BONUS REVIEW: The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby

Summary and Review

The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism originally published in 2019, and it sat on my reading wishlist forever. My local bookstore never carried it in 2019. And when I had the opportunity to order a new book, I almost always chose a fictional adventure instead. I knew this was not going to be a “feel good” read for me.

But when the paperback released earlier this year, my local store had copies ordered for a Black History Month display. I was picking up some other books on racism and white supremacy, and I grabbed this as well. It was time.

I can read a fiction novel in a day or two without trying hard. This took me almost a whole month to finish – not because it was bad but because the truth was so hard to read. And even though I finished this months ago, it is a timely read now, in the middle of 2020, too, not just during Black History Month.

This book changed me, changed my thinking and my understanding. It changes not only how I see the Church and the state of our country today, but also how I see myself. And I am challenged by the author’s call to live out James 4:17 – “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” It is not time for silence or for fear. It is time to put the words and actions of Jesus into practice.

This book covers the history of race in America from the Colonial era to today. Concepts of racial identity and oppression are explored in the history of the country and also in where the Christian Church stood on the issues of the times. While the author is very clear “all Christians” aren’t complicit, it’s still an unflattering portrait of the Church. And readers are forced to consider, from the “enlightened” 21st Century, if we would have been on the side of right if we had lived in those times.

I am grateful for the chapters on where people of faith should go from here. There are many great ideas. I am also challenged because I am tired. I feel the weight of these stories, and I’d love to move on to something more pleasant. And that is sin – to know and to hide from action. To see the truth and ignore it is a primary example of White Privilege. It dishonors my friends who are people of color who live this every day. It dishonors the call of Jesus to love my neighbor.

So, one of my actions is to write about and talk about and recommend this book. It’s not the only action I’ve taken this year, but it is one piece.

If you love history, if you are feeling challenged to face systems of White Supremacy – or your own privilege, if you are a person of faith, do not miss this book. This December you will be able to pick up a study guide that will go with a video series on this book. If you have a membership to MasterLectures from ZondervanAcademic (which I do – it’s awesome!), you can watch the video series there right now.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: From the Desk of Zoe Washington by Janae Marks


On Zoe’s birthday, she picks up the mail at home and finds a letter from her birth father, Marcus. Zoe’s never met him because Marcus is in prison. She’s never heard from him before either, although his letter makes it sound like he’s sent others. Zoe tries to talk to her mom about Marcus, but her mom says he is bad news. Zoe decides to write him back anyway. And she doesn’t tell her mom or step-dad about the letter.

Zoe is home for the summer so she can pick up the mail before anyone sees it. Her best friends are gone for the summer, and she’s fighting with her neighbor, Trevor, so she has a lot of time on her hands.

As Zoe learns more about Marcus, she sees what they have in common – a passion for cooking, a love of music. And she finally gets brave enough to ask why he’s in prison. Marcus says he was convicted of murder, but he’s innocent. So Zoe decides she’s going to look into Marcus’ case and try to help him.


This was SO great! I adored Zoe! It’s the nature of the story that Zoe has to keep some secrets and lie at times to stay in communication with Marcus. And I so badly wanted her to have that relationship with him. There are so many other examples of her good character – she’s a hard worker, she forgives her neighbor for the things that hurt her feelings – that I could let the lying not bother me for the sake of the story. I knew it would all come out in the end.

The author does a great job of rounding out Zoe’s story with the baking and cooking pieces (A recipe for her cupcakes would have been a fun addition to the book) as well as her friendship with Trevor. Those non-Marcus threads never distracted from the primary story, they only enhanced it.

The big conflict at the end, when Zoe’s secrets were exposed, felt realistic. And the resolution to Marcus’s situation was so satisfying! There were some details in the story about The Innocence Project, their mission, and statistics about wrongful conviction. There were also references to the biases and discrimination against Blacks in general and against Black men and boys when it comes to the law. It’s a timely story. I thought there might be an author’s note in the back with more information or resources, but the content of the story stands on its own.

I loved this story. Hand this to any and every middle grade reader. Zoe is a delight. Don’t miss this one!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½

REVIEW: Superman Smashes the Klan by Gene Luen Yang

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and DC Entertainment in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen are on the scene when Superman takes down The Atom Man. No one seems to really notice his sickly reaction to the green crystal that powered the villain’s transformation.

Roberta’s family is moving from Chinatown to Metropolis proper. Her dad has a new job which comes with a new house, more money – and hostility from one of his colleagues. Jimmy Olsen lives nearby. On the day they move in, Roberta even gets to see Superman run across the telephone wires above the neighborhood.

Not everyone in the neighborhood is as nice as Jimmy. Roberta and her brother Tommy run into trouble with a bigot on the youth baseball team. But the racist teen is small time compared to the hate rising in Metropolis.

The Lee family is targeted by the Klan of the Fiery Kross. Time and time again they are attacked. The places important to them are in the line of fire. Thankfully Superman is always there to lend a hand.

But while Superman helps the Lees, he has problems of his own. Ever since he encountered that green crystal he’s been hearing a strange language and seeing beings no one else can see. What is happening to Metropolis’ hero?


