I had the pleasure of serving on an award committee for the
2017 Cybil Awards recognizing great children’s and young adult literature. My committee focused on books for the kids who are just starting to read on their own – Early Readers/Easy Readers and Early/Transitional Chapter Books.
While the committee was working, I couldn’t review or post about the things I was reading. But now that the awards are posted, I wanted to highlight some of the treasures I read for the process, as well as a few personal favorites I had read last year before I was on the committee. If you work with children in lower elementary school (Kindergarten to 3rd grade, depending on reading level and interest) or if you have some kids that age in your life, check out these books for their reading enjoyment!
Early Readers/Easy Readers

Charlie & Mouse & Grumpy – This is book two in a picture book-shaped Early Reader series. This one is a sweet story about a couple of kids and their grandfather. I was pleasantly surprised at the depth of this book with limited word count and vocabulary. I would love to see a middle-elementary teacher read this one aloud and see what the students infer from the story.

My Kite Is Stuck! And Other Stories – This was surprisingly fun! There were some laugh-out-loud moments in this book that I wasn’t expecting. Give this to readers who enjoy Piggie and Gerald or Ballet Cat.

There’s a Pest in the Garden! – This was another one that had me laughing aloud. For this age group, I think funny books are the key to getting kids excited about reading on their own. This is another one that would work for Piggie and Gerald fans.

We Need More Nuts! – This was my favorite book in this category. It’s a counting book, but it’s so much more. Another hilarious book for this age group. I discovered there is a sequel, and I have it in my online cart so I can check it out.

King & Kayla and the Case of the Secret Code – This was the award winner for this category. It’s a fun, clever story – told by the dog, which always amuses me – about secret codes. I enjoyed this one and would recommend checking out the entire series!
Early Chapter Books/Transitional Chapter Books

Heartwood Hotel: A True Story – This was a sweet animal story that I thoroughly enjoyed last year. I may yet post a full review of the first two books in this series. They were terrific.

Heartwood Hotel: The Greatest Gift – This is book 2 in the series, and I enjoyed this book even more than I enjoyed the first.

Zoey and Sassafras: Dragons and Marshmallows – I adored this story of a science-minded girl and her pet cat who discover fantasy creatures come to their home for medical care. I loved the combination of science and fantasy in one story. The illustrations are darling. I also love that this series stars an African-American girl in a story that has nothing to do with her race. When I was teaching, I would have put this entire series in the library!
Survivor Diaries: Overboard! – This reminded me a lot of the uber-popular I Survived series that appeals to middle to upper elementary students. This story is shorter, but the suspense and tension was still present. This would have been a hit with my students!

The Princess in Black Takes a Vacation – I am a huge Shannon Hale fan, and I was thrilled that a Princess in Black book made it into the mix for the early chapter book award. This is a fantastic series that I highly recommend.

Wedgie & Gizmo – I was THRILLED when this book was chosen as the best of the year for early/transitional chapter books for the Cybils. I LOVED this funny book about an evil genius guinea pig and his nemesis (who has no clue), a Corgi. The animals tell their own stories which adds to the fun. The voice in this is outstanding! I can’t recommend this highly enough. There will be a sequel later this spring. I may post a full review of this book later this year, too.