REVIEW: Star Trek Lower Decks: Warp Your Own Way by Ryan North

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and IDW Publishing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

A choose-your-own-adventure comic starring Beckett Mariner and the crew of the Cerritos was a must see for me. I have fallen in love with Star Trek Lower Decks over the last couple of years, and it is my go to comfort watch these days.

In this book, Mariner discovers the Cerritos crew is either acting strangely or completely missing, and she tries to save the day. Sounds just like an everyday episode of Star Trek!

Sadly, the ARC was NOT formatted to make the choose-your-own-adventure work. I couldn’t jump pages depending on my choice, so I could only scroll back and forth trying to find the right page. I ended up just flipping page by page and trying to put the story together that way. I determined that there are a lot of ways to die in this story!

I will definitely be looking for a print version of this since it contains the characters I already love. I’d be wary of an e-book version just based on my ARC experience. I’d give the overall concept here 4 stars, but only 2 for execution. Until I can verify a print version, I’m giving this 3.5 stars.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good+

REVIEW: Star Trek: Discovering the TV Series by Tom Salinsky

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and White Owl in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

The author does a deep dive into Star Trek, watching the original series (TOS), the animated series (TAS), The Next Generation (TNG), Deep Space Nine (DS9),  Voyager (VOY), and Enterprise (ENT) in release order, one episode per day for almost two years. Initially his experience was blogged online, but now readers can be part of the journey in book form. This book only focuses on TOS, TAS, and TNG. Presumably a sequel will cover the rest.

The book covers some of the history of the franchise from Roddenberry’s early attempts to get the show produced to the return of Star Trek to television in the 80s with TNG – in addition to the episode reviews. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the episode entries. The “voice” of each one is fun and engaging. The author covers a lot of ground in just a couple paragraphs per episode.

One of the most fascinating pieces is watching the worldbuilding develop on the fly. The author points out things that show up for the first time or things that reflect decisions made later to define how the world of Star Trek will work. It was a cool addition to the episode reviews. I think fans will enjoy this – it would be great to work through this while doing your own episode review.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ – Great! Might re-read

REVIEW: Starter Villain by John Scalzi

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Tor Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Charlie Fitzar has been in a bit of a rough patch. Laid off from his job as a journalist, divorced, his dad has died, and his half siblings are trying to sell  his family house out from under him. He’s trying to survive on money from substitute teaching – enough said.

Then word arrives that his estranged uncle, Jack – a billionaire who ran a company building parking garages – has died. And one of his last requests was for Charlie to host his memorial service.

When someone tries to stab his uncle’s body – in the coffin – to be extra sure he’s really dead, Charlie starts to think there was more to Uncle Jack than he previously knew.


This was absolutely amazing! Everything I hoped it would be – smart, sassy, funny, captivating. I was completely drawn into the story. Charlie is a fantastic point of view character – completely out of his depth but still a “good” guy at his core, even as he finds himself in this Bond-esque world of villains.

I laughed out loud all the way through this. My family only had to sit through 5 or 6 passages read aloud before my husband just pre-ordered a print copy for us. I would absolutely read this again! This is my favorite sort of science fiction – something I’ve come to expect from John Scalzi. As my husband often says, we’ve yet to be disappointed by a Scalzi book.

While I could see how a sequel could be carved out of how this story ends (and I’d read a sequel immediately), I don’t feel like that’s necessarily the plan for Charlie and his friends. This stands completely on its own. And I highly recommend it! If you’ve never tried a Scalzi book, and you like funny books and science fiction, I think you should give this a try. If you are already a fan of the author, do NOT miss this one. Audiobook fans should check this out as well as Wil Wheaton narrates. (Language, violence)

Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

THROW BACK: Alien Proliferation by Gini Koch

This review was originally posted on my Bring on the Books blog on December 14, 2011. I recently posted a quick review of the first three books in this series based on my reading journals when I first read them. This is my 2011 review of book four, which is still one of my favorite books in the series.


Kitty and Martini are back, and baby makes three. You would think the happy little family could enjoy a little quiet together, but “quiet” is probably not going to be in the cards for them any time soon. After a traumatic delivery, Kitty discovers a plot to take out Chuckie and Kitty’s mom. At least, that seems to be the plot. But there are more layers to this situation than meets the eye. There’s a mole – or is there? Kitty’s high school friends are in danger – or are they part of the plotting? At the root of everything is Kitty’s baby. The bad guys want the baby and, like any good momma, Kitty will fight tooth and nail to protect her.


