REVIEW: Stardust in Their Veins by Laura Sebastian

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Delacorte Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Beatriz, Daphne, and Sophronia – triplet princesses, born to both rule and ruin. Each left for their assigned country and prince; each expected to marry and then enact their mother’s plan. But nothing has gone as expected.

Beatriz has discovered unexpected powers while also facing betrayal. She’s sequestered in a nunnery under charges of treason.
Daphne has been the target of several assassination attempts, but not from the corners she might have expected.
And Sophronia….

The triplets have gone off course from their mother’s plan – but the Empress has been working her own scheme all along. And she’s not the only one.


AMAZING! This was fantastic! The minute I finished, I sat, stunned. What a ride.

In some ways this is the sort of mid-trilogy book that mostly serves to set up the big action of book 3. There’s not a ton of ground gained here. That being said, there were some fantastic moments and fascinating reveals. The book is completely engrossing, and I loved it! But at the same time, I feel like it mostly kept me in a holding pattern for book 3.

There’s some great character development going on in that “holding pattern,” though. We continue to learn about the triplets and their mother as well as other friends – and villains – from book 1, Castles in Their Bones. Once I finished the last page, I was ready to start over again. Sadly, I have fallen behind in my reading, so a re-read will have to wait. On the plus side, once my personal print copy arrives, (hopefully with the UK cover which matches book 1 better than the US cover), I’ll be able to book tab this like I did book 1.

This was a fun book annotation practice I tried in January. I really missed the ability to continue tabbing with my e-ARC.

Fans of book one should immediately pick up the sequel – and carve out time because you won’t want to put it down. Fans of the author’s Ash Princess series should definitely check this series out asap – I think you will love it!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ – I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: The Heretic Royal by G. A. Aiken

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Kensington in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Queen Annwyl the Bloody (Dragon Actually) – the Mad Queen – has come to Forgetown, the lands ruled by Keely, the Blacksmith Queen. And Annwyl is not alone. She has a group of shapeshifting dragons with her.

While Keely and her sister Gemma try to figure out what to make of the unpredictable woman and her dragon allies, their sister Ainsley is trying to make her mark and get her family to take her seriously. So when an opportunity arises for her to take a swipe at her sister Beatrix’s rival army, Ainsley and her friends take it.


Wow! I have some mixed feelings on this one, but the bottom line is WOW. The epilogue left me gasping and growling. I read this 4 months ago, so I am looking at 16-18 months or more of waiting until book 4 releases. Ugh. I need it!

Almost a year ago, when I first saw the pre-order for this, the third book in the Scarred Earth Saga, I couldn’t hit the pre-order button fast enough. I was thrilled to get a chance to read an early review copy, something I treated myself to during my 2022 sabbatical. I have adored this series since I first heard about The Blacksmith Queen (♥♥♥♥♥).

That said, I struggled with this one. I loved the glimpses of Ainsley in the last book. But the fun, punchy moments earlier in the series became these longer fights with Gemma that were hard to enjoy. Also, the arrival of the dragons at the end of book 2 became a long “introduction” to this book, and it dragged. And I could not get a handle on the various dragons. (Readers who have read the author’s Dragon Kin series will not struggle like I did. I didn’t realize this was a crossover until after I finished reading.) But on the first read through, I couldn’t keep them straight. I would have loved more scenes with Ainsley and her friends, too. They were a curious trio, and I wanted more of them together, bantering and battling, which would have been a fun attempt to balance the more stagnant dragon parts. Also, the romance here was only okay. I didn’t feel it had the same build up – and fun – as in the previous two books.

To me, this felt like a transitional book, one with a goal of moving characters to wherever they need to go to be ready for book 4. So for me this lost something by not having a strong, driving story of its own. Most of the “action” here centered on Keely’s stronghold and trying to build an alliance, teeing things up for later.

That said, I am still fully invested in this Saga. I adored Isadora’s appearances in this book. I imagine the next book will be hers. I’m eager to read it, but that anticipation is tempered by the dragging parts of this one and the experience of loving Ainsley in bits and pieces earlier in the series, but not loving her quite so much when the full focus of a book was on her. But I have my fingers crossed for book 4 to be a better fit for me.

These books absolutely need to be read in order. You do not want to miss the amazingness of The Blacksmith Queen and The Princess Knight. I re-read both in preparation for this, and loved them just as much in a re-read as I did the first time through. I feel like this series is fantasy with hints of romance. If that sounds up your alley, pick up the whole trio of books out now so you are ready for book 4 when it releases. (Language, violence, gore, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Might re-read.

