REVIEW: The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year by Ally Carter

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Avon in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Maggie Chase has had a rough road in life, from the loss of her parents when she was in college to the betrayal by her husband and their subsequent divorce. And that last one pushed her so far down to the point where she rarely leaves the house. Her editor had to cajole her to take this mysterious Christmas trip that is supposed to “change her life.”

But Ethan Wyatt ruined everything. While Maggie is the queen of the cozy mystery, Wyatt writes thrillers – “leather jacket books.” And he is all ego and confidence – and annoyance. He can’t even get her name right after all these years, repeatedly calling her “Marcie.”

The two of them find themselves in the middle of a real-life mystery when world famous author, Eleanor Ashley, their Christmas host, goes missing from a locked room of her mansion in the middle of a snowstorm.


Sometimes you start a new book and everything clicks. The characters are intriguing. The banter makes you laugh out loud. And you feel like you can’t contain the feeling – the potential that this could be a new favorite. You feel a pressure in your chest. Not the weight of anxiety or dread pressing down but the hope – the delight – bubbling up, trying to press out from inside. This was one such book for me.

From the very beginning I felt GIDDY reading this. The main characters had personal stories I couldn’t wait to uncover. Their cutting remarks were funny, not vicious. The potential and chemistry between Maggie and Ethan CRACKLED. Then there was the writing/publishing/mystery angle, which is always a great hook for me. And finally it was a snowed in whodunit which I also adore. If I could design a perfect book for me, this is an A+ set up, checking all the boxes.

I have been an Ally Carter fan since I discovered the Gallagher Girls series. Her older middle grade (10-14) mysteries in the Winterborne series are OUTSTANDING. Her first adult romance, The Blonde Identity, had mixed reviews, and while I could understand some of the criticism, it worked for me

But THIS is everything I have ever loved about her work all rolled into one. My all-time favorite Ally Carter book – and likely one of my favorite books read in 2024. Do NOT miss this! (Language, gaslighting)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++*

♥♥♥♥♥+++ = Best of the best!

REVIEW: Rise of the Cat by Judd Winick


When our story truly begins, after the lava-filled teaser, Polly is in a magical disciplinary hearing. And for her perceived “crimes,” Polly gets sent to the magic school Wombatton. But she doesn’t have to go alone. Her brother Pip goes with her, along with a new friend, Noria, who is a robot.

The teachers and other kids at Wombatton are horrible to Noria – not unlike the people in Polly’s tribe had been.  But while Polly and Pip try to defend her every time there’s trouble, things get worse when Noria is accused of setting weird monsters on the school.


This is OUTSTANDING! And it wrapped up way too quickly. I would have read a story 3x as long in a heartbeat. The bigotry toward Noria is infuriating, but she at least has Polly and Pip on her side, both sticking up for her and helping her puzzle out who is really conjuring the monsters.

Kids new to the Hilo series could probably pick this up without too much trouble – although reading the first 9 books would be SO satisfying! There are helpful references and flashbacks to previous stories to help newcomers jump right in.

Series fans will likely be as distraught as I was over the quick finish. I exclaimed out loud, alone in my office during my lunch break, “That’s IT?!” I need MORE! The year-long wait between books feels almost painful. This is probably my favorite book in the whole series so far – I can’t wait to see what happens next!

Hand this to graphic novel fans, readers who love books with magic schools and magic users, kids who love SASSY cat stories, as well as all of your Hilo fans.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: The Unfiltered Enneagram by Elizabeth Orr

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Convergent Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

When I discovered that @RudeAssEnneagram from Instagram was going to have an Enneagram book, I was eager to check it out. I’ve been working on and through the Enneagram for almost 8 years, and I am to the point where basic books are blah, and I’m always on the lookout for something that can help me go deeper.

The beauty of this book is that it covers the “basics” but in what felt like a completely new way. The author has done a brilliant job with both the voice and the technical writing of this book. Her word choices are brilliant and convey some nuances to the different types that make this resource feel fresh. As I read this it reminded me of some of the irreverence and straight-scoop I loved from Millenneagram, but without the f-bombs that could make that book feel at bit abrasive. Reading this felt like standing at the edge of a pool while someone does a cannonball. You are getting aggressively splashed with a lot of truth – both positive and challenging – right in your face.

