connection that puts them on the same path once again.


Book 2 in the Booking Agents series is fantastic! This was so fun, a start-to-finish read for me. I easily fell back into the rhythm with these characters from book 1, Grave Reservations. The mystery was twisty and kept me guessing all the way to the end. And there were numerous moments that left me laughing out loud. The whole reading experience was delightful!

The slightly psychic hook for this series is wonderfully sketchy. It’s hit and miss for Leda but that makes it all the better for the reader as you watch her puzzle things out. The main characters in this are fun – and the extended group rounds things out nicely. I would happily spend more time with these characters. I hope there are going to be many more Booking Agents books in the future. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: A Perilous Pal by Laura Bradford

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Emma’s newest client in her Friend for Hire business is Kim, a middle-aged woman whose husband left her for a younger woman. Kim’s children have recently “left the nest,” and she is feeling adrift. She reaches out to Emma out of desperation. She needs help finding some things to give her life meaning in this new season.

But when Kim’s ex is found dead, she’s the police’s first suspect. And when Emma inadvertently hands the police evidence against Kim, she becomes their ONLY suspect. And Emma is devastated.

If Emma is going to redeem herself after her mistake, save her new client from wrongful imprisonment, and salvage the burgeoning relationship she had with Deputy Riordan before this murder, she and her friends are going to need to start investigating.


Another fun mystery in this cozy series! I loved the set up – Emma’s new client and the tie in with a murder. Emma continues to develop relationships with all of her clients while she works on Kim’s situation, and it’s all brilliantly woven together and kept in balance.

And then one other mystery, teased mid-book, also starts to swirl together, culminating in a final moment that had me exclaiming “No! I need more!” in the end. I cannot wait to dig into book 3 in the Friend for Hire series so I can see this extra tidbit play out completely!

Newcomers to this series should read these first two books in order just to enjoy the development of Emma’s business here at the start. Overall, I think the romance and character pieces will be more satisfying if read in order, but the mystery definitely stands on its own. I highly recommend this series. Observant readers will catch references to some of the author’s other series. Reading some of those books could be a great way to pass the time while waiting for book 3.


Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.


REVIEW: A Cold Nose for Murder by Jennifer Hawkins

[I didn’t have a kid’s or YA book to review today, so here’s a bonus adult book review. I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Emma’s friends, Liza and Sam run the Roundhead, a pub and brewery in town. And they are planning an expansion. In a huge gathering of friends from the community, they are going to smash through a walled-off tunnel in the cellar. The tunnel is rumored to be a smuggler’s route from back in the day. Sam’s mom had insisted the tunnel be closed off to keep her kids from finding trouble down there.

Sure enough, when Sam and his son swing their sledgehammers through the wall, trouble is down there waiting. An expensive vintage motorcycle thought to be stolen decades ago – and human remains.

Now, the whole town is buzzing over the case. And Emma is using the clues her corgi, Oliver, sniffs up to help her find out the truth.


This was a super twisty mystery! The characters in this are quite antagonistic. Usually a cozy hero is well-liked and appreciated. But most of the folks here are snarky about Emma’s “gossip” and nosiness if not downright angry and nasty. In some ways that’s probably more realistic. But it did make this hard to “enjoy” while reading.

The author does a nice job of working a cold case and a contemporary murder together. The two timelines helped “complicate” the mystery in such a way to keep the reader guessing all the way through.

Oliver is adorable once again. The plot of a talking corgi is so fun and well-executed in this series.

Newcomers can probably start here, but I found the first two books more enjoyable, so my recommendation would be to start at the beginning with To Fetch a Felon.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: Holy Chow by David Rosenfelt

[I received a free electronic copy of this book from Netgalley and Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Andy Carpenter knew Rachel Morehouse because she adopted a chow chow named Lion from his foundation/rescue. In fact, she had called him to talk about arrangements for Lion in case something ever happened to her. She was hoping her step-son would agree to take the dog, but Andy was her back up.

