REVIEW: Bruce Wayne Not Super by Stuart Gibbs


Bruce is the only non-powered kid at his middle school which makes him feel like a nobody. His driving desire is to clean up his city and protect others. But between school administration and Alfred, his dream of being a vigilante is getting a lot of push back.


This was a fun story! I enjoyed the characters in a middle school context, and Bruce’s quest to find a way to make his mark at the school and in Gotham. The illustrations here are excellent. I loved pouring over the pictures to find all the familiar DC characters.

My only complaint here is about the portrayal of some of those characters. The portrayal of Clark Kent, for example, did not fit the historic Clark Kent at all. I don’t know if the thinking there was “these are kids who will grow into their better selves,” but it was distracting. (I have seen other reviews bring up these same issues.)

I would definitely read a sequel to see how they continue to build this new take on the characters.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: The BIG Adventures of Babymouse: Once Upon a Messy Whisker by Jennifer L. Holm

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Random House Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

This is an all new format for a Babymouse book – 200 pages, full color – but the same fun. This book includes

  • school stories
  • Cinderella
  • Jason and the Golden Fleece
  • Three Little Kittens
  • Rapunzel, and
  • the Titanic

This was cute! I think Babymouse fans are going to love having a new book to enjoy. And newcomers to the character will have lots of classic material to go back to. Libraries and classrooms should definitely have this in their collection.

Details from the publisher list this as a book for 7-10 year olds. But I think the topics in the book – middle school, self-consciousness, identity, etc. – skew this a little older than that, so I put this in a middle grade range (9-12).

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: Ham Helsing, Vampire Hunter by Rich Moyer


Ham is part of a long line of monster hunters. Most have been big on bravery, but short on smarts. But now it’s Ham’s turn to be in the family business, so he goes to hunt a vampire.

Along the way, Ham makes some interesting friends and discovers evil lurks in unexpected places.



This was a hoot! A clever graphic novel with some laughs, a few monsters, and a bit of self-discovery and self-acceptance. I think kids will love this book! There’s some gross bits, some funny bits – and an engaging story from start to finish.

Graphic novel fans and fans of funny adventure stories should give this one a try!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ – Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Booked on a Feeling by Jayci Lee

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and St. Martin’s Griffin in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Lizzy Chung is about to kick off the biggest trial of her life so far. But before she can get rolling on her opening argument, she has a panic attack and blacks out. When she comes to, Jack is there. Her best friend, always there when she needs him.

While Lizzy recovers and goes on to win her trial, there’s no joy in it. No sense of accomplishment. So she takes 3 weeks off in Weldon, where Jack lives. She’s staying in a studio apartment over a bookstore in need of some TLC. It will be just the break Lizzy needs.

Meanwhile, Jack is looking for purpose in his own life. He’s secretly applied for a job in LA, where he could be closer to Lizzy. But as Jack is preparing for his big move, Lizzy is wondering if LA is where she even belongs.


I enjoyed this contemporary romance centered around a bookstore. The bookstore bits – and Lizzy’s love of checking things off a to do list – were delightful.  I also enjoyed the identity/self-discovery elements for both Lizzy and Jack. While the eventual conflict was no surprise, I did enjoy the individual character journeys, especially Lizzy’s which felt more developed.

Jack and Lizzy have great chemistry together. And the will-they-or-won’t-they progressed just far enough to be enjoyable and not dragged out.

This has a definite Hallmark movie feel. The pacing, the “predictable” conflict (not a complaint or judgement – just a description), the resolution follow a fairly standard layout. This can make for a satisfying “comfort” read.

Contemporary romance fans and fans of the series will want to pick this one up to see how things continue to develop for this community. You can read my review of book one, A Sweet Mess, here.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: Happily Ever Island by Crystal Cestari

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Disney-Hyperion in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Happily Ever Island is Disney’s newest themed resort. It allows guests to live as their favorite character for awhile – costumes, music, housing, everything. And Madison just won a trip for two to be among the first to experience the island.

While Madison’s peers all seem focused on futures and careers, Madison still has no clue what she wants to study at school or do for a job. But she knows EVERYTHING about Disney.

Since her girlfriend broke up with her just before Madison gets the good news, she needs a new plus 1 for her trip. And her best friend Lanie is the perfect choice.

Lanie is Madison’s opposite in a lot of ways – grounded, focused, driven. It feels like she’s been on the fast track for med school her whole life. But suddenly she’s having doubts about all of those plans. So, even though she knows almost nothing about Disney, Lanie agrees to go on the trip.

