REVIEW: Love on Lexington Avenue by Lauren Layne

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Gallery Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Claire, Naomi, and Audrey met the day of Claire’s husband’s funeral. It was also the day of Naomi’s lover’s funeral. And Audrey’s boyfriend’s funeral. All three funerals were for the same man. That was the day the Central Park Pact was set. The three women would help each other watch out for manipulative, cheating men.

A year later, and Naomi’s fallen in love with a great guy (Passion on Park Avenue – ♥♥♥♥½). But Claire is still trying to figure out this weird new life. It’s hard to be a grieving wife when you are best friends with your husband’s mistresses – and you know he died on a “date” with someone else. But that’s still what she is – a grieving widow. How does she move forward after such betrayal?

One way is a complete overhaul of the brownstone where she and her husband lived. Scott Turner is an in-demand builder. He usually does multi-million dollar office buildings and skyscrapers. But he’s back in the city for a little while and itching to do a project that lets him work in a different sort of space. He’s pretty sure Claire’s brownstone is NOT it, though. He plans to meet his buddy’s friend, look at her project, and turn her down. Scott refuses to work with stuffy socialites. But Claire is nothing like he expects.


This series has been a delightful surprise! I picked up Passion on Park Avenue from the library so I could read it before reading this one, just so I would have the characters and context in my head. I read it in a day and loved it. I jumped this one ahead in my review schedule because I enjoyed the first book so much. I was not disappointed! I read this in one sitting as well.

I love these characters! They’re complicated and compelling. The cheating jerk has impacted each of these women in different ways. Add to that their personal stories and emotional baggage, and you’ve got characters I wanted to spend time with. They’re fascinating! Then add to that some interesting guys and excellent chemistry, and you’ve got a romance series I would happily read again and again.

If you enjoy contemporary romance, don’t miss this series! Book 3, Marriage on Madison Avenue, releases in January. That will be a must-read for me. And I’ll be checking out the author’s other work because I have adored the two books in this series so far. Highly recommend! (language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½

REVIEW: The Humiliations of Pipi McGee by Beth Vrabel

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Running Press Kids in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Pipi’s humiliations are legendary. And no one at her middle school is going to let her forget them. From her kindergarten self-portrait (as a strip of bacon with boobs) shown on the first day of 8th grade to her reputation for picking her nose (an unfortunate school picture fiasco) and starting a vomiting epidemic on the school bus, Pipi can’t catch a break. If anyone touches her, they treat their hand as if they have the plague, trying to pass the “Pipi touch” to other students. But Pipi is convinced THIS will be the year everything changes. This will be the year of revenge and redemption!

Pipi has a plan to reinvent herself, undo all of her humiliations, and to strike back at those who hurt her the most when she was vulnerable. Her single-minded focus on changing her life before high school ends up causing more trouble than it fixes. In fact, her quest for reinvention could cost her the parts of her current life she actually enjoys.


There are some truly delightful moments in this story. But there are also plenty of painful ones for Pipi. This is the second “revenge” story line I’ve read recently, and both were a bit painful to read. This isn’t the good-will-triumph-over-evil sort of revenge where you identify with the oppressed and cheer for them to rise up. It tends to look more like good-kid-temporarily-becomes-a-jerk-to-get-back-at-the-jerks.  And as the reader, you have to sit back and watch it all fall apart while you hope Pipi will learn from everything and find some redemption in the end.

Pipi’s family really helps offset the more awkward and painful parts of the book. They are spectacular! My favorite scene is a birthday party in the middle of the book – it’s an absolute treat. There’s also a couple brief appearances of characters from the author’s 2018 book The Reckless Club (which I ADORED). The tie in was terrific.