When Rachel died, it took a few days for the authorities to discover it was murder. By then, Andy had met her step-son, Tony, and he felt a connection to the case. When Tony is arrested, Andy agrees to represent him.

The prosecution’s case is solid, but circumstantial. And when Andy starts looking for other threads to pull, he’s drawn into a dizzying case. The question is if the things he discovers will be enough to convince a jury of Tony’s innocence.


I have been an Andy Carpenter fan for years, but this new story hits a new high for me. I loved this! It drew me in right from the start. And it was a wild ride.  There were no slow spots – the pacing was perfect. I flew through this story, captivated by all of the twists and turns.

The wrap up was a little abrupt, but it felt like it was just a natural progression after the pace of the whole story. I was thrilled with the whole thing.

Series fans should not miss this new book. Readers who have enjoyed Rosenfelt’s K-Team series will see the team help in this story, too, so they should pick this up as well. I think newcomers could start here – I read my first Andy Carpenter by picking up something mid-series and had no issues following it. This would be an excellent starting place for this great series.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ – Outstanding!

REVIEW: A Plus One for Murder by Laura Bradford

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Emma Westlake’s travel agency wasn’t as lucrative as it had once been. In fact, as more and more of her clientele starting handling their own arrangements, she was starting to consider how she was going to pay her bills.

The Friend for Hire idea wasn’t Emma’s but it seemed to be working. She had the older woman she had tea with every week. Then there was the elderly man who wanted a date for a Senior Center dance. And the middle-aged woman who needed a workout/accountability partner.

If only Emma had stopped there.

But no. She agreed to attend open mic night and clap for the writer who was going to read first. But right after telling her about the folks in the audience who wanted him dead, Brian keels over in the middle of his poem.  Now, Emma is a murder suspect. And she’s going to have to find her own way out of trouble because the good-looking deputy is looking at her far too suspiciously for her comfort.


Such a fun series launch from Laura Bradford! The set up is clever – I liked the business idea of Emma being a “friend for hire.” It builds her circle and pulls people in for this mystery – and will keep launching new stories and characters and situations for the future.

I got a huge kick out of Emma getting pulled into sleuthing by her cozy mystery-loving friends! The wink-wink nature of a few moments in the book really added to the fun.

The mystery was excellent, with questions and reveals all the way to the end. The set up for the crime and suspects was great. The only wrinkle for me in the whole thing is my fear that the author is setting up two potential love interests for Emma. Love triangles are not my jam. But I’ll have to wait for book 2, A Perilous Pal, to see how things develop. And I will definitely be reading book 2 since this was such a delight. This is a series I’ll be sticking with!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: Whistle by E. Lockhart

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and DC Entertainment in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Willow is trying to do it all – marching and protesting to care for her community, earning money to take care of her sick mother, spending time with a boy she likes. When her mother’s old friend, E. Nigma, reaches out, she agrees to work for him at his shady secret poker games. The money she makes is helping keep her mother alive.

But working for E. also puts Willow on the radar of a killer. But when she fights back, trying to save herself and the stray dog she loves, something very strange happens – to Willow, and to the  dog.


This is an origin story for a new hero in the DC Universe written by E. Lockhart (We Were Liars – ♥♥♥♥, The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks – ♥♥♥♥). I think dog lovers are going to get a huge kick out of this hero duo.

I felt like Willow’s story was far more compelling than the hero bits. Her ethical dilemma about working for E. – a criminal and someone her mother doesn’t want in their lives – while being able to save her mom was fascinating. The hero pieces were okay – but I would have liked a stronger exploration of how Willow gets her powers. There’s also a bit of romance here that also could have been stronger.

Readers who love the dog angle or who are intrigued by the ethical questions here, as well as those who love to be in on the beginning of a new hero arc should give this one a try. (Some language)

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

* ♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: Mad About Meatloaf by Maureen Fergus

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Tundra Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


Weenie is a meatloaf-loving weiner dog. His best friends are a grumpy, sarcastic cat named Frank and a wise, encouraging guinea pig named Beans. They all live with a guy named Bob who takes care of them. When Weenie eats Bob’s meatloaf right off the counter, Bob’s pretty mad. So Weenie tries to think of a way to make things right with Bob.


