REVIEW: Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros


Violet has been preparing her whole life to attend Basgiath War College as a scribe, just like her father. But following his death, her mother, General Sorrengail, decides she must join the Riders Quadrant instead – the most ruthless and deadly path at Basgiath.

The cadets who survive the initiation and early training have the chance to bond with a dragon which means developing a magical gift and riding that dragon into battle. But there are fewer and fewer dragons willing to bond with humans. So the competition is fierce. Violet has never been physically strong or healthy, so she’s already at a significant disadvantage. And on top of that, there are others at Basgiath who want to kill her.


Yes, I know. This book pubbed almost 2 years ago, and was almost immediately a huge hit. But my copy sat on my TBR bookcase for ages. I don’t always love books with a lot of hype, so I was reluctant to take my chances with it. Then book 3 released to great fanfare, and it felt like time.

This absolutely lived up to the hype! I was sold from the start, and never wanted to put the book down.

This felt comfortable and familiar from the start – I’ve read this sort of book before. The heroine who isn’t supposed to be special, who has to overcome all sorts of trials to prove herself – both to others and herself. The bad boy love interest. All familiar. And all ABSOLUTELY my jam. By the time I got to the dragon portion of the story, I had already ordered the next two books so I could get completely caught up with the series. It’s so fun to finally understand all the memes!

If you love these sorts of stories as much as I do, be sure to give this one a try if you haven’t already! (Language, violence, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: The Sherlock Society by James Ponti

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Aladdin in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Alex and Zoe Sherlock have decided to live up to their last name. Instead of babysitting or mowing lawns for money, they start a detective agency. With their friends, Lina and Yadi, and their grandfather serving as Director of Transportation and Logistics, they are ready to take on their first case.

After a couple of false starts, the Sherlock Society stumbles onto an environmental case. The kids use the reporting skills they learn from Alex and Zoe’s grandfather to start looking for a suspect. They also use Yadi’s film experience and drone skills to look for clues. Zoe’s understanding of people comes in handy, as does Alex’s understanding of the law and Lina’s grasp of the big picture, when their case literally explodes out of control.


This is so fun! There’s great balance between the kid pieces – friendships, family conflict, learning to investigate – with  the case pieces. There’s tons for readers to learn – about investigating, about Al Capone, about Florida, about videography – and it’s all modeled by the characters in the book. It’s “showing, not telling” at it’s best.

The kids and the family feel authentic – conflict, confrontation, support, teasing, and teaching, all on a foundation of love. And the case is grounded in some details real middle schoolers would or could do. This is a terrific series kick off from a tried and true middle grade mystery author, James Ponti. His fans should not miss this one. Mystery lovers, kids who care about the environment, and readers who like ensemble stories should pick this one up, too!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: The Night Librarian by Christopher Lincoln

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Dial Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Twins Page and Turner love going to the New York Public Library. In fact, one day they take their father’s rare copy of Dracula to the library for some research.  Page feels like their dad spends more time with his collection than he does with his kids. Taking his book feels like “revenge.” But when the rare – and expensive – book CRAWLS away and disappears in the library, the twins need help.

They meet the Night Librarian and discover that books, especially old books, have magic. And their characters can sometimes leave their stories! And Dracula, and others, have done just that.

Page and Turner team up with some other book characters to see if they can find the escapees, especially Dracula, before their parents get home.


I loved the artwork in this graphic novel, and the magical library premise is a lot of fun. I was frustrated at times, though, when the main plot – the lost book and escaped characters – took a long backseat to establishing the world building. In addition to significant world building, the author is also trying to establish the character dynamics for the twins and their parents. It’s an ambitious undertaking. I loved it in principle, but didn’t always like it in execution.

Page is hard to like, and Turner’s negative self-talk and low self-opinion even makes him hard to root for at times. The escaped book characters are mostly fun, and the choices of books to highlight in the story were good. There’s one moment where the storytelling hits a hiccup – a twist in the story that is “told” rather than “shown.” It felt abrupt, and like a missed opportunity to develop Turner’s character a bit more. Thankfully, the final solution, while similar in it’s suddenness, was laid out in a more satisfying way.

So this was uneven for me in a lot of ways. Would I suggest it to kids? Sure. Graphic novel fans, book lovers, library lovers, and fantasy lovers may all find something enjoyable here. But I personally didn’t love it enough to pick up a sequel if there ever is one.