But while this is pretty direct, the writing is super conversational. There’s a coaching tone to this that I really liked, with encouragement to lean in, dig deep, and do the work. While with most nonfiction books I struggle to keep moving forward because there’s no narrative arc to pull me through, the writing here drew me into chapters of types that are not closely affiliated with me, just to read the author’s insights and observations about all of the types. And with each chapter, the author is there inviting the reader to explore, consider, and reflect.

My only caution is for those who are new to the Enneagram, or who only know about it because they like funny memes on social media. The frank assessment here may be off-putting for those who don’t recognize the need to do the work, who don’t come ready to be emotionally flayed open a bit for their own long-term good.

This is my new go-to recommendation for Enneagram resources. I would  still advise newcomers to start with The Road Back to You. Listening to some podcasts from long-time Enneagram teachers is another great way to start. (You can also see my reviews of other Enneagram resources at the link above.) But once you see the value of studying the Enneagram for personal growth, you are ready for this excellent resource. Highly recommend! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++

♥♥♥♥♥+++ = Best of the best!


REVIEW: Bride by Ali Hazelwood


Misery Lark has done her time for her people. She gave her entire childhood to serve Vampyre needs, living with humans as “the collateral.” When her duty was finished, she built her own life in the human world, far from her father and his expectations and demands.

And when he suggests one more sacrifice for “the good of her people,” she can’t say no forcefully or fast enough. But then she discovers this dangerous sacrifice can lead her to the one thing she wants most of all.

So she agrees to marry the Werewolf Alpha – live in his territory, live again as an outsider. Because it might lead to the answers she can’t find anywhere else.


This was outstanding! My first Ali Hazelwood – I totally get what the fuss is about. Once I started this, I didn’t want to put it down. The world building is fantastic! And I loved the mysteries that needed solving. There’s so much here to enjoy.

Paranormal romance fans should not miss this. Everything really was perfect – the characters, the pacing, the HUMOR, the twists, the romance. The ending sets up a possible sequel, and I am here for it! The rest of my Hazelwood books are now at the top of my TBR – I’m looking forward to reading more of her work. (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ -= Outstanding!

REVIEW: Wisdom for Faithful Reading by John Walton

Summary and Review

Walton, Old Testament professor at Wheaton College, presents his overall approach to Old Testament (and in some ways Biblical) interpretation here. Readers of his Lost World books like The Lost Word of the Prophets, will be familiar with the general concepts. While the Lost World books apply these principles in a deep dive with a specific section of scripture, this book presents the overall approach. Many examples are given from Walton and other scholars.

I set an intention for 2024 to read one nonfiction book per month, and this was my January book. And then it became my February book as well. While I was tempted to blitz through to the end in order to check it off the list as “done” and meet that goal, I LOVED digging into this content, and I didn’t want to fly through it just to say I finished. I wanted to read and consider each section. I often read a few “chapters” at a time – or just one longer one – and made notes and dog-earred pages and then set it down for awhile so I could absorb it in polite-sized bits.

This rocked my world. It went into excellent, readable details of things I have encountered in other places about the care necessary when approaching Biblical texts with a 21st century mindset. The writing is conversational and easy to understand. I was challenged by what I read and saw familiar passages in new ways. While I could see using this with Biblical scholars, it doesn’t feel “academic.” (Although if your general approach to scripture is a verse or two at a time through a devotional, this will feel academic.) I think readers will need to approach this like any other scholarly work. Take your time with it; read carefully and closely. It may completely change your approach to reading and studying – and understanding – the Bible. I highly recommend it!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Death in Door County by Annelise Ryan


Morgan Carter runs a quirky bookstore in Door County, Wisconsin. It’s filled with all sorts of odd things Morgan has bought or found along with things her parents had put in the store when it was theirs and they were on the trail of various cryptids and other mysterious happenings.

When two bodies with mysterious markings wash up in the area, a local police chief seeks out Morgan’s expertise as a cryptozoologist. Because the “markings” look like teeth marks from an enormous, unknown sea creature.



This was outstanding! My husband got this book when we first discovered it because the mystery sounded good and the cryptid angle fit with his hobbies. But, like me, he added it to his TBR where it sat for months.

