REVIEW: Max and the Midknights by Lincoln Peirce


While Uncle Budrick enjoys being a traveling troubadour, Max would rather be a knight. When Max and Budrick visit Byjovia – Uncle Budrick’s home – they discover that the kind king is presumed dead and his evil brother has taken over. But thanks to some new friends, Max – and the Midknights – might be able to save the day.


This was PURE FUN! I loved the whole story. The characters are delightful. The humor is pitch perfect – funny without beating you over the head with gags. The pacing of the story was excellent – every so often there was a new challenge and a new opportunity or friend.

If there’s a “message” to the story it’s that gender or family history shouldn’t force you into any role. Even though Max is a girl, she should get to train as a knight if that’s what she wants. And if her friend wants to be a writer instead of working with horses like his dad, so be it. But really, the message is secondary to the fun story full of magic and creatures and challenges and chances to be heroic.

I can’t say enough about how much I loved this book. Book 2, Battle of the Bodkins, is out now. Why not pick up both and check them out?!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥=Outstanding! Amazing! Special!

REVIEW: Crownchasers by Rebecca Coffindaffer

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and HarperTeen in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


After the Twenty-Five Year War, Emperor Atar Faroshi unified the quadrant. All of the prime families came together in peace. While the Emperor has never had children, he has also never named a successor. And now he is dying.

Captain Alyssa Farshot of the Vagabond Quest is an explorer. In fact, she just received accolades from the Explorer’s Society. Hungover from the celebration, she wakes to a communication from her Uncle Charlie, the envoy to the Emperor, also known as “Uncle Atar” to Alyssa.

Atar cannot name Alyssa Empress – even if she wanted the job, which she absolutely does NOT. Instead he names her crownchaser for the Faroshi family.

There hasn’t been a crownchase in hundreds of years. When there is one, a royal seal is hidden somewhere in the empire. Each of the prime families chooses a crownchaser to hunt it down. Whoever finds the seal and returns with it will be crowned.

While a religious zealot Alyssa trusts about as far as she can throw him holds the throne, six crownchasers, childhood friends and rivals, begin their quest to explore a 1,000-planet area, solve puzzles, meet challenges, and find the seal in order to become the new leader of the quadrant.


Outstanding. Stunning. Perfect. Magical.

This could well be my top book of 2020. I loved every moment with this book. I would start reading it again right now if I didn’t have 70 ARCs waiting for my attention.

This is a science fiction story, which is the first mark in its favor. I love sci-fi. There are interesting planets, space battles, aliens, and futuristic technology. It was awesome!

The characters are another mark in the book’s favor.  I loved Alyssa. The early chapters of this have a Polaris Rising feel to them. (Another mark in the book’s favor.) The biggest difference is that while Ada (Polaris Rising) is all about masking her emotions and controlling her responses, Alyssa is more what-you-see-is-what-you-get. She’s just as smart and strong and skilled. But she’s more irreverent and impulsive than Ada. I love both characters.

Then there’s the stellar (pardon the pun) plot. It felt familiar, but I never could place what this reminds me of. There’s a reluctant royals piece – something I love and read often. Then there’s a competition. It’s not meant to be a last-one-standing deal like The Hunger Games, but the stakes are high. There’s also the fact that Alyssa doesn’t want to win. She competes out of obligation. She’s more focused on the process than the end goal. She wants a good outcome for the future of the quadrant. She cares about how people are doing and about fixing the problems she can. But she isn’t a win-at-all-costs sort of person. She mostly just wants to get back to her life.

The ending is excellent! I wanted book 2 in my hands immediately, but since the book just released two days ago, that is not going to happen for awhile. I had to settle for having my own print copy, which I ordered immediately after finishing this.

Science fiction fans, YA fans, reluctant royal fans, and competition story fans should snatch up a copy and clear their schedules for a few days (or a few hours) to dive into this one. I could go on and on about how much I adored this book! (Language, LGBTQ+, science fiction violence – blasters, space battles, etc.)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++*

*♥♥♥♥♥+++ = Best of the best

REVIEW: Murder Most Sweet by Laura Jensen Walker

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Crooked Lane Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Teddie St. John is an author living in Lake Potawatomi, Wisconsin with tons of friends and her family nearby. A cancer survivor, Teddie took early retirement from her government job and toured Europe before settling down at home to become an author of cozy mysteries. Life is too short to not do what you love.