Rating: ♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥ = Good, solid, fine

REVIEW: Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson


Ernie Cunningham is on his way to a “mandatory” family reunion he could really do without. After turning his brother in to police for murder, things in the family have been…. tense. But his brother is about to get out of prison, and everyone is gathering at a remote mountain resort to welcome him home.

But a dead body on the mountain throws a wrench into things. And as the weather worsens and only one inexperienced cop has made it to the resort, Ernie realizes he’ll have to solve the mystery. After all, he writes books to teach writers how to craft mysteries. He even promises the reader he’ll follow all the agreed-upon rules for murder mysteries as he does so!


This. Was. Wild.

So unexpected in a lot of ways for me, which added to a great reading experience with a well-crafted mystery.

As Ernie is the narrator, and the book is written after the events it describes, he’s an especially self-aware narrator. There’s a full set up for the “rules” at the start of the book plus regular references along the way to make sure you never forget. Then there’s the premise that “everyone” in the family has killed someone. So those mini-stories are woven in as well.

There’s the usual features for a mystery like this – the remote location, foul weather, family tension among the key players, and finally a growing list of dead people. I was captivated by the whole thing. I adore books with this sort of set up anyway.

But the resolution? And the surprises along the way? Wow. The extras here really kicked this up a notch. This is the whole package when it comes to plotting!

I didn’t love the characters in this – and I’m not sure I was supposed to – which is what keeps me from giving this 5 stars. But this is really an exceptional read, and I can’t recommend it highly enough. I will absolutely be reading book two, Everyone on this Train Is a Suspect, which is scheduled to release later this month. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.



REVIEW: Kiss the Girl by Zoraida Cordova


Ariel del Mar and her sisters – Siren Seven – have fulfilled their part of the deal with their record label – and their father. They’ve been performing for years. And now all of the girls get a break to do what they want – to just “be” for awhile. Except for Ariel. Her father wants her to “strike while the iron’s hot” and launch a solo career.

When Ariel meets Eric, lead singer of Star Crossed, as her true self, Melody, instead of her stage persona, he has no idea who she is. And some freedom and anonymity sounds like all she’s been craving. So she signs on to be his band’s merch person on their tour.

With her sisters providing cover with their dad, Melody has a chance to rediscover who she is – what’s really her and what’s just the character she’s been playing on stage. But real feelings start to bloom between Melody and Eric. What will happen when he discovers the truth? Or when her father finally tracks her down?


This is book 3 in the Meant to Be series of fairytale retellings after If the Shoe Fits and By the Book. Each is written by a different author. This is the first one I have read – the plot summary was so amazing I couldn’t pre-order this fast enough. But I will absolutely be checking out the rest.

This was excellent! The author does an excellent job with Little Mermaid touches throughout the book. Yet the story is original and allowed to stand on its own without being forced into a template by the movie.

I loved the characters in this! Melody and Eric are great, and the secondary characters really add a lot to the story. I would have loved to see more of the sisters together – they were great!

I did have to remind myself, often, that the characters here are adults, not teens. There’s a YA vibe to the story that worked for me until something happened (like drinking alcohol) to remind me these were adults.

If you like fairytale retellings like I do, don’t miss this one. This is a stand alone story, so you don’t have to have read any of the others to enjoy this. (Language, off-page sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read

REVIEW: Manslaughter Park by Tirzah Price


Fanny Price is the “poor relation” at Mansfield Park. Her uncle, Sir Thomas, took her in as his wife’s relative like he took in Edmund, his late brother’s son. The two “outsiders” become fast friends. Fanny’s never confessed her feelings for Edmund to anyone.

Fanny is fond of her uncle, the only kind person in the household besides Edmund. So she’s understandably saddened when Sir Thomas dies from a fall. But Fanny also thinks the fall was no accident – Sir Thomas was murdered.

When Sir Thomas’s will is read, the family discovers their financial state is not as solid as they believed. Fanny finds the whole thing out of character for her uncle and decides to investigate – the financials, the family business, her relatives, and Sir Thomas’s death.


This was excellent! I have enjoyed this series from the start with Pride and Premeditation followed by Sense and Second-Degree Murder (♥♥♥♥). But I also had at least a passing familiarity with the source material for the first two books. I knew nothing about Mansfield Park when I read this. It didn’t matter at all – I loved this purely on its own merits. (In fact, when I read a summary of the original, it was not as captivating as this book was.)

I enjoyed watching Fanny’s evolution as she finds her purpose and character while pursing the truth about Sir Thomas’s death. The mystery plot was delightfully intricate. I didn’t want to put this down. And I’m proud to say I figured things out before the end which always makes me feel extra satisfied and triumphant after reading a mystery.