This is a hard book to summarize because sooooo many things are going on, and I don’t want to give any of the good stuff away. I have been a big fan of this series since I read the first book. I re-read them just for fun even though I have tons of new and yet-unread books laying around. Alien Proliferation is a perfect addition to the series. I didn’t want to put the book down. I laughed out loud often as I zoomed through this 400+ page non-stop thrill. It was a delight to dig into such a meaty book that wasn’t filled with a lot of unnecessary fluff. Plenty of great twists and turns. New dynamics between characters as Kitty gets a new partner to work with and other new characters are introduced (or familiar characters are developed more fully). While motherhood changes Kitty in some ways, it doesn’t change any of the things I love about her – her sarcasm, her intuition, her kick-butt-and-take-names attitude. She continues to be a great, strong character.

This is not a story for the faint of heart. Kitty is in a life-and-death battle and there are casualties. Everything that happens is appropriate to the story, though. I enjoyed this so much, I am looking for time when I can carve out a few days to read through the whole series to date from start to finish. The next book, Alien Diplomacy, releases in April, 2012.

5 out of 5 stars

Recommended for: fans of the series, science fiction/fantasy fans who like an element of romance in their stories

Cautions: My personal feeling is that new readers will be lost if they jump in here. Do yourself a favor and start at the beginning and enjoy the whole series. Otherwise, there’s some violence, and some romantic moments are described in detail. Those sections can be skipped over by sensitive readers. There might also be some language (honestly, I was reading so fast to find out what was going on, I didn’t really pay that close of attention).

REVIEW: Capture the Sun by Jessie Mihalik


Lexi is back on Valovia – a place she promised herself she’d never return to – because the price was just too good to ignore.

But before she can adjust to the double sunrise and sunset on Valovia, she’s on the run from the Empress once again.

Teaming up with Nilo hardly seems like a good idea, considering their history. But at least they both have a vested interest in seeing their friends on Starlight’s Shadow safe and successful in their shared mission to prevent a new war.

But when Starlight’s Shadow goes missing in Valovian space, Lexi will have to trust Nilo if she’s going to have any hope of saving her friends.


This was a satisfying end to the Starlight’s Shadow series. But I’ve noticed that I tend to struggle with the third book in the author’s trilogies. I struggled with the third book in the Consortium Rebellion series, too (although that book has grown on me after subsequent reading).

Lexi was super hard for me to like early on. The trust issues she had make total sense considering the war. And the panic she feels with Nilo’s mental connection has a PTSD-ish quality to it. But instead of making me empathize with her, she came across as difficult and abrasive. Looking back at the whole story, I’m sure that was the point. I just struggled to click with her which made it harder to get into the flow of the story.

I was satisfied with the wrap up of the series-arcing conspiracy. Also I think that because this book had to both tell Lexi’s story AND wrap up the whole series, it made some sections drag at bit while I waited for the action to kick up again. But it all came together in the end.

I might re-read this series again. My re-read of Hunt the Stars and Eclipse the Moon in preparation for reading this was super fun.  I love the Valoffs and the world-building around them. They are my favorite part of this series. But given the choice, I would re-read Polaris Rising and the Consortium Rebellion series first. It was the better fit for me as a reader.

Series fans should definitely pick this up to wrap up the series. I wouldn’t start here. I think there’s too much backstory and worldbuilding that comes in the first two books to read these out of order. And if you’ve never read Polaris Rising, be sure to pick that up when you’ve finished this series – it’s AMAZING! (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ =  Good+


REVIEW: Kitty Katt-Martini Series by Gini Koch

This is another vacation/catch up sort of post. I am in this weird reading space this summer where I have a ton of ARCs I should be reading, but I am enjoying books from my TBR and also trying to slow the general pace of life. Part of enjoying that slower pace is returning to my comfort reads. The Kitty Katt-Martini/Touched by an Alien series by Gini Koch is hands down my favorite series of books ever. It’s a perfect blend of science fiction and romance and mystery and action – with lots of snark. I re-read these regularly. I get to a place of craving them. I can rarely go a day where something doesn’t make me think of a character or a moment in this 16-book series. I’ve recently re-read these three books once again, so they are fresh in my mind.

So today, I am going to give a teaser of the first three books in the series. This is how I was introduced to the series back in the spring of 2011. I discovered these three books on a shelf in Barnes and Noble. I bought the first one, read it and loved it, and then went back for the next two and read all three of them back to back to back. From there it was a matter of waiting until the fourth book released in December when I devoured it. From there these have been must-buys, pre-orders, and signed books every year, twice a year, until 2018 when the author hit a snag. We’ve been waiting for book 17 ever since. Thankfully, regular re-reads have kept me happy during the wait. So, here are the summaries along with my first impressions from back in 2011.

