REVIEW: Moorewood Family Rules by HelenKay Dimon

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Avon in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Jillian Moorewood is newly released from prison. Crashing her family of con artists’ big garden party by arriving – unannounced – in a helicopter was a stroke of genius. They were nearly apoplectic.

She had told them all they needed to go straight while she dealt with her prison sentence. But with her out of the way, they doubled down on their schemes. Now Jillian is going to wrangle this family onto the straight and narrow, no matter what it takes.

Jillian’s allies insist she have a bodyguard because the rest of the family won’t go down without a fight. And Beck the bodyguard is committed to keeping Jillian safe – and finding all the evidence they need to keep her that way. The banter and steamy interactions between them is just a bonus!


This was so fun! I couldn’t read this as quickly as I wanted to – these last few weeks have been just too busy. But this was never far from my mind in the long gaps. I remembered everything in the interim while I waited to pick this back up again (something that rarely happens when I have to take a break from a story). I longed to curl up with it. Once I carved out some time, I blitzed through to the end.

This was a perfect fit for me. I loved Jillian. Her revenge fantasies – and realities – were right up my alley. I couldn’t wait for her family to get their comeuppance, but at the same time, I also didn’t hate them when they were on the scene. The author does a masterful job of walking the fine line between making the reader want to see them get theirs while also not making readers despise them. The choice to give one of them a few POV chapters really helped with this too.

I enjoyed Jillian’s personal journey as she wrestled with her responsibility for and to her family. There were some Enneagram 2-ish vibes to this part of the story that I enjoyed. I highly recommend this book – super satisfying story with great characters!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: The House Swap by Yvette Clark

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and HarperCollins in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Sage is worried her parents might be getting a divorce. So when her mom announces they will be going to England for vacation – without her dad – she finds it hard to feel excited. Plus, the trip is a house swap, so there will be strangers living in their house which will just be weird.

Allie finds herself feeling at turns overlooked and then smothered as the middle kid in her family. No one takes her desire for some order and boundaries seriously. Her parents always seem to indulge her older brother and baby sister, leaving Allie to fend for herself in family dynamics.

Sage and Allie get a few days together in England before Allie leaves, and in that time Sage shares her worries about her parents. So Allie helps her come up with a plan to “Parent Trap” her parents in order to save their marriage.


The set up here is cute. I loved how the author arranged things so the two girls are together and get to know one another for a few days before the full swap. I loved the two girls together.

The conflicts the girls are facing are pretty typical for middle grade stories, and they are well-executed here. I really felt for Allie as she struggles to be heard and understood in her family.  The “Parent Trap” plan was as stressful to read as you might imagine. I think kids will enjoy the drama of it all.

This would be a nice selection for a read aloud or a book group. There’s a lot of family dynamics here for discussion or reflection. Kids could talk about which of the girls they related to the most, both in their different personalities and also in the conflicts they are facing. Both girls end up working on giving voice to their feelings and asking for what they need. These are great life skills for kids to read about and talk about.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good +

REVIEW: A Very Merry Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


A year ago, Colton and Gretchen slept together. And the next morning, Gretchen fled. She’s been avoiding Colton ever since. Sharing a friend group makes it tricky at times, but she makes it work. She loves her job as an immigration lawyer, and she lets her work fill her calendar. But her estranged family throws a wrench in her avoid-Colton plan by dangling the one thing she wants – a seat on the board of the family foundation – in front of her.  All she has to do is get Colton to agree to be the next ambassador for their whiskey company.

Colton’s in the middle of tense negotiations with his record label, but it’s not going to distract him from this opportunity to reconnect with Gretchen and make her see how amazing they could be together. But he has no idea how much he has to overcome.


I have been a fan of this series from the start, and this was a fun holiday-ish addition to the series. Grumpy/Sunshine is not a trope I usually seek out, but I loved Colton, and Gretchen grew on me over time.

There were a few threads to this I thought were looser than in other books in the series. The guys don’t work through a romance book together in this one, but Colton and Gretchen share some conversations about a book. But the set up for this wasn’t as clear as I wanted, and then it sort of just disappeared when the book shifted focus to Gretchen’s family. I also would have liked a bigger, more definitive wrap up to those family things also. At the end of the book I was left feeling like I was holding something 85% finished. I enjoyed the whole, but I would have liked it to feel a little more solid to me.

Series fans will want to pick this up to see the progress through the larger friend group. I think newcomers might enjoy starting with an earlier book (Undercover Bromance is my favorite) in order to get a better sense of the Bromance Book Club than they might get if they start here. (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: The Wedding Plot by Paula Munier


Mercy Carr and her Malinois, Elvis, should be consumed with wedding festivities instead of reporting a dead body. But when the spa director at her grandmother’s destination wedding goes missing, Mercy says she’ll check things out. She gets more than she bargained for.

Pretty soon, it’s a toss up over which situation is more troublesome – the pre-wedding antics of the wedding party or the trail of violence that is centered around the resort. But Mercy and Elvis – and Troy and Sugar Bear – are on the case!


