REVIEW: A Grim Reaper’s Guide to Catching a Killer by Maxie Dara


Kathy’s work for SCYTHE, escorting the souls of the newly dead to processing, is simple. Predictable. And newly-divorced and pregnant Kathy can use some “predictable” in her life.

But the soul she’s supposed to be picking up is at first missing. And then later, when she finds him, he’s belligerent and hostile, insisting he was murdered. So now she’s stuck with a mouthy teen soul as her sidekick while she tries to hunt down the truth.


This was fun! I adored the relationship between Connor (the soul) and Kathy throughout the book. And the role Kathy’s ex played in the story was a sweet addition.

The world building here is fun – the role of SCYTHE, Kathy’s job responsibilities, etc.. I liked the combination of genre’s too – mystery, fantasy, with a little second chance love story to work out on the side. The pieces all came together for an engaging story with a fast-paced ending with a sweet, emotional touch. I loved this quirky story and would absolutely pick up a sequel. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: Fangs for Nothing by Steffanie Holmes

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Bacchanalia House in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Winnie has a new gig helping someone who needs a professional organizer. And the timing is perfect, getting her out of London and away from her mom and the memories of Patrick… and Claire.

Alaric’s butler has hired the organizer to help him prepare for a ball his mother insists on holding in his home. The problem is that the organizer is a human. And Alaric is a vampire.

Winnie’s job might be too much for one woman to handle in three weeks. But she’s joining a local book club – The Nevermore Murder Club and Smutty Book Coven – and they have a murder to solve. And that’s a nice distraction from her childhood trauma, from her ex-fiancé and ex-best friend who are in town, and from the completely inappropriate feelings she is developing for her client.

But instead of distracting her from her boss, she ends up faking a romantic relationship with him – at first to fool Winnie’s ex and then to fool Alaric’s mother – who has shown up with a woman she expects him to marry.


So fun! I immediately fell in love with this – the characters, the world building, the romance, and the mystery. And the story is LONG – I felt like I really got to dig deep with this. And when I finished the ARC, I immediately bought my own copy and pre-ordered the sequel, A Grave Mistake. Together the books kick off the author’s Nevermore Murder Club and Smutty Book Coven series, which is a spinoff of an earlier Nevermore Bookshop Mystery series. I haven’t read that series, but plan to try it out. [Sadly for readers, book two has been postponed and pre-orders have been canceled. Happily for the author, she has secured a publishing deal! So book one is being re-released and book two will come out later this year. I guess I will have to re-read Fangs for Nothing while I wait!]

The mystery here – humans drained of blood by a rogue vampire – takes a back seat to the romance, and I was okay with that.  (Pieces of the mystery will carry over into book 2.) The romance between two broken people dealing with past trauma was the central focus, and I adored it so much I was a little sad to discover that Winnie and Alaric won’t be the POV characters for the sequel – but only a little sad because the premise for book 2 is fantastic!

I don’t generally love vampire stories – and I definitely don’t seek them out. But this, while also spicier than my usual read, really worked for me. The world building is well done and clever, and the pacing is terrific. I have an aversion to the word “smut,” so I didn’t love it’s use in the book, but it was a small price to pay for the overall experience of this fantastic story. This was the first book in a LONG time that trumped my other hobbies and chores and bedtime and kept me reading any chance I could find until I finished.

Paranormal romance and fantasy fans as well as vampire fans should definitely pick this up.  This checks a few of the same boxes as my 2024 find, the Riley Thorne series – the paranormal aspects (vampire here, psychic there) in a romance/mystery combo story. This is quite a bit darker than Riley as well as being more serious and more spicy. But I loved it all the same! (Language, sex. Trigger warning: Hoarding, nightmares, obsessive-compulsive behaviors)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ – Outstanding!

REVIEW: Big Witch Energy by Molly Harper


Caroline’s newly awakened magic has shown her a ghost that hangs around her family’s restaurant, the Wilted Rose. Riley wonders if the ghost might be tied to Caroline’s family curse. And the curse is ever-present in Caroline’s mind since her high school sweetheart – the man she loved but lost because she can’t leave the island – has returned to Starfall.