REVIEW: Tear Down the Throne by Jennifer Estep

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Harper Voyager in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Gemma Ripley is still licking her wounds after her last encounter with the Morricones when she is thrown back into their company at the annual Trade Summit. All of the royal families are there – the Ripleys, the ogre morphs, the dragon morphs, and the Mortans led by Gemma’s biggest enemy, Maeven Morricone.

At first blush, the Summit is a way for Gemma to do some spying. Maybe she can finish what she started in Morta and find out what Maeven’s son, Milo, is up to. But before Gemma can do much more than scheme, Maeven throws a wrench into the Summit that could destabilize their whole continent – or even get Gemma killed.


I blitzed through this in one sitting and it left me dazed – and eager to read it again.

Gemma is in excellent form here. She is growing into her role as a princess and a spy. And as people take her more seriously, she thrives. Things between Gemma and Leo heat up in this book – and I was here for it. The interplay between them tickled me. The author does a great job of building both the romance and the intricate political plot of the series.

There are so many great developments here from book 1, Capture the Crown. But Estep isn’t out of surprises. Two of my big questions from book 1 are still waiting for full reveals – and I love it. She is doing a masterful job of telling a full, compelling story while still keeping me guessing. I can’t wait for Book 3, Conquer the Kingdom, out next spring.

The books in this Gargoyle Queen series build on each other, so they really have to be read in order. While I also think it helps to have read the Crown of Shards series first (it’s so AMAZING!), I think readers could follow Gemma’s story without it. But Kill the Queen (♥♥♥♥♥)Protect the Prince (♥♥♥♥½), and Crush the King  really help develop the world here as well as context for Gemma’s story.

Whatever order you read these in, fans of romantic fantasy should absolutely check out this whole line of books! (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: The Map of Flames by Lisa McMann


Louis was the only “parent” the kids had known for years. While he was Brix and Birdie’s biological father, he’d filled the role for Tenner, Seven, and Cabot too when their parents had not returned.

Three of the superpowered adults had left the island first, in search of supplies. When no one heard from them, four more left as well. And now Louis is dead, leaving the five kids alone.

Birdie’s father left her a map and told her to find her mother. Her ability to talk to animals would be an asset in the journey. But some of the kids don’t want to leave the only home they’ve ever known – and risk anyone back in Estero City discovering they have powers. But Birdie can’t resist the pull of finding out what happened to their missing parents. They all want to know why they’ve been left alone, forgotten, all this time.


I was captivated by the start of this one, but after a few chapters of the kids alone on the island, the book started to drag. I think this is something tricky about first books in a new fantasy series. There’s a lot of world-building and character introduction to do, and it can feel slow.

Section 2 of the book picks up with some danger situations. And section 3 was great. I was all in by the end. There are some nice twists and tons of unanswered questions to carry readers to book 2 in the Forgotten Five series – The Invisible Spy (November 2022).

Fans of fantasy stories like McMann’s other series – The Unwanteds, Going Wild, etc. – will find a lot to connect to. And I’d encourage readers to push through section 1 if they feel things are starting to slow down. It’s worth it to stick with the story. The ending is easily a 4 or 4.5 star adventure. (Grief and loss)

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good +

REVIEW: The Amber Crown by Jacey Bedford

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and DAW in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The king is dead. Poison. And his relative has taken the throne and the crown.

Valdas is a king’s guard, on the run, looking for the truth. He’s the scapegoat for the new king, just like his men were.
Mirza is a witch and healer trying to take her place in her roving band.
And Lind? Lind is the king’s assassin.

But when Valdas is almost killed and Mirza must use her gifts to bring him back from near death, the two encounter the ghost of the murdered king. And he binds them to the quest for the truth.


The writing here is enjoyable, and the characters and their situations were engaging. But the story was slow and drawn out for me. For example, the encounter with the king’s ghost didn’t happen for a quarter of the book. And while I usually don’t mind stories where you know the different characters are moving toward one another eventually, I was missing a driving story that pushed me forward to get to that place. The pace made the book too easy to set down and not pick up for awhile. And in the end, I didn’t finish it.

I think fans of longer, more intricate fantasy will find a lot here to enjoy. I did like several of the characters, and I found their situations interesting. The world building is well done, too. But I seem to be in a reading space where I need the author to get to the point. I need fast paced stories that grab me from page one rather than slow builds. There’s nothing wrong with a slow build for a story, but it’s not a great fit for me right now. (Language, sex, violence/gore, reference to sexual assault of a minor)

Rating: ♥♥♥* – did not finish

*♥♥♥ = Solid/fine


REVIEW: Capture the Crown by Jennifer Estep

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Harper Voyager in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Princess Gemma works at keeping her pampered princess persona and reputation in place. It disarms people, and they tell her things – things that help her work as a spy.

