REVIEW: The Lost Continent by Tui T. Sutherland


The Land of Pantala has been at peace since the end of the Tree Wars. The HiveWings destroyed the LeafWings and the trees, and now they rule the SilkWings.

Blue and Luna are both SilkWings – siblings with the same father. Both are days away from their Metamorphosis which is when SilkWing dragonets get their wings.

But when it’s time for Luna to begin her Metamorphosis, something unexpected happens, and the HiveWings become VERY interested in Luna. And since Blue is her brother, the HiveWings want him, too.

Before long, Blue has teamed up with an unexpected ally, and they are on the run from Queen Wasp. All of Blue’s expectations for his life – and his understanding of the world – are turned upside down. Another dragon prophecy is at play, and Blue is smack in the middle of the action.


I have been a Wings of Fire fan since the first book released in 2013. The second five-book series was even better than the first. And now a third series has started. I was engrossed from the first page.

The author hints at this story at the end of Darkness of Dragons, and the end of this book ties that teaser into this new series. And now I can’t wait until the whole series is out so I can see how all the pieces work together. I’m already attached to Blue and his surprise ally. And I have so many questions about this new world and its history, not to mention questions about what happens next in the story.

The author has done an incredible job of creating a new world while keeping some familiar features from the previous 10 books. I think she gets better and better with each story! These are automatic purchases for me. I can’t wait to see how the two dragon lands Pantala and Pyrrhia will connect as this series develops!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½

Book 2 in this series (Book 12 overall) is The Hive Queen. It was good, but felt like a transitional story to move the reader from book 11 to book 13. Book 3 (13) is called The Poison Jungle and it will release this summer.

REVIEW: Dragons and Marshmallows by Asia Citro

[I received a free copy of this book as part of my work as a judge for the 2017 Cybil awards.]


Zoey finds out a big secret about the forest by her house as her mom gets ready for a business trip. Magical creatures live there! Before her mom leaves, she tells Zoey about a talking frog she found as a kid. Using her science skills and animal knowledge, Zoey’s mom had been able to help the sick frog. But she thought she was the only one who could see the creatures. Zoey’s dad can’t. But now that she knows Zoey can, Zoey can watch for any creatures in need while her mom is gone.

Near the end of her mom’s trip, Zoey finds a sickly dragon. She and her cat, Sassafras, try to take care of it while Zoey uses her own science skills to figure out what is wrong. When her first idea seems to work, but the dragon is still sick, Zoey is desperate for her mom to come home. What will happen if Zoey can’t figure out what is wrong with the dragon?


This was adorable! I mentioned this in a Saturday Smorgasbord earlier this year, but I wanted to give it a full review because I enjoyed it so much. It’s smart and fun – just what I love in a book, especially one for kids exploring chapter books for the first time.

Zoey and Sassafras are endearing. Zoey is smart and curious and resourceful. Sassafras is a typical cat with hints of attitude at times. But mostly he is insightful and a fantastic partner for Zoey. The author does a great job of describing the interactions between the characters. I just wanted to hug them

The fantasy piece is a fun hook for readers. Kids who love creatures like dragons will love this as will kids who love traditional animal stories. The science pieces – reptile facts, instructions for running an experiment – are perfect for 2nd and 3rd grade students. This would be a great series to give to your favorite young reader as well as your favorite lower elementary teacher.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: Marabel and the Book of Fate by Tracy Barrett


The celebration of Prince Marco and Prince Marabel’s 13th birthday is a big deal. Moreso for Marco as the Book of Fate says he is the Chosen One. Sometimes Marabel feels like an afterthought.  She has to hide that she is taking fencing lessons because her father thinks it is a waste of time. On the day of the party, Marabel see something suspicious during the screening of party guests, but no one takes her seriously.

Just before the clock strikes 13:13 – the moment of Marco’s birth – at the party, Mab, the queen of the Evils of the Desolate Barrens reveals herself and kidnaps Marco.

Marabel is determined to go after her twin, but the king orders her to stay out of the way and locks her in her room. Marabel, her maid and best friend, Ellie, and Floriano the unicorn sneak out of the castle anyway to track down Queen Mab and rescue Marco, no matter what dangers the Barrens hold.


This was a delight from start to finish. I loved that the author acknowledged the usual fairy tale clichés right from the beginning. The tone of the book was fun from page one.

My heart broke for Marabel. She had a great relationship with all her siblings, but she was shunted to the side – or forgotten – over and over again. Her twin had to remind the king it was her birthday, too! None of this made Marabel bitter or mean. She’s a smart, kind and determined girl. All of those qualities helped her on her quest.

This reminded me of the Hero’s Guide series (by Christopher Healy) or the Wide-Awake Princess series (by E.D. Baker) in tone. I adored both of those series. Marabel’s story fits in with them perfectly. If you have fans of either of those series, I think you can hand them this book confidently.

There’s plenty of adventure, some magic (but a lot more smarts), and some fantastic creatures (the dragon, Hotshot, is my favorite). There’s a thread of girl-power through the story. I loved that none of it was at the expense of the male leaders. The wrap up was terrific. I’d read more stories with Marabel and her friends!