Touched by an Alien

Kitty Katt is surprised to discover aliens are on earth when she stops an alien monster that forms right in front of her and starts attacking. Thankfully, the aliens she meets from the Alpha Centauri system are here to help. Smart, strong, and gorgeous, the ACs have been on Earth for decades as both exiles from their home world and as the only force able to stop the parasitic aliens that form monsters like Kitty fought. As Kitty joins the group, she sees and understands things the ACs have been too close (or too naïve) to see before. Working together, Kitty is able to help her new friends, especially the sexy Jeffrey Martini, fight the main fugly who wants to use the ACs to take over the world and remake it in his horrible image.

2011 – ♥♥♥♥♥ – “I thoroughly enjoyed this story. It’s sassy, funny, and sarcastic. Kitty’s love interest is flirty (bordering on too much) and protective. The storyline deals with prejudice, exile, and persecution themes. The author does a fantastic job of world-building without doing a data dump in the beginning of the book. Great example of good ‘voice’ – relatable, believable, comfortable, and engaging. The banter during one of the big battle scenes had me laughing out loud….” (language, sex)


Alien Tango

2011 – ♥♥♥♥½ – “Kitty, Martini, and the rest of Alpha team are on their way to Kennedy Space Center to investigate a strange incident with three astronauts who had been on a mission. By the time Kitty figures out what’s going on and gets her team out of Kennedy, she will face an obsessive ex-boyfriend, an anti-alien plot to kill them, bombs (plural), a psycho stalker, and an alien intelligence far more powerful than anything they’ve ever encountered. And those challenges are nothing compared to meeting Martini’s family.

“Another winner from Gini Koch. There were whole chapters I read twice because they were so perfect. Kitty continues to be one of my favorite characters. She’s strong, intuitive, sarcastic, and loyal. Great secondary storyline about alien and human relationships. ” (language, sex)


Alien in the Family

Kitty has successfully opened the door to  AC and human marriages. Her own engagement to Jeff, though, gains the attention of the ACs back on the home world. It seems some of the older Earth ACs forgot to share how their families are connected to the Alpha Four monarchy – and that is going to cause galactic-level trouble.

2011 – ♥♥♥♥½ – “Fascinating chess analogy, great new characters, plenty of interesting family dynamics for both Kitty AND Martini, and even some religious references. Terrifically intricate plot pulls the reader from page to page.” (language, sex)


REVIEW: Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Ace in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Murder follows Mallory Viridian. She lost relationships over these murders, like the one that happened two rows away from where her boyfriend was trying to propose. She can’t live near her family because they are afraid of her. She even dropped out of college after witnessing a double murder.

One tiny upside is that Mallory is brilliant at helping solve the murders. But everyone mistrusts her so much, she can’t actually go into law enforcement. It got so bad on Earth that Mallory fled to a space station where there’s only one other human. And she thought she was finally safe.

Then the space station agreed to accept more human residents.


This was a unique story. There’s multiple narrators, as well as several time jumps. Then the author builds a clever and unique space station with alien species. In some ways this is a hard story to tell. The main action is at Station Eternity, centered around the arrival of the humans and the fallout of what happens when they arrive. But all of the contemporary story is built on dozens of past moments – experiences for the main character as well as ways the larger cast links together. The author does a great job of weaving all of those things together. But it makes for a story that feels long and slow at times.

The story was different and intriguing enough to keep me pushing forward with it. But there were times I thought about cutting it loose. I’m glad I stuck with it because the pieces come together well in the end, and the story was satisfying as a whole. And I am intrigued enough by the whole thing that I would consider reading book 2 when it comes out.

Sci-fi fans and mystery fans should check this one out. Give the story time to play out, trusting that you will be rewarded in the end. (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good +

REVIEW: The Nova Incident by Dan Moren

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Angry Robot in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Taylor is off-planet on personal business while Kovalic and the rest of the team are enjoying a little down time after their last mission [The Aleph Extraction] when a bomb goes off on Terra Nova – almost in front of Simon. And he sees someone in the crowd who should not be there.

But as the Special Projects Team tries to investigate, they run into roadblocks – both from the terrorists who set the bomb and the authorities. But Kovalic can’t shake what – who – he saw and what it might mean for his team – and their mission.


Gah!! This is the best of this series so far! I loved all of this! There are some great surprises and an epic cliffhanger that left me stunned. I need the next book NOW! A few threads left open after Aleph go unmentioned here, leaving me to wonder how those pieces will tie into what happens going forward. Ack! This was excellent!