I hope there will be more of these in the future! This is one of my favorite YA series right now – which is kind of surprising since I have not quite gotten the appeal of Austen. But the changes the author makes in service of her story (like the addition of the queer romance here – with a great author’s note in the book) and the creation of her mysteries are right on target for me as a reader.

Newcomers could start here, I think. While Lizzie and Darcy play a role in this book, the reader doesn’t need their history in order to follow Fanny’s story. But you will definitely want to go back and pick up the earlier books in the series if you start here!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Hello Stranger by Katherine Center

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Sadie feels like she’s been dropped on an alien planet. She’s developed face blindness, and there’s no way for her to prepare for the cascade effect of that disorder. People she’s know for decades are suddenly unfamiliar – visual strangers who have to be identified in new ways. Voices alone aren’t necessarily enough. She can’t even recognize or discern her own face in a mirror.

The whole thing is traumatic enough by itself. Then add in her estranged father and step-mother trying to suddenly insert themselves into her life. But it’s all compounded by the fact that Sadie is a portrait artist. Faces are literally her business, her livelihood. And the highly esteemed portrait contest in which she is a finalist has a deadline right around the corner. She desperately needs the prize money – and the professional boost and affirmation. But there’s no guarantee when the condition will resolve – or if it ever will.


I initially requested the review copy of this – and ordered two print copies of the book along with tickets to an author signing event – completely on the merits of The Bodyguard, one of my favorite reads of 2022. I didn’t even read the synopsis. “Oh, Katherine Center? The author of The Bodyguard? Yes, please!” And THEN I read the synopsis.

And I thought, “Oh no, what have I done?”

I was not looking forward to the face blindness storyline.  And I wasn’t sure this was a story I could even like. But I had already committed. So I decided to wait to read the story until after the author event so that if I didn’t care for it, I would still have been able to be fully on board for the event.

The author event was delightful. If you ever have a chance to hear Katherine Center speak, you absolutely should go. She’s a hoot! I love her philosophy of writing and enjoying romance. We waited 90 minutes after her presentation for the chance at a photo op and signed books – and it was completely worthwhile.

As was the book.  The psychology of this was fascinating – from Sadie’s early attempts to cope with her diagnosis to the family drama that became a focus later in the book.  Sadie is absolutely delightful, even in her most difficult moments. There are many laugh-out-loud sections as well as passages that begged to be read out loud. (There’s also a true villain who is one of the most vile “mean girl” sorts of characters I have ever encountered in a book.)

There’s a ton here to enjoy. I knew early on where the whole story/romance was headed, but the journey to get there was absolutely enjoyable – and there were still a few surprises along the way.

Fans of romance books with a slow burn (closed door) and a strong emphasis on personal growth for the main character should check this one out.  And the author’s (many) fans should pick this up without hesitation.  (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great!

REVIEW: A Newlywed’s Guide to Fortune and Murder by Dianne Freeman

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Kensington in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Frances and George are settling into married life and ready to get back to their respective work. George has recovered from his injury and is taking on a new, secret assignment. And Frances is supposed to be handling a young woman’s presentation to the queen.

Miss Katherine Stover is the niece of Lady Winstead. When Frances goes to meet Miss Stover, she discovers Lady Winstead is very ill. And one of her oldest friends, Lady Esther, finds her friend’s condition alarming – and suspicious.

But before Frances can get a handle on Lady Winstead’s condition – and investigate a couple accusations of theft in the household – someone is murdered, leaving Frances and George with more questions than ever.


This was a fun addition to the Countess of Harleigh mystery series, and the conclusion of the book was excellent. I enjoyed spending time with Frances and George as always, and the set up for this story was great. The middle dragged a bit where everything seemed to just spin in place without any progress forward. Thankfully there was a nice twist toward the end that I enjoyed, and it propelled the rest of the story forward to a fantastic end.

I have enjoyed this historical mystery series since the beginning, and I’m thrilled to keep up with it. This is book 6 in the series, and I think newcomers could start with this book without much difficulty. But for the full Frances and George experience, you’ll want to go back to book 1, A Lady’s Guide to Etiquette and Murder where it all began.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read


REVIEW: Kitty Katt-Martini Series by Gini Koch

This is another vacation/catch up sort of post. I am in this weird reading space this summer where I have a ton of ARCs I should be reading, but I am enjoying books from my TBR and also trying to slow the general pace of life. Part of enjoying that slower pace is returning to my comfort reads. The Kitty Katt-Martini/Touched by an Alien series by Gini Koch is hands down my favorite series of books ever. It’s a perfect blend of science fiction and romance and mystery and action – with lots of snark. I re-read these regularly. I get to a place of craving them. I can rarely go a day where something doesn’t make me think of a character or a moment in this 16-book series. I’ve recently re-read these three books once again, so they are fresh in my mind.

