REVIEW: A Grim Reaper’s Guide to Catching a Killer by Maxie Dara


Kathy’s work for SCYTHE, escorting the souls of the newly dead to processing, is simple. Predictable. And newly-divorced and pregnant Kathy can use some “predictable” in her life.

But the soul she’s supposed to be picking up is at first missing. And then later, when she finds him, he’s belligerent and hostile, insisting he was murdered. So now she’s stuck with a mouthy teen soul as her sidekick while she tries to hunt down the truth.


This was fun! I adored the relationship between Connor (the soul) and Kathy throughout the book. And the role Kathy’s ex played in the story was a sweet addition.

The world building here is fun – the role of SCYTHE, Kathy’s job responsibilities, etc.. I liked the combination of genre’s too – mystery, fantasy, with a little second chance love story to work out on the side. The pieces all came together for an engaging story with a fast-paced ending with a sweet, emotional touch. I loved this quirky story and would absolutely pick up a sequel. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: Big Witch Energy by Molly Harper


Caroline’s newly awakened magic has shown her a ghost that hangs around her family’s restaurant, the Wilted Rose. Riley wonders if the ghost might be tied to Caroline’s family curse. And the curse is ever-present in Caroline’s mind since her high school sweetheart – the man she loved but lost because she can’t leave the island – has returned to Starfall.

Ben and his kids have come to Starfall to try to rebuild their lives after Ben’s divorce. He didn’t realize how often he’d run into Caroline on the small island. You’d think he’d be “over” their history after all this time, but he gets tongue-tied every time he runs into her.

When Ben stumbles onto the coven’s ghostly secret – and his kids get drawn in as well – the extra time with Caroline reveals the depths of their feelings for one another. But there’s a lot of hurt – and a magical curse – in their past. And that might be more than they can overcome.


This was excellent! It’s a fantastic mix of fantasy, mystery, and romance, making this Starfall Point series perfect for me. The cast gets even better with the addition of Ben and his kids. I am a sucker for any book that can add in excellent kid/teen characters, and these two are outstanding. Every scene with the core group together – whether magical or not – absolutely sparkled. I laughed so much as I read this. It was a complete delight!

The magical mysteries in this book were fascinating. This felt like the perfect season to read a ghostly story, too. Once again, there was plenty of information doled out to make the story satisfying while still holding something back for the next book which will be April’s story. And I can’t wait!

Fans of book one, Witches Get Stuff Done, should absolutely pick this up. Newcomers should definitely read these books in order because the mystery/magical pieces will make more sense. This series was a delightful surprise for me – I randomly requested the first book from the library and fell in love. Now they have become part of my personal library so I can return to them before the third book comes out. If you are looking for something “spooky” for the season, don’t miss this series. (Language, sex, ghosts/curses)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: Little Ghost Makes a Friend by Maggie Edkins Willis


Little Ghost has always wanted a friend, but he’s been worried he might scare people away. When someone new moves in next door, and she likes so many of the same things that he does, Little Ghost decides to be brave and invite her over for Halloween.


This is such a sweet friendship story! The artwork is lovely, and the pastel fall colors add to the cozy vibe. And happily, Little Ghost and Anya hit it off right away. She also tells Little Ghost that she’s happy to be his friend exactly as he is – and her human friends agree. This is a super sweet read for the season – check this one out!

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good +

REVIEW: The Woofmore Is NOT Haunted by Donna Gephart and Lori Haskins Houran

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Amulet Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The Woofmore is hosting everyone’s favorite author, Silas Fang. Well, he’s everyone’s favorite except for Rufus. Rufus has always been too scared to try one of Silas Fang’s books. Why would anyone want to be scared by a story?

To Rufus’ great relief, Silas is at the Woofmore taking a break from spooky things. And Rufus assures him there’s nothing spooky about the Woofmore!