This was outstanding!! Mercy and Troy are in a good relationship place in this one, and it sets a lovely tone for the whole book. The dogs are in excellent form here, as always. And the mystery is truly top notch. I even started taking notes, trying to put all the pieces together for myself. (Ended up about 50/50 on my guessing.)

I have enjoyed the Mercy and Elvis mysteries since book one, A Borrowing of Bones. For me, this is the best of the series (so far). In fact, I can say for certain that this will be one of my favorite books of 2022 when the year is done. This book has everything I love – great characters, brilliant plotting, and a quest that propels the characters and the reader forward. I read this start to finish in one day and enjoyed it all. Highly recommend!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++*

♥♥♥♥♥+++* = Best of the best

REVIEW: The Hookup Plan by Farrah Rochon

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Forever in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


At the end of a successful 15 year reunion, London agrees to have a drink with Drew Sullivan, her high school nemesis. And the drink leads to a few more. Which leads to her spending the night. It was an amazing night, but what was she thinking?!

But when she finds out Drew is in town for work – and that work involves the possible sale of the hospital where she works – her animosity toward him reaches supernova levels.

But she can’t deny that they have chemistry. And she needs to blow off a lot of steam. So while she wants nothing to do with him at the hospital, she’s willing to meet him for a hookup now and again. And again. He’ll be leaving town soon enough, and she’ll be glad to be rid of him when the time comes.


This was a fun, sexy story. A few surprises and a couple with great chemistry made this a nice wrap up to The Boyfriend Project series.

The set up of the hookup plan leads to a chunk of the book devoted to the physical relationship between Drew and London, especially in the early parts of the story. The author makes some creative choices in how she describes their encounters to keep them from falling into something repetitive. Then, as the story develops, extra layers are added to the relationship. While the personal growth Drew and London are working on felt like a lot smaller of a part of the book, I thoroughly enjoyed their journeys, both independently and as they helped each other along the way.

Fans of the series should absolutely pick up this third and final book of the series that launched when London and her new friends were first catfished. Readers who love a steamy “enemies” to lovers story should give this a try as well. I don’t know that you have to read these in order, although it does help to know about the inciting incident that led the women to become friends. (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great!

REVIEW: To Marry and to Meddle by Martha Waters

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Atria Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Lady Emily fears her father’s debts will keep her single – or tie her to a terrible husband – no matter how pristine she has been able to keep her reputation. So when Lord Belfry suggests they marry, it seems like a great solution for Emily. He will take care of her father’s problems and rescue her from a dismal future. In turn, the theatre owner hopes Emily’s class and reputation will help him establish a more suitable clientele for his business.

Once Emily has a taste of freedom from her disapproving parents and from her hyper-vigilance over her own behavior, she’s not sure she wants to stay quiet any more. But Julian can’t see what Emily could bring to his business – or his life – other than their initial agreement.


This is book 3 in the Regency Vows series after To Have and to Hoax and To Love and to Loathe. I LOVED this book. It was truly a perfect fit for me. It’s romantic and funny. There’s just enough conflict to move the story and characters along but not so much as to be painful or stressful to read.

I loved Emily and Julian – separately and together. The premise completely worked for me – a touch of fake relationship, but different enough to feel fresh. And the transformation of Emily over time felt believable as well as fun to watch.

Fans of this series should not miss this. But newcomers can start here, too. I still have not read book one (the premise doesn’t click for me). But while there are references to the earlier books, they are general enough that the reader knows there is history there, but not in such a way to leave the reader feeling like they are missing something important.

This is the sort of book I would read again – comfort reading at its best! Sweet, endearing, funny, sarcastic, and romantic. Check it out!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Lost and Found Family by Jennifer Ryan


Sarah Anderson is trying to hold it all together. She’s running the company she started with her husband while also being their top coder. She’s raising her two young sons alone after the death of her husband. The juggling of everything is leaving her exhausted.

And then she gets the letter from the lawyer.

Sarah’s mother-in-law has always assumed and believed the worst about Sarah. And now she’s threatening legal action to take Sarah’s boys away. So reluctantly, she agrees to a six-week visitation with her late husband’s family. Yes, their verbal abuse and hatefulness is hard to take. But she can endure it for six weeks to show her willingness to compromise.

Luke Thompson, the good-looking rancher next door to Sarah’s mother-in-law is the lawyer who sent the letter. And he’s guarded when it comes to Sarah, ready to see this awful person his neighbor has described. But Sarah is nothing like he expected. How does her mother-in-law see something so different? What is he missing in the story of this family? Who is really telling the truth?



I picked this up because I was intrigued by the story. I also ADORED the author’s earlier book, The Me I Used to Be. I thought this would be something similar, and I couldn’t wait to dig in.

I enjoyed this sweet story of steadfast integrity and character in the face of cruelty and anger. Sarah is almost too good to be true.

While I enjoyed the story and the characters, the big climax with Sarah’s family happened mid-book. And unlike The Me I Used to Be, there was no other mystery to carry the rest of the story to the end. I spent the second half of this book waiting for a BIG new conflict or disaster to come, but it never did. The almost-too-perfect-to-be-believable character continued to be saint-like in response to the garbage her late husband had pulled and the fall out she faced through the end of the book.