But their magical vacation challenges each of the young women to re-examine their lives – and dishes up surprises that could change their trajectories completely.


How fun! This is a great friendship/coming of age story with a strong side of romance in a clever setting. I really enjoyed this! Both Madison and Lanie were characters I would hang out with. And both are struggling with questions about the future. This is a great topic for the intended young adult audience. And I love how the characters are coming at the same issue from different angles.

There’s a LOT here for readers to enjoy. For Disney and theme park fans there’s this creative setting and lots of classic Disney moments. For romance fans, both main characters meet someone special. Then there’s the friendship struggles and growth alongside the coming-of-age pieces. And I enjoyed all of it! This is a creative and clever story – don’t miss this one!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: Bound by Firelight by Dana Swift

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Delacorte Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Adraa and Jatin are facing more trouble than they ever have.

Adraa’s kingdom has turned against her, believing the worst. She’s cast into prison at the Dome. She will have to fight for her life as well as for a chance to escape and make things right.

Jatin is supposed to be leading his own country, but he can only think of Adraa and freeing her. He’s pulled together a very small team of allies, but they have no idea what they are truly up against.


Wow! This was a roller coaster! And I really enjoyed the ride.

Adraa and Jatin tell their own stories once again. I feel like Adraa was really the star of this book. All of her chapters were riveting. I truly loved her journey – maybe even more than I loved Cast in Firelight.

While Jatin is fighting his way back to Adraa, I had mixed feelings about the old friend who joined his team. While I appreciated the twists and reveals she brought with her, I didn’t love the attempted love triangle. She was a distraction and left me wanting to skip ahead to an Adraa chapter.

I had thought this Wickery series was going to be a duology. And the main action truly is wrapped up here without any cliffhangers. But there are some unresolved issues that make me wonder if there is a plan for more. If so, I am here for them.

If Jatin had had more of a story here, this would have been a five star book for me. In fact, when I look at the two books together, I truly loved Adraa’s story here more than book one. Don’t come into this book expecting more of the same from book one, though. This is less about secrets and lies, and more about peril and identity and real questions about whether or not the heroes will triumph. Book 1 fans should not miss this one!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: If This Gets Out by Sophie Gonzales and Cale Dietrich

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Saturday is one of the hottest pop groups around. Angel is the fun one; Jon is the sexy one. Zach is the “bad boy.” And Ruben is the blank slate. The label wants him to be the “every guy” who can fit any niche a fan might want that the other three don’t. And that means there is NO room for him to share that he’s gay.

Everything from the boys’ images to their off-stage wardrobes to their choreography is dictated by the label. They want what they want, and they expect the guys to stand and deliver.

But in a moment of vulnerability, Zach acts on feelings he’s been trying to ignore. He kisses Ruben. And everything changes – Zach’s self-concept and identity, the band’s dynamic (even though no one else knows what happened), and the friendship between Zach and Ruben.

If this gets out? It will shake the foundation of everything – the group, their fan base, their record deal, and their future.


This was such a great read! For me there were two aspects of the story – the romance and the band life. Both were so well done.

I liked Ruben and Zach as individuals and also as a couple. All four guys in the group are fascinating, and I loved their fierce devotion to one another. Ruben and Zach get to tell their own stories, which is powerful. Readers are along for the ride as Zach wrestles with his sexual identity and Ruben waffles between his determination to be fully himself and the pressure to give in under all of the gaslighting, manipulation, abuse, and coercion from the adults around him.

The psychology of the novel was my favorite part, though. The manipulation from the label. The identity journey for Zach and for Ruben to a lesser degree. The group dynamics in the “band.” One character’s “merging” behavior (losing himself as he tries to accommodate everyone else first). It’s all SO well done and a joy to dig into.

Come for the romance and the behind-the-scenes look at the music business. Stay for the fantastic characters and the brilliant, insightful moments throughout the story! (Language, sex, alcohol/drug use, LGBTQ+, TW: gaslighting/manipulation/verbal abuse)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: The Wedding Ringer by Kerry Rea

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Willow caught her best friend and fiancé in bed together, and it was like someone yanked a rug out from under her feet. Losing her fiancé was awful. But losing her best friend was devastating.

So yes, she’s lonely. Yes, she’s living in a spare room at her sister and sister-in-law’s house. She dresses up as a princess for birthday parties for spoiled brats. But that doesn’t mean she’s ready to be a friend for hire.

But Maisie is lonely and desperate. And she’s offering Willow big money to pretend to be her long-time friend and be a bridesmaid in her wedding.