I can’t believe I have never reviewed one of these books on my blog – I looked! It’s a great sci-fi/spy series that’s a must buy/must read for me. I did a full re-read to prep for this, including the short stories, and it was the best idea I have had in awhile. It was great to get the full impact of the series at once. The stories, in order, are:

  • The Caledonian Gambit (considered a prequel or book 0 in the series) – ♥♥♥♥
  • “Pilot Error” (short story/deleted scenes) – ♥♥♥♥½
  • The Bayern Agenda – ♥♥♥♥
  • “Showdown” (short story/deleted scenes) – ♥♥♥♥½
  • The Aleph Extraction – ♥♥♥♥
  • “Homecoming” (short story) – ♥♥♥♥½
  • and now The Nova Incident

Not only did my re-read refresh my memory of the characters and their earlier adventures, but it was also a great way to appreciate how terrific this series is.

Readers should definitely read these in order. Caledonian was published by another publisher which is why it is considered a prequel, but I think it fills in some important details and shouldn’t be skipped. (I actually did skip it initially since Bayern was listed as “Book 1.” But all the way through I felt like I was missing context and backstory, which I don’t enjoy. )

This series is perfect for readers who love action/adventure and spy stories – as well as those who love science fiction. The spy thriller is primary – the setting is space and a galactic cold war with great futuristic tech. It’s a great fit for me. And this book, The Nova Incident, is the best of the series in my opinion. Highly recommend! (Language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

REVIEW: Eclipse the Moon by Jessie Mihalik

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Harper Voyager in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The crew of Starlight’s Shadow is in a holding pattern while they try to get answers about the people behind the job they just finished in Valovian space (Hunt the Stars). And since Tavi and Torran had a new relationship to distract them, they weren’t as antsy about the delay as Kee was. But as their information person, Kee was frustrated by the lack of progress.

Kee decides to take a room for a few weeks at Bastion to get closer access to the information they need. The space station should be busy enough to allow her some anonymity.

The time away should also give Kee emotional space from Varro, the Valovian weapons specialist who  makes her heart race. He’s been abundantly clear that he doesn’t feel the same way about Kee. So she’s grateful for some space from him, too.

But Varro shows up on Bastion, insisting on watching her back and keeping her safe. And before long, things are so out of hand, she’s grateful to not be working alone.


This is a great second book in the Starlight’s Shadow series, full of will-they-or-won’t-they romantic tension, political intrigue, and danger. It was a delight to spend more time with these characters again!

I think Tavi’s story in Hunt the Stars was a better fit for me than Kee’s, but I enjoyed getting to know Kee better. You really get a feel for how her skills have been so helpful to the crew. And there’s a great emphasis here on Kee and her resilience when some might dismiss her that I really enjoyed.

There’s a lot of back and forth with Varro – miscommunications, misunderstandings, assumptions – that helps draw out the tension between them. The resolution of their back and forth was satisfying.

What’s not satisfying is the political situation. We wrap up this book with tons of new questions but not many answers. So I would like to have book 3 in my hands right. now! I think it’s likely that the focus of the next book will be the two members of the crew off working another angle during the action of Eclipse the Moon. And I am here for their story! The glimpses from Hunt the Stars reminded me of the main characters of Aurora Blazing, book 2 in the Consortium Rebellion series (♥♥♥♥½), which I adored.

I think these are best read in order, especially for the world building and the political plot development. Science fiction/romance fans should not miss this series! (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

REVIEW: Star Wars: A Queen’s Hope by E. K. Johnston

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Disney Lucasfilm Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The Clone War is heating up. And that means even though Anakin and Padmé are married now, they each have a job to do. Yes, it means secrets – from their closest friends and at times from each other. But they can keep their love and their duty separate.

Padmé’s handmaidens have duty as well. Sabé is on Tatooine hoping to make headway on her mission when Padmé calls her into service. Sabé will pretend to be the Senator while Padmé goes off on a crucial mission for the war. A lot has changed since they last used this trick – can they really pull it off again?


I have so enjoyed the characters in this series. It’s been great to get more about Padmé, but it’s the handmaidens that I have found fascinating. And I love how the author has let them evolve over time, especially as Padmé’s role has changed.

There are a few fantastic “interludes” through the book that focus on a female character in the larger story. Each passage begins with the character unnamed, and we only get her name at the end. They are all cleverly written and left me wanting more.

While I enjoyed those things, I felt like there wasn’t one driving storyline here. Instead, this seems to be filling in around Star Wars events we know from the movies and shows. We know about Geonosis, we know about Palpatine’s secret agenda, we know about clone troops, and we know about the wedding. So the author takes those things – and some others – and then lets us experience them from other perspectives, like those of the handmaidens.

For a plot-driven reader, this can be less than satisfying. Any danger situation is over fairly quickly, and the stakes are low because we know the main characters exist past this book. But character-driven readers will find a LOT here to enjoy. How does Padmé’s secret relationship change how she relates to her friends and her job? When people find out about her marriage, what changes?

Series fans should definitely pick this up. Newcomers should probably start with the earlier books to get to know the handmaidens in order to enjoy this one to its fullest.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good +