When our local library picked it up, I suggested we team read it like we did My Roommate Is a Vampire. Unfortunately, this was so fantastic, I plowed through it before he was even able to pull it off the shelf. So we didn’t get to team read, but he did pick it up shortly after I finished so we were both able to enjoy it. I immediately pre-ordered book two, A Death in Dark Woods, once I finished, so we both have that waiting for us to read in 2024. The Monster Hunter Mystery series is now a must-read for me.

The voice for this book is great. That was the first thing I noticed. It was so easy to fall into the flow of the story, I didn’t want to put the book down. Then, the characters were great. I loved Morgan – she’s got a fascinating backstory, interesting job, and she’s had tons of unusual life experiences. She has an Andy Carpenter-esque philosophy about money and charity that I loved. Morgan’s friends and co-workers are terrific as well, and I got a kick out of the potential love interest.

Finally, the story is amazing. I had some solid ideas as I read that turned out to be on target, but I could not have predicted how it would all come together. I really enjoyed the wrap up of this one. If you are a mystery fan, I say carve out a quiet weekend and pick this one up. Once you start, you won’t want to put it down.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!


2023 Year In Review, Part 2

If you were here on Wednesday, you saw the first half of my list of favorite reads from 2023. Here’s the top five!

5. The Enneagram Development Guide – This is the second non-fiction book on this year’s list, and it’s another book I loved but apparently didn’t review on the blog. The things I love about this book are probably the same things that kept me from posting about it. This is a working book, not a reading book. I have tons of Enneagram books that I can read from cover to cover. Then they go on a shelf and don’t get picked up again. But like a few of my other favorites, this is a WORKING book. Each number has a section that digs into practices that you can work on to bring you to the healthier aspects of your number. But the practices are a DEEP dive – each one could be a focus for weeks at a time. So while I have been working with this for months now, I am still hardly into my number’s section in the book. And I love that. I told a friend reading this is like discovering the Enneagram for the first time. If you are burned out on reading the same old thing and you long to go deeper, this is the resource you should check out.  ♥♥♥♥♥

4. The Renaissance of Gwen Hathaway – Looking to see where this should fall on my top ten list for 2023 made me want to drop everything else and read this again. It’s the second book by Ashley Schumacher to make a top ten list for me, and both are long overdue for re-reading. This is the second of the three books for teens and young adults on this year’s list. You can read my full review of this delight here.



3. Every Duke Has His Day – The dog-swapping premise of this book was a winner for me. This delivered on everything I had hoped for when I picked it up, and it’s definitely one I would read again. You can read my full review here.




2. Teen Titans: Robin – The second graphic novel – and the third YA novel – on the list is the most recent addition to this DC property that is one of my must-buy series right now (I have already pre-ordered the next book which doesn’t even release until November 2024.). You can read my full review here.



1. Assistant to the Villain – This was my most anticipated novel of the year, and it delivered on all accounts. I still remember digging into this the minute it arrived, and not putting it down until I was done. I even did a re-read as part of my low-key Christmas reading, and it was as delightful as I remembered. The only other pre-order I have right now, in addition to the new Teen Titans book, is the sequel to this, Apprentice to the Villain, which won’t be out until August. You can read the full review for this book here.


2023 Year In Review, Part 1

2023 was a tough reading year for me. I read the fewest number of books that I have since I started keeping track on Goodreads. But even more than just numbers, I didn’t encounter a lot of books that left a lasting impression. When I tried to figure out what my top 10 books were, I struggled to remember things I read in the earlier part of 2023.  This makes me want to look deeper at my past reading numbers to see how this year measures up.

I read 145 books in 2023, and I feel good about that number, even if it’s the lowest of the last seven years. I set a one book goal on Goodreads for 2023, which was a brilliant idea I came across on Instagram – it kept me from obsessing about meeting a goal. And it freed me up to go with the flow a bit more this year with my reading. I’m looking forward to digging into some of my other reading stats later this year.

Now, let’s take a look at my favorites from 2023. Of the 10 books on my list, two are nonfiction. Half of the list are books I read from review copies this year. There are 3 YA books on the list and 1 middle grade book, and there are two graphic novels on the list.

Today we will cover books 10 through 6, plus an Honorable Mention. Then Friday we will pick up the rest. (You can see my lists from past years here.) Here we go!