Except someone has been saying the Woofmore is haunted. Most of the hotel’s guests are there to see ghosts and be frightened. And Silas has said if he sees anything scary he’s going to leave the Woofmore and never come back! What can the staff at the Woofmore do?


Another fun VIP (Very Important Pooch) visit to the Woofmore. This story is a little meatier than book 1 was. Ms. Coco has to figure out why her hotel has a spooky reputation while Rufus has to keep anything spooky away from their guest.

I love that Rufus is never shamed for not being into all of the spookiness. At the same time, he pushes past his fear to do his job well. Rufus is adorable, and I think kids will enjoy this. I think new readers can start with this fun, seasonal story – these books don’t have to be read in order. Watch for book 3, The Woofmore on Thin Ice, releasing in 2025.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Florence Day is a ghostwriter for a best-selling romance novelist. But since her big break up a year ago, she has struggled with the happily-ever-after world of romance. She thought maybe, with a new editor, she could convince her publisher to let “Ann Nichols” try something different. No dice. Benji Andor, the editor, said the book was due on schedule – the day after their meeting.

Later that night, Florence ran into her ex, ran into Benji, KISSED Benji, and then found out her father died. Any thought of finishing the book flew out of her head as she returned to Marimont – to her family, to the family funeral home, and to the ghosts.

Florence and her father were able to see ghosts. And it’s a power that only caused trouble for Florence as a teen. But when Florence sees the ghost of Benji in Mairmont, she can’t ignore her gift any more.


This was delightful! I loved all of it – the characters, the writerly bits, the romance, the family drama. All of it!

Ultimately this feels like Florence’s journey back to herself – after her breakup, after writer’s block, after fleeing her family and her home. And her journey is supremely satisfying! The romance was a happy extra to a great character story.

I have loved Ashley Poston’s YA work since I first read Geekerella. This is a slight departure as it is an adult romance instead of a young adult book, but it is easily as good as her other stories. Contemporary romance fans, paranormal romance fans, and Poston fans should absolutely check this book out! (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ – I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: The Amber Crown by Jacey Bedford

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and DAW in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The king is dead. Poison. And his relative has taken the throne and the crown.

Valdas is a king’s guard, on the run, looking for the truth. He’s the scapegoat for the new king, just like his men were.
Mirza is a witch and healer trying to take her place in her roving band.
And Lind? Lind is the king’s assassin.

But when Valdas is almost killed and Mirza must use her gifts to bring him back from near death, the two encounter the ghost of the murdered king. And he binds them to the quest for the truth.


The writing here is enjoyable, and the characters and their situations were engaging. But the story was slow and drawn out for me. For example, the encounter with the king’s ghost didn’t happen for a quarter of the book. And while I usually don’t mind stories where you know the different characters are moving toward one another eventually, I was missing a driving story that pushed me forward to get to that place. The pace made the book too easy to set down and not pick up for awhile. And in the end, I didn’t finish it.

I think fans of longer, more intricate fantasy will find a lot here to enjoy. I did like several of the characters, and I found their situations interesting. The world building is well done, too. But I seem to be in a reading space where I need the author to get to the point. I need fast paced stories that grab me from page one rather than slow builds. There’s nothing wrong with a slow build for a story, but it’s not a great fit for me right now. (Language, sex, violence/gore, reference to sexual assault of a minor)

Rating: ♥♥♥* – did not finish

*♥♥♥ = Solid/fine


REVIEW: Whatever Happens (Julie and the Phantoms) by Candace Buford

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Edelweiss and Scholastic in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Includes SPOILERS for the Netflix show Julie and the Phantoms.

[At the end of season one of Julie and the Phantoms, the band has finished playing at the Orpheum, but the guys don’t “cross over.” Their unfinished business, whatever it is, isn’t done. Julie finds them in the studio, still suffering from Caleb’s power over them. But something happens that releases them from Caleb; their club stamps disappear. And for the first time, Julie can touch them even though they are ghosts.]

