REVIEW: The Wondrous World of Violet Barnaby by Jenny Lundquist

[I recently discovered some unpublished reviews I wrote several years ago. I’m posting these now as they were originally written.]


The Charm Girls (from The Charming Life of Izzy Malone) are back, finishing up their month of grounding. (Things in the last book got a bit out of hand!) Aunt Mildred has challenges for the girls to undertake as their club continues.

Violet’s life has taken a humongous turn in that month. Her dad has remarried which means they are moving in with her new step-mom and her kids. Violet’s mom has been gone for a year and a half, and now everything is changing again.

Violet’s trying. She really is. Her mom always said if you can’t say something nice, say nothing at all. So rather than spew her frustration over all she’s had to give up, she keeps it all inside. She’s not even sure she can tell the Charm Girls how she really feels. They complain about their moms, but at least they still have them.

When Violet finds a final letter from her mom, with a Christmas To Do list, she decides to try to make this Christmas a little better by focusing on her mom’s list. But with everything going on at the new house, the Christmas To Do list might not be enough.


This was a delight. I loved spending time with the Charm Girls again. And I adored Violet’s story. Violet is my kind of kid – an only child, a word nerd, and I could identify with her grief. Her struggles with her loss and the huge changes to her family were completely realistic. Violet tries to manage these major life changes on her own. That’s hard to do for an adult, much less for a middle schooler. I love the coping mechanisms she learns – writing letters, and sharing the burdens with friends and family.

I hope there will be more Charm Girl books in the future. The entire community is a delight. And I’d like more stories so I can see how Violet and her new family are doing as they continue to negotiate their new life together. I can’t recommend this series highly enough. Both books are an absolute treat!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: The Not-So-Boring Letters of Private Nobody by Matthew Landis

[I recently discovered some unpublished reviews I wrote several years ago. I’m posting these now as they were originally written.]


Oliver is a major history nerd – and proud of it. He loves all things Civil War.  He reads Civil War books and even does battle reenactments. His room is decorated with flags and other memorabilia he has found online. When his history teacher announces a Civil War project, Oliver is thrilled.

He’s less thrilled about the details of the project. First, he has to have a partner. And his teacher puts Oliver with Ella, an unkempt girl who seems to be failing all of her classes. Second, they have to research Private Raymond Stone – a guy no one’s heard of. It’s bad enough to Ollie that he has to work with a partner he doesn’t want. But he doesn’t even get to focus on one of the generals or battles he already loves.

Everything about this project is going to challenge Oliver – challenge his concept of friendship, his understanding of history and the Civil War, and his understanding of himself.


Outstanding! I absolutely adored this book! It’s smart and informative and SO funny! The premise is excellent. There are some great history lessons worked in around an engaging story with great characters. The three kids at the center of the story are fantastic. Ella is maybe the most complex, but Ollie and Kevin have some fun depth and interesting stories. Mr. Carrow, the history teacher, is a hoot! He’s my favorite kind of teacher – he knows his material, he’s committed to keeping his students engaged with creative lessons, and he’s funny. The English teacher plays an excellent role in the story, too.

Family is another fascinating theme in this book. Ella’s family is the obvious one that first comes to mind – distracted parents, perfect older sibling, and Ella feels invisible. Ollie’s family, by contrast, is committed to helping Ollie and his sister pursue their own interests. And there are hints at other interesting families throughout the book.

The Civil War sections of the story are fascinating. The author is a history teacher, and he does a great job of making the information accessible and interesting to readers.

This book is the full package – terrific story, characters you care about, and lots of laughs and heart!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Dating and Dragons by Kristy Boyce

[I received a free, electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Delacorte Romance in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


While Quinn is somewhat relieved to have a fresh start after the friend drama at her old school, being the new girl at school in February is lonely. But she hears about a D&D group that is open to adding a new player. After everything imploded with her last group, Quinn has longed to get back to a regular campaign.

Logan Weber is the cute guy who helped Quinn out on her first day. And they seem to have real chemistry whenever they run into each other. But he is NOT interested in having Quinn join their D&D group. They livestream their high-energy campaigns, and they are trying to build a following. He thinks Quinn is too quiet and too easily intimidated for their style of D&D.

It’s soon apparent that Logan’s real problem is that he likes Quinn – but their D&D group has a STRICT no-dating policy. And that’s something Quinn can get behind after what happened before. But she and Logan can’t seem to shake the sparks between them.


This was so sweet! I loved the D&D group in this book. These teens are exactly what Quinn needs to heal from what happened before.

Fans of book 1, Dungeons and Drama, should absolutely pick this up. The stories stand alone, so these could be read in any order. And for newcomers, you don’t have to play D&D to follow the story. The emphasis is more on the group dynamic and the dilemma for Quinn and Logan. That said, the D&D scenes are fun, and I would have happily read more of them. And I loved how the livestream led to other characters getting interested in trying D&D. (The epilogue is fantastic!)