I am loving the publishing trend of producing books for older middle grade readers – the 10 to 14-year-olds, the middle schoolers who are ready for more complicated and intricate stories but still young enough to steer away from some YA themes. This is a perfect example of a story for that audience – complicated friendships and relationships, lessons to be learned, and identity to develop. Be sure to check out Pipi McGee! (LGBTQ+)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: The Okay Witch by Emma Steinkellner

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Aladdin in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Founder’s Bluff’s history centers around the Kramer family – and witches. Judge Nathaniel Kramer led the settlers who founded Founder’s Bluff. And he led the witch hunt against a group of women who were seen as outsiders.

Turns out the women were witches. And they ran and hid as long as they could. But they eventually called on the goddess Hecate to help them find a safe haven where they could live free.

Moth Hush is a middle school student studying the history of Founder’s Bluff. On Halloween, she even dresses as a witch. But in a fit of anger after abuse by the usual bullies, something strange and magical happens.

What is Moth’s connection to the history of Founder’s Bluff and the witches who once lived there?


This is a rich graphic novel that is a fantasy, but also an exploration of legacy, belonging, and identity. And I really enjoyed it!

Early on the book is all about the history of Founder’s Bluff, Moth’s questions, and her mom, Calendula. And that was fine. But as the story developed and we learned about Calendula’s life, it really grabbed my attention. Calendula longed for her own place – her own story and identity outside of magic. At the same time, Moth is longing for those things, also, but she wants the magic, too. It was fascinating!

If the story was just about Moth and magic, it would have been solid. But these deeper, richer themes really brought this up to the next level for me. Fantasy fans should be sure to check this one out! (Magic elements – witches, goddesses, spells, familiars, ghosts)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: The Doughnut King by Jessie Janowitz

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Sourcebooks in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Tristan and Josh achieved their goal of making the “life-changing” chocolate cream doughnuts (The Doughnut Fix). Their doughnut shop is in an old train station where they share space with The Station House, Tris’ mom’s restaurant. And for a couple of 7th graders, they have an amazing business. People LOVE their doughnuts. But not everyone is thrilled with The Doughnut Stop. Folks who drive a long way and find the shop closed (The boys still have to go to school!) or the doughnuts sold out aren’t very happy. Tris is desperate to come up with a way to make more doughnuts faster so he can keep his customers happy.

While Tris is struggling to keep up with doughnut demand, the town of Petersville is struggling, too. More people are moving away than are moving in. The school is so small I could be closed. And Petersville is losing its post office. How will The Doughnut Stop – or The Station House and Tris’ family – survive if the town can’t bring in more people?

When Tris discovers a machine that could help him with his doughnut issues, he knows it could save the day for both The Doughnut Stop AND Petersville. Now he just needs to find $50,000 to buy one. And a reality cooking show could be his solution.


Excellent! I loved this even more than I did The Doughnut Fix! All of my favorite characters are back – Tris and Josh and Tris’ family. There are lots of laugh-out-loud moments I just had to read aloud to my family. And the heart of the story was everything I love about middle grade fiction.

At its core, this is a cooking book. It’s the struggles of a food-based business. It’s a cooking reality show. And it’s the struggle for food businesses in a dwindling community. But it’s also richer than “just” those things. Tristan is a business person now. He feels that pressure and responsibility. He’s maturing. He’s also all the more aware of the things his parents are trying to shield him from. And I loved watching that dynamic unfold.

The reality show was almost a second story in the book once we established the business and town struggles. The show introduced a new cast of characters with the show runners and the other contestants. Honestly, I expected Tris to be nervous but to shine. He’d be this beacon of purity as his love of cooking overcame some of the pettiness and reality show stuff. And there were moments of that. But there were other moments of REAL turmoil. Tris wrestles with his identity – “shark” or “krill?” He wrestles with the competition aspects. And while not “perfect” in his choices, he still shines!

I highly recommend this delightful series! It’s a treat from start to finish. Includes recipes.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: In Another Life by C. C. Hunter

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Chloe and her mom have moved to Joyful, Texas in the wake of her parent’s divorce. And she’s furious. Her dad cheated, her folks split, and then her mom got cancer. Thankfully, her mom is recovering. But it’s an awful thing for a kid to have to go through on her own. Now she’s just focused on getting through her senior year as the “new girl” and coaching her mom back toward health.