Ben and his kids have come to Starfall to try to rebuild their lives after Ben’s divorce. He didn’t realize how often he’d run into Caroline on the small island. You’d think he’d be “over” their history after all this time, but he gets tongue-tied every time he runs into her.

When Ben stumbles onto the coven’s ghostly secret – and his kids get drawn in as well – the extra time with Caroline reveals the depths of their feelings for one another. But there’s a lot of hurt – and a magical curse – in their past. And that might be more than they can overcome.


This was excellent! It’s a fantastic mix of fantasy, mystery, and romance, making this Starfall Point series perfect for me. The cast gets even better with the addition of Ben and his kids. I am a sucker for any book that can add in excellent kid/teen characters, and these two are outstanding. Every scene with the core group together – whether magical or not – absolutely sparkled. I laughed so much as I read this. It was a complete delight!

The magical mysteries in this book were fascinating. This felt like the perfect season to read a ghostly story, too. Once again, there was plenty of information doled out to make the story satisfying while still holding something back for the next book which will be April’s story. And I can’t wait!

Fans of book one, Witches Get Stuff Done, should absolutely pick this up. Newcomers should definitely read these books in order because the mystery/magical pieces will make more sense. This series was a delightful surprise for me – I randomly requested the first book from the library and fell in love. Now they have become part of my personal library so I can return to them before the third book comes out. If you are looking for something “spooky” for the season, don’t miss this series. (Language, sex, ghosts/curses)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: The Body in the Backyard by Lucy Score


Riley and Nick are working their most obnoxious case yet. Riley’s horrible ex-husband thinks someone is out to kill him. Nick thinks he’s faking – and Griffin IS a total narcissist. But evidence starts to pile up that he really is on someone’s hit list.

The problem is that Griffin is so awful, there’s no shortage of people who want to see him dead. How can Nick and Riley weed through so many suspects to find the most dangerous one before someone actually succeeds at killing their client before they can get paid?


What a hoot! Once again, Lucy Score delivers a laugh-riot of a paranormal mystery/romance. I’m noticing  how other stories billed as “rom-coms” are suffering in comparison to this series which makes me laugh out loud all the time. I need more Lucy Score books in my life!

Griffin has been “the worst” from the start of this series, but this book puts all of his worst on full display. And wow. This is the sort of character who can tank an otherwise terrific story because he is just so awful. But the author deftly shows all of Griffin’s deplorable choices while keeping the reader on Nick and Riley’s side, hoping they’ll get their fee in the end. I think Griffin is such a narcissistic buffoon that he’s almost too “cartoonish” to be believed.  And that makes him awful AND funny. I was thrilled with how it all worked out in the end. The sheer number of suspects here kept me from having any shot at figuring things out for myself. And I was fine with that. I loved the “not another one” ploy here.

All of the series regulars, including Nick and Riley’s families, are back for this book which is part of the series’ charm. Nieces’ Night is one of my favorite parts of this book. I hope future books include more of the girls because they are a total delight. Nick’s competition with Gabe over their affection is also hilarious and adorable.

This is another fantastic addition to this series which anchored my summer 2024 reading. Series fans should not miss this one. You can read the rest of my series reviews here – I recommend reading these in order for the development of the cast, but I think the stories stand well on their own. (Language, sex, psychic visions)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Witches Get Stuff Done by Molly Harper


Riley Everett has arrived in Starfall Point, MI to meet the aunt she hadn’t known existed before her mother died and Aunt Nora reached out. In fact, Riley had been going through such a string of bad luck, she wrote the woman off as a scammer at first. And now that Riley has finally arrived, she gets word that Aunt Nora has died.

Edison Hold is the head of the library at Starfall Point. And he’s been eager to get a look at Nora’s home, Shadow House. But Nora’s death – and an unfortunate first encounter with Riley – will not help his quest to get in the door.

Once in Starfall, Riley discovers the family legacy her mother never mentioned. They have been the keepers of a house full of ghosts and haunted objects. And Riley is now the new “keeper.”

Riley begins to settle into a routine – with the house, with the ghosts, with some friends who can help her with her magical responsibilities – and even with Edison. But there’s someone who wants the house’s secrets for themselves – and they don’t care what happens to anyone who gets in their way.