Tavish Bentley is an author, too, visiting Lake Potawatomi for a book signing. Teddie ends up missing it due to a hot flash issue (early menopause thanks to her cancer). But she’s first on the scene to find Bentley’s ex-fiancée dead. And to discover the woman was strangled with a scarf someone stole from Teddie earlier in the day.

As a mystery writer, Teddie can’t ignore a murder mystery right in her home town. And as a suspect, she needs to clear her name before her publisher drops her for violating the morality clause in her contract. So she’ll be pressuring her friend the sheriff for details and keeping her ears open for clues. And maybe even going under cover! Whatever it takes to find a killer before they strike again.


This was fabulous!! From the very first page, the writing and the voice grabbed me. In fact, in those early pages it felt like nothing I had read before. The voice is fresh and fun. I would love to be part of Teddie’s circle. (I am a Wisconsin girl, too, and from the area around where Lake Potawatomi is supposed to be.) Every reference to kringle (the Wisconsin stuff, not that stuff in the one Hallmark Christmas movie) made me crave it.

As if all of the Wisconsin pieces weren’t enough to endear this to me, Teddie is fabulous. She’s a writer, and a mystery writer at that. And her whole vibe over being a cancer survivor is brilliant. She discusses her mastectomy in a matter-of-fact way, sometimes with humor, which made her stand out for me compared to other mystery protagonists.

So, by all means pick this up for the perfect setting and awesome protagonist. But stick around for the great mystery. I had two favorite theories going into the home stretch, but I had to wait for the big reveal to find out which would be correct. Also, I don’t usually like mysteries where the protagonist is the main suspect. I find them extra stressful. But the balance here of suspects was terrific. The author paces the whole novel in such a way that Teddie can really dig into investigating a suspect. I loved it! She also does a great job of giving Teddie a reason for sleuthing that felt plausible.

I was thrilled to discover the second book in the Bookish Baker Mystery series – Deadly Delights – is already scheduled for summer 2021. And I also realized I have a review copy of the launch of the author’s second cozy series – the Faith Chapel Mystery series – waiting to be read. I’ll be reviewing Hope, Faith, and a Corpse in January 2021. In fact, as I looked into the author’s backlist I discovered that I have read her work before. She published at least two books with Thomas Nelson (Christian) publishing that I enjoyed years ago – Reconstructing Natalie (2006) and Miss Invisible (2007). I can recommend those books, too.

I am so pleased to support this fellow Wisconsinite and a great writer. Cozy fans should NOT miss Murder Most Sweet!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥= Outstanding, Excellent, Amazing

REVIEW: Madeline Finn and the Therapy Dog by Lisa Papp

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Peachtree Publishing Company in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Madeline Finn’s puppy, Star, is finishing his training to be a therapy dog by visiting a retirement village. Star does well on his tests, and Madeline makes sure he practices. And the residents of Walker Oaks love him. But one resident doesn’t respond to Star or Madeline’s efforts to connect.


Another winner of a book by Lisa Papp starring Madeline Finn! I don’t think I personally could use this one for a read aloud, though, because I think I choked up on every single page. This is precious!

Madeline is sweet and earnest. Star is adorable. The soft illustrations in this series feel like warm hugs. And once again, books and reading play as big a role as the sweet, cuddly dogs.

Do not miss ANY of the books in this series!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

BONUS REVIEW: Tune It Out by Jamie Sumner

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Atheneum Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Lou and her mom are living out of their truck at a camp ground. Her mom is a waitress, for now. She’s certain that Lou’s singing will change their fortunes if she can get “discovered.” So Lou hasn’t been enrolled at school for the last year. Schools ask too many questions. And they need to easily be able to leave town when Lou’s big break comes.

Lou’s voice is as good as her mom thinks it is. But she has some quirks that can cause trouble in public situations. Lou doesn’t like to be touched or to have people watching her. Loud noises can startle her and set her off. A teacher at her last school said she was “on the spectrum.” Whatever it is, Lou feels like she is always one moment away from a meltdown no matter what she does.