Cash is stunned when the gorgeous girl crashes into him at the gas station. But it’s less about the slushie he’s now wearing and more about the girl’s face. She looks exactly like the age progression picture of Emily.

Cash’ foster parents, the Fullers, lost their daughter Emily when she was almost three. She was kidnapped, and the Fullers – especially Mrs. Fuller – have never stopped hoping she’d be found. At first Cash is afraid Chloe might be there to scam the Fullers. But her adoption story seems to be legit. If Chloe really is Emily, what does that mean? Did her adoptive parents kidnap her? What will the Fullers expect of her? How will they feel about the growing attraction between Cash and Chloe/Emily?


This was terrific! Lots of great emotion to this story. Chloe and Cash are fascinating characters – and they feel absolutely real. The author does an outstanding job building an emotionally intricate story that makes the questions about Chloe’s identity a nuanced and complicated situation.

Chloe and Cash made this book for me. They both feel “broken” – Cash, because of his history before foster care and Chloe because of the break up of her family and the difficulty of life with cancer. And they recognize that brokenness in one another and are drawn together. They see in each other someone who knows pain and isn’t afraid of it. They are lovely together.

The mystery/suspense story of Chloe’s identity was great. This drew me into the book at the start and was engaging all the way through. I think if the emphasis of the book was the mystery, the suspense in the end would have played out with different timing. A suspense story would probably end with a big, explosive moment. The way this wrapped up left me feeling like the REAL story is the relationships at stake in the book rather than the suspenseful part of the story. And the ending is 100% satisfying. If you enjoy Young Adult suspense, you should definitely check this one out! (Language, sexual content takes place mostly off the page)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½

REVIEW: Song for a Whale by Lynne Kelly


Iris is the only Deaf student at her school. And while she has an interpreter to help with communication, he can only do so much with teachers who won’t interact with Iris the way she asks them to. Or to help with an overzealous student who just flaps her hands in Iris’ face. And it wears on her, day after day, to feel like an outsider and to walk on eggshells hoping she won’t get in trouble for “acting out” when the frustration gets to be too much.

Iris isn’t the only one in her family who is struggling. Iris’ grandfather has passed away. Her grandmother is withdrawing more and more. And Iris misses the life she had with both of them. They were Deaf, too, and she related to them so easily.

Someone else who is struggling is Blue55. Blue55 is a hybrid whale whose song is so different from other whales, it leaves him isolated and alone. Iris sees and understands how that could feel for an animal like Blue 55. So she learns everything she can about Blue. And she creates a whale song to try to speak to him. If only she could get to Alaska to meet Blue and share her song.


Look at that cover! It’s gorgeous and makes me happy every time I see it. It’s perfect for this stellar story. I adored every minute spent with Iris on this journey. This was a start-to-finish read for me. I didn’t want to wait to find out what happened.

Iris is fantastic. She’s crazy smart. Her understanding of electronics and radios is amazing for a middle schooler.  And I loved all of the things she did to better understand Blue and music/sound and whale song. Her struggles and need for belonging reminded me of some reading I’ve done on racial identity formation. It’s important for humans to spend time in groups with people like us – whether that’s people of the same race or people who are all Deaf, or even people who share hobbies and interests. Those groups help us feel  like we belong and help us better know who we are. Belonging is important. And Iris is trying to negotiate some of those identity and belonging issues in this story.

Iris’ family is pretty understanding when it comes to her solution for getting to Blue. Yes, there are consequences, but they don’t freak out like I would have expected. And the trip to Alaska is so good for both Iris and her grandmother. There’s a thread of dealing with grief in this story – both for Iris’s grandmother  and even for Blue – that was well done.

The whale gets to be the point of view character for a handful of chapters. It’s brilliant. It gives the reader some connection to Blue – and also to Iris – as the whale seeks community.