While Alex and Reggie leave to find Willie and see what they can figure out about their more solid ghostly state, Luke and Julie reminisce about their show at the Orpheum and talk about their most cherished days from the past. For Luke, it’s the day Sunset Curve was preparing to play the Orpheum the first time in 1995. For Julie, it’s a day she spent with her mom in 2019, before they knew her mom was sick.


This is so clever! It fills in fun backstory for the characters without getting in the way of any potential season 2 stories for the show. Fans will get to read about songwriting moments for Luke, Julie, and Rose as well as some family interactions for Alex, Flynn, and Julie. Readers get a glimpse at Bobby and his place in the band and find out a little more about Reggie’s family.

As old as I am, I am probably way too attached to a show for kids and teens, but I absolutely *adore* these characters. I have my fingers crossed that Netflix will shoot at least one more season of the show. But while we all wait, fans will love getting to spend time with these characters in some new stories which fit perfectly into the show and reveal a little more depth to each of the teens. This book made me love my favorite characters all the more.

If I was rating this on my enjoyment alone, I would give this 4.5 stars. I loved it. I would re-read this. The author does almost too good of a job conveying the chemistry between Luke and Julie (this is a middle grade story, after all), and I am thrilled to add some backstory to my head canon about these characters. A lot of that character depth comes from the characters getting to tell their own parts of the stories. Each of the 6 teens has at least one point-of-view chapter. But that is also where the wrinkle comes in for me. The set up is that Luke and Julie are alone, telling these stories to one another. There’s no place in that set up for the other 4 characters to chime in with their perspective on group events, much less sharing about things that happened away from Luke or Julie. That structural wrinkle would drop my book rating to probably a 3.5 – the story is otherwise solid. I’m going to give it an average rating of 4 here, but in my head, the content is definitely rated higher than that.

Readers will want to have at least a passing knowledge of the events in the show and the characters in order to enjoy this. Fans craving new content for these characters should snap this up. (LGBTQ+, TW: coming out stories/parental disapproval)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read (but you know I totally will with this one!)

BONUS REVIEW: Phantoms and Felonies by Lucy Ness

[I received a free electronic review copy of this from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The Portage Path Women’s Club is hosting a murder mystery dinner and fundraiser. Avery gets some help from Clemmie, the resident ghost from the 1920s, to turn the old speakeasy into an authentic space for their production. And things are coming together, but the production isn’t without its troubles.

The financial backer – and star of the show – is bickering constantly with the playwright. The Women’s Club members are bickering over whether the event – and the Club in general – should be open to the public instead of just the club members with long histories with the group. And one of the women at the Club suspects her husband of having an affair.

Avery just wants to get through the play. The Club needs the money, the success, and the good press. But that’s just not possible when someone is killed during the production.


Another fun story in the Haunted Mansion Mystery series after Haunted Homicide (♥♥♥♥). I enjoy Avery and “her cop,” Oz. They are sweet together, and while he wants to keep her safe, he doesn’t shut her completely out of his investigations when it comes to the Club. As for the other characters, I don’t always track the Club ladies very well, except for the one who does roller derby. I’d like to see those characters developed a little more as the series goes on.

There are tons of suspects for this murder, including an unexpected surprise for Avery. I was stumped until the end of this one. The final confrontation and the solution were great.

This book delved more into the paranormal elements than the last book which was just Clemmie the ghost. This included a séance and some spiritualists as well as another ghost. I did enjoy getting a few new tidbits to Clemmie’s story, but I resented those whose actions could have caused her trouble. I have my fingers crossed that we will get more of Clemmie’s story as the series continues.

Fans of paranormal mysteries, especially ones with ghosts, should check this series out. (Séance, ghosts)

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: The Kindred Spirits Supper Club by Amy E. Reichert

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Sabrina is back home in the Dells after losing her job. She just needs to pay some bills and find a new gig, and she can leave. Sure, she loves her family. It’s the ghosts she can do without.

