REVIEW: Doggo and Pupper Save the World by Katherine Applegate


Pupper longs to be a hero and save the day, but his anxiety – mostly over giant squirrels – makes him wonder if he could ever really be a hero.


Another clever story starring Doggo and Pupper. The short, simple sentences and sweet illustrations are only the beginning of the list of delightful things about this book. I was also fascinated by the way the author chose to help Pupper be a hero. It’s a quiet solution that I think will make for interesting conversations with kids. Doggo and Pupper are a treat!

Book 3 in the series, Doggo and Pupper Search for Cozy, will release in the spring of 2023.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great!

REVIEW: Austin//His Amish Sweetheart by Jennifer Beckstrand

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Zebra in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Alfie and Benji Petersheim have been working to get their three older brothers married and out of the house. They helped Andrew (♥♥♥♥♥) and Abraham find true love and now they just need Austin in love so all of the older boys will move out of the house and the twins can move out of the cellar and back into a room.  But Austin could be their hardest project yet.

Benji is convinced Austin is in love with his best friend, Hannah Yutzy. Alfie thinks they should get Austin interested in Priscilla Lambright who works at the library. With the twins at odds, they decide to work their own agendas – alone. May the best man win.


This was a lovely wrap up to the Petersheim Brothers trilogy!

I’ve been a fan of this series from the start. This book, originally titled Austin, was supposed to release in the summer of 2020. And then Covid. And while the publisher waited for the right time to release it, they also determined that the book might sell better with an Amish woman on the cover. So this is the new cover and the new title. While I had no issues with the other titles and covers, I’m just happy to finally see how the series ended. It was a satisfying resolution.

I have to be honest, though. Austin is a hot mess in this book. I can’t say for sure who I grumbled about more – Austin or “Scilla.” She was obnoxious, and he was an idiot a lot of the time. It never got to the point where I thought about giving up on the book, but they were truly a mess. The twins and Hannah and some of the other events of the book helped balance out Austin’s moments.

I think my annoyance is part of what made things so awesome in the end, though. I loved the resolution here. Alfie and Benji really stole the show in this book. And the extra help they recruit for their quest was an added delight!

Newcomers can start here without too much trouble. There are pieces of the story with the larger community – and the twins’ quest to get out of the cellar – that play out in Andrew, Abraham, and the Honeybee Sisters books. And reading those will fill in around this story, but I think new readers can get along without those details to start. But I highly recommend the books in both series, so you should be sure to check them all out in the end.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: Whistle by E. Lockhart

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and DC Entertainment in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Willow is trying to do it all – marching and protesting to care for her community, earning money to take care of her sick mother, spending time with a boy she likes. When her mother’s old friend, E. Nigma, reaches out, she agrees to work for him at his shady secret poker games. The money she makes is helping keep her mother alive.

But working for E. also puts Willow on the radar of a killer. But when she fights back, trying to save herself and the stray dog she loves, something very strange happens – to Willow, and to the  dog.


This is an origin story for a new hero in the DC Universe written by E. Lockhart (We Were Liars – ♥♥♥♥, The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks – ♥♥♥♥). I think dog lovers are going to get a huge kick out of this hero duo.

I felt like Willow’s story was far more compelling than the hero bits. Her ethical dilemma about working for E. – a criminal and someone her mother doesn’t want in their lives – while being able to save her mom was fascinating. The hero pieces were okay – but I would have liked a stronger exploration of how Willow gets her powers. There’s also a bit of romance here that also could have been stronger.

Readers who love the dog angle or who are intrigued by the ethical questions here, as well as those who love to be in on the beginning of a new hero arc should give this one a try. (Some language)

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

* ♥♥♥½ = Good+