This was excellent! It’s a meaty story with a TON of things going on. Roberta and Superman tell most of the story. Between the two of them they wrestle with the obvious racism, Roberta tries to fit in with the kids in their new neighborhood, Clark remembers parts of his childhood, and then deals with his new visions. Both Roberta and Clark are dealing with identity issues and questions. I loved that Superman wasn’t just the guy swooping in to save the day – he had a character development arc, too. I definitely got my “money’s worth” out of this book. There’s so much to this story! It’s excellent.

I got to see about 60% of the artwork, and I loved it. The art style is one I enjoy, and the color was beautiful. The story was so easy to follow.

Stories about racism are hard to read – the hate, the duplicity, the name calling. But I think it’s good for readers – kids, teens, and adults – to wrestle with the issues, the language, and the hate. And to try to recognize the fear that runs underneath those other things. It’s subtle, but the feeling of desperately grasping for power and security is definitely there in the bigoted characters. There are even moments of racial tension between minorities, like when the Lee family resists interacting with some African American men who try to help them. Those more subtle pieces in the story add to the richness of the graphic novel. I feel like I could read this again and again and discover more depth each time.

I can’t recommend this highly enough. There’s great historical context in the back matter – for Superman the character as well as for racism in America and also personal stories from the author. The story is enjoyable, but readers who are willing to go deeper will find lots to think about here.

DC has graciously shared some of the interior art from this book. You can check it out here:

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: What I Carry by Jennifer Longo


Muiriel is 17. One more year and she ages out of the foster care system. She’s learned to pack light – to LIVE light – with the goal of getting to 18, beating the odds, and living healthy and free on her own.

Her social worker begs her to settle in for this final year of high school. Her eyes are on college for Muiriel, and she knows a strong senior year is important. Joellen has always been there for her, and her request seems simple enough for Muir to agree.

Muir’s new home across the Sound from Seattle seems too perfect. Too many signs of the few things she anchors her life to – her namesake John Muir, the wilderness, and independence. But it’s also all wrong. She’s the only placement in the house, so she can’t hide in the chaos of other kids. Her foster mom, Francine, lives on five acres of land out in the middle of nowhere, so there’s no city noise but tons of quiet. And Joellen is a ferry-ride away, so she can’t call for a quick escape. Even if she did, there were no other placements that would take her.

But maybe this last placement will give Muir something she’s refused to let herself hope for – a sense of home.


“Not being perfect is for people who have families; you can screw up and they still keep you.”

This book was amazing! Excellent! Stupendous! I don’t know that I have an adjective for how much I loved this book. I’ve always had a soft spot for foster care stories, but this is so much more than that!

Muir is one of the best characters I’ve read in awhile. There’s a thread of her “packing light” philosophy that runs through the whole book and is brilliant. Her gradual shift from living out of her suitcase to setting things ON the dresser before putting something IN the dresser was a glorious way to SHOW how she’s feeling about her placement. The trinkets she carries from foster home to foster home illustrate her experiences and show why she has built these protective walls around herself.

The other characters are just as amazing. And there are fantastic tidbits about John Muir, as well as a sweet romance, and a skewering commentary about racism woven into this bigger story that is fantastic.

When I step back from the story I loved and think about how the author built it – her understanding of the out-of-home care system, her excellence in conveying Muir’s thoughts and feelings, the layers to the story itself and the characters – I appreciate the book even more. Do not miss this AMAZING story! (Language, off-page sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++

REVIEW: Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Sourcebooks in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The author, a Black Muslim writer, speaker, and teacher, created a free 28-day Instagram challenge about white supremacy. That turned into a free pdf workbook which was then updated and expanded into this traditionally published book. It begins with a forward by Robin DiAngela, a white anti-racist educator. Then Ms. Saad gives the history of the book and a bit of her personal story. Then she very clearly outlines the WORK the reader will be doing if they are serious about digging into their own relationship with white supremacy.

This is not supposed to be easy work. And it’s not one-and-done work. Readers will get out of the process what they put in. They’ll benefit even more if they revisit it and keep learning and growing.

The writing style for this is great. It’s conversational while also being honest and direct. The daily work tends to be five or so pages of reading with five to eight reflection questions for the reader to consider and journal about. And these questions aren’t about generic “white people.” They are personal, about you, the reader. The questions will require self-examination and significant self-awareness. This is why this can’t be a one-and-done sort of exercise. As awareness grows, there is value in revisiting these principles and questions.


I was challenged by what I read in this book. I know there are things in the world, and in myself, that I am blind to. And this book inspired me to want to do the work and dig into these things. I know it will be difficult and not really “fun,” but it will be worthwhile. As soon as I finished reading through my review copy, I ordered an official copy that will be here later this week. My plan is to spend February, Black History Month, working through this 28-day exercise. The timing couldn’t be more perfect.

So, I can’t say what the process of completing this book/workbook will be like in this review. I can’t really know until I dig in and do the work. I can say that I was drawn in and challenged by the opening pages of this. And I feel this is the next step in my journey of seeing myself and the world around me more honestly in terms of race and racism and white supremacy. I can tell this will require a lot of prayer – to see and reflect on my own white privilege, white fragility, etc. If I am afraid to see it, I can’t root it out and replace it with things that honor BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) the way God intended.

I encourage readers to pick this up and begin your own journey with the material. I don’t feel like I can give this five stars without having actually done the work of the book, but everything I have read so far is excellent. Be sure to pick this one up!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½