Her latest mission has her posing as a miner as she tracks missing stockpiles of tearstone. But her mission puts her directly in the path of her nemesis, Prince Leonidas Morricone of Morta. HIs family was behind the Seven Spires Massacre (Kill the Queen), an event that still haunts Gemma, 16 years later.

When someone tries to kill Leonidas, Gemma reluctantly saves him. When her life is in danger, he returns the favor. It makes sense for them to team up against the actual villain. And once they’ve thwarted *his* plan, the two royals can go back to hating each other.


I loved this! I wanted to pick it back up and start over as soon as I finished it. And I would have if I didn’t have so many other stories vying for my attention. I’m so happy this is the first review to post after the completion of my blog sabbatical.

This is NOT a fourth book in the Crown of Shards series – after Kill the Queen (♥♥♥♥♥), Protect the Prince (♥♥♥♥½), and Crush the King – but a spin off. Gemma is a child in those books, but now she is an adult, ready for her own adventure – and romance. There are references to the events of the Shards series, but this kick off to the Gargoyle Queen series is all about Gemma, and I adored it!

I am enjoying the magic system in this world as much as the heat and tension between Gemma and Leo. I’m trying to puzzle out what Leo’s family is up to – and especially what the story is with his sister. The teaser for book 2 – Tear Down the Throne – gave me no answers, and only made me whine all the more about the long wait until it releases.

Crown of Shards fans should run right out and pick this one up. I don’t know that you have to have read that series to dive into this one, but I think it helps. Besides, it’s an outstanding series that fantasy fans should not miss. I re-read the original series after finishing this, and it was so helpful for filling in little story gaps I had forgotten. Now that my autographed copy of Capture the Queen has arrived, I am ready to read it again! Don’t miss this one. (Language, violence)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels by India Holton

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Cecilia is a junior member of the Wisteria Society, a group of women pirates and thieves who are also ladies of good breeding and character (well, other than the thieving and assassinations and such). Cecilia lives with her great-aunt who is a full member of the society.

They live in a world of magical flying houses, ghosts, pirates, and vengeance. In fact, Cecilia is the target of an assassin for the first time in her life. It’s quite exciting! Although the assassin, a pirate named Ned, can’t seem to decide if he wants to kill her or kiss her.

But far more dangerous forces are on the move, including Cecilia’s murderous father, Morvath. And he plans to destroy the society and put “women back in their places” – and put himself on the throne of England.


What. A. Hoot! This is a fantastic story – a mix of historical society and magical fantasy that was right up my alley. The writing is sharp and sarcastic and funny. And the whole set up is quirky and fun. I was drawn in by the idea of lady scoundrels, but the magical, piratical pieces of this were more surprising. Such an unexpected delight!

I loved the characters in this so much. And the writing is outstanding. This is the sort of book I will end up buying so I can dog-ear all the clever moments and savor the writing, the banter between characters, and Cecilia’s great reading-related moments. I am almost more enamored by the crafting of the story than I am by the story details themselves. This is an author to watch!

This is the first book in the Dangerous Damsels series. Book 2, The League of Gentlewoman Witches, will release next spring. It’s already on my list of must-reads in 2022. (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would read again.

REVIEW: That Thing About Bollywood by Supriya Kelkar

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Sonali is stressed as the new semester starts at school. She is in a drama class she’s not sure about, her best friend seems enamored with a new friend, and the tension between her parents at home seems to be rising. If she lived in the Bollywood films she loves, everyone would sing their feelings – from her best friend Zara’s excitement about all things drama to her brother’s frequent tears and her parent’s anger. But Sonali swore off feelings – and sharing them – years ago.

As a younger kid, Sonali had made a project all about her parent’s arguments and how it made her feel. But rather than changing anything at home, she was laughed at and yelled at. She learned quickly to keep everything she thought and felt to herself.

But when her parents announce their separation, everything changes for Sonali. First, she wakes up in a bedroom that is a cross between her regular room and what you might find in a Bollywood film. Then she has a soundtrack wherever she goes. And everyone says this is perfectly normal. Before she knows it, Sonali is breaking into song and dance routines while she watches her whole world shift into something out of her favorite movies. And she’s not sure how she’s going to get back to her own reality.


This is a clever kids story along the lines of a Groundhog Day or Freaky Friday adaptation where the main character is in an alternate world and has to dig deep to unravel the mysteries that are keeping them from returning to their normal world. I love that sort of story, and this is a great twist on that idea. While I am not well-versed in Bollywood, the author does a great job of describing Sonali’s alternate world for readers with less context.