An accident on a snowy night leaves Lou with a concussion – and a CPS caseworker. Her mom is being investigated for neglect, and Lou is being sent to Tennessee to live with an aunt and uncle she doesn’t know. How is she ever going to manage without the one person who actually gets her?


This book for older middle grade readers (ages 10+) was AMAZING!

First of all, it’s a foster care/found family story which I always enjoy. I loved seeing Lou cared for, seen, and heard at both her aunt’s house and at her new school. She’s in a place where she’s safe and can thrive, and I loved it.

Then there’s Lou herself. She was one of the best protagonists I have encountered this year. She may not know why she has her “meltdowns,” but she knows herself. She knows what she can handle and what’s not going to work. At the same time, though, she’s determined to push through where she can to make the most of her new situation.

The other characters are excellent, too. After Well’s first scene, I was firmly in love with this book. He’s my favorite sort of character – fun, personable, charming, and a great friend. He has his own issues which keeps him relatable, especially to Lou. I also loved the school staff who, again, SEE Lou and GET her. There are great counselors/social workers in this, and Lou’s aunt and uncle are also great.

One of my favorite things in this is the way Lou’s understanding of her mom and their relationship changes over the course of the book. Lou loves her mom. But she also recognizes her faults. And in the end she stands her ground for what she needs.

This was an absolute treat. The kids feel old for 6th grade, but I loved them too much to care. Do not miss this one! You can read a brief review of one of the author’s other books here.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥=Outstanding! Amazing!

REVIEW: More Than Just a Pretty Face by Syed M. Masood

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Little, Brown Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Every year the core class teachers at Aligheri Prep choose a senior to represent their subject in a Renaissance Man competition. And every year excited parents and bored students listen to the presentations on English, math, physics, biology, chemistry, geography, and economics. It is the kind of thing that looks good on a college application for the few who are chosen. And the winner gets $5000 and doesn’t have to take the final for their subject area. But none of that mattered to Danyal Jilani because he was not the sort of student to ever be chosen for the Renaissance Man.

Except he IS chosen. By his history teacher. Mostly out of spite.

Danyal is supposed to speak about Winston Churchill. His history teacher is a major Churchill fan. But as Danyal starts reading about Churchill and talking to his father, he finds out about Churchill’s role in the Bengal Famine. Danyal feels a responsibility to talk about that part of Churchill’s story. But Danyal’s parents say he needs to deliver the story his teacher expects so he can graduate. His crush says the same. She likes him, but her parents won’t even consider a match between them if Danyal is going to settle for squeaking through high school and becoming a chef. He needs to wow them at the Renaissance Man, go to college, and follow the expected path.

If Danyal’s going to go against his parents, his teacher, and the girl he wants to someday marry, and live to tell the tale, he has to crush his speech at the competition. And Danyal’s rarely excelled at anything non-food related in his life. But his new friend Bisma might be just the help he needs.


In the beginning, Danyal felt like an underachieving screw up. He’s not driven except when it comes to cooking. He struggles at school, both academically and with motivation. He goes for the laugh in awkward moments or when he’s caught unprepared. I thought I had him all figured out.

Then he defends Bisma, a girl he barely knows, to her father. And my whole understanding of Danyal shifted.

I am a character driven reader. If I love a character, I will excuse a lot of things that might not work for me in the storytelling. If I don’t like a character, it’s hard for me to be excited about even a well-written story. In that one moment, with Bisma and her family, I fell in love with Danyal. And he only got better as the book went on. And I loved it.

There’s a lot happening in this book. There’s the Renaissance Man speech that Danyal gets roped into. He has to decide how to approach his topic, do the research, write and prepare his presentation, and then deliver it in front of a crowd. In the midst of that, he has his “dream girl,” Kaval, pushing him to be someone he’s not. His parents are looking for a marriage match for him yet at the same time his father basically tells him that he’s a loser. Cooking is Danyal’s passion and something he is good at, but few people in his life value that about him (unless he is feeding them). Then Danyal meets Bisma, whose father shames her repeatedly. Danyal is decent to her – a true friend – and in friendship she helps him with his contest preparation.