This is a darling graphic novel for new chapter book readers. Weenie is a big goof, and Frank and Beans are (mostly) faithful friends. Sure, Frank isn’t always the best influence. (It cracked me up to see Frank as the devil on Weenie’s shoulder while Beans was the angel.) But when Weenie needs him, Frank is there along with Beans.

Kids are going to get a kick out of these three friends and the troubles they find all because Weenie loves meatloaf, maybe a little too much.  Don’t miss this graphic novel series launch perfect for animal fans, dog fans, and fans of funny books and graphic novels.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: Best in Snow by David Rosenfelt

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. This book now releases next week on October 19.]


It was bad enough that Andy’s dog, Tara, found a dead body in the snow. Finding out it’s the body of Paterson mayor, Alex Oliva, puts the whole town on edge, including Andy’s friend, Vince Sanders.

Vince is the editor of the local paper. And one of his reporters, Bobby Nash, lost his job over an article he wrote about the mayor. The police are looking for Bobby. And Vince wants Andy to defend him.

Things look bad for Bobby, especially when there’s a second murder tied to his article. Andy and his team will have their hands full trying to prove Bobby’s innocence – and trying to keep him alive.


Another fun Andy Carpenter mystery to keep you guessing until the end. There are some fun twists to the case that kept it from feeling like it’s following a pattern. (This is the 24th book in the series – freshness is important.) I read this immediately after Dog Eat Dog, and I enjoyed how Rosenfelt changed things up with his cast, too. While the K-Team was involved with both books, this one relies more on electronic evidence, bringing in a different part of Andy’s team. This was a fun addition to the story.

Series fans will want to pick this up just to stay on top of what Andy and his team are up to. Newcomers can probably jump in here without a lot of issues. You’ll have missed how the team came together and a lot of the history and maybe a few inside jokes. But that just makes it more fun to go back and pick up the stories you’ve missed.

This is a must-read series for me. I always enjoy Andy’s humor – sarcastic and snarky – and court room antics. And the mysteries are usually intricate enough to keep me guessing until the end. Mystery fans should check this out. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Dog Eat Dog by David Rosenfelt

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


While out walking their dogs, Andy and Laurie see a man yelling at and kicking his pug. As they move toward the scene, another man comes up and punches the abuser until he is down. When the police arrive, the hero and the abuser get arrested.

The dog’s hero is Matt Jantzen. And Matt is wanted for a double murder in Maine. Andy wants to help the guy, but he can’t find a Maine lawyer willing to take on the case. So Andy, Laurie, and the rest of their investigative team head to the land of lobster rolls for the trial.


This is a great mystery in this fantastic series. I love the humor and snark in this series. The mystery in this one keeps you guessing all the way to the end. I loved the change of setting for this. It introduced a few new characters in addition to Andy’s usual team, including a new dog, which is always fun.

Mystery lovers, dog lovers, and readers who enjoy courtroom dramas should not miss this series. The court case starts a little later than usual in this book which made for another nice change of pace. I enjoyed the ways Rosenfelt changed things up for this novel.

I find this to be a series you can start in the middle without much issue. My first Andy Carpenter book was The Twelve Dogs of Christmas (♥♥♥♥♥), which is the 15th book in the series. (This is #23.) I loved the book, but I was intrigued by the team and had to go back to the beginning to see how it all came together. I think newcomers could easily start with this book and then go back and pick up some of the earlier titles as well as checking out the spin-off series, The K-Team. Some of my Andy Carpenter favorites are The Twelve Dogs of Christmas as well as  Bury the Lead (♥♥♥♥♥), and Play Dead (♥♥♥♥♥). The second K-Team book, Animal Instinct, is also terrific. Check them out! Book 24 in the Andy Carpenter series, Best in Snow, will be out this October, and I’ll be reviewing it then.  (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might-re-read