REVIEW: Spider-Man: Cosmic Chaos by Mike Maihack


While returning a surfboard to Silver Surfer, Spider-Man encounters the Guardians of the Galaxy. Together they work to contain and correct the end of the universe. Ancient talismans with special powers initially help Spider-Man solve small, neighborly problems. But when one villain collects all seven talismans, an unexpected hero has to help save the day.


This is the quirkiest of the stories in the Mighty Marvel Team-Up series! Spider-Man gets to meet – and help – a lot of Marvel characters as well as a variety of aliens as he spreads his neighborly kindness around.

The team-up with the Guardians was fun, and I loved the solution to the talisman problem. This series has been a delight from start to finish. I would love to read more of these if the series expands.

Hand this to Marvel fans and graphic novel fans as well as anyone who enjoyed the earlier books in the series, Animals Assemble and Quantum Quest. I think these are best read in order, but each book can stand alone.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+