The idea of anything wedding-related makes Willow want to throw up. But Maisie’s money could be just what she needs to leave town and make a fresh start somewhere new.


This was so good! It’s like a fake relationship romance, except the fake relationship is a friendship. And bridesmaids for hire seems to be a thing we are hearing about more lately – I’ve seen that set up in a couple other books recently. And I love both “tropes,” so this was a must-read for me. But what makes this special – more than just a collection of story features I like – is the HUMOR! This literally made me laugh out loud. The writing is great as are the characters. Willow is dealing with her crushing losses with withdrawal and self-protection. But she’s still someone you empathize with. You long to see her find her way through the darkness to true friendship – and maybe even love.

This book really has everything I am looking for in a great story. I was completely in sync with these characters from the start. I loved the deep dive into friendship questions. Sure, there’s a romance I enjoyed. But the relationship between Willow and Maisie is the focus – and the star – of the novel. And I loved that. It’s also an identity story as Willow tries to find herself and re-define herself after her losses. And finally, this is FUNNY! Snappy and sarcastic and self-deprecating. And I loved it!

I highly recommend this one! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: Never Saw You Coming by Erin Hahn

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Meg discovers everything she thought was true was a lie, it’s like the rug has been pulled out from under her feet. Her plans for the summer and for a gap year before college don’t even feel right any more. So she heads north looking for the family she never knew existed – and looking for her sense of self as well.

Meg meets Micah early on in her stay – and they click! Sure, he’s cute and built. But he also seems to know how it feels to have your world – your foundations – upended. Micah’s dad is in jail. A pastor, he had been Micah’s hero before he found out the truth about what his father was hiding behind his perfect Christian façade.

As each of the young adults explores the potential in their relationship, they also process the upheaval from their family secrets and consider how those secrets impact their faith.


Wow. This is outstanding!

I have followed the author, Erin Hahn, online for years. I’ve always been intrigued by her faith story. You can see evidence of it in her online interactions, and in her books, but she doesn’t fit the stereotype of a “Christian public figure” or “Christian author.” This book feels like a peek into some of that story. And I was here for every page.

Meg and Micah hooked me from the beginning. They are characters I would hang out with, people I would want to know. And they wrestle with faith and the Church and the rules of Church in ways that felt honest – and familiar.

I found the faith pieces of this so engaging and compelling. Honestly, this is one of the best examples I can think of for how to weave faith into a story in a way that feels natural – something I can struggle to find in “Christian fiction.” Yet, the faith pieces aren’t the most important parts of the book. This is a coming-of-age story for both Meg and Micah. It’s also a swoony romance. And it’s a story about family, identity, and emotional healing in addition to the parts about faith, “purity,” sex, sexual identity, and more.

It’s amazing to think of how many ideas the author wove into this story. And it felt like a story – not like a sermon or like a vehicle to carry forced messages from the author. The story is never short-changed for the issues and questions raised. The whole is truly greater than the sum of the parts.

Do not miss this romantic, engaging, and thought-provoking novel! I adored it. (Language, LGBTQ+, references to sex, references to teen pregnancy, references to abuses in the Church)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: I Am Not Starfire by Mariko Tamaki

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Mandy marches to the beat of her own drum – something that can be hard to do in high school. It’s even harder to do when you live in a spotlight like she does. Mandy’s mother is Starfire, one of the Titans. A superhero. Mandy wants to get through school, maybe go out with a girl like her current crush, and get far away from her mother’s shadow. But Mandy’s peers, the press, and Starfire’s family won’t let her fade into the background.


There are elements of this graphic novel that reflect typical superhero stories – secrets, powers, and battles with evil-doers.

There are also elements that are typical of a coming-of-age story. Mandy feels like the opposite of her mother – and often misunderstood. She wants to be indifferent to it – to the ways people use her for her famous connections – but she’s not. She still feels hurt.

I enjoyed the story. It wasn’t all I was hoping for, though. There were no real surprises. I thought Mandy’s angst was well-conveyed. The budding romance feels more like another arena for conflict rather than a substantial plot thread on its own.

DC fans and Titans fans might enjoy this take on the Titans and the daughter of Starfire. YA fans may enjoy this for the identity and coming-of-age pieces and the exploration of the mother-daughter relationship. I’m not convinced the story does any of those things especially well, and maybe that’s the issue. Maybe it was trying to be too many things, and they all were too shallow for a truly great story. (Language, LGBTQ+)

Rating: ♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥ = Good/Solid/Fine