This was captivating! I loved the premise and the characters. The magic system is more instinctual than learned, so I’m not as clear on what all Riley and her friends can do as I would like. But watching them do their thing – together – was highly entertaining.

This is funny, with an enjoyable found family core that really touched me. I’m eager to see how things develop for Riley and Edison as well as for the “coven,” although that term seems too formal and witchy for this fun, breezy, ghost-filled paranormal story.

Fans of this author as well as fans of humorous paranormal romance should absolutely check this out. It was a hoot! Book 2 is Big Witch Energy, and it’s on my library list! (Language, sex, paranormal elements include ghosts and magical powers)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ – Great!

REVIEW: The Blast from the Past by Lucy Score


At the end of their last adventure, Riley, Nick, and Kellen found out that Kellen’s missing and presumed-dead sister is actually alive. And this has Nick ignoring Riley, turning down paid work, and obsessing over finding Beth.

But Beth surprises everyone by coming home on her own – with a story straight out of a decades-old movie – to explain her 6 year absence. And Riley ends up burning out her psychic gifts when she tries to use them to discover the truth.

So Riley and her friends will have to use more traditional means to figure out Beth’s real story as well as solve several small but important cases for Nick’s business before Riley loses everything she holds dear.


This series makes me deliriously happy. I suffered at the end of this because I couldn’t immediately start another one. Book 4 didn’t exist at that point! By the time this posts, though, the book will be out, and I will have finished it. So stay tuned for another Riley Thorn review in the coming months.

This series is like the Bakeshop mysteries or the Meg Langslow series in that the core cast is what makes the series so appealing. I love these characters so much! I would forego the mystery and still be just as happy with these books. Thankfully, though, Score keeps serving up fascinating, twisty crimes for readers to enjoy alongside the antics of the series regulars.

The main mystery here is a bit thin – we know Beth is lying and it takes a while for the truth to come out. But the side cases Riley and her friends are working are enjoyable and wacky and keep the reader thoroughly entertained.

I can’t get enough of the series. Each book brings me true joy. It’s not often a “rom-com” truly can make me laugh, but these books deliver every time. The author left a note in this one explaining how she planned a trilogy, but the series ideas keep growing. And I couldn’t be happier. More Riley! More Nick! More Burt! More Wander! More Gabe! Well, you get the idea. Series fans should not miss this one. Newcomers should start with book one, The Dead Guy Next Door. (Language, sex, TW: Bullying, paranormal: tarot, clairvoyance)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: The Corpse in the Closet by Lucy Score


Everything seems to be stacking up against Riley. She’s supposed to be joining Nick in his PI business, but after the excitement earlier this summer, he’s gotten super protective. Detective Weber has asked for her psychic expertise on a case, but Nick doesn’t want her near another murder.

On top of that, Riley’s grandmother has arrived, disappointed in Riley’s psychic development – and in her psychic coach, Gabe. Her grandmother is determined to bully Riley – and her sister and mother – into becoming the kinds of psychics Elanora believes they should be.

But Weber’s murder becomes two murders, Nick is working a missing person’s case, and Riley’s spirit guides are hinting that it’s all connected. She needs to get her psychic skills together before someone else ends up dead.


Another fantastic mystery in this series! I absolutely adore Riley and Nick, and the larger cast around them is an absolute hoot! I found myself wishing this series was 10 or 15 books long already – I would read these all summer.

The mystery here is fantastic. At times the case felt stalled while things developed with Riley and her family. But I love these characters so much I didn’t care. Watching Riley’s – and Nick’s – families reminded me of the chaos of the extended family from Donna Andrew’s Meg Langslow series.

I loved the development of Riley and Nick’s relationship here, too. This series is EXACTLY what I needed this summer. If you love a mashup – romance/mystery with paranormal elements – with laugh-out-loud humor, do not miss this series! I would recommend reading these in order to enjoy the evolution of the personal relationships. But be sure to have all the available books nearby because you are going to want to read them back to back. Book 4 in the series, The Body in the Backyard, released a couple of weeks ago. I’ll post my reviews of books 3 and 4 soon. (Language, sex, paranormal elements – clairvoyance, TW: suicide and online bullying.)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: The Dead Guy Next Door by Lucy Score


Riley is not quite “living the dream.” She’s divorced, broke, and renting a room at a house full of octogenarians. Her job is a regular disappointment. And she has can’t-be-ignored messages and premonitions from the dead.

All of that is bad enough. But when a premonition about her neighbor’s murder comes true, the police think Riley could be the killer.

One person on Riley’s side, though, is the gorgeous – and annoying – PI who had been trying to find Riley’s neighbor before he died. Now Riley and Nick are something of a team, pretending to be engaged and trying to find – and arrest – a killer. But the scorching, flirty thing between them is only going to complicate an already ridiculous situation.


Fantastic!! It took me forever to finish this because I was only reading a chapter or two at night before bed, but I was always looking forward to reading a few more chapters. This is quirky in all of my favorite ways – a funny combo mystery/romance with a psychic/paranormal twist. There are fun, eccentric characters who are interesting and funny, but not obnoxious. The mystery is rich and meaty, and it kept me flipping pages night after night. The two main characters are perfect – they have great chemistry and respect one another’s abilities about the case. Their banter is hilarious! I was rooting for them all the way through. I loved the writing in this so much I ended up tabbing this book as I read.

The premise was so great that I took the risk and bought books 1 and 2 at the same time. And when it was clear that these characters and the author’s storytelling were going to be perfect for me, I bought book 3 and pre-ordered book 4 so I could zoom through the whole series as it stands now. I am saving books 2 and 3 for summer vacation because the romance/mystery/humor combo is exactly the vacation vibe I want. I’m looking forward to tabbing the entire series as I cackle through Riley’s next adventures. Highly recommend! (Language, sex, paranormal elements like tarot readings, spirit guides, clairvoyance, etc..)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: Flight Risk by Cherie Priest

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Atria Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. This book releases on November 15th.]


Leda picks up a new psychic detective case when a man comes to her travel agency looking for help to find his sister who has gone missing.

At the same time, Grady stumbles across a new case when his dog, missing for days at Mount Rainier, trots out of the woods with a human leg in its mouth.

Before either Leda or Grady can get very far on their cases, they discover a connection that puts them on the same path once again.


Book 2 in the Booking Agents series is fantastic! This was so fun, a start-to-finish read for me. I easily fell back into the rhythm with these characters from book 1, Grave Reservations. The mystery was twisty and kept me guessing all the way to the end. And there were numerous moments that left me laughing out loud. The whole reading experience was delightful!

The slightly psychic hook for this series is wonderfully sketchy. It’s hit and miss for Leda but that makes it all the better for the reader as you watch her puzzle things out. The main characters in this are fun – and the extended group rounds things out nicely. I would happily spend more time with these characters. I hope there are going to be many more Booking Agents books in the future. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: Grave Reservations by Cherie Priest

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Atria Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


It was bad enough that traffic was going to make Grady run for his flight. But as he’s running, his travel agent, Leda, tells him she changed his ticket – without his permission! She won’t say why. But when he watches the plane he was supposed to be on go up in flames, the Seattle cop has questions.

Leda’s psychic powers have always been sketchy. But she’s learned the hard way not to ignore those feelings. And while she expects Grady to be furious for awhile, she figures he’ll get over it when he realizes what she spared him.

Not only does Grady get over his initial anger. He decides Leda could use her gifts to help him with a cold case. And she says yes, secretly hoping he might in turn help her with an unsolved case of her own.


This was so fun! I’m not sure which I liked more – the twisty mystery or the great characters. I will definitely be watching for more books in this new Booking Agents series.

Leda and Grady are fantastic leads. I loved the little group they have around them at the bar. The psychic pieces added a fun twist to a book that fits many of the features of a cozy mystery, although with more swearing.

I loved how the two mysteries – Grady’s and Leda’s – pulled them together into this fascinating case. I was engaged in figuring things out all the way to the satisfying conclusion.

If you love mysteries with quirky hooks and great characters, you need to pick this one up! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.