So today, I am going to give a teaser of the first three books in the series. This is how I was introduced to the series back in the spring of 2011. I discovered these three books on a shelf in Barnes and Noble. I bought the first one, read it and loved it, and then went back for the next two and read all three of them back to back to back. From there it was a matter of waiting until the fourth book released in December when I devoured it. From there these have been must-buys, pre-orders, and signed books every year, twice a year, until 2018 when the author hit a snag. We’ve been waiting for book 17 ever since. Thankfully, regular re-reads have kept me happy during the wait. So, here are the summaries along with my first impressions from back in 2011.

Touched by an Alien

Kitty Katt is surprised to discover aliens are on earth when she stops an alien monster that forms right in front of her and starts attacking. Thankfully, the aliens she meets from the Alpha Centauri system are here to help. Smart, strong, and gorgeous, the ACs have been on Earth for decades as both exiles from their home world and as the only force able to stop the parasitic aliens that form monsters like Kitty fought. As Kitty joins the group, she sees and understands things the ACs have been too close (or too naïve) to see before. Working together, Kitty is able to help her new friends, especially the sexy Jeffrey Martini, fight the main fugly who wants to use the ACs to take over the world and remake it in his horrible image.

2011 – ♥♥♥♥♥ – “I thoroughly enjoyed this story. It’s sassy, funny, and sarcastic. Kitty’s love interest is flirty (bordering on too much) and protective. The storyline deals with prejudice, exile, and persecution themes. The author does a fantastic job of world-building without doing a data dump in the beginning of the book. Great example of good ‘voice’ – relatable, believable, comfortable, and engaging. The banter during one of the big battle scenes had me laughing out loud….” (language, sex)


Alien Tango

2011 – ♥♥♥♥½ – “Kitty, Martini, and the rest of Alpha team are on their way to Kennedy Space Center to investigate a strange incident with three astronauts who had been on a mission. By the time Kitty figures out what’s going on and gets her team out of Kennedy, she will face an obsessive ex-boyfriend, an anti-alien plot to kill them, bombs (plural), a psycho stalker, and an alien intelligence far more powerful than anything they’ve ever encountered. And those challenges are nothing compared to meeting Martini’s family.

“Another winner from Gini Koch. There were whole chapters I read twice because they were so perfect. Kitty continues to be one of my favorite characters. She’s strong, intuitive, sarcastic, and loyal. Great secondary storyline about alien and human relationships. ” (language, sex)


Alien in the Family

Kitty has successfully opened the door to  AC and human marriages. Her own engagement to Jeff, though, gains the attention of the ACs back on the home world. It seems some of the older Earth ACs forgot to share how their families are connected to the Alpha Four monarchy – and that is going to cause galactic-level trouble.

2011 – ♥♥♥♥½ – “Fascinating chess analogy, great new characters, plenty of interesting family dynamics for both Kitty AND Martini, and even some religious references. Terrifically intricate plot pulls the reader from page to page.” (language, sex)


REVIEW: The Comeback Summer by Ali Brady


Libby and Hannah inherited a PR firm from their beloved grandmother, but they are struggling to keep it afloat. Then Lou, a self-help guru, walks in.

Lou is vetting PR firms for the launch of a new product line. In order to compete, Hannah and Libby have to follow Lou’s system to break out of comfort zones so they can work from that experience if they get the job. Hannah is challenged to go on 12 first dates, and Libby has to do a fitness challenge.

While both women work on their programs – with significant help from one another – the process leads them to revelations, and love, they weren’t expecting.


This was excellent! I usually enjoy dual point-of-view books, and this does an excellent job with the voices and insights of both sisters. And the set up with the 12 week challenges was fantastically done.

I liked both Hannah and Libby and was completely engrossed in their surface stories – the lost love/reconciliation, the physical challenges, the business challenges. But when both women get to the deeper parts of their individual journeys, I was riveted. I didn’t want to put the book down.

This was a delight from start to finish. I loved every bit of it. This was the perfect book to kick off my summer reading season – I recommend you give it a try. (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!