The Renaissance Man contest and one of Danyal’s friend’s deep faith raise fascinating questions about colonization, history, and sin that weave in and around the people in this story and in their relationships with one another. And I thought it was perfect. There’s so much to enjoy here – don’t miss it.

(Language, TW: Shaming over sexual behavior) NOTE: While I thoroughly enjoyed this story, some Muslim reviewers have had a different opinion of the story and raise issues with how their faith is represented. Be sure to check out their reviews as you consider this book.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

BONUS REVIEW: City Spies by James Ponti


When Sara Martinez is arrested, she knows it’s a big deal. She was caught hacking. She did it to expose her foster parents for the abusive charlatans they are. But of course nothing happened to them, and Sara was arrested.

But then the British guy shows up. Pretends to be her lawyer. Masterfully works the court case to Sara’s favor, getting her sentenced to a fictional facility until she turns 18.

All so Sara can become a spy for MI6.

MI6 has a team of young spies ready to go on a super secret, super vital mission. But their hacker up and quit the program. If Sara can cut it, she’ll be their new hacker.

They’ve never seen a computer whiz like her!


This was an absolute treat! I loved Sara from the start. She’s crazy smart, fierce, and loyal. My favorite sort of protagonist. The other kids on the team are fascinating as well – talented and quirky with interesting back stories. Even some of the adults get backstories in this book!

The mission and mystery are top notch. No surprise, really. I expected that after the delightful FRAMED series by this author. (I totally need to read those again!) There were several fantastic twists along the way. And some unresolved threads will pull readers into the next book, which is City Spies: Golden Gate, scheduled to release next spring. I already have it in my shopping cart!

Readers who love mysteries, kid spies or found family stories should NOT miss this one!!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

BONUS REVIEW: To Kill a Mocking Girl by Harper Kincaid

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Crooked Lane Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Quinn Caine is back in Vienna, Virginia after teaching English in villages overseas for a few years after college. She’s living in a house on her aunt and uncle’s property and doing book binding work at her parents shop, Prose and Scones. Even her brother has moved back to Vienna thanks to a new job. It’s good to be back in town with her people.

Part of Quinn’s “welcome back” is a run in with Trica Pemberley, one of her high school’s mean girls. Tricia and her twin sister, Trina, are local real estate stars in town. But Tricia’s boasting wasn’t about the housing market, but rather about the diamond on her ring finger. She seemed to think Quinn would care that she was engaged to Scott Hauser, a guy Quinn dated for a few weeks several years back. As far as Quinn was concerned, Tricia and Scott could have each other!

But when Quinn stumbles onto Tricia’s dead body, at least one local police officer thinks Quinn might have been jealous enough to kill her “rival.” Quinn, her friends, and her family know the idea is ludicrous. But to keep Quinn out of trouble, she and her cousin/best friend, Sister Daria, are going to track down a killer.


Excellent! Everything about this was a delight – the characters, the setting, the potential romance, the mystery, the dogs. All of it.

The writing here is sharp. I loved the humor and the pop culture references. I laughed out loud many times. The romance, which is typical for cozy mysteries, has great chemistry and didn’t feel like the usual cozy relationship. My favorite pair, though is Quinn and Sister Daria. They have such an unusual dynamic. They grew up together, but Daria has changed so much while Quinn has been gone. I loved both the creativity of the relationship and the execution of it in the book. The scene where Quinn has dinner at the abbey is a perfect example of how fascinating this dynamic is.

The mystery here is SO well done! Quinn isn’t tracking suspects as much as she is tracking clues. The suspects come later as she tries to make the clues fit. It was easy to forget there was a second suspicious death, but it helped complicate the sleuthing when it came up. I was guessing all the way to the end, which was so satisfying. The hook – the book shop and Quinn’s book binding work – was a character development piece for Quinn and other characters more so than a major factor to the mystery, although it did play a role. I imagine it will be developed more in future books. And I am here for all of them. Cozy fans should NOT miss this one!