If you are in the market for a fun and swoony YA romance, be sure to check this one out!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score


Her twin’s call couldn’t have come at a better time. Naomi had crawled out of a church basement window in her wedding gown just before the call came through. Showing up in a town called “Knockemout” to rescue her sister was just the distraction she needed. Except her sister then stole Naomi’s car and her purse, broke into her hotel room, and then abandoned Naomi’s pre-teen niece.

A niece Naomi hadn’t known existed.

Knox had shown up at the Café to make sure Tina left town without causing any more trouble. That gave him a front row seat to “Not Tina” and her no good, very bad day. So he offers some help for both Naomi and her niece, Waylay. But he’s determined to ignore that zing he feels whenever Naomi is around.


Lucy Score was one of the cornerstones of my reading in 2024. First I discovered and then devoured the delightful Riley Thorn series. Then I gave this a try – another winner! I laughed through the whole book while falling completely in love with the whole slate of characters, from Naomi, Waylay, and Knox to their families and friends and the central townspeople. If this book is any indication, this series is going to be a lot steamier than the Riley Thorn books. (EDIT: After having read all three books – yes, this series is a LOT steamier than the mystery series.) But the banter and sarcasm and humor are absolutely the same. And I loved this!

This is the first in a trilogy focused on three male characters in Knockemout – Knox, his brother Nash, and their friend Lucian. I wasn’t even half way through this when I ordered the other books in the series. Looking forward to reading them! (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ – I loved it! Would re-read

[Book 2 – Things We Hide from the Light = ♥♥♥♥½. Book 3 – Things We Left Behind = ♥♥♥♥.]

REVIEW: The Sherlock Society by James Ponti

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Aladdin in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Alex and Zoe Sherlock have decided to live up to their last name. Instead of babysitting or mowing lawns for money, they start a detective agency. With their friends, Lina and Yadi, and their grandfather serving as Director of Transportation and Logistics, they are ready to take on their first case.

After a couple of false starts, the Sherlock Society stumbles onto an environmental case. The kids use the reporting skills they learn from Alex and Zoe’s grandfather to start looking for a suspect. They also use Yadi’s film experience and drone skills to look for clues. Zoe’s understanding of people comes in handy, as does Alex’s understanding of the law and Lina’s grasp of the big picture, when their case literally explodes out of control.


This is so fun! There’s great balance between the kid pieces – friendships, family conflict, learning to investigate – with  the case pieces. There’s tons for readers to learn – about investigating, about Al Capone, about Florida, about videography – and it’s all modeled by the characters in the book. It’s “showing, not telling” at it’s best.

The kids and the family feel authentic – conflict, confrontation, support, teasing, and teaching, all on a foundation of love. And the case is grounded in some details real middle schoolers would or could do. This is a terrific series kick off from a tried and true middle grade mystery author, James Ponti. His fans should not miss this one. Mystery lovers, kids who care about the environment, and readers who like ensemble stories should pick this one up, too!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: An Art Lover’s Guide to Paris and Murder by Dianne Freeman

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Kensington in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Frances and George head to Paris during the Exposition Universelle in order to spice up their dull routine and visit Frances’ sister, brother-in-law, and new niece. And so George can help his Aunt Julia. An artist, Paul Ducasse, recently died, and Julia thinks it wasn’t an accident.

But when George and Frances arrive, Julia refuses to talk with them about her suspicions. And then she is murdered. George and Frances must dig into the very private Julia’s life to see who might have killed her, and what might have really happened to Paul Ducasse.


A great mystery in a fantastic setting! This is book 7 in the Countess of Harleigh historical mystery series which I have adored since book one. I loved seeing George and Frances do their thing in a new city. Their partnership – in life, in marriage, and in investigations – is delightful. I love how they give and take together, with love and respect for what each brings to the case. It’s excellent.

The case this time was twisty, and I had no idea how things would play out until they were done. Everything was wrapped up in a satisfying way – but the implications for the next book are up in the air, giving the author some room to play going forward.

This was all I hoped it would be – a cozy mystery with familiar characters that I could fall into easily. I haven’t kept up with too many cozy series in recent years, but this one continues to deliver every time. If you enjoy historical fiction and cozy mysteries, I highly recommend this series. I would read them in order so you can enjoy the relationship between Frances and George as it develops.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Emma Wheeler has been given the opportunity of a lifetime – co-write/ghostwrite a screenplay with her idol, Charlie Yates. He’s written a rom-com, and it needs some serious help. But he has to get it written in order to get a pet project produced. Emma has to put her life on hold and go to LA for 6 weeks to work on the re-write. She’s been her father’s daily caregiver for years – it’s a lot to step away from.

But when she gets to LA, Charlie doesn’t know anything about this arrangement – and he’s not interested in anything Emma has to offer.  She’s embarrassed and tempted to flee back home where life is familiar even though it is also soul-crushing at times. Instead, she fights for this opportunity. Taking in some observations of Charlie and recognizing the power of being completely willing to walk away, she negotiates her way into a real chance to write this screenplay and see it get produced. And maybe prove to Charlie – and herself – that she’s not a “failed writer.”


