REVIEW: Unlock Your Menopause Type by Dr. Heather Hirsch

Summary and Review

Considering how little seems to be known – or discussed – about something every aging person who menstruates will go through, it’s nice to see another book release that talks honestly about menopause. The “hook” for this book is the author’s way of grouping common menopause symptoms into types. It’s not a perfect system – people can fall into more than one category. So you might have to read more than one section to get a good idea of what options are available to you. But it’s pretty brilliant if you have ever read something about menopause and thought, “That’s not been my experience.” The experience of menopause differs from person to person.

The overall tone of the book is conversational – another one that feels like talking with an expert over coffee.  I especially appreciated the chapter on myths and misconceptions. It’s also affirming in that you will likely read about others who are experiencing some of the same things you are. You aren’t alone! The chapters on the types are more technical than the introduction, and there may be some readers who want to take the book to their personal physician to talk through the author’s recommendations. Each type is described with at least one anecdote, and then author makes recommendations for typical treatment options that might work for readers who find themselves in a particular type.

To be honest, one draw back to this book for me is the thought of having to convince a medical professional to take this material – and my feelings about it – seriously enough for this to be useful. If my doctor hasn’t read this, how can I go to him and say “I think I have this type and this doctor recommends this course of action” and expect to get very far? But if you have a relationship with your doctor that’s more open and collaborative, I could see using this as a starting point for addressing any symptoms or difficulties you are experiencing.

I also thought The Menopause Manifesto was an excellent resource. If you are approaching this stage in life, I’d probably start with Manifesto to equip yourself with information. If you are already experiencing some of the symptoms of perimenopause, this might be a good resource to add to your arsenal of information.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ – Great resource!