This book is available now as an e-book, but readers will be able to pick up a print copy after July 7th.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥


REVIEW: Primer by Jennifer Muro and Thomas Krajewski

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and DC Entertainment in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Ashley’s been in multiple foster homes as well as a group home before she goes to live with the Nolans. Mr. Nolan is an artist and a professor. He’s funny and relatable and down to earth. His wife is a scientist. Ashley’s convinced Dr. Nolan doesn’t like her.

Ashley notices Dr. Nolan acting suspiciously. She thinks that the box Dr. Nolan puts in the family safe must be her birthday present. She has no idea that Dr. Nolan has stolen this box from her job because what’s inside it is dangerous. She doesn’t want it to fall into the wrong hands.

What Ashley thinks is just a kit of body paint for fun is actually a military project. Each paint color gives Ashley a different power. When a group of villains calling themselves the Night Knights starts trouble, Ashley uses the paints to fight them. She likes being a superhero. And she chooses her own hero name – Primer.


This was so fun! I loved Ashley and the Nolans. They are pretty chill about her new super hero life – more relaxed than you think parents would be – but otherwise I loved the interplay with the three of them.

Ashley’s biological father, who is in jail, is far more alarming with his psychological abuse than the villain of the larger story here. This book only teases at this father/daughter relationship, but it will be a bigger focus of future stories. I will definitely be reading any sequels to see what the writers decide to do with that creepy relationship, especially as Ashley grows more attached to the Nolans.

The art wasn’t completely finished in my review copy, but what I saw was terrific. I can’t wait to see this one in person. DC has graciously provided a few sample pages so you can see the art for yourself:

The story here falls neatly between the light plots in the DC Super Hero Girls graphic novels and the more serious teen titles like Oracle Code and Raven. You can read my other DC reviews here. Hand this one to fans of Black Canary: Ignite and Batman Overdrive. I think they will love it!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

BONUS REVIEW: Storing Up Trouble by Jen Turano

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Norman was on the train because he was returning home to Chicago after presenting on his scientific research in New York.

Beatrix was on the train because she was going to Chicago to live with her Aunt Gladys after being arrested – twice – in New York at marches for Women’s Suffrage. That, along with some other issues, led her mother to advise Beatrix to get away from the city for awhile.

The thieves were on the train because they were trying to get Norman’s research as well as whatever money and trinkets they could take from the passengers. When they tried to steal Beatrix’s purse, she stood up to them. She and Norman ended up fleeing on horseback – well, Beatrix was on horseback – and reporting the thieves when they got to the next train station.

That should have been the last Norman and Beatrix saw of each other. They had growled and bickered at each other for most of their flight from the robbers. But Norman could not stop thinking about Beatrix. He took runs through her aunt’s neighborhood hoping to see her. He tracked her down at her department store job. And while his social skills generally left something to be desired, he was starting to grow on Beatrix.

Then the thieves found Norman and Beatrix in Chicago. They were not out of danger yet.


This was a delight from the very first page. I adored the entire cast of characters, from Beatrix and Norman to Norman’s family and friends to the women Aunt Gladys was housing and helping. I would happily spend several more hours with these characters!

This book was hilarious! I laughed, out loud, so many times. The bickering was fantastically funny. The writing here is so sharp – not only in the humor but also in the character development and the emotional descriptions.

I loved that both Beatrix and Norman got to tell their parts of the story. That let me in on their thinking and growth as Beatrix saw working conditions for women and as Norman saw himself and his relationships honestly and clearly for the first time. Norman has a Sheldon-esque quality at first (Sheldon, from The Big Bang Theory). He’s brilliant and awkward. My favorite part of the book, aside from the laughter, was Norman’s growth over time.

This is book three of the American Heiresses series, but it’s the first one I have read. I have wanted to read these since the first book released early in 2019. They are now at the top of my TBR list, along with everything else the author has written. I don’t feel like I missed anything in reading this story first. There are some references to the characters in the other books, but this story stands well on its own.

The faith pieces in the book are light, but felt a little clunky and forced to me. The last one especially felt out of rhythm with the rest of the story. But I refuse to let anything distract me from the delightful experience of reading this novel. This is one I will immediately buy so that I have my own copy to re-read as often as I want. This was immensely enjoyable, and I highly recommend it!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