REVIEW: The Dream of You by Jo Saxton

[I recently discovered some unpublished reviews I wrote several years ago. I’m posting these now as they were originally written.]

Summary and Review

When the storms of life come – as they always do – it’s important to know who and whose you are. Be anchored in your identity in Christ.

Jo Saxton has experienced plenty of ups and downs in life. Through them all, she knows God has been walking beside her. She shares her personal story in this book – from her early years in foster care to her move to the US and the ups and downs of her life in ministry. She also shares Bible stories about Ruth and Naomi, Ezekiel, David and Goliath, and others to illustrate basic principles of identity.

This book was a delight from start to finish. Jo Saxton first came to my attention through If Gathering (several years ago). Every time I hear her, she speaks directly to my heart and my circumstances. This book was no different. Many of the chapters start with a letter. It was my favorite feature. The letters are personable and tender. The writing style of the whole book is that way. I felt like I was reading a letter from a friend – someone who’s been there before, someone who wants to help.

Identity is one of my favorite themes in books – fiction or nonfiction. And this is one of the best I’ve ready. [I received an ARC of this book when I registered for the 2018 If Gathering conference in my local area.]

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: My Heart by Julie Manning


Julie Manning tells her story of discovering a serious heart problem when she was delivering her second child. That discovery changed how she viewed her life and how she related to God.

The book includes journal entries, Julie’s prayers at various points in her journey as well as letters to her boys with her hopes and dreams for their lives and their relationships with Jesus. Through life’s hills and valleys, Julie shares how her thinking and her faith have changed and evolved. How trusting God with her life – literally – has helped her trust God in new ways in other parts of her journey.



This is an inspiring story!! I was challenged from page one to the end by how the author thinks about God, where she finds her identity and peace in the midst of struggle, and how she prays for her boys.

This is a terrific book for those who love memoirs and spiritual growth stories. It’s inspiring like the Steven Curtis Chapman memoir was. But if you are looking for a book that will challenge you to grow and mature in your faith or in your prayer life or in your identity in Christ, this would be an amazing book for that as well.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