If you are a classroom teacher or school librarian, get several copies of this one. It’s a fantastic selection for book clubs or reading groups as well as for individual readers. This would also make a terrific classroom read aloud. Great author notes add to the story and to group discussions of the novel. Highly recommend!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West


Gia is stunned. Who gets dumped in the parking lot before prom? But that’s what happens. Her college-aged boyfriend, Bradley, drives 3 hours to join her for prom, and then breaks up with her before they even get in the door. That’s pretty bad. Even worse, though, is going to be Jules’ reaction.

Gia’s been feeling like Jules is trying to undermine her with her friends. She’s been vocal about her suspicions that Bradley isn’t even real. Gia’s desperate to hang onto her friendships and put Jules in her place. When she sees a guy drop off another student for the dance, and sit in his car, she wonders if maybe he would agree to be fake Bradley.

“Fill-in-Bradley” does an amazing job. There’s a slight glitch when his very real sister approaches him and almost blows his cover, but they improvise. He provides Gia a fake break up and the ruse is over.

Except Gia can’t stop thinking about fill-in-Bradley. She doesn’t even know his real name! His real sister, though, feels like Gia owes him and talks her into posing as HIS fill-in girlfriend at a party for his ex.

What could possibly go wrong with all these secrets and lies?


This was delightful! I enjoy the fake-relationship trope, and this is a great example of it. I loved Gia and Hayden (fake Bradley) together. He was really a good influence on her. I appreciated Gia’s growth over the course of the book. I empathized with her desperate need to hold onto her friends at the start of the book. Jules was awful and manipulative and catty. And then, as Gia starts to become more self-aware and wants to make some changes, she becomes even more like-able.

The contrast between Gia’s family and Hayden’s family was fascinating. Hayden’s home and family become a safe haven for Gia to explore some feelings and test her new insights.

Gia’s “friends” were the most uncomfortable part of the story for me. I knew we were headed toward a big confrontation where the full truth would come out. And I half dreaded it while also half welcoming it. I knew they would only see the betrayal but wouldn’t appreciate the personal growth Gia gains. I was more than ready for Gia to discover some new relationships with people she hadn’t noticed before when she was more shallow and driven to be perfect in the eyes of everyone around her.

On one level, this is a darling contemporary teen romance. And it’s lovely on that level. But this is SO much richer in emotional awareness and growth. Highly recommend!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½

REVIEW: The Way to the Stars (Star Trek Discovery) by Una McCormack


On the eve of her start in the Command Training Program, Tilly shares her personal story with her Discovery roommate Michael Burnham.

When Sylvia Tilly was 16, she lived with her maternal grandmother in Paris and went to school every day in New York. Her parents were divorced. Her dad was on a starship, The Dorothy Garrod, and her mom was a bigwig with the Federation Security Council. Frankly, her mom was a force to be reckoned with. She often left Sylvia feeling small and trapped – like she felt when her mom announced she was sending her to a boarding school on Talaris IV. Sylvia’s mom was determined to give her daughter every opportunity to develop the skills she would need to join the diplomatic corps. She didn’t see Sylvia’s love of math and science as anything to cultivate when there were languages to learn and political scenarios to understand.

The ups and downs of boarding school life set Sylvia/”Tilly” on a path she never could have imagined when she first stepped foot onto Talaris IV.


This book’s intended audience is adults, but Tilly’s story is so solidly in the YA range, too, that I wanted to review it as a YA coming-of-age tale.

Tilly is my favorite character on the show Star Trek Discovery. So when I saw she was getting a book, it immediately went on my “must read” list. And now that I’ve read it, it’s on my “must buy list.” This was outstanding! A perfect-fit book for me.

The Star Trek pieces were comfortable and familiar, as was the general story of a teen seeking her identity while under the thumb of a controlling parent. And I loved all those pieces. But Tilly really made this story for me. She’s wicked smart and funny. She’s also endearing and awkward. I wanted to rescue her from her mother’s controlling ways. But it was so much more satisfying to watch her rescue herself. Her journey wasn’t flawless, but it was delightful! I am a sucker for a book with a kid or a teen who finds his/her place/gift/identity and then thrives in it. And this was that sort of story.