This was excellent! Everything the book describes as essential for a rom-com – the happily-ever-after, the banter, the slow burn, the “sparkle” – is on display here.

I loved Emma and Charlie, both alone and together. Their individual stories are fascinating. And the psychology of how those individual stories impact the relationship between the two writers was delightful. There were many beautifully written scenes that begged to be read out loud. And I laughed out loud often.

Katherine Center’s fans should not hesitate to grab her latest rom-com. It absolutely sparkles, both in the cozy relationship and in the writing. And if you are a rom-com fan in general, you do not want to miss this one! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: The Body in the Backyard by Lucy Score


Riley and Nick are working their most obnoxious case yet. Riley’s horrible ex-husband thinks someone is out to kill him. Nick thinks he’s faking – and Griffin IS a total narcissist. But evidence starts to pile up that he really is on someone’s hit list.

The problem is that Griffin is so awful, there’s no shortage of people who want to see him dead. How can Nick and Riley weed through so many suspects to find the most dangerous one before someone actually succeeds at killing their client before they can get paid?


What a hoot! Once again, Lucy Score delivers a laugh-riot of a paranormal mystery/romance. I’m noticing  how other stories billed as “rom-coms” are suffering in comparison to this series which makes me laugh out loud all the time. I need more Lucy Score books in my life!

Griffin has been “the worst” from the start of this series, but this book puts all of his worst on full display. And wow. This is the sort of character who can tank an otherwise terrific story because he is just so awful. But the author deftly shows all of Griffin’s deplorable choices while keeping the reader on Nick and Riley’s side, hoping they’ll get their fee in the end. I think Griffin is such a narcissistic buffoon that he’s almost too “cartoonish” to be believed.  And that makes him awful AND funny. I was thrilled with how it all worked out in the end. The sheer number of suspects here kept me from having any shot at figuring things out for myself. And I was fine with that. I loved the “not another one” ploy here.

All of the series regulars, including Nick and Riley’s families, are back for this book which is part of the series’ charm. Nieces’ Night is one of my favorite parts of this book. I hope future books include more of the girls because they are a total delight. Nick’s competition with Gabe over their affection is also hilarious and adorable.

This is another fantastic addition to this series which anchored my summer 2024 reading. Series fans should not miss this one. You can read the rest of my series reviews here – I recommend reading these in order for the development of the cast, but I think the stories stand well on their own. (Language, sex, psychic visions)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Take Care of Your Friends by Christina Wilcox

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

I enjoyed this new Enneagram resource focused on interpersonal relationships. I’m not sure the author did enough with the “six pillars of friendship” to make their inclusion work out. But the rest is great – I loved the early descriptions of all of the types.

The book includes sections on stress/security (called “health levels” which is different than the way other writers/instructors talk about health levels with the Enneagram), triads, stances, and conflict styles. I felt like the author’s descriptions were fresh and not rehashed ways of describing things. I’ve read a lot of Enneagram resources so it really catches my attention when I read something that feels innovative or insightful in a new way. Her approach makes this the sort of book I would read start to finish rather than just pull out my type info and then move on.

If someone’s really interested in digging into the Enneagram, I would start with other resources to help you determine your type. But this would make a nice gift for someone who has done that initial work, knows their type, and wants to apply the Enneagram to their interpersonal relationships. You can pair this with Suzanne Stabile’s The Journey Toward Wholeness which also looks at the Enneagram and relationships.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: The Night Librarian by Christopher Lincoln

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Dial Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Twins Page and Turner love going to the New York Public Library. In fact, one day they take their father’s rare copy of Dracula to the library for some research.  Page feels like their dad spends more time with his collection than he does with his kids. Taking his book feels like “revenge.” But when the rare – and expensive – book CRAWLS away and disappears in the library, the twins need help.

They meet the Night Librarian and discover that books, especially old books, have magic. And their characters can sometimes leave their stories! And Dracula, and others, have done just that.

Page and Turner team up with some other book characters to see if they can find the escapees, especially Dracula, before their parents get home.


I loved the artwork in this graphic novel, and the magical library premise is a lot of fun. I was frustrated at times, though, when the main plot – the lost book and escaped characters – took a long backseat to establishing the world building. In addition to significant world building, the author is also trying to establish the character dynamics for the twins and their parents. It’s an ambitious undertaking. I loved it in principle, but didn’t always like it in execution.

Page is hard to like, and Turner’s negative self-talk and low self-opinion even makes him hard to root for at times. The escaped book characters are mostly fun, and the choices of books to highlight in the story were good. There’s one moment where the storytelling hits a hiccup – a twist in the story that is “told” rather than “shown.” It felt abrupt, and like a missed opportunity to develop Turner’s character a bit more. Thankfully, the final solution, while similar in it’s suddenness, was laid out in a more satisfying way.

So this was uneven for me in a lot of ways. Would I suggest it to kids? Sure. Graphic novel fans, book lovers, library lovers, and fantasy lovers may all find something enjoyable here. But I personally didn’t love it enough to pick up a sequel if there ever is one.

Rating: ♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥ = Good, solid, fine