The women in Sabrina’s family can see and speak with ghosts. And it’s their job to help the recently departed finish their unfinished business and cross over. With Sabrina’s anxiety, she doesn’t need the added stress of ghosts and ghostly conversations.

Ray has purchased a supper club in Wisconsin – The Otter Club – much to his mother’s dismay. She’d do anything to get Ray to give up this “foolishness” and return to New York. But Ray’s dad gives him one chance to stay – find the money to buy out his late uncle’s portion of the business, and show his parents he belongs in Wisconsin by planning the annual Goodbye Gala.

Ray and Sabrina keep running into one another. And there’s definitely a spark there. But she has her mind set on leaving town as soon as possible. And he has family secrets to uncover and a quest to secure the life he wants in Wisconsin. Can a spark overcome two people headed in opposite directions?


This was so great! I loved the combination of the contemporary romance with the paranormal/ghostly piece. I’ve read plenty of paranormal stories before, but there was something different about this that I adored. The ghostly piece is light, and sometimes funny. But the punch of it is the impact it has on Sabrina with her high levels of anxiety. And Ray’s reaction to the ghostly part of her life is going to be crucial to what happens between then.

From the characters to the setting (Wisconsin!) to the humor and the sweet romance, this was a treat to read! I was so busy that it took me a few days to finish the book. Every time I thought about getting back to it, I smiled. Just thinking about these characters and the story made me smile. I still feel that way now that I have finished it. The whole story is a delight. I would absolutely read this one again.

Don’t miss this one if you enjoy contemporary romance or romance novels with light paranormal elements! (Language, sex, edibles used for anxiety, TW: anxiety/panic attacks)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would read again.

SATURDAY SMORGASBORD: Mrs. Morris and the Ghost of Christmas Past by Traci Wilton

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Kensington in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Charlene and her parents are dining at Bella’s Italian Ristorante for an auction fundraiser for the Felicity House for Children. The event is hosted by the restaurant’s manager, and Charlene’s friend, David Baldwin. David recently won the lottery, and there’s lots of talk about his winnings. He even passes out some checks to people at the event – to his business partner, a graduate of the Felicity House program, and to the Felicity House staff (although it’s a much smaller check than what he’s promised to deliver later). His own son gets an IOU as well.

Then, before the night is over, David goes running out of the restaurant mumbling names no one recognizes. And then he’s struck, but no one saw the vehicle that hit him. Now David is dead, his second wife has closed the bank account so no one can cash David’s checks, and she’s ready to leave town with all of his money.

Charlene is determined to do what she can to help Felicity House. David’s promised money was going to go to an addition onto one of their facilities; they are outgrowing what they already have. Now, they don’t even have money for Christmas, so Charlene’s going to help find some. And Charlene’s ghostly friend, Jack, is ready to offer his insights as she works on who killed David.


This is the third book in the Salem B&B Mystery series, but the first I have read. I like Charlene and her B&B. I loved the Felicity House pieces – the agency’s mission, the fundraiser, Charlene’s support of them, and the connection Charlene makes with one of the teens. That piece is probably my favorite from the book.

The ghost piece was interesting. It was like reading a book with a love triangle, but one leg of it is implausible. I liked how Jack tweaked Charlene’s mom and the cat, but otherwise the character didn’t grab me. Maybe I would have liked him more if I started the series from the beginning.

The mystery here was good. Lots of suspects to consider. I was able to puzzle out the killer before Charlene, but I was guessing for a long while.

Charlene’s mom made this hard to enjoy at times. She had some lovely moments, but not enough to completely offset her awful ones. She has a prickly, abrasive way about her, both with those she’s close to and also with total strangers. She’s a lot to take.

Series fans should check out Charlene’s latest adventure set at Christmas (with a few references to Wicca and the solstice). I think new readers can pick the series up here without issue.

Rating: ♥♥♥*