I felt like the lack of a new challenge or conflict as well as Sarah’s perfection took some of the joy out of the reading experience for me. It was 100+ pages of resolution and happily ever after, which can be nice at times, but isn’t always satisfying. I mistrust books where there’s no challenge or mission – and this one only had a challenge for about half of the story.

These days, though, there is a place for reading an escape story where there’s not a ton of conflict and there’s a whole lot of happily-ever-after. If you are looking for a book like that, give this one a try!

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good +

REVIEW: When You Get the Chance by Emma Lord

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Millie Price’s star is on the rise. She’s worked her butt off to get into a theater pre-college program. But her dad is reluctant to let her go. And his resistance seems to have something to do with Millie’s mother.

Millie doesn’t know who her mother is, but she stumbles on her father’s LiveJournal from college. Reading through the entries around the time she would have been conceived, Millie finds some names of women who could be her mother. She’s sure if she can find the woman – who was also into musical theater – she could get her mother’s help to convince her dad to let her go.

But Millie’s plan to check out each of these women hits a snag when she ends up competing with her high school nemesis, Oliver, for an internship she doesn’t even want. But as it’s a chance to work with one of the potential moms, she sticks with it while getting to know the other women on her list. But Millie has no way of knowing how this search for her mom and her quest to attend this theater program is going to change everything.


Emma Lord is the author of the fantastic Tweet Cute and You Have a Match, and after this third delightful story, she’s a must-read author for me.

I loved this! Millie is such a great character. She has a big personality, and sometimes the dramatic theater types can be abrasive to read. But that was never the case here. While she’s abrasive to Oliver, that’s part of the fun of the story, but I loved her (and Oliver) from the start.

Millie’s quest for her big theater program and for finding her mom opens up SO many great threads for this story – with the internship, with Oliver, with her family and friends, and with the new people she meets along the way. But none of those external pieces overshadows the internal work Millie does which is equally great.

Fans of Emma Lord’s previous books should absolutely pick this up – the character work here is excellent! And the romantic bits and the humor is icing on the cake. RomCom fans and musical theater lovers – you’re going to want to read this one too! (Language, LGBTQ+)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: Elfie Unperfect by Kristin Mahoney

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Knopf Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review. But since I had already purchased the book when I was approved for the ARC, I am reviewing my published copy. Still, all opinions are my own.]


Elfie was convinced transferring to Hampshire Academy was the solution to everything. She was certain the kids there would be more school-focused and rule-conscious like she was. She was certain this would be the place where she “thrived” and would make friends.

Instead, she was expelled. On the first day.

Now she has to go back to Cottonwood Elementary – with the kids who have never understood her, and the cousin who is good at all the things Elfie isn’t, like sports and making friends. But as Elfie returns to Cottonwood for 5th grade, a lot of things in her life are changing. It’s going to make for an unforgettable year.


This was lovely! While I enjoyed the premise, I bought this one because I adored one of the author’s previous books, Annie’s Life in Lists. Once I knew she had written this, it became a must-read for me. And I was not disappointed.

I thoroughly enjoyed Elfie. She’s endearing and sympathetic. I was cheering for her from the start. I enjoyed tracking her whole journey through the book.

One of the things I especially appreciated is that a lot of the difficulties Elfie is working through aren’t wrapped up in the end. There’s no tidy ending wrapped in a bow. And that’s great. Rarely are life’s challenges wrapped up perfectly in a couple months. But in that time, Elfie has changed and grown. And that’s what is most important, and most enjoyable, about the book.

My fellow fans of Annie’s Life in Lists should give this one a try. The format is more straightforward (the structure of Annie is a big part of what makes it special), but the story and characters are just as enjoyable. (TW: cancer, chemotherapy, divorce)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: I Am Not Starfire by Mariko Tamaki

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Mandy marches to the beat of her own drum – something that can be hard to do in high school. It’s even harder to do when you live in a spotlight like she does. Mandy’s mother is Starfire, one of the Titans. A superhero. Mandy wants to get through school, maybe go out with a girl like her current crush, and get far away from her mother’s shadow. But Mandy’s peers, the press, and Starfire’s family won’t let her fade into the background.


There are elements of this graphic novel that reflect typical superhero stories – secrets, powers, and battles with evil-doers.

There are also elements that are typical of a coming-of-age story. Mandy feels like the opposite of her mother – and often misunderstood. She wants to be indifferent to it – to the ways people use her for her famous connections – but she’s not. She still feels hurt.

I enjoyed the story. It wasn’t all I was hoping for, though. There were no real surprises. I thought Mandy’s angst was well-conveyed. The budding romance feels more like another arena for conflict rather than a substantial plot thread on its own.

DC fans and Titans fans might enjoy this take on the Titans and the daughter of Starfire. YA fans may enjoy this for the identity and coming-of-age pieces and the exploration of the mother-daughter relationship. I’m not convinced the story does any of those things especially well, and maybe that’s the issue. Maybe it was trying to be too many things, and they all were too shallow for a truly great story. (Language, LGBTQ+)

Rating: ♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥ = Good/Solid/Fine