Honorable Mention: The Labors of Hercules Beal – This was not a 5 star book when I read and rated it, which pushed it out of consideration for my Top Ten list. But the story, and the character of Hercules, really stuck with me this year, unlike a lot of other things I read that I loved in the moment but then forgot. So I had to make mention of this book for 2023. You can read my full review here.



10. A Letter to My Congregation – I didn’t post a full review of this on the blog in 2023, but this was a hugely influential read for the year. I rated this “5+++” when I initially read it. My Goodreads review reads: “This was exceptionally good and a perfectly timed read for me. I loved the tone of it which made it easy to plow through over a couple of days. I was underlining something on almost every page. While I thought the chapters on the author’s journey to acceptance and alliance were excellent, my favorites were the two chapters (4 & 5) on how the Church can disagree on this issue – and other issues as they arise over time – without splitting or tearing each other apart. I hope to get some people together to talk about those chapters in particular.” ♥♥♥♥♥+++


9. Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library (Graphic Novel) – This is the one middle grade book on the list this year. I loved this adaptation of a “classic” middle grade novel. You can read my full review here.




8. Manslaughter Park – This is the third book in the Jane Austen Murder Mystery series for teens and young adults – and I loved it! I read this on a retreat so I will always associate it with that whole experience which adds to its specialness. You can read my full review here.




7. Summer Reading – I discovered Jenn McKinlay through her mysteries, but I have become an even bigger fan of her romance novels. You can read my full review of this one here.




6. Starter Villain – My husband and I both enjoyed this stand alone book from John Scalzi – it’s quirky and fun, and one I will happily read again. You can read my full review here.




Be sure to come back Friday for the rest of the list!

REVIEW: Faking Christmas by Kerry Winfrey

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Laurel never planned on lying. Yes, her life was in total disarray. And she desperately needed a job. But she clearly stated in her interview that she ran social media for Meadow Rose Farm. Her boss made the assumption that it was her farm. But when she could have corrected him, she didn’t.

She *really* needed that job.

And so far it’s worked out. Her twin sister, Holly, and her husband, Darius, do own the farm. So Laurel writes her pieces about what HOLLY does – just in first person.

But now her boss has invited himself to Christmas Eve Eve at the farm. And while Holly is happy to help with the subterfuge for Laurel’s sake, she’s not willing to sacrifice Darius to the cause. So they’ve invited Max Beckett to play Laurel’s husband. Too bad she hates the man.


This absolutely has those Hallmark Christmas movie vibes. And I was here for it! This was so fun to read! I adore fake relationship stories – although the “be my date to all the things so my relatives leave me alone” style usually involves less outright lying than this did. But I loved Laurel and her whole family. And Max was my favorite sort of grump – you know there’s depth there. The “sunshine” just has to slow down and give him a chance.

Yes, the inevitable disaster was as painful as you can imagine. But the resolution was also all I had hoped for. I can’t recommend this highly enough. This should appeal to Hallmark fans, grumpy/sunshine fans, fake relationship fans, fans of the author’s other books, as well as everyday romantic comedy fans. Do not miss this one! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Every Duke Has His Day by Suzanne Enoch

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Griffin in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The Duke of Woriton, Michael Bromley, likely would never leave his home laboratory and science experiments if he had his way. But his aunt has asked him to watch her beloved poodle, Lancelot, for a few weeks. To keep Lancelot, and his aunt, happy, Michael takes the dog out for regular walks.

Elizabeth Dockering has her own poodle, Galahad. And Galahad is NOT a fan of her primary suitor, Lord Peter Cordray. Galahad is her best protector, but his behavior does get out of hand at times. Like when he runs off at the park and gets tangled with another dog – and that weird Duke of Woriton.

Elizabeth and Michael accidentally trade dogs, but before they can set things right, Lancelot is dognapped from Elizabeth’s home. So naturally, Michael and Elizabeth have to team up to find Lancelot. And the more time they spend together, the more their assumptions about one another are challenged.


This was outstanding! I adored everything about it. The mismatched dognapping was everything I wanted it to be. The main characters had delightful depth that was revealed gradually – to each other and to the reader. The scientific bits were interesting. The whole book is funny.  And the wrap up is supremely satisfying. This was delightful to read – a perfect way to lose myself for a few hours. When I finished I realized I would happily flip back to page one and start again. Highly recommend!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!