As an adult, it was easy to see the solution to Sonali’s problem. I’m curious to see if the intended audience catches on as quickly or if they have to walk the journey with Sonali. Either way, there’s a ton of rich emotional storytelling here that would make this great for a read-aloud or a discussion group. This is a beautiful way to engage kids in the concepts of emotional expression and health.

Kids who love Bollywood as well as those who enjoy musical theater and drama will find a lot to love here. But any kid who has struggled with emotional regulation and expression, family conflict, divorce, or grief/loss may also see themselves reflected in this story. Be sure to check this one out!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might-re-read.

REVIEW: The Kindred Spirits Supper Club by Amy E. Reichert

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Sabrina is back home in the Dells after losing her job. She just needs to pay some bills and find a new gig, and she can leave. Sure, she loves her family. It’s the ghosts she can do without.

The women in Sabrina’s family can see and speak with ghosts. And it’s their job to help the recently departed finish their unfinished business and cross over. With Sabrina’s anxiety, she doesn’t need the added stress of ghosts and ghostly conversations.

Ray has purchased a supper club in Wisconsin – The Otter Club – much to his mother’s dismay. She’d do anything to get Ray to give up this “foolishness” and return to New York. But Ray’s dad gives him one chance to stay – find the money to buy out his late uncle’s portion of the business, and show his parents he belongs in Wisconsin by planning the annual Goodbye Gala.

Ray and Sabrina keep running into one another. And there’s definitely a spark there. But she has her mind set on leaving town as soon as possible. And he has family secrets to uncover and a quest to secure the life he wants in Wisconsin. Can a spark overcome two people headed in opposite directions?


This was so great! I loved the combination of the contemporary romance with the paranormal/ghostly piece. I’ve read plenty of paranormal stories before, but there was something different about this that I adored. The ghostly piece is light, and sometimes funny. But the punch of it is the impact it has on Sabrina with her high levels of anxiety. And Ray’s reaction to the ghostly part of her life is going to be crucial to what happens between then.

From the characters to the setting (Wisconsin!) to the humor and the sweet romance, this was a treat to read! I was so busy that it took me a few days to finish the book. Every time I thought about getting back to it, I smiled. Just thinking about these characters and the story made me smile. I still feel that way now that I have finished it. The whole story is a delight. I would absolutely read this one again.

Don’t miss this one if you enjoy contemporary romance or romance novels with light paranormal elements! (Language, sex, edibles used for anxiety, TW: anxiety/panic attacks)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would read again.

REVIEW: The Cost of Knowing by Brittney Morris

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Simon and Schuster in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Alex can see the future when he touches an object. The longer he holds it, the farther forward he can see. He’s learned to shut most of his visions down immediately. (He really doesn’t need to see himself pick up a napkin in his mind and throw it away just before he throws it away in real life.) He’s also learned that he tends to cause more trouble when he tries to fix things or stop things from happening. The thing he tries to fix always happens anyway.

The visions started at the hospital after Alex’s parents died. They are a constant companion, and a constant burden. The anxiety he lives with, braced for the incoming images all the time, is devastating.

But then he has the vision about his younger brother, Isaiah.


Wow. Reading this book over several hours one evening felt like I took a journey. For a long time, the journey was full of anxiety and fear. Then, Alex was able to share his burden with one person. And sharing the load and being seen and understood lessened the weight of it for Alex – and for me. But it was still heavy.

But there was a moment, in the pain and strain of Alex’s journey, where it all clicked. The whole journey, all of time and space of this story came together. It was like someone flipped a switch. Suddenly, I “got” it at a whole new level. I understood the author’s message and her point in a way I just didn’t get until that precise moment. And it is something that has stuck with me since I finished the book. (Be sure to read the author’s note/acknowledgements, too. It’s the perfect closing after finishing the story. You can also read my review of the author’s book. Slay, here. I loved it!)

This was a hard story to love early on. While I adored Alex and Isaiah from the start, and I was engaged with their story, the angst and anxiety and burden of Alex’s visions are tremendous. But there’s a reason, a purpose to it that is not to be missed. The book touches on many issues – racism, gun violence, grief and loss, slavery – but in a way that felt new and fresh for me. And I think the story will stick with readers in ways a more straightforward story might have missed. I highly recommend this one. It would be a fascinating book to discuss with other readers! This book releases NEXT WEEK, April 6th. (Language, TW: anxiety, racism, grief and loss, gun violence)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.