The Star Trek Discovery connections are minimal, mostly just the prologue and epilogue which anchor the character to the TV series. But if you know that Michael Burnham is a woman, and she’s Tilly’s roommate on the ship – older, with more life and Star Fleet experience, maybe a reluctant mentor – you probably have everything you need to know to enjoy the book.

I highly recommend this book. In fact, after typing up this review, I want to go read it again! (Some language, minor consumption of alcohol)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: Giant Days by Non Pratt

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Amulet books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Susan, Daisy and Esther are in their first year of college. As neighbors, it was natural that they would become friends.

Susan is studying medicine. She also has background as a non-licensed private investigator. She has a strong personality and no patience for bullies.

Daisy was raised by her grandmother and home-schooled. She’s sweet and naive and eager to try new things and find her place at college. Although signing up for 32 extracurriculars might be going too far.

Esther comes from money. She’s officially an English major but she never goes to class. She’s used to BSing her way through things but college students are more savvy than she realized. She’s desperate to be friends with a Goth-looking girl she’s seen glimpses of on campus.

While the girls care about one another, they get sidetracked by their personal drama. And while they are focused on themselves, one of the girls walks into a situation she might not be able to get out of.


This is a quirky story. It took awhile for me to get the feel of the girls and for the story to build to the main crisis. But the girls and their friendship is really the point of the story. So once I had  sense of each of the girls, I was on board for the rest.

I don’t know that I had a favorite among the core characters. I loved Susan’s strong personality. I wish the private investigator pieces were a little bigger because that was a fun twist to her character. I cracked up at Daisy’s 32 clubs and her inability to choose what to keep and what to leave. Esther wants so desperately for Vectra to like her that she puts up with Vectra’s appalling behavior. I was so sad for Esther. I was cheering for her to dump Vectra and stick with her true friends.

The climax at the end was terrific. It made the rest of the book come together, and the characters got to be the best versions of themselves. The source material for this is a graphic novel series. I’m curious to see how similar the graphic novels are to this and how the different format changes or enhances the story. (Some mature content and adult behavior.)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: Upside Down Magic: Dragon Overnight


Nory and the Upside Down Magic (UDM) kids are taking a field trip to Dragon Haven, a sanctuary for injured and orphaned dragons. The only thing that can dampen their excitement is the fact that they aren’t the only school group at Dragon Haven. What if the other kids are snobby? What if they make fun of the UDM kids and their “wonky” magic?

Andres is getting weary of the struggles that come with his magic. He feels like the leash that keeps him from floating away is a punishment. The leash makes him feel like a baby. People forget about him – or the “brickpack” he needs to stay on the ground. When will he ever have a chance to be independent?

Nory is in for some surprises on this field trip, too. While everyone is feeling nervous about the other school of kids, Nory has extra pressure. The kids are from Sage Academy – her dad’s school! And her dad is on the field trip. How will he treat her? What does he think of her Upside Down Magic?


Identity is one of my favorite themes in books. And the Upside Down Magic series does a great job exploring that theme for young readers. While Nory is the main character for the series, each of the other kids gets a book where their story is explored. This time it’s Andres’ turn. He’s a flyer but not in the usual way. He flies all the time. Only ceilings, a leash, and a backpack full of bricks protect him from floating away. But those things also make him dependent on others and limit his freedom. I was frustrated by how often the adults charged with Andres’ care neglected his needs or forgot about him. But at Dragon Haven, Andres gets to shine and it is so enjoyable.

The setting for this story was fantastic. Lots of creative dragon types for this world. And the setting also let the UDM kids interact with another group of kids. I enjoyed how things played out with the two groups.

In some ways this story is simple. But the setting and the identity pieces made it enjoyable for me. Fans of the series will enjoy this addition and getting Andres’ story.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