Thanks to Netgalley and Little, Brown Books for Young Readers for the opportunity to read an electronic copy of Marabel and the Book of Fate for review purposes.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½

REVIEW: Darkness of Dragons by Tui T. Sutherland


Darkstalker is everything Qibli feared. Only an animus-spelled earring keeps him safe from Darkstalker’s manipulative magic. Winter accepts Darkstalker’s charm at face value. Moon is Darkstalker’s friend.  Turtle is in Darkstalker’s dungeon, and Kinkajou is protected but can’t stop Darkstalker alone.

How can dragonets with no magic defeat the invulnerable Darkstalker? If only Qibli had magic! He would do the magic the right way. He’d protect Queen Thorn and be so successful his family would HAVE to love him. He could even use his magic to make sure other dragons liked him.

With the Nightwings growing more powerful because of Darkstalker’s magic, the Jade Mountain dragonets may be powerless to stop the coming destruction. Can Qibli get the magic he’s sure would save the day? Or is he destined to play a different role in this prophecy?


This is book 5 in the second set of books in the Wings of Fire series – and it is terrific! I LOVED Qibli’s story. It made me appreciate his character even more than I did from the first four books in the set. Qibli’s story is one of identity – a theme I love. Qibli is longing to make a difference – to prove to his family that he has value. The love of his friends and his queen is not enough to fill the hole inside him. This leads to all of his internal wrestling over magic.

There’s a ton of action in this story with Qibli’s backstory, Turtle’s rescue, and the prophecy finale. All of it is fascinating. The author has announced another five book set, which will pick up where this one left off. I am thrilled! I still remember when I first discovered this series, and it has gotten better with each subsequent book!

There were interesting tidbits in the epilogue regarding the five main dragons from this series as well as some of the other major characters. A satisfying conclusion to this story arc. There’s a new graphic novel of the first book in the whole series – The Dragonet Prophecy. I highly recommend this series for middle grade readers!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: The Temptation of Dragons by Chrys Cymri


On the way home one night, a priest passes by the scene of a car accident. No one is hurt, so she continues on. Shortly thereafter, she comes across a body. A dragon, clinging to life. “Father Penny” administers last rites, heads home, and resolves to reconsider her drinking habits. She’s obviously hallucinating.

Except she’s not. Penny is a rare human who has encountered a creature from Lloegyr, the equivalent of England in a parallel world where dragons, vampires, elves and such exist. With her love of Dr. Who and enough familiarity with Buffy the Vampire Slayer to fill her 55,000 word Master’s thesis, Penny is the perfect choice to be Vicar of General Incursions. Serving as Vicar means Penny would work with the church leadership of both worlds on instances where creatures from either side ended up in the other and problems ensued.

One of the first problems Father Penny has to address is her dead dragon, who appears to have died from poison rather than the car accident.


I agreed to review this at the request of the author who provided an electronic review copy in exchange for an honest review. I rarely agree to such requests, but I enjoy fantasy stories and dragons and such, so I said I would give it a try. The book was a pleasant surprise!

This was so fun to read. The pop culture references were enjoyable and the characters were fascinating. I loved Father Penny. While my faith didn’t line up all the time with the book, I found the faith pieces genuine and moving. Penny is honest and earnest about the challenges and blessings in her calling. The other major characters are terrific – the humans, dragons, gryphons, and “snail sharks” (Clyde, the baby snail shark, is adorable in so many ways – and terrifying in others).

The story was delightfully layered. There was the human layer of Penny and her brother and their grief over Penny’s husband. Then there was the layer of world building for the fantasy characters/lands. Romance – or potential romance – creates another layer. And finally, there is the poison/murder plot layer. Each part was nuanced and enjoyable. I’m so glad I had the chance to read this! I’m looking forward to checking out the other two books in the series.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: Talons of Power by Tui T. Sutherland


Wings of Fire, book 9. Darkstalker, released from his 2000 year captivity, seems like a really nice dragon. Humongous and powerful, sure. But also charming, and exceedingly helpful. Maybe he’s just misunderstood….

But Turtle doesn’t think so. He senses something is just not right. If he can keep himself hidden, safe in the background, maybe he can discover the truth. And if necessary, maybe he can save the day…. But Turtle knows he’s no hero. He has failed too many times. But what if he’s the only one with any chance to make a difference?


I can’t stop thinking about this one. So many things were revealed and so many new questions were raised. Major cliffhangers at the end! Wow. This was excellent!

I have loved this series since book 1. Discovered it one year during book fair while I was teaching, I couldn’t stop talking about it. When I go back and re-read, book one is actually the “weakest” book in the series for me. They just get better and better. In fact, I am enjoying this second five-book arc even more than I loved the first five.

I re-read the first three in this arc before starting Talons of Power. I’m so glad I did because it affirmed for me how much I wanted to know Turtle’s story. His character starts the arc in the background, quiet and mysterious and unassuming. Which made me curious. He’s such a great part of Escaping Peril, I was thrilled to be able to go from that story right into this one. If I had to do it all over again, I would have also re-read the “legends” book Darkstalker since he is such a major part of this story.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

If you haven’t read these before, start with The Dragonet Prophecy. These are best read in order.