REVIEW: A Grim Reaper’s Guide to Catching a Killer by Maxie Dara


Kathy’s work for SCYTHE, escorting the souls of the newly dead to processing, is simple. Predictable. And newly-divorced and pregnant Kathy can use some “predictable” in her life.

But the soul she’s supposed to be picking up is at first missing. And then later, when she finds him, he’s belligerent and hostile, insisting he was murdered. So now she’s stuck with a mouthy teen soul as her sidekick while she tries to hunt down the truth.


This was fun! I adored the relationship between Connor (the soul) and Kathy throughout the book. And the role Kathy’s ex played in the story was a sweet addition.

The world building here is fun – the role of SCYTHE, Kathy’s job responsibilities, etc.. I liked the combination of genre’s too – mystery, fantasy, with a little second chance love story to work out on the side. The pieces all came together for an engaging story with a fast-paced ending with a sweet, emotional touch. I loved this quirky story and would absolutely pick up a sequel. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: The Night Woods by Paula Munier

[I received a free, electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


On a walk in the woods, a very pregnant Mercy and her dog Elvis discover a dead man in the home of their friend Homer. And they find Homer and his bloodhound in the woods, and Homer is gravely injured.

Then a wealthy landowner goes missing during a forest hunt with some of his guests. And Mercy – or Troy – receives an ominous, threatening note on the door of their home.

Mercy’s family and friends would like her to hunker down and wait for the baby, going as far as assigning her a teenaged “keeper.” But she’s determined to help Homer find the truth of what happened to his murdered friend.


I enjoyed this 5th book in the Mercy Carr series. Mercy and Elvis are great, as always. I enjoyed how the author worked things to let Mercy be Mercy while also acknowledging her pregnancy and how that would impact her usual investigating.

One of my favorite things about the book was how Mercy honestly deliberates about her preparedness – and even suitability – for parenting. It felt so vulnerable and so honest. And also so true to the character.

Troy and Mercy are delightful together – as usual. He is protective and concerned while never asking or expecting Mercy to be someone she is not. It’s a beautiful partnership/relationship. The addition of Tandie, the teen, to the core group was a treat! I’ve said many times how much I love an amazing child or teen character, and Tandie fits that same feature I have loved in other things.

Series fans should totally pick this up to stay up on Mercy’s story. The mystery is good – twisty! – but it took a backseat for me to the baby/pregnancy deliberations and the group dynamics which I loved. Newcomers should really start the series from the beginning to get the most from this.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: The Expectant Detectives by Kat Ailes

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Alice and Joe move out of London to a small country village  anticipating the arrival of their first child. One of their early social activities is attending a prenatal class. It’s information the couple is likely to need, and they get to meet other couples on the same journey.

No one expected their second class to contain an unexpected birth – and an unexpected death.  But when the paramedics show up for the former, they discover the latter. And now everyone in the class is a murder suspect.


What. A. Hoot! I love a book that can make me literally laugh out loud, and this one did. Often at passages about Helen, the dog. This is an excellent mystery that kept me guessing until the end, and also a great book that kept me laughing.

The set up for this, with the third trimester pregnant sleuths and their fledgling friendship, was clever and fun. There’s a good bit of birth-related content here, and I enjoyed it from the humor to the worry and anxiety. It all felt so familiar, even though I was pregnant decades ago.

I was thrilled to see that book 2 in the Expectant Detectives, Dead Tired, is scheduled to release this summer. That’s a must read for me. Mystery fans who don’t mind some foul language and/or don’t have sensitivity around pregnancy-related content should absolutely snap this up. It’s such a fun ride!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

SATURDAY SMORGASBORD: The Christmas Table by Donna VanLiere

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. This book will release on October 6, 2020.]


In 1972, Joan, a young wife and mother, teaches herself to cook from her mother’s recipes. When cancer strikes, she continues to cook, when she feels up to it, using the recipes to connect with her children. Family time is precious as they fight for her survival. Through the year, her husband finds some respite working on a table for their kitchen.

In 2012, Lauren and Travis discover they’re going to have a baby. As their friends help the newlyweds prepare their home for a new arrival, Lauren gets a refurbished kitchen table. The table has a secret drawer. Inside, she discovers a stack of recipe cards which include family stories. As she experiments with the recipes, Lauren is determined to do all she can to return those cards to that family.


This is book 10 in the Christmas Hope series by Donna VanLiere. I think the books can be read alone (I started with book 8, The Christmas Town) without too much trouble, but to get everything out of the relationships, readers might try the books in order.

I liked the dual timeline/split timeline in this. The 1972 story keeps you wondering all the way through about how things will turn out for this family. For me, it was stressful. There’s a strong prayer/faith component to this timeline in the book which I enjoyed. For some, the cancer/chemo pieces could be difficult to read.

I preferred the 2012 timeline. I have loved Lauren’s story since The Christmas Town, so I was happy to spend more time with her in this book. The ending, where all was connected and revealed, was terrific and satisfying.

I liked the idea of using recipe cards as a storytelling mechanism. But in reality, it got old to me at times to read the cooking details. I felt like it slowed the story down. Cooking is not something I enjoy, but those pieces might be perfect and enjoyable for other readers who do. The book includes several recipes for readers who want to try some of the items on their own.

Fans of Grandon and the Christmas Hope series will want to pick this one up. Readers who enjoy stories of faith, warm Christmas tales, and dual/split  timeline stories should check this out, too. (CW: Cancer/Chemo. One reference in the ARC to a newborn sleeping on her stomach. Due to SIDS risk, babies should be put to sleep on their backs.)

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: This Is Home by Lisa Duffy

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Atria Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Libby and her dad, Bent, moved in with her aunts after her mom died. Lucy lives in one apartment. Aunt Desiree moved in with Lucy after she broke up with her boyfriend. Libby and Bent live in a second apartment. Then Bent helps Quinn move into the third apartment. Libby isn’t sure they should trust her; she could be a serial killer!

Quinn’s husband had been in the military with Bent. After two tours, John is physically home, but mentally and emotionally, the war has changed him. He insists he’s fine, but he’s drinking. And the PTSD makes him unconsciously violent at times. Now John has disappeared, and Quinn is on her own. She’s grateful to have a place to stay. But she thinks Bent knows more than he is saying about where John is and why he has disappeared.


This was a good story while also being a poor fit for me as a reader. I like stories with a clearly defined goal – finish the quest, dethrone the usurper, find the killer, etc. I had a hard time figuring out what the goal was for this one. Was it about finding John? Or Quinn finding herself? Or Libby and Quinn becoming friends? I just wasn’t certain. In the end I decided it was less of a goal-oriented story and more of a snapshot of this season in life for these characters. I also struggled to put the prologue into the right place in the timeline, so that left me flipping back and forth in the book to be sure I didn’t miss something. In the end the timing all made sense.

It took me as long to warm up to the characters as it took them to warm up to each other.  Once they all started interacting more comfortably, I was on board. By the end, I was invested in Libby and Quinn specifically, although Quinn’s boss became a fun addition to the story as well.

Libby and Quinn face some complicated relationships with the men in their lives. I enjoyed watching them find a friend in one another. Quinn’s journey includes more self-reflection, self-discovery and growth, which I enjoyed.

If you like character-driven stories, check out This Is Home and get to know Libby and Quinn. (Language, sex, substance use, PTSD/war stories